#because they're both vigilantes. they both love their family. they both are protective. they both are so similar to each other
starry-bi-sky · 6 months
idle clone^2 food for thought (cw gun tw murder) and. thinking about how danny in canon is very protective of his people. and as a collective fanon we like to make him go Batshit when his people are severely injured.
and im just mmmmm,,,,, danny would kill if damian (or anyone in his family) got extremely hurt. but only under very specific circumstances. like they've been backed up into a corner and can't get out and it's either kill or be killed. like his go-to is non-lethal force but then someone takes out his little brother, whose breathing but not getting up and hurt badly, and there's nowhere for them to escape and these guys are gonna do much worse soon.
but there's a gun nearby and within danny's reach, and the guys who have them trapped are gloating and only half-paying attention because what are they going to do now? they have him trapped.
and they hurt his little brother.
and danny doesn't see red. everything just goes into cold, static focus instead. and he puts a bullet through the stomach of the first guy he sees.
And i'm just picturing Danny with this stone cold fury on his face, his hands shaking, as he looks the main guy (who know he's a clone) in the eye and says "your first mistake was thinking i'm batman"
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help-itrappedmyself · 2 months
Danny Punches a Clown Part 10
 Danny has been living with the Waynes for a few months now. He's never had people like them in his life. He has told them everything. They know all about him, and his ghost half. And they understand. 
     Well, as best as they can. They understand what life was like for him trying to juggle a school and vigilante life. They understand what it was like to be hiding a secret part of themselves. Jason and Damian both understand having died before. They all have trauma that they're dealing with too. 
     They were all too happy that he didn't actually want to be a vigilante anymore. Alfred almost cried at the news. But he was the one that opened the ghost portal in the first place. It was his fault there was anything to fight. He had to take responsibility. He needed to try to clean up his mess and fix his mistake. Nobody else should have to get hurt fighting the ghosts he opened the door for. He fought because it was his responsibility, and because he was the only one who could when the ghosts first arrived. Before his parents made weapons that worked, he was the only one who could fight the ghosts at all. Once they had, he was the only one who could fight the stronger ghosts. He was still the only one with a built-in sense to tell that there are ghosts around, hiding or overshadowing others. 
     They don't have any of those problems here. Of course, they still have problems, but this world has whole teams of heroes to protect them. Gotham alone has all the bats and birds. The whole family of archers in Star city, the supers in Metropolis, the flashes, and green lanterns. The Justice League, Justice League Dark, and the younger teams: Teen Titans, Young Justice, this world is not short on people willing to protect it.
     And Tim said that if he needed to indulge, he would sneak him into the Watchtower. Danny has the time of his life whenever he's able to go up there. He got to meet actual aliens! A Martian! And a Kryptonian, which he had never heard of before, but it turns out that he can speak Kryptonian and Martian since they're both technically dead languages. Danny was really sad to learn about that, but John and Clark love speaking to him, so he actually gets to talk to them a lot!
      Danny does miss his old dimension. He misses Jazz, but knows she was at college, and without him there she was free to leave their parents behind. She could stop coming back and worrying for him. Dani was traveling, happy as she could be. Sam and Tucker knew to try and destroy the ghost portal if he ever disappeared, so the town should be safe without him there. And while he knows they probably mourned him; Danny knows it's better this way. They couldn't all come with him to the new dimension, and without a portal he doesn't have a consistent way back to his old home. 
     And he couldn't stay there anymore. He couldn't live with the constant fights and threats from all directions. Hearing the terrible things his parents wanted to do to him. Trying to avoid Vlad and his schemes. 
     He has a home here, one that doesn't try to kill him. He's able to eat without worrying about his food coming to life. He's able to go out and meet friends without worrying that he'll have to fight a ghost. He never wanted to fight.
He knows this city isn't perfect. But he has an amazing family that fights for him. 
Danny just wanted peace. Now he has that.
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littlestpetgoth · 6 months
Tell us more about your little homestucks?
ok.. ill only go over my descendent ocs because they're the ones ive been posting about recently, i have too many homestuck ocs to cover lol..
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mayosi pyrope is the first descendent oc i made back when there was a brief trend on twitter to make, fan descendants of the trolls. i think i was inspired by ko's descendent acarid, and terezi being one of my favorite trolls i ended up making a bootleg pyrope. (and i draw them together all the time bc they rot my brain)
they're a radical transmasc weeaboo skater "vigilante" who grew up being raised by humans in a very normal average household where they got basically anything they wanted with no issues. their interests include; dishing out justice, watching animes, playing videogames, and doing sick tricks on their board. they wield a katana that resembles terezi's dragon cane.. they're my simplest designed character, and though they look a lot like terezi with a skirt and long hair their design was heavily influenced by dirk because i imagined that dirk has influenced some kind of anime character that mayosi obsesses over and has based their look on..
they aren't at all interested in, being a lawyer or anything like that and would like to take care of bad guys samurai batman style in their ideal world.. unfortunately the loving gently parenting of their human family didn't toughen them up enough so they're mostly a baby who doesn't do well when faced with conflict. mayosi's easily bossed around by anyone who firmly tells them to do something because they're too scared to step up and stand up for themself and others, they have a lot of shame for not being as strong and cool as terezi or red glare. real wet blanket.
uuuh like terezi, they weren't always blind. they were lured in by their ex best friend now super complex hate not boyfriend acarid and he poured acid into their eyes, ruining their vision and giving them crazy chem burn scars.. i think around this time they were also given their super rad pointy shades so they can look more like their hero, but it was a major blow to their confidence since not only are they a weak coward they're now a weak coward who can't see. they eventually learn to navigate the world via sound waves, its not as effective as terezi's sniff and taste vision but mayosi isnt as interested as smelling and licking everything in their presence.
example of what i think it's like for them here..
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theyyy are convinced by acarid to join him in his perfect sburb sesh, where they eventually grow a pair and cut off his arm and gouge his eyes before being shot in the brain and killed dead without ever waking on their moon. (sad) mayosi's feelings about acarid, who essentially abuses and manipulates them constantly, are very complicated because they feel an obligation to take on the brunt of his crazy in order to protect everyone but also because they cling to the nostalgic memories they have of him and are hoping he'll one day go back to that.
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kokesi megido is based on kokeshi dolls, i think she sees ghosts and is really scared of them so she's super skittish and is always finding ways to shoo them away.. she probably knows how to speak japanese ig, i dont have a lot to say about her unfortunately.. i like how her design turned out though.
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grimir maryam and romato vantas are brothers adopted into a rich human family, they're both spoiled brats and are constantly bickering with each other when they aren't pretending the other exists. grimir is mute and likes to garden (sooo original, i know) and romato speaks a lot and is a hopeless romantic writer. shrug.
i don't have as much to talk about. for any of my descendents other than mayosi because i have a really hard time developing ocs when i dont have people to bounce ideas off of. i mean most of mayosi was formed around acarid's existence and from ko's influence, otherwise they also wouldn't be developed . sorry .
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Hello! While scrolling between random hurt/comfort fica I stumbled into a batfamily one and decided to give it a shot and now I am curious about this fandom! Never read any dc/marvel comic and watched maybe a couple of superhero movies so I have basically 0 knowledge about batman except that Robin is his apprentice but also apparently there's multiple Robins??
Can I have a general fandom/family introduction? I'm very confused but also really curious since I'm an avid found family enjoyer :)
What the heck is this fandom?
If you're reading this, you probably either a) want to get into comics but aren’t sure where to start or b) found yourself plopped in the middle and don't know what's going on.
DC Comics encompasses a wide range of characters and storylines with varying levels of popularity, and is home to some of the most iconic figures like Superman and Wonder Woman. What often happens in the DC and Marvel fandoms is that rather than trying to engage with everything, many fans will have a certain subset of content that they focus on. Sometimes it's a single character, sometimes it's a team like the Justice League, or sometimes it's a superhero family unit such as the Flash Family.
This blog primarily focuses on the batfamily, which is the group of characters that operate as Gotham City vigilantes centered around Batman. Some are legally/biologically related, some aren't. Generally speaking, the batfamily fandom is one of the larger subgroups within the DC fandom because so many of the comics revolve around these characters.
Who is Batman?
Are you living under a rock
Batman, AKA Bruce Wayne, begins with the infamous tragic origin where his parents were shot dead in an alleyway when he was 8, leaving him an orphan to be raised by his butler/surrogate father figure, Alfred Pennyworth. Once Bruce got a little older, he donned the costume to deal with criminals directly and bring justice to the city.
His civilian identity is Bruce Wayne, the (and I say this begrudgingly) billionaire CEO of his family's company, Wayne Enterprises. The company makes a little of everything and keeps Gotham afloat with job creation and philanthropy. Nothing unethical about one rich guy running an entire city.
