#gen z tim
thebiggestfuckgiven · 7 months
i may or may not be planning a fic where one of the many subplots is that Jason (as Red Hood, but Danny already knows) is following/investigating Danny because he thinks Danny’s dangerous somehow. I won’t go into the details because it’s so much, but point is i have a silly little scene in my head wherein Danny goes out to work on a uni group project with Tim, and on their way to the cafe some asshole car hits a guy on a motorcycle. The Biker goes into a rage and starts cursing him out, takes off his helmet and lo and behold it’s Jason.
Mid-verbal fight with the asshole he catches sight of Tim (recording the whole thing and waving at Jason) and of Danny (potential danger he’s been investigating for nearly two weeks), and Jason gives the asshole a “this isn’t over” threat and dips. Then,
Tim, who noticed Danny’s reaction: You know that guy?
Danny: Oh, yeah, that’s my stalker. You?
Tim: Nemesis. I’m sorry he’s your what?
Tim texting Jason: are you stalking my classmate??
Jason: Mind your own business, Replacement.
Jason: Wait, did he tell you that?
Tim: yah
Jason: RH’s been investigating him. Why the FUCK does your “classmate” think it’s me?
Tim: dick is gonna love this. the great rh has a containment breach
Tim: LMAO fuck it we BALL
Jason: TIM
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clarisse-doodles · 4 months
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inspired by this post, in which Damian does not know what Vine is
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megamindsupremacy · 9 months
Why did we even make coffee Tim’s fanonized caffeine of choice. That asshole is chugging Monsters like any other self disrespecting teenager. He has a Monster wall in the titans tower common area that he uses to intimidate new recruits.
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frappegoddess · 23 days
In order to connect with his children, Bruce thought to adopt Gen-Z /Gen Alpha type slang, unfortunately, he sought out help from said children, the worst decision of all, asking Steph.
Steph, with a detailed powerpoint presentation at hand: Ate means that someone slayed really hard, they did a great job at something so they ate-
Bruce, taking down notes furiously: Can you go back to what slayed means? As well as skeebeedee toilet???
Then next day -
Bruce: So...Damian, rizzed up any level ten gyatts yet?
Damian: Father, may I inquire as to the nature of the malady that presently afflicts you?
Bruce, driving Duke to school: You studied hard for that exam, you'll be fine
Duke: Yeah I know, I hope I don't flunk.
Bruce, nonchalantly: You'll cook the exam, you'll eat and leave no crumbs I'm sure of it :)
Duke: *Does a double take leaving the car*
Cass: *Showing off her new pointe shoes to the fam*
Bruce, without looking up from his newspaper: Pop off queen
Jason: The only reason I come back here is for Alfred's cucumber sandwhiches.
Bruce: Straight facts
Jason, glaring daggers at Steph: Oh god.
Bruce, thinking smash means to 💀 someone: I high key wanna smash Superman.
The batkids: WHATTTTTT
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
okay so this is an idea I’ve seen brought up maybe once before, but maybe Jason (before the Bats find out who he is) accidentally lets something slip that makes them realize that he’s literally, like, a child (seventeen, sixteen, I’m not sure how old he is at that point exactly, but either works)
and Bruce “adoption addiction” Wayne promptly looks at this obviously traumatized teenager and decides that he should adopt Red Hood.
I just think Jason would be so confused (maybe a little pissed too)
I’ve touched on that a little bit in What you’re longing for (you claim to abhor)!
I think this trope is wayyy underrated. Like, Jason is still so, so young. Basically a child. Even if he died at sixteen and then spent two years with the league (even if we’re counting the time he spent dead as aging). He’s barely even legal when he returns to Gotham. Or if we’re being generous let’s say he’s nineteen.
Doesn’t matter, he’s barely out of his teens (maybe he’s still IN his teens if you bend the timeline of your fic a little) and he’s experienced horrors that would have most people become utterly unable to function. But Jason? That boy takes his trauma and channels it into anger. Which, not exactly healthy, but well.
Anyway, getting off topic:
YES. Jason is still basically a kid when he debuts as the Red Hood, and you know what else he is? A good boy who’s not gonna touch any alcohol until he’s officially 21.
“But why would he do that? He grew up in Crime Alley! Ain’t nobody got time for age limitations!”
Hear me out! Let’s assume he grew up in a household where his father, Willis Todd, drank quite a lot on the regular in addition to his mom’s addiction. Jason experienced the aftermath of this (perhaps domestic violence?) every time his dad returned from a job/jail and he grew to loathe any and all substances, including alcohol. Knowing Jason and his convictions it wouldn’t be too far fetched to assume he’d never touch a single drop of alcohol at all.
So that’s one way he could slip up while taking to his goons (and having the bats overhear) or even straight up talking to one of them where maybe Dick banters a bit and goes “Hey, perhaps you should chill out a bit. Have a drink maybe” and Jason just instinctively goes “Fuck you Dickwing, I’m seventeen/eighteen/nineteen! I’m not allowed to drink!”
