#uk enby
arsenenicholas · 29 days
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Please share, tag someone who could bring this to a lot of people, and post to other platforms. Not originally mine, idk who is the source of the screenshots.
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Text is broken and in the middle is an excerpt from a leaked nhs document-> a) For medication sourced directly (e.g via the internet), explain the increased risks of harm due to the unregulated nature of these medicines/products. These may include the use of counterfeit chemicals, unsafe/unknown ancilliary ingredients or variability of potency etc. More information can be found here (link to nhs website). // b) Do not initiate or continue prescribing puberty surpressing hormones or gender affirming hormones. The General Medical Council's guidance to medical professionals on 'bridging prescriptions (a course of endocrine intervention managed by a healthcare professional outside of the specialised gender service while an individual is waiting to be seen) does not apply to care offered to young people under 18 years of age. // c) If the child/young person or their carer disregards your advice and you consider that this puts the child/young person at increased risk, then a safeguarding referral might also be appropriate in line with standard safeguarding approaches. Discuss with your line manager and your organization's safeguarding team.
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In black text on white background, from the news article linked above-> It seems to us - and to those inside the NHS who have leaked the document to us - that what purports to be an "assessment" in fact an exercise in bringing very significant pressure to bear on trans youth and their families to cease private treatment, backed up with a threat of a safeguarding referral to social services if they do not. // We are concerned about what appears to be a misleading exercise in gathering data on which trans youth are obtaining private treatment from abroad, for the purposes of seeking to cause or compel them to stop treatment.
In the same thick white text on black background as previous image-> So an internal NHS document has been leaked basically asking trans kids on excruciatingly ling waiting lists to come to a 'mental health assessment' where the NHS will harvest their personal information & threaten their families with a social services referral if they're found to be on private blockers/hormones & refuse to come off them. // This country is for dogs i swear.
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shititsarobyn · 8 months
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RRAAHH Melanie King be upon ye
Fr tho I haven’t abandoned my challenge of drawing every influential character from the Magnus archives I just took a big ass break since college has started up again n other such events. Never the less I will be back with more characters some point soon ((((:
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xxc0reyxx · 8 days
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text: Rishi Sunak wants to ban kids from learning about gender identity and transgender people entirely, only teaching that there are two genders and two sexes. Also he wants to ban learning about puberty before year 4 (8-9 years olds), ban sex education until year 5 (9-10 year olds), ban discussion of sexual harassment before year 7 (11-12 year olds), ban discussion of suicide until year 8 (12-13 year olds, and have no direct references to sex until year 9 (13-14 year olds).
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Petition to UK parliament to Recognise nonbinary people's genders in law and in identity documents
If you've never seen one of these Parliament petitions before, at 10000 signatures the government has to give a response and at 100k signatures it is brought to parliamentary debate so this could be really important.
If you're a uk citizen or resident, please take five minutes out of your day to sign.
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mediocrephd · 1 month
If you're in the UK, please sign this petition!
Currently, as a non binary person, I'm not able to get married or a civil partnership as myself and my gender. I'd have to be deliberately misgendered in all the paperwork and in the ceremony - in front of everyone. I'm also unable to get my passport, driving licence, and other official documents to reflect my correct identity. I can't even be officially recognised as trans, even with a gender recognition certificate, because the UK doesn't recognise non binary as a valid identity!
Please Reblog this to get as many signatures as possible! :)
Thanks! :)
Petition: Recognise nonbinary people's genders in law and in identity documents
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hedgehology · 1 year
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It’s Sunday and that means sticker slapping! Enby and trans pride sticker slaps at Kings X London with a a lil wizard frog 🏳️‍⚧️🐸
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manichewitz · 6 months
this might be a long shot but does anyone out there on the interwebs have a copy of i, joan by charlie josephine? its a play that retells the story of joan of arc as a nonbinary person. for some reason i can’t buy it from the concord theatricals website since i don’t live in the UK and that seems to be the only place its been officially licensed :/ someone pls help me out
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ofcloudlessclimbs · 6 months
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Ig/ Nicxpaige
She said I’m obsessed with thick women & I agree.
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ohheyitsjustbear · 16 days
The lighting in my room is pretty good sometimes
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Tips ♡ Treats
Reblogs appreciated, keep comments in the tags unless we're mutuals 🩷 (he/they)
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burgerking-offical · 11 months
Trans people are valid.
Nonbinary people are valid.
Bigender people are valid.
LGBTQ People are valid.