His alter ego is Batman, and he uses his wit and extensive training to fight an array of both petty criminals as well as big-name villains like the Joker, the Riddler, Two-Face and more (collectively known as the Gotham Rogues gallery).
NOTE: some former villains, like Harley Quinn, have been rebranded as anti-heroes.
Batman operates out of a hidden cave (yes, a literal cave) under Wayne Manor known as the Batcave. This is where he keeps all sorts of high-tech paraphanalia, including his Batmobile, bat-plane, batarangs (bat boomerangs), and a powerful computer known as—you guessed it—the Batcomputer.
Batman's primary love interest is a former villain known as Catwoman, AKA Selina Kyle, who is a master thief. (Her backstory includes growing up with an abusive father and turning to stealing for survival.) She's since reformed and has been indicted into the Justice League. They're really cute if you don't think about how they're technically two furries who roleplay as cops and robbers.
NOTE: in an alternate timeline, Bruce dies as a child in that alley as Thomas Wayne becomes Batman while Martha Wayne becomes the Joker.
Okay, what about... Robin? Robins?
There's a lot to unpack here.
The OG Robin is Dick Grayson. Yes, we still call him Dick in the year 2022. He was a child acrobat who was part of a trio, The Flying Graysons, with his parents, John and Mary, in a traveling circus called Haly's Circus. Haly's stopped in Gotham, where a crime boss named Tony Zucco tried to get them to pay protection money. When Haly refused, Zucco sabotaged the trapezes and Dick's parents fell to their deaths. Bruce was at that show and because Orphans Unite or whatnot, he takes little Dick under his wing as a ward (not legally adopted at this point, Bruce is in his early to mid 20s). Dick joins Batman's crusade as the colorful pantsless sidekick known as Robin. As Robin, he also became the leader of what would eventually be a multigenerational superhero team known as the Teen Titans.
The second Robin is Jason Todd. He grew up in Gotham's notorious Crime Alley, where his mother, Catherine, was a substance user and his father, Willis, was an overall piece of garbage. After his father goes to jail and his mother dies of an overdose, Jason is essentially an orphan left to fend for himself on the streets. His run-in with Batman happens when he tries to steal to Batmobile tires to sell, and instead of getting punished, he gets adopted. Legally, this time. So while Dick is the oldest, Jason is Bruce's first kid. Jason takes on the Robin mantle and fights crime, yada yada. What he's well-known for is his death, where he set out to Ethiopia to find his biological mother, Sheila Haywood, and is killed by the Joker. Then Superman breaks reality and Jason comes back to life, spends some time with the League of Assassins, and gets rebranded as a crime lord/anti-hero with a hell of a grudge against Bruce for not avenging him.
While Jason was dead, we get our third Robin and the first one with pants: Tim Drake. Tim is actually Bruce's neighbor (the way rich people can be neighbors with spaced-out properties). He grew up with wealthy but neglectful parents, Janet and Jack Drake, who often left Tim home alone as a small child while they went on their archeology expeditions. Tim takes an interest in the Gotham vigilantes and sets out to follow them around and gather evidence to figure out who they are. Eventually, he deduces Bruce, Dick, and Jason's identities by some moves unique to the Flying Graysons. Then, Tim basically blackmails Bruce into letting him be Robin and has his own teenage superhero team called Young Justice. After the Robin title is taken away from him, he becomes Red Robin (yes, like the restaurant chain) and while everyone thinks Batman is dead during this time, Tim is the only one who believes otherwise. Also, his mom drinks poison, dad is killed by a boomerang, best friend is killed by an evil clone, other best friend is also killed by an evil clone, girlfriend dies (see below), assassins steal his spleen, and now he's bisexual and dating a boy who creates conspiracy theories.
NOTE: In an alternate timeline, Carrie Kelley becomes the third Robin.
Robin #4 is Stephanie Brown. She actually didn't become Robin until well into her vigilante career. She actually made a name for herself as Spoiler with the purpose of taking down her father, a D-list Gotham villain known as Cluemaster. Similar to everyone in this franchise, her childhood wasn't ideal as her father was always up to criminal activities and her mother worked a lot as well as (in some versions) used drugs. She later becomes the fifth Batgirl and then Robin before her death in the 2005 War Games comics, where she is killed when she seeks out a villain against Batman's orders. She then returns from the dead and goes back to being Spoiler. She also dated Tim and was a fairly long-running relationship before they broke up. She also had a teen pregnancy at one point (not by Tim) and had a daughter that she put up for adoption.
Robin #5 is Damian Wayne, the biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul (daughter to Ra's Al Ghul, leader of a villainous organization known as the League of Assassins). Damian was raised in the League of Assassins for the first half of his childhood, where he was trained to be the heir to Ra's Al Ghul's empire. Talia brought him to Bruce when he was ~10 to refine his skills with Batman. However, that kind of goes awry when Bruce fakes his death and Damian is raised by Dick instead. Damian also becomes a Teen Titans leader as well as forms a friendship with Jon Kent, son of Superman (please read Super Sons, it's adorable). Damian is then killed by his oversized evil clone and is brought back to life on the planet Apokolips (no one stays dead istg).
Duke Thomas's relationship with the Robin mantle is a little more complicated. Duke first shows up as a really intelligent kid who solves one of the Riddler's puzzles. Later on, he becomes the leader (aided by Alfred Pennyworth) of a group of teenage vigilantes known as We Are Robin, who helped take care of Gotham crime while Batman was missing. His parents were, for a lack of a better term, disabled after one of the Joker's gas attacks (seriously, someone euthanize this clown). Bruce takes Duke under his wing and Duke rebrands himself as the Signal. He's unique from other Gotham heroes in a couple aspects: 1) he fights crime in the daytime instead of night and 2) he has photokinetic superpowers. (He's also dating one of the We Are Robins members, Izzy Ortiz.)
What about the others, like Batwoman and Batgirl?
Similar to Robin, Batgirl is a title held by multiple people. The first Batgirl was Bette Kane (who is now Flamebird), but the most well-known one was the second one, Barbara Gordon. Barbara (Babs for short) is the daughter of Gotham police commissioner Jim Gordon. Inspired by other Gotham heroes, she became Batgirl behind her parents' back and worked in tandem with Bruce and Dick, forming a relationship with Dick along the way. She became a quadriplegic after getting shot by the Joker but refused to step down from the field, instead using her intelligence and technological capabilities to surveil and provide intel under a new moniker, Oracle. She also has her own team, the Birds of Prey, which includes people like Huntress and Black Canary.
After Barbara, the next Batgirl is Cassandra Cain (who is also Bruce's only legal daughter in the main continuity). She is the daughter of David Cain and an assassin known as Lady Shiva. Cass was raised by David within the League of Assassins and trained to be a fighting machine, similar to Damian. She was raised in isolation without speech or literacy, but can read body language really well. Her first kill was when she was 8, and that traumatized her so much that she ran away, wandering around until eventually reaching Gotham and becoming both Bruce and Barbara's ward. She holds other titles like Black Bat along the way but is most known as Orphan. She also befriends Stephanie, had a short relationship with Superboy (Conner Kent) and, like half the people here, dies and comes back. Depending on who you talk to, some people keep her lack of speech, some have her speaking, and some prefer an in-between.
Stephanie was Batgirl after Cass. See above.
Kate Kane is Batwoman and Bruce Wayne's cousin. She grew up similarly wealthy in a high-level military family, often moving around as a child. Her twin sister and mother were killed in a terrorist attack in Belgium, leaving her father to raise her. She got into West Point military academy but was expelled in her final year after coming out as lesbian under the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. After that, she spent a year on an island civilization before returning to Gotham. After Batman saved her from a mugging, Kate bought some equipment on the black market and trained herself to become Batwoman. Also, we as a fandom don't talk about her flamethrower gloves enough.
NOTE: in an alternate timeline, Carrie Kelley was also Batgirl and Batwoman.
Harper Row is Bluebird, and similar to Batwoman, she is a mostly independent Gotham hero who was inspired by Batman. Growing up, Harper often had to take care of things like household repairs and look after her younger brother, Cullen, because their father was abusive and didn't do anything for them. Eventually, she sought emancipation and got them out of there, but things still weren't easy. She went to college, but had to drop out and get a job in order to provide for her and her brother. She became Bluebird after Batman saved her and Cullen, engineering her own weapons like a giant taser. Fun fact: she's bi and her brother is gay.
This is still really confusing. Who's who right now?