And Dick just— bluescreens. And immediately goes to tell Bruce, obviously.
The Bats assume Jason is this old guy (Bruce’s or Drathstroke’s age maybe) and consequently they keep alluding to things that happened way before Jason was ever even born and at first he’s so? Confused??? But eventually it just gets really annoying and eventually he just— snaps.
“How the fuck would I know which Nokia gen hit the market that year? I was born in fuckin’ XXXX, I’m an iPhone kid!”
“Stop referencing the Cold War dipshit, I’m fucking seventeen! I’m glad I remember my own damn birthday!”
“I don’t know, I was like— two back then.”
Bruce, obviously, would take .1 seconds to realize:
“Omg. That’s- that’s a whole child. That’s a whole damn TRAUMATIZED child, killing people and sawing off heads. Omg someone must have hurt him so bad. Don’t worry tho, son, Batman’s got you. You won’t have to hurt anybody ever again. We’re here for you. Would you like the room next to Tim’s or Dick’s?”
Meanwhile Jason: “what the fuck”
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archeronlochan · 9 months
just imagine the batkids telling Bruce he’s delulu
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arrowheadedbitch · 9 months
Ok, this is really fucking weird, but i just imagined Like The bats need to distract a room full of people and there's a stage so tim, who drew the short end of the stick, gets on stage and bullshits this whole speech where he's like
Ok, so i don't usually....do stuff. I like do paperwork and shit and thats it, so my brother (dick, obviously) says I "need to try to have fun". Ikr, what an idiot. Anyway I thought I'd try out the whole fun thing, so I guess I'll just try to make up a song or something and we can all just...have fun? Ew. Anyway- and then he starts singing
I'm imagining this song, and he's OBVIOUSLY singing about him and Conner.
And like, of course everyone is distracted, a multi-billionaire kid just hopped up on stage! I'm imaging those videos where someone shouts something ungodly at Harry Styles and you can see the shock in his face.
He's having fun with it, making eye contact with cameras, staring at people, moving around. When he says "Frankly, I don't like clowns" the audience of gothamites cheer
And then at the end he goes
"God, I don't know how you guys do this whole "fun" thing, like I'd rather drink 30 monsters in a row and then try to kill myself"
Jason found it funny, Dick did not.
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princemonday · 5 months
what are your guys thoughts on batboys ages?
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blue-thief · 20 days
yeahh okay i hate my friends fr now
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aingeal98 · 1 year
"Tim is the smartest Robin" this "Tim is the best with technology" that. I think the defining trait that sets Tim apart from the rest of the family is that he's the only one who's an expert redditor.
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threethirtysix · 2 years
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he is me, i am him
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eggjaculations · 8 months
i hate when people say certain media is “relentlessly Gen Z” i guarantee you it is not considering i’m in the oldest range of Gen Z and im 24. we haven’t had enough time to get our grimy little hands on anything and ruin it yet. blame millennials for leaning on iphones in mystery shows. me and my friends are all penpals.
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spookyprime · 2 years
Emo millennial Batman with good-doggo-"I'm adulting"-buzzfeed-quiz-liker millennial superman is the end goal tho.
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theatrepup · 2 years
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Around this time of year, a lot of folks will recall 1970s sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati, and its classic Thanksgiving punchline, "As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly." But I just want to take a moment to mention that this episode also has a great message about the generation gap: "Now listen, Mr. Carlson was here at WKRP when we were just kids. And I bet you he's gonna be here long after we're all moved on. Now, Venus, if we cut him out, what's the point? Like, we're the young ones. And sometimes I think we're just a little bit too concerned about being #1. Now Mr. Carlson he just...well he's just Mr. Carlson, he just wants to be a part of things..."
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kbanews · 10 months
Tim Elang Putih Soroti Potensi Pemilih Milenial dan Gen-Z
JATENG | KBA – Pada Pilpres 2024, milenial dan Gen-Z menjadi jumlah pemilih terbesar yakni lebih dari 60 persen dari total DPT. Segmen keduanya menjadi faktor penentu kemenangan di Pilpres 2024. Ketua Tim Elang Putih, Kuncoro menyampaikan, sekitar 60 persen pemilih adalah rentang umur bagi para milenial dan Gen-Z. Hal ini tentu harus menjadi perhatian serius bagi semua kandidat untuk menggarap…
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incorrectbatfam · 2 days
Bruce once made an offhand comment about how no one wears watches anymore because they all use their phones to tell time
The next day Tim buys a smartwatch
Dick straps the hourglass he got from the dentist onto his wrist
Damian carries a bunch of candlesticks with nails in them and lights one whenever he needs a timer
Jason lugs around two industrial buckets of water to make a water clock
Steph gets an antique pocketwatch but it's carried around by a personal assistant that's coming out of Bruce's budget
Barbara buys a classroom clock and keeps it in her wheelchair pocket
Cass stands in a well-lit area and checks her shadow
Duke unearths a fifty-pound sundial and names it Duke II
Bruce no longer comments on Gen Z
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