Canon sucks so here's what the fandom largely know them as:
Bruce is Batman. He might have some suit modifications or occasionally pilot a giant bat robot, but he's Batman
Dick is Nightwing. He took over as Batman for a short period of time, but after Bruce returned, he went back to being Nightwing we don't talk about Ric
Jason is Red Hood. That was actually the Joker's previous title but now Jason holds it
Tim is... usually Robin or Red Robin, it kinda depends on context. Canonically he's back to being Robin now, but a lot of us still refer to him as Red Robin
Damian is Robin. He had the alias Redbird at one point but everyone calls him Robin
Duke is the Signal. Again, there were some alias changes (like Lark) but he's the Signal around here
Stephanie is Spoiler, but again, it depends on context
Cassandra is usually referred to as Orphan, but you'll occasionally see Batgirl or Black Bat depending on who you talk to
Barbara was rehashed as Batgirl in recent canon but we all hate the disability erasure so you'll see a lot of us still call her Oracle
Harper is Bluebird. I don't recall her having any other titles. Her brother isn't a vigilante
Selina (yes, she's part of the batfamily) is Catwoman
Alfred is... Alfred. On the field he goes by Agent A and his previous spy career often comes in handy
This isn't the sum of it. There are a whole bunch of other bat characters (Bette Kane, Luke Fox, Jean-Paul Valley, Helena Bertinelli, Terry McGinnis, etc.) that I didn't get into here partly because I don't focus on them as much and partly because of space. I also didn't get into all the lore for characters I did explain, like Dick's police career or other teams/relationships. There are also some inconsistencies between different timelines and reboots.
I encourage you to explore beyond what I presented with other heroes and villains since I know Batman isn't for everyone. I also encourage you to explore the comics, talk to people, and figure out for yourself what characters or storylines best fit you. Don't be afraid to take your time, either. We've been here nearly a century. We're not going anywhere.
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mytragedyperson · 1 month
So I was reading a TCF reaction fic, I think it was Beginning of the End by who-stole-my-fries. And in that one of the Choi Hans, TCF Choi Han I think, was talking about what happened at Harris Village. And he said something like "I used to wonder how anyone could take another person's life. After that [the assassination of Harris Village], I realised how blind I'd been". Something along those lines.
What a line. What a line to have in a fanfiction. What a line to have Choi Han, the protagonist of The Birth of a Hero, the hero of a story and a hero in this world too, say. And it doesn't really matter which Choi Han said it, because it was referring to an event they both experienced, so we can assume that they both had this realisation.
This somewhat but not really links to an interesting theme among Cale and his friends and family. Because they are heroes, they're saving their world and other worlds and saving people. But none of them are completely pure or morally white. They all have, can and will do evil sadistic things to the people who hurt those they care about and put them in danger and they won't feel remorse for it. They have no qualms about killing or torturing or getting revenge. Because, yes, they're saving the world, but one of their main motivations, main reasons for doing this, is each other, to keep each other safe, to protect each other, to get revenge on behalf of each other. They only do those things to evil people, villains, but it's so interesting, because I feel like if you put them in other worlds, not their story but other stories, they'd be seen as vigilantes or even, in worlds with black and white morality, villains.
And I always think that's really cool. When a story doesn't have that black and white morality, when the heroes have to do "bad" thongs to win. Because really what's the alternative? They don't kill or torture people, they let them live, imprison them or something. Considering some of the villains are gods and others have special powers and abilities, that won't work. And these people aren't going to change their minds and suddenly abandon goals they've been working towards for decades and centuries. There is no alternative.
Or maybe there is. Realistically Venion could have simply been imprisoned, left with the knowledge that the brother he hates, the brother he thought he'd got rid of, had the position he always wanted as Marquis. But he tortured a child, a child dragon, but still a child. So is imprisonment punishment enough? I'd say no. Not for this. For abusing and torturing a child since they were born.
And that's one of the reasons I love these stories. Because there are so many stories where the villain is allowed to live at the end, hoping that justice, the system, will deal with them. But sometimes, sometimes revenge is understandable, sometimes the only way to stop the villain, is to kill them.
Choi Han wondered how anyone could kill another person. But then people came for his family, his friends everyone he knew and cared about, and he realised how blind he'd been.
Sorry, idk what this was. That one sentence or couple sentences from a fanfiction just stuck in my brain, not the exact words but the meaning. Ugh, god, I love TCF and I love fanfictions based on TCF.
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dellalyra · 1 year
Family Formation Part Four
Summary: A special moment follows you and Satoru going full protective parents on the kids Principal.
CW: mentions of fighting, misogyny (not from anyone we like lol) swearing
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A/N: ngl actually proud of this one. i really wanna make the reader like endlessly warm and loving, but also badass and powerful because women are amazing - and show how much the reader and gojo love each other after all they're only early twenties and still completely lovesick
Recommended listening:
Vigilante Shit - Taylor Swift
Paris, Texas - Lana Del Rey ft. SYML (for the ending)
Requests open <; 3
Series Masterlist
"Good afternoon, am I speaking to Ms. Y/L?" Echoes through your phone as you step out of the meeting Satoru and you were having with the higher-ups, who were busy telling you how to teach and do your jobs.
"Hi, yeah, that's me. How can I help?" You reply.
"This is Principal Ito, I'm afraid there's been some... trouble with Megumi at school today. Would you be able to come to the school to collect him and have a discussion?"
"Is he alright? What happened?" Panic rose in your chest. Was he sick? He was fine this morning, ate his porridge and drank his juice and flipped Satoru off when he tried to kiss his chubby cheeks and squish his face - so absolutely average Megumi behaviour.
"He is perfectly fine, we'll discuss more in detail when you arrive."
"Okay, his dad and I will be there in 15 minutes." You had recently taken to just saying you were his parents because explained that you had taken in the children and were hoping to formally adopt the children of the man who killed your boyfriend and your boyfriend then actually killed came back to life, after the father and sold his son to the family he excommunicated himself from.
You stroll back into the meeting, bending to tell Satoru the situation who immediately stood up.
"We're leaving - parenting shit to do, bye-bye wrinklies." He said, taking your hand and waving to the higher-ups as he lead you outside. Teleporting you both to the school gates so you didn't just appear out of thin air in a middle school.
Greeting the school secretary, she leads you to the principal's office - where you find a sullen, scowling Megumi looking defiant with his 9-year-old legs swinging from the middle of the three chairs facing the desk. He doesn't even look up when you and Satoru walk-in, staring straight at the principal.
Principal Ito, a greying, pot-bellied man sits behind his desk.
"Ah, Megumi's guardians, yes?" He asks shaking Satoru's hand first, then yours.
"In the process of legal adoption, but yes we're his guardians. What's going on? You okay, 'Gumi?" You sit beside the boy on one side as Satoru sits on the other side, taking a lollipop from his pocket and popping it into his mouth, and handing one to you and the kid between you.
Megumi shrugs in response to your question.
"Mr. Gojo, Ms. L/N, I'm afraid Megumi here is in some serious trouble. At lunch break today, he started a fight and participated which resulted in 4 other boys being brought to the nurse for injuries, extensive injuries." Your jaw dropped, your Megumi? Sure, he had attitude, and was Toji's son being raised by Satoru Gojo (you'll ignore any part regarding your temper's influence), but he was a quiet, introverted boy, taking comfort in books and animals, traits he was learning and inheriting from seeing you seek comfort in the same things.
"Is this true, Megumi?" and "Wait, you beat up for other kids and haven't a scratch. Well done kid! Proud of you lil' man, fist bump!" Coming from you and Satoru, respectively. The principal looks completely shocked, but for once, Megumi actually does a fist bump Satoru, showing no remorse for his actions. You rolled your eyes at the two boys fist-bumping, both with their candy hanging from their mouths, your fiancé was mentally 9. Unwrapping your own lollipop, you turned back to Ito.
"Megumi will be suspended for two we-" The principal began but you stopped him.
"Excuse me, shouldn't we hear Megumi's side of the story before any choices are made without us here?" You interject, as the principal waves his hand toward Megumi, signalling him to speak.
"I'm not gonna say sorry. They were pulling on a girl's hair and calling her names and saying mean stuff about her so I stopped them, but then they started doing the same to me so I hit them." The boy shrugs the words out, quiet yet wholly confident in his actions.
"Ah! See, completely valid - good job bud, let's get your sister and head for lunch together. C'mon babygirl, let's have a fun family afternoon with the kids!" Satoru says as he ruffles the child's hair and moves to stand.
"Mr. Gojo, this behavior is totally unacceptable, and your lack of condemning it and disciple is wholly reprehensible. Megumi will be suspended for two weeks while the board makes the decision whether or not expulsion will be the route we proceed with." Ito declares .
Now, after hearing, and trusting the word of your child - you turn to the principal.
"I'm sorry, am I misunderstanding the situation? A child was being bullied, physically and emotionally in the schoolyard - with no teacher intervening with a total obvious lack of monitoring, so my son stood up to the bullies, who then turned on him and began to physically assault him and he defended himself - yet he is being punished? What of the other boys? I assume immediate expulsion - no deliberation needed?" You lean forward toward the desk, passing your lollipop to a smirking Satoru, who knew that edge in your voice never ended well for the recipient. After all, he'd heard the same measured, cold, clipped, and endlessly terrifying tone when the higher-ups had told you to revise your curriculum on differentiating curses this morning (if he remembered, the exact words were: "I appreciate that you have a clearcut, if antiquated, unrealistic and frankly idiotic vision for how you expect these topics to be taught, however, as a special grade sorcerer I feel I am wholly equipped and far more prepared to decide how I teach my students that the majority of this board who have been solely directing from this room for the entire duration of their exceptionally long tenure." God you were especially sexy when you diss the higher-ups).
"The boys are quite seriously injured Ms. L/N, which we feel is punishment enough - and it is Megumi's word against the four other boys and I'm afraid we must listen to the majority." The principal eyed your flaring nostrils and smirking fiance.
"You've gotta be kidding me! The kid did the right thing, if anything give him an award, school hero!" Satoru interjected.
"I am absolutely floored by the words I'm hearing, Principal Ito, I'm afraid it's all difficult to swallow." You respond.
"I'm sure it is, but perhaps this will teach Megumi a lesson in behaviour and I suggest stronger discipline at home - I know you are not his parents and it must be challenging figuring out what to do."
"First of all, what I'm shocked by Principal, isn't Megumi's behavior - but your sheer ignorance and lack of accountability for the obvious failings of your faculty. I cannot believe a school would allow such behavior to continue, especially since both Megumi and his sister have mentioned four boys who are notorious bullies on previous occasions so rather than dealing with the root problem, you choose a scapegoat to shoulder the blame. Second, how dare you insinuate we are not fit to raise a child, we may be young, hell were 22, but these two children are our son and daughter, we are their parents. We raise these children to be brave, stand up for others and know right from wrong and protect those who cannot protect themselves." You take a breather, and the principal turns to Satoru.
"Mr. Gojo, perhaps you would care to calm your partner down, before things escalate." Ito directs at Satoru, who only smirks and says to Megumi "He's done it now. Watch this."
"How DARE you tell him to calm me down! Why don't you just say 'get your woman under control' and be done with it? Christ, I thought the board of the school we teach was misogynist, avoidant, antiquarian, hostile, and cowardly but you, sir, 'toru baby cover Megumi's ears, take the fucking cake. I'll save you the paperwork, I'm withdrawing my kids from this damn school, no kids of mine will go to a school led by a like you an absolute prick like you. Boys, we're leaving, and we'll be taking Tsumiki." You stand, pushing the chair back as Satoru cackles laughing at the indignation on the man's face. Megumi grabs his backpack and your hand, and you both walk out of the room.
Before he leaves, Satoru turns to the man, "Isn't my girl awesome? She's the best mom! No wonder I wanna marry her!" He throws a lollipop on the desk, and saunters out winking at the stuttering man.
The three of you grab Tsumiki from her class and walk toward the exit when she turns and asks what's going on.
"Why are we leaving, it's only 1pm? Did something happen, Satoru why are you smiling that that? Wait, Megumi, why are you smiling?" She spews looking between you all.
"I got into a fight and they tried to blame it and Ito told Dad to calm mama down on me so mama got mad at Ito and called him a prick." Megumi said to his sister as you and Satoru froze.
He called you mom, he called him dad.
Satoru and you just stared at each other, your eyes welling up with tears and pride. You guys had spoken about if the moment happened. Tsumiki had asked one night when Megumi was sleeping if she could call you guys mom and dad, you both said of course, you'd be privileged (Satoru cried, a lot), she then said she would wait for Megumi so as not to make him feel out of place or uncomfortable, ever the sweet, kind girl. You warned Satoru sternly to not make a big deal of it when he did, as you'd never spoken to the little boy about it, not wanting to push him and telling Satoru to not follow through by planning a 'mom and dad' party, knowing it would only mortify Megumi and make him uncomfortable, he had reluctantly agreed with you.
Knowing this came from you both standing up for him and speaking up for him, you mouthed 'I love you' to him and he responded 'I love you too' over the heads of the chattering kids.
"What? Are you hurt? Dad what did you say? Mom did you really call him a prick?" Tsumiki added.
"Your mama's a badass, kids!" Gojo added.
"We take no shit from men, Tsumiki, remember. Plus, he was being an ass to your brother so it was me doing that or your dad hollow purpled him for disrespecting me and you two." You grab Megumi's hand, rubbing circles into it as he looks up at you.
As Gojo recounted the events to Tsumiki, Megumi turned his little head to you.
"Thank you, mama." He said quietly, shy as ever, into your side.
Willing yourself not to cry, you kiss his forehead.
"Always, darling boy."
Taglist: @madam-ri @vesta-ro
@lilithlunas @sassy-cat-in-town
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alfredsolos · 1 year
Colin and Damian's dynamic and each of them as individuals really intrigues me, so I wanted to continue my "Damian Wayne HC's", with their relationship and my intrepretation of things.
(By the way, I already made a post about explaining Colin's character within the canon. He is a character who is very misinterpreted and most of the time written as a Jon Kent 2.0. So if you want to understand my hc's for him more, you can go into my 'Colin Wilkes' tags and see my posts about him.)
Colin is a stoic kid. Damian is a stoic kid. So they make a pretty intimidating duo.
They both are considered 'cold' but Colin is more 'silent-cold' while Damian is 'unhinged-cold'.
Colin has always admired and loved superheroes ever since Batman saved him from Scarecrow, so his stoic persona slips away whenever he comes across one. He also does not have a 'least favorite' hero. He loves all of them.
Since Colin grew up in an orphanage and every night went out as Abuse to save people, he is very protective. Damian, naturally, is very protective. So sometimes it gets in their way when they're trying to save the other during fights and they end up just messing everything up and fuck off.
Although Colin is very stoic, before he became Abuse, he was a very shy child. He had a closed-off sadness inside him since people mostly adopted babies or toddlers. He just knew that he was too old and would be without a family.
After becoming Abuse, he first hand realized how dangerous Gotham could be to the people and the children. This filled him up with a new type of feeling, so he ended up following his heroe's foot steps and became a vigilante.
Colin (canonically) found out Damian was Robin from a single back flip. His ability to stay calm in situations and assess really helps him on the field.
Colin and Damian never go to school together, never meet up as Damian and Colin. At least not at first. Their friendship is built upon duty and mission. The realization of them being friends come to them years later.
There is only one person Damian would not hesitate to tell any sorts of secret, and that's Colin Wilkes. He just knows that no matter what, Colin would never judge him or admonish him for his flaws and mistakes.
Colin rarely sees Damian's other siblings, but Damian feels like Colin isn't very interested in them despite being a superhero fan. Which in return interests Damian. He never really understands why.
Colin is not very interested in Damian's siblings because they are so unlike Damian, it becomes very uncommonly common. Sure he likes them and admires their work very much. But they simply don't fight, think, joke or understand him like Damian.
What really intrigues Colin about Damian is that his character is exactly opposite of what a hero 'should' be. He is brash, agressive, hilarious in a fucked up way, dangerous, scary, theatrical, uncaring and scarred. He is such an uncommonly uncommon person that Colin just can't help but be his friend.
Best part of being Abuse to Colin is branding criminals' faces. He isn't sadistic really, but it gives him a deep pleasure doing it.
Damian thinks branding criminals is genius, although he refrains from doing it. Branding isn't really a Bat type of thing.
Colin doesn't really get along with Jon. Jon tries to befriend him and Colin knows that he is a good kid. But befriending Jon (or any other friend of Damian) means patrolling the streets as a trio rather than a duo. He can't really explain it, but it just feels wrong to imagine Damian in a three person group. He isn't jealous or anything, he is perfectly fine with Damian patrolling with Jon. It's just that he feels like, with Damian, it's supposed to be a duo. Bringing a third person messes up the dynamic for him and Damian.
After Alfred's death, Damian (canonically) ends up leaving the Manor and continuing on his own. And for a while Damian and Colin end up living together. These are the times where they really see what they mean to each other.
Damian sometimes really struggles to see or understand what really Colin is to him. A friend, ally, rival, lover, brother? He really doesn't know. What he knows though is that Colin means so much to him and that he will keep being at his side as long as he's allowed.
When someone hurts Colin, he will hurt them as much as they hurt him. An eye for an eye.
When someone hurts Damian, he will hurt them ten times more and they'll regret ever touching him.
Although Colin is a Batman fan, he doesn't have his moral code. He won't go out of his way to kill someone, but if they do end up dying he won't care as much as he should.
When Damian was a kid and would kill someone, he wouldn't feel anything. After Bruce's influence, in those rare times that he kills someone, all he hears is his father's voice in his head. So sometimes he wonders whether he is a bad person for feeling remorse because of his father and not for actually killing someone.
Both Colin and Damian aren't touchy people.
Colin isn't a touchy person because he rarely got them when he was little and now he just doesn't find the appeal in it. He doesn't really care or desire for it as much as other kids.
Damian on the other hand basically has haphephobia (fear of touch). He doesn't trust anyone to get that much close to him. Although he doesn't feel pain from touching, he feels lightheaded and reflexively presses his arms into his body as close as he can. This of course makes him uncomfortable. And in extreme cases, flashbacks and bad memories fill him up.
So these were some of my hc's for Colin and Damian. I don't know what you guys think of their relationship (whether it's romantic or pure friendship) so think of these as anyway you want.
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
I got one! What about jack and bo find out their s/o is secretly a highly trained assassin/vigilante that kills crimals and other bad people at night to keep innocent people safe and often sneaks out to go patroling at night until they get caught sneaking out. (kind of like stain from my hero academia but they're not insane or kill heros)
𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 𝖐𝖊𝖕𝖙 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐
Note: Trigger warning: mentions blood and death on Bo's part. Also! Woah! Two fics in one day?! I'm on a roll!
Fandom(s): SWWSDJ, and DachaBo
Character(s): Sunny Day Jack, and Bo
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You had always dreamed of being a hero. Someone everyone could look up to, and ask fro help. However when you got older that was all down the drain. You saw how corrupt everything was. It didn't matter if you did bad or good, it just mattered how much money you were willing to throw around. You weren't going to stand for it. It went against all your morals. So instead you took matters into your own hands. At night you would hunt for those who slipped the hands of justice. While getting ready you always made yourself swear that you would only target those who deserve it. It was almost like a prayer at this point. 
Since you lived alone it wasn't hard to just get ready, and leave. However things are different now. Now you have a partner, and because of his circumstances he lived with you. You loved having him there during the day. You got all the love and cuddles you could ask for! But when it came to getting ready for the hunt at night it became harder. You had to wait till he was asleep to get ready and sneak out. The more you got away with the  more confident you became, which led to your downfall.
Sunny Day Jack 
This wasn’t the first time he woke up in the middle of the night to with you gone. At first he thought you were simply in the bathroom, but after an hour of waiting you never came back. He began to worry. He heard of the vigilante running around ending the lives of people and heroes alike. What if for whatever reason you were a target?! He began frantically looking all over the house for you or worse….a body. 
After not finding anything Jack paced the living room trying to come up with places you could be. When passing the widow however he saw you jumping from the neighboring roof to the apartment building roof. Now Jack was really confused. He never said anything till the second time it happened. This time however he was waiting in the living room till you walked through the door 
“J-jack! What are you doing up?”
Jack looked at you, his eyes cold and calculating. “I could ask you the same thing, sunshine…where have you been?”
You knew you were caught, and had to finally come clean. You really didn't want him involved in what you did, but you also didn't want to lose him. You sighed putting your things down. “Okay Jack I’ll tell you.” You sat down and began telling him your story. 
He was silent throughout the whole story. When you finished he was silent for a bit longer before he took a deep breath “Why didn't you tell me sunshine? What if you were caught or worse killed? I would have never known….”
“I didn't want to get you involved. I wanted to protect you from it, I guess.”   
With a sigh Jack stood up and made his way to you. He sat beside you and took both of your hands “Sunshine, I'm more capable than you think, and I would do anything for you…Let me help you.”   
After he heard the shut of the door he was immediately up. Why did you leave and not tell him? Were you going out with someone? Was it a friend? A family member? ….someone else? Bo wasted no time getting dressed and following you out the door. 
He followed your scent all the way to another house. He could feel the hair on the back of his neck tingle. Why were you at someone else's home?! The closer Bo got the stronger the smell of blood filled the air. When he got to the source he was surprised. Peeking into the window he watched as you stood tall over the body of a man. Your blade dripping with his blood. Wordlessly you wiped the blade before turning to the window only to spot him “Bo?! What are you doing here?!” your voice was barely above a whisper but he could hear almost clear as day.
“I could ask you for the same puppy.” He isn't mad anymore. Curious more than anything. Why did you kill him? Did he do something to you? Why didn't you just tell him? 
You sighed walking over to the window “let's go home, and i'll tell you everything.” 
And that was what the two of you did. Bo had plenty of questions along the way, but you didn't mind. You want to be as clear as him as you could.
“So then can I come hunting with you?” 
You blink owlishly at him “....What?”
You saw his tail behind him begin to wag wildly “I can help you! And they would never suspect anyone has claws like me! It works out perfectly!”
You were shocked to say the least. You never thought Bo would ask to join you on the hunt, but in a way it makes sense. It must be his animal instincts.”We can go for a trial run tomorrow night….how is that?”
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bizlybebo · 4 months
Could I hear about your riptide superhero au?? :O
was thinking of titling it Flyaway or sometihng of the like but basically:
RAFT is the main superhero organization. jay's grandma (cant remember her name) is a retired hero but she oversees everything. Jayson ferin is like. the most iconic/popular hero because he's jayson ferin.
Jay is a superhero in this au, obviously. Ava was, too, and she was just as notorious as her father for how powerful she was,, loved by the people,, etc.. Jay mentored under her until Ava died (allegedly to the hands of villains), and then she flung herself harder into the hero program, training harder to be better and better because 1: pressure from her father and 2: avenging ava.
Gillion is a disgraced ex-hero turned vigilante, because he couldn't bear not to continue fighting even after being discharged. likely got fired because he prioritized defeating a villain over protecting civillian lives, kinda similar to his og banishment in canon.
ORR if i include the undersea, he could be an ex-hero from there who was exiled.
ORRRRRR it'd be really funny if he was just some Poor Guy who washed up ashore. and become a vigilante.
Chip is a villain who used to run with the black rose syndicate, who were a pretty notorious villain group who mysteriously went silent one day. He used to run around with some sort of syndicate that Price put together but disbanded from them a couple days ago.
Drey was in the hero training program but he defected (i think that's the right word) before he could be officially become a hero. he's usually not addressed at all by the ferins, yk, being the family's black sheep and all.
I'd probably start the actual writing things off with like. Jay waitressing at the restaurant her mom owns (civilian identity is hidden,, both her and her mom are just normal people) and Chip overhearing her whisper something TRYING to be subtle about her father, and her mom makes a comment about like. "well, y'know what your father would say. he'd say you're ending up like drey etc etc. but i trust you know what you're doing, sweetheart".
and him hearing drey's name is what gets him like oh. OHHH. and he quickly makes the connections because he heard about drey's family when he was still with the black rose. and he's like. drey.... these people have red hair.... so he starts pestering jay and she's all annoyed until chip takes a shot in the dark and refers to her by her superhero name. and that finally gets her to listen but shes like "hey what the FUCK is wrong with you"
and chip's like "you know drey! i knew him too!"
and it spirals until they make a very tentative deal where chip is like. okay. come out with me for one night doing "evil villain" stuff. there's more to life than being a hero. "villains" aren't all fucking awful, man. while he's doing this thought he does the very villainous thing of holding her identity over her head so she HAS to agree.
and we all know about ep 53 and jay's intentions when going w/chip in canon, so it'd probably be the same thing-- her wanting to get clsoer to the people who killed ava, and spending time with villains.
but on that night out they're on a rooftop and she has a Moment where she's happy and free without the eyes of the public on her every move as a ferin and chip's like. i told you so. and jay's like no fuck you die. :((
anyways i think itd be hilarious if they ran across gillion trying to do a whole fucking battle with some poor fellow robbing a corner store
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gothampubliclibrary · 5 months
Plot Bunny Adoption Corner #5
Bruce "dies" during the Final Crisis, and everything is the same as canon up until the moments after Tim discovers Dick has given the Robin mantle to Damian behind his back.
Just as before, Tim is devastated and angry at the betrayal. However, instead of lashing out and destroying the room that would eventually inspire him that Bruce is alive and sends him on BruceQuest, Tim leaves the manor and seeks out Selina Kyle.
When he gets to Selina's place, though, he discovers she's dealing with her own spiral of grief and anxiety. Earlier that same day, Selina discovered that she's pregnant with Bruce's child. Because it's Bruce's, Selina wants to keep the baby, but the idea of raising their baby alone is devastating to her.
In this moment, Tim offers to stay with Selina and help her with the baby. At first Selina is resistant because she doesn't want to take Tim from his family and responsibilities as Robin. But then he reveals to her that he's no longer Robin. That Dick chose Damian over him and he doesn't have a place among the Waynes anymore.
Selina can see how much Tim is hurting from this too. They're both loved ones of Bruce's who appear to have no place within the new Wayne family status quo. So she agrees to let him stay with her and they'll take care of each other.
They end up leaving Gotham City together. Selina doesn't want to risk having a baby in that god-forsaken city, and Tim wants to put as much distance as he can between himself and the Waynes. They end up moving to either London or Paris.
Dick is devastated at Tim running away, but he's spread so thin being Batman and keeping Damian in check that he can't spare any time to look for his wayward brother. It falls on Barbara to locate Tim.
It takes several months, but eventually she does... and she's shocked to discover that (1) he's with Selina and (2) Selina's pregnant with Bruce's new daughter. Tim reveals his side of how he lost Robin (Dick was a little light on important details of why Damian was Robin now). He also stresses to Babs that he wants to stay with Selina. He's got a responsibility to protect his new baby sister when she's finally born. Babs understands and agrees to help shield him and Selina from the prying eyes of the Waynes back in Gotham. She also promises to get a hold of Cass for him. Tim misses his big sister, but isn't sure how to find her on his own.
(Babs may also be feeling salty towards Dick and Damian on how Tim really lost the Robin mantle.)
What Babs doesn't know, though, is that even during her pregnancy, Selina's been teaching Tim all she knows about being a stealthy cat-burgler. Part of it is because it helps her pass the time as the baby grows inside her. Her pregnancy is taking a lot out of her. The other part is because Tim wants to learn so he can help Selina too. He won't just steal from anyone, but he finds himself ok with stealing from confirmed corrupt rich assholes and then sharing the ill-gotten wealth with those less fortunate in need.
In this AU, instead of becoming Red Robin, Tim becomes Stray. Instead of being a vigilante, he's more like a Robin Hood figure where he steals from the wealthy corrupt and gives back to the poor and less fortunate.
As Stray, Tim begins to shake off some of the grief and weight-of-the-world burden from his shoulders. Free of Gotham and the Waynes, and supported by Selina, Tim begins a journey of self-discovery to learn who he really is/who he wants to be/what his priorities in life are.
One of his biggest priorities: protecting his baby sister Helena once she's born as well as his new mom Selena.
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ybyag-lil · 2 months
I just... LOVE Sunshrine as a ship and have my delusions and HC's about it and I needed to put these thoughts out on WHY I like them so much somewhere other than in my fics or else I'm literally going to explode, so—
Annoyed x Annoyance. Need I say more?
I will.
If we're talking purely potential ship dynamics, we have:
Flirty x oblivious, Denial/Dense, Sunshine x Sunshine protector, stoic vs pain in the ass, optimist vs pessimist, "why me?" "why not you?", Insecure vs showers them in love.
Sun and Moon/Day and Night yadda yadda y'know the drill
Complementary colors (orange/blue) that you can correlate with their difference in personality.
But I hate reducing them to basic opposites attract and other dynamics bec they're NOT completely opposite - they actually have a lot in common!
"Two sides of the same coin" is how I'd actually describe them.
They're both trying to find their own way in life, and the paths they're taking are so fundamentally different than what has come before them.
Their voice-lines about it. Love to read into those
("I'll walk a different path this time." "I'll find my own path." "The path shapes you." "That's the path you've found?")
Potential for shared isolation issues and fear of abandonment!!!!
I feel like Kiriko's life suddenly shifting one day when Sojiro was killed and her proceeding to lose a bunch of people she held near and dear (not even counting Kanezaka itself facing major power and societal shifts) is not talked about enough. The only real personal connections she knows she has left are:
Her mom, who is forced into inaction and can't move to help liberate Kanezaka or save-
Her dad, who is currently Hashimoto's leverage/hostage and she doesn't even know for sure is still alive rn bc she hasn't seen him.
and Hanzo, which, there's a load of angst there HC and actually in-game wise for her connection with both him and Genji that would be a while 'nother conversation. I don't know if Kiriko even knows Genji's still alive, actually? More issues!
Illari's pretty self explanatory with that isolation/abandonment point. That girl's riding the, "I don't need anyone else (because I'll only end up hurting them)" train so hard. So much so that she doesn't even really feel comfortable showing any positive emotions to people around her (cheer/hello/chuckle animations anyone?).
Kiriko/Illari are both "chosen".
That one's kinda out there tbh, but my logic behind it is that Illari is already notably special. She's prodigy that was quickly predicted to be the GREATEST fucking Inti warrior of her time, whose power was so great that she turned every single other Inti warrior to ashes unintentionally.
(which, by the way, is insane if we assume the augmentations have to give you some sort of resistance to solar power to be able to wield it in the first place?)
Kiriko is where I start playing fast and loose. I'd argue her having the power of the Kitsune (which is not fucking science idc what lore comes in the future, magic exists in this fucking universe!) to such an extent makes her chosen in her own way. Like I'm assuming the teleporting around, the self healing like, and everything else is not a standard affair but no-one talks about the Shimada FAMILY being able to summon dragons so. Maybe that's just the standard in Japan.
On that note — they also both have a responsibility to their people which sort of parallel each other.
Kiriko has happily taken up the mantle of a vigilante to protect the people of Kanezaka, and, as far as we know, she has no qualms about doing it. Her way of doing things is different to how her family served/protected for generations in the past, but she still upholds the duty like it's second nature.
Pure conjecture, but I don't think Kiriko's ever felt forced to do it either. There was never a, "you must protect the town!" talk or anything like that from her grandmother/mom, she's doing it because it feels right to do.
Illari, conversely was always told she had a responsibility to her people. If you read between the lines of her lore blurb on her OW2 page and listen to what she says in her origin video, you get the sense that it was a sort of... burden? Heavy is the head that wears the crown and all that.
I compare it to the "gifted-kid burnout" precisely because of this. Illari has always been molded to follow one path, a rigorous one she didn't really have a choice BUT to follow. You're told at a young age that you are special, that there's no-one else like you, that you will grow to become a legend. How could you even begin to refuse that?
You don't. And when it all starts to fall apart, you start to wonder what's wrong with yourself. Illari has lived a life dedicated to serving, and now there's no-one left but her.
She def has some self worth/esteem issues stemming from having to be this prodigal kid essentially groomed (not that way) her whole childhood to be strong and nothing else. Couple that with an overwhelming feeling of regret for failing to uphold her duty as a protector and you have someone who is just completely lost - direction AND sense of self wise.
And I think Kiriko could help with that. Say what you want about her, but you can't deny that Kiri is strong. Imagine Illari meeting her and realizing that for herself. That despite how careless and foolish Illari thinks Kiriko is, she somehow still manages to protect her people as her duty.
Imagine her realizing that she's been taught a lie her whole life, that she doesn't have to just be Illari, the strongest Inti warrior, she can also just be Illari - the scared 18yr old trying to find a new purpose in life after that choice was stolen from her.
Like Zen says to her, "true strength comes to those who accept their weaknesses". Illari's gotta learn that she can't just be strong, she has to learn to balance these aspects of herself.
and who has played a balancing act between conflicting ideals before? Who has carved her own path out of what she's known? Kiriko.
Ahem, back to a few more hehe haha shipping things
They're both pretty capable as fighters, and both trained since they were kids. They're both probably very disciplined because of it.
(I was going to say "though Kiriko is reckless despite that" but I refuse to believe Illari isn't equally as reckless.)
They're both very petty, check out those revenge voice lines—
("Forgive and forget? Nah..." and, "Forgiveness? Never heard of it." Are two examples LOL)
They're both smart assess. Kiriko is Kiriko so that one's obvious, and I'm looking at your Hanzo/Soldier/Sombra/Ana start up interactions, AND your sassy ass "I didn't do it for you," ally save voice line, Illari.
And the two most important things....
They're just cute. Like seriously look at these little idiots, I love them both dearly.
And it's kind of a funny ship. I'm a firm believer that you don't need a reason to ship two characters, and Kiriko and Illari liking each other can lead into some hilarious ass dynamics, so why not?
Anyways, finished with my brainrot spew. If you've made it this far, check out my AO3 where I will be brainrotting even further in the future. Might post some dumb shitposts here about these two from time to time.
Illari and Kiriko's voice line pages for the things I quote.
(some of this, particularly parts regarding Kiriko, might be incorrect bec I haven't read a single lore comic and am going of things I can vaguely remember hearing about.)
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wormsin · 9 months
i hope this isnt very out of the blue—it’s just that these two have been rotating in my head for days (though tbh when have they stopped but anw), in your opinions, how do you think bruce and dick’s relationship can be healthy(ier)? like, ignoring the whole “the nature of comic demands them to always be unhealthy for conflicts/dramas’ sake”, (how) do you think they can move forward from all the bad things that have happened between them (especially if one counts spyral into it)?
i am also constantly rotating them and throwing them into rat mazes! endlessly entertaining.
my answer to this question is actually my ongoing series earth-w1 or: It's all part of the fairy tale. (see what I did there?) it's my fix-it AU set a year(?) after Spyral where Bruce and Dick get together. their relationship is very much a work in progress and messy but they are trying their best! hopefully I'll get the time to write the whole character arcs I have in mind for them.
so if we're talking comics Bruce and Dick? and we're not cherry picking the worst moments and dysfunction out? whether platonic, familial, or romantic, their relationship is deeply codependent. they need to grow as individuals before their relationship can be healthy.
they're great at ignoring their past conflicts and forgiving each other (without communicating that), because they always come back to nearly unconditional trust and love for each other. they don't need to open up old wounds between them, but they should. this is how comics deal with their issues—sweeping them under the rug, *maybe* with a few panels of communication where Bruce indirectly apologizes and Dick dismisses his need to apologize.
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that's not actually good in the long run, and gives us situations like Dick coming back from Spyral with a cheery "family is everything!" smile, a character dissonance that *I* explain by Dick's desperate "Im okay" maladaptive coping mechanism.
this is how to improve their relationship on the surface:
1. they realize that they both want each other around, and then actually spend lots of time together.
2. Dick helps call Bruce out on bullshit and helps improve his relationships. Dick soothes Bruce's emotional dysfunction by being a constant of unconditional love.
3. Bruce reassures Dick of his place in his life and the family, soothing Dick's anxiety about belonging.
4. the foundations of dysfunction in their relationship remain, so as soon as there's a crisis they fall into the same patterns as before, causing strain in their other relationships. Bruce can't be out of control or have Dick nearly-die without losing it. Dick drops everything to emotionally rescue him. Dick doesn't allow others to care for him.
this is how to improve their relationship deeply:
1. Bruce becomes brave enough to let Dick in past his armor, and shares and processes his childhood trauma. he recontextualizes what Batman is.
2. Dick accepts that he is worthy of love himself, and allows himself to be imperfect.
3. they actually spend time together.
4. Bruce makes a genuine effort to make amends for his past actions, regardless of the outcome. most importantly, Jason, whose death fundamentally changed Bruce. I dont think Jason needs to forgive Bruce or even give him the time of day, but Bruce must try and *not punish anyone if it doesnt go how he wants*.
probably the way to do this is to give both Bruce and Dick serious mental breakdowns. and maybe semi-retire them. I imagine them mellowing out a lot more when they're older and retired from vigilantism.
you can make their relationship and characters more, or less, fucked up but I believe the recipe still stands because Bruce's protective control and Dick's perfectionist caregiving are core dysfunctions for their characters.
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 months
Ok, so what are your top absolute favorite marriage of convenience books?
So, in terms of actual marriage of convenience books (which I personally view differently from arranged or forced marriage books; I also think a true marriage of convenience book needs it to happen in the first half of the book, like it's the main plot versus something that just kinds happens) my absolute favorites include:
Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas--obvious but extremely good
Scandal's Bride--Catriona absolutely doesn't want to marry Richard, but she agrees because she may be pregnant with his baby (and Richard ain't gonna let any of his kids go without legitimacy) at that point and he's basically like "say yes and you and your family can keep your lands :)" which is kinda underhanded but she's equally underhanded, soooo
Possession by Adriana Anders--one of the few modern versions that works for me because it's a celebrity PR marriage; they marry shortly before the book but the whole arc is about it becoming a real marriage after he's discovered on tape with a woman who looks a looot like her (they agreed it being a marriage in name only so it's not actually cheating)
Fiona and the Enigmatic Earl by Grace Callaway--occurs early in the book, and they're both like, perfect aristos on the surface; but they hide their secret professions as spies/vigilantes. And there's voyeurism! It gives Mr. and Mrs. Smith vibes but with less angst.
The Recruit by Monica McCarty--they were being set up for an arranged marriage, but she pretended to be a maid and they hooked up, during which he told her he planned on keeping a mistress while he was married (he intended the mistress to be her lol); she then turns down the arrangement, but they have to have a marriage of convenience anyway when they run into each other a few months later and he realizes she's preeeegnaaaant
Wed to the Wild God by Ruby Dixon--this one is insane because he's a hedonistic god whose presence causes hedonism in humans, so they sleep together IMMEDIATELY; but she's normally brutally practical (and he's dreamy and... not....) so she agrees to a marriage of convenience for protection from his enemies; but oh my gosh, this book has one of the hottest scenes I've EVER read
When a Girl Loves an Earl by Elisa Braden--I mostly love this because SHE traps HIM, and it's only once they're married that she realizes that he's actually Scottish and ends up there; he's determined to not love her due to past trauma, and when he finally realizes he can't avoid it he's sooo sad lol
The Truth About Cads and Dukes by Elisa Braden--he marries her because his brother (non-sexually) compromised her and he's a stern, non-nonsense duke; another one where the hero is determined not to love, but he's obsessed with her hands so he's doomed on that front from the jump
When the Earl Met His Match by Stacy Reid--this is the Scottish one where she comes to him, having only been penpals with him, so that she can protect her unborn baby by another man from her parents; he agrees to marry her and claim the baby for her connections, and it's all extremely romantic with one of my favorite grovels
Wicked in Your Arms by Stacy Reid--the one where he deflowers her in a closet despite hating her, and they then immediately run into his mom in the hallway while she's crying and he's chasing her down... which prompts a shotgun wedding ASAP
A Caribbean Heiress in Paris by Adriana Herrera--I like this one where it's a true marriage of convenience, mutually beneficial, and it's supposed to basically be all business, as they plan on calling it off in a certain time frame... and then it's not
Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez--another contemporary, but this is the one where he grudgingly agrees to marry her because he's the prince of a tiny country that needs a financial bailout from her, a billionaire; and she agrees to do it because she wants him to father her child lmao
The Viscount and The Vixen by Lorraine Heath--he marries her because she answered an ad for a wife from his crazy old dad, and he believes she's a con artist; so naturally he points out that the ad (which also promised a major payout if she doesn't get a husband) only said that the husband had to be a lord, not that it had to be his dad, so HE SHALL MARRY HER CHECK AND MATE. What he doesn't know is that she actually answered the ad because she's pregnant and trying to escape the father, so she feels very conflicted as they fall in looove.
Lord of Darkness by Elizabeth Hoyt--in this one they're kinda dealing with the aftereffects of the marriage, which happened because her brother sorta blackmailed the guy into marrying her because she was pregnant out of wedlock and the father died. Then she miscarried right after the wedding and went to live separately from the hero, but she's back in town DEMANDING that he put a baby in her (little does she know, he's a masked vigilante by night and a nerdy widower by day)
The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare--the classic "he's a scarred duke whose fiancee bails on him, and she made the wedding dress and shows up wearing it demanding payment, so naturally he's like fine I need an heir let's get married instead"
The Duke I Tempted by Scarlett Peckham--the hero and heroine enter into a fairly conventional marriage of convenience, but she doesn't realize that he actually likes to submit
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girlwithwolftatoo · 2 years
Moon boys dating with a Reader is already mom
This request warmed my heart I don't know why but I loved it!
Marc Spector:
*He doesn't have a lot of problems socializing, except when it comes to children. When he meets your child, he gets a little nervous, doesn't mind if they're a toddler or a little older.
*You may think he's about to run away, you've experienced that thins before, but this time your senses are wrong.
*"I'm sorry about my... behavior, is just I'm not... I don't know how to engage with kids, I haven't had my own so..." (plus, the fact most of his childhood memories are stained with sadness, pain and -well, trauma)
*Rather goes to dates where you're in charge, and he observes in silence to learn about how to treat your little one. Sometimes he's so shy that you often listen the question of "Why does your friend doesn't talk, mom?"
*He's not the type of man who thinks gaining the girl means gaining the kid first, his autenthicity in that field makes you comfortable around him, specially since you've grown to be overprotective with both your child and you. World can be mean with single mothers.
*But Marc makes you feel independent and protected at the same time. He doesn't do or say things to rush your relationship, he tries really hard to show his soft side to your little one and, the first time he accepts to hold them or do a very small, quick task with them, you can see he treats them like they're made of porcelain, something precious he must handle carefully.
Jake Lockley:
*I've mentioned in previous headcanon he dreams of a family. You probably met in a random place and he began to court you, though you were a little worried about his reaction once he found out about your child.
*But instead of going nuts or run, he showed a lot of interest and even suggested to go together to a little date... before remembering he's not the "soft" kind and his main features are linked with violence and stuff.
*Not like that's going to stop him, anyways. He's so enthusiastic he manages to mix time with you and your little one. Like, you're in a park walk, talking and stuff, and he sees the ducks and swans and immediately drives you both to the lake to feed them, teaching your child how to do it.
*Sometimes he daydreams about a crazy scenario in which he rescues your kid (while doing his vigilante work) and, as a reward, you allow him to, you know, go deeper... in the relationship, I mean *cough*
*Probably his dream comes true if, for some reason, you have a problem with your child's father. Perhaps he's the kind of man who tends to dissapear for months and when shows up again, demands for a lot of privileges he doesn't deserve, and can be really annoying. Oh, but you're not alone this time, Jake's around, and you don't even need to mention him about this. He knows.
*Although Jake craves deep inside with a normal life, he knows himself very well. He'll step on to protect you and your little family with all his might until that donkeyhead vanishes forever... or ends up in a hospital, whatever it takes.
*"I didn't do this to gain your favor, (Y/N), I did this because I want you to be happy... conmigo o con otro"
Steven Grant:
*He probably met you at the Museum. You were there, staring at the objects, carrying with a little toddler who looks like you like two waterdrops. He's just as kind and polite as usual, but it becomes obvious, after some minutes in which even his boss nags him for "bugging visitors", you liked each other a lot.
*In this case, he thinks he's the one who has no chance with you. "She's a mom, it means she has... a life, you get it? Why would she spend her time with a weirdo like me?" (yeah, he's talking with Crowley again)
*So, when he receives a call from you, he cannot believe it. "A-are you sure you got the right number?" "Uh, yes? Aren't you Steven from the museum?" "Yes, yes, I am, I just... fine, fine, you wanna go to a -uh, child friendly place or something? For your little one, I mean"
*The first dates you let your child with a very good friend of yours, and when you finally ask Steven if he's okay with meeting your kid, he's glad to. And then his mind spits like eigh places where you can go together, the three of you.
*He doesn't try to get the "suddenly father-like attitude", he keeps his distance and is very respectful, but you can see he has a special talent to engage with kids.
*Yes, when your relationship becomes formal, he likes to give you small and cute gifts, and sometimes also brings something for you child, probably something he bought with his employee discount in the museum because "I think they'd like this little Anubis to guard their bedroom".
*Sometimes you wonder if Steven is as real as he seems. He's kind, funny, curious, treats you and your little one with love and respect, never tries to get into your life with nosy questions or nasty advices. But he's true, and he'll be like this until you want to finish your relationship. But honestly, you won't.
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alkalinefrog · 2 years
ok now that you've finished the httyd books what do you think about movie valka vs book valhallarma
oooo good question! I can't pick a favourite since they're such different characters from each other! But I can gush on and on about both of them!
I watched the movies first, so movie Valka was the first version I got to know. I love how the filmmakers made her resemble Hiccup as opposed to the books where she's another big Viking warrior (which is BADASS but I'll get to that in a minute). It’s so cool how she’s this badass vigilante running around the archipelago freeing captured dragons, and I love how animalistic her movements are from spending so much time with them. I love her design and how genuinely motherly to Hiccup she feels. 
And of course, I love her iconic Heart of a Chief and Soul of a Dragon speech to Hiccup. I love the POETRY of it all! Hiccup’s struggle to accept his role as a leader is symbolized by his parents, and when he sees them reunite it’s as if he’s seeing the two sides of himself -- chief and dragon -- coexist! It’s so meaningful that after losing Stoic, Valka’s the one to reassure him. It’s his love of dragons that gives him the strength to lead!
I think the weakest part of how she's written is her motivation for staying away after getting kidnapped by Cloudjumper lol. I know it's because she was a later addition for the sequel movie, but I find it hard to believe she wouldn't have at least thought about checking in on Hiccup as he was growing up. It feels like a plot hole, but I LOVE the big reuniting with Hiccup scene in the cave, so I can forgive it lol. 
ONTO VALHALLARMA!! I’m sorry if you like the third movie don’t hurt me alsfjdld but fair warning now that I way prefer the book ending to the the movies :’’’D. I think it’s really interesting how both her and Valka are absent in Hiccup’s life for most of his childhood, but I think Valhallarama’s reason for adventuring to find the Lost Things in order to protect her family is WAY more believable of a reason for it. We don’t see a lot of her in the books because of that obviously, but I kinda like how much of an enigma she is even to her family. Her tragic lovestory with Humongous Hotshot (lol these names if you haven’t read the books) and that one scene when she comes back home to learn the truth and spends a little too long lacing up her boots :’’’’D agghhhh. AND AND. And when she tells Stoic “Stoic the Vast, you were not my first love, but you are my last.” ALSKDFJALSDKJFSALDF
I think book Val is a great counterpart to book Stoic who’s a lot more openly affectionate towards Hiccup lol. I really buy her as a very grounded parent who’s got that tough love but in an obviously caring way.
Fun fact, it was accidental but I’ve always lowkey liked being called Alka online because of movie her :’‘‘D
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vendetta-if · 2 years
1K Followers Celebration Q&A, Part 1 🎉
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Hey guys! First of all, I'm sorry for not being too active on Tumblr lately. I've been pretty busy spending my break setting up various stuff for "Vendetta" as listed on my checklist and answering all these QnA questions.
Without further ado, here are all the questions and answers for the 1K Followers Celebration Q&A! This is Part 1 (I gotta split them into parts because it'll be too long if I kept them all in one post)
『Viktor, in your opinion, which ending would you want your child to choose? Vigilante, hero, heir?? Also, if you've seen both of the funerals, how did it make you feel?』
Viktor: "I—I honestly don't know. I just want my child to be safe and among those three choices... I would want them to be the heir, I guess. It'll be easier for Luka, my father, and Ash to protect them. Being a vigilante or a hero is too dangerous. They'd have to fight dangerous people and criminals, most of which are powered as well, and they may attract the attention of the wrong people.
As for the funerals... They're... horrible. I want to be there so badly, to say a final goodbye to my family and close friends, console them, make final amends with my father, and tell all of them to just let it go rather than keep hurting by holding on. But most of all, I want to hold my child one last time. To see them so clearly hurt... and I can't do anything about it... It just hurt. I'm glad Luka comforted them and is taking care of them."
『For Yvette: Do you actually love your child?』
Yvette: "O—Of course, I do! What kind of question is that? I care for them, okay? Even if I hadn't met them in years..." Yvette fidgets in her seat. "Next question, please."
『Rin, would you have any interest in MC if they weren't part of the Morozov family?』
Rin is silent for a moment.
Rin: “If they were not a part of the Morozov Family, then there was little to no chance of us ever meeting each other anyway. So, that’s a moot point.” Their voice is stiffer than usual.
『For Viktor and Yvette: given the chance, what’s one thing you would say to your child right now if you had the chance?』
Viktor: "I love you so much, my little sunshine. Please, don't be sad or angry anymore. I don't want you to avenge me or find me justice. I want you to enjoy your life to the fullest, find someone to love and maybe start a family with, and spend time with all the people in your life. And remember, to always take care of yourself and I'll always be proud of you, no matter what."
Viktor is silent for a second before shaking his head lightly. "I'm sorry, I know you said one thing... But, I just have so many things to say to them..."
Yvette: "I'm so sorry, baby. Please, give me another chance and I'll prove how much I meant that and how much I want to be in your life. After all, it's better late than never, right?"
『For Yvette: How was Viktor's personality? And why did you fall for him?』
Yvette sighs dreamily, a light blush spreading on her cheeks.
Yvette: "Where to start? He was a true gentleman and always tried to protect me in fights... Even to the point of taking hits that were meant for me... He was also really charming and also funny at times. Can get really teasing and flirtatious, but was really loyal once he was committed in a relationship with me. Just between you and me, I think he was a true hopeless romantic!"
『Ash & Rin if they could change their power to anything of their choosing, what would it be and why? Thank you <3』
Rin: “Hmm… I love my precognition and it really helps me so far. I wouldn’t want to change it to anything else.”
Ash: “C’mon, you party pooper, just imagine for a second!”
Rin: “How about you start first, then?”
Ash: “Gladly! I think MC’s umbrakinesis is pretty cool and flexible. Shadows are everywhere in almost every moment of the day. Also, it can be really intimidating and destructive as well. I would love to have a power like that.”
Rin: “Fine... If I have to… I think telepathy would be pretty useful. To be able to hear what the other person is thinking and planning, or even to influence them subtly... Although, the constant chatter of other people’s thoughts would be annoying…”
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