The only people who are invalid are those who voted for the United Kingdom Independence Party.
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Taking thirst trap selfies just before I ended my nipples by getting my nips blacked out by my tattooist who has been tattooing since her childhood(family business) and forever tells me I’m insane for the places I choose to get done. I’m a sensory weirdo pls
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nero-the-enby · 1 year
Help an Enby Access Life Saving Surgery
I've been made aware that there are surgeons who have no BMI limit in other countries (mostly the US, a couple in Canada). I'm applying for a passport and making a go of this because im tired of sitting and waiting and trying but not making progress. Please share and/or donate if you can.
Hello, my name is Nero (yes, like the Roman emperor), and I'm fundraising to access gender-affirming surgery.
I've been attempting to access gender-affirming care for 6 years, and although I'm now seeing a gender clinic (which has allowed me to start HRT), I'm facing a big barrier to accessing surgery; my weight. The way I've dealt with my gender dysphoria and the distress it creates is to eat - it brings me comfort. Sadly this means that my current BMI is too high for UK surgeons to say yes to operating on me. Most surgeons here have a BMI limit of 30, and some limit to 40. My BMI is 47. I am being supported to lose weight (dieting, exercising daily, pills, etc) and I have already lost over a stone (yay!). However losing weight is going much slower than I thought it would, and that has only served to increase my dysphoria, taken away my comfort in food, and increased my suicidal ideation. My family fully believes that I will end up taking my own life if I can't access this much-needed, life-saving surgery within the next 2 years. I'm not sure I can wait another whole year but I'm fighting hard.
With this fundraiser, I'm hoping to travel abroad to where there are surgeons who have no BMI limit and who can and will give me what I so desperately need. My dysphoria is robbing me of a life I should be having at 24 years old. I should have a job. I should have friends. I should be out socialising and having fun. Instead, I sit at home and spend all my time trying my best not to let my dysphoria convince me that it's all hopeless.
If you could spare £1, £5, or even just 10p, that would make a world of difference to me and my family.
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Call to action time:
If you are in Canada, here is a petition to allow trans and nonbinary people to seek asylum in Canada, regardless of their country of origin (it specifically cites the US and UK as examples) https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4268
If you are in the UK, here is a petition to reverse the decision that was made to block Scotland's Gender Recognition Reform. If it gets over 100k signatures, it will be considered for debate in Parliament. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/631561/
If you are not in those countries, please share the petitions with those who are 🏳️‍⚧️💞🏳️‍⚧️
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moodlesmain · 7 months
while im (takes a deep breath to hold back my rage) sympathetic to the fans of Those Wizard Books who're taking a death of the author approach so long as they're not supporting the series financially or actively promoting it and are sticking to fan communities, I really, *really* wish people would put away their merch. Because when I see someone in public with merch from it, I always have to wonder if I'm safe around them as a trans person, if my trans friends are safe. And that's a sucky feeling to have, especially when talking to people who otherwise seems perfectly fine and nice!!! A lot of HP fans are just, people!!! Who maybe don't know what the big deal is, or have chosen to deal with the problem by doubling down to spite the author!! But even when I know for a fact they're totally safe or even trans themselves, I don't want to be constantly reminded of the series whose author is an incredibly rich and powerful person whose whole agenda for the past several years has been to push back against the rights of people like me, and who people like my own god damn mother is more willing to listen to about trans people than her own nonbinary child.
I know it's irrational to feel surges of rage at the mere mention of a popular multimedia franchises, but while I know not every trans person is bothered by it, I also know that a lot of trans people and even allies *are* bothered by it. Just... begging for some understanding, and for people to just PLEASE dial back their fandom-ing in public spaces, especially mostly queer spaces. You don't know how much difference it might make in the comfort and feeling of safety for the trans people around you
#maybe this matters less in the US#or like anywhere else in the world#but in the UK............. please holy shit terfs are a bigger force here than anywhere else#PLEASE stop openly showing support for the multimedia franchise that made the one with the most mainstream influence insanely rich#that she still uses to prop up her arguments about trans people#do you know that she's claimed the fact that people still like her wizard books means that shows people support her beliefs?#do you know that she's compared queer people to the villains of her books?#do you know how much she hates us? how much she hates our transfemme sisters especially?#im just a short afab nonbinary weirdo#i'm not seen as a threat by anyone#i can't imagine how trans women must be dealing with this#vent post#technically#ugh#sorry this has been on my mind for a while and i'm in a weird mood rn#don't come at me for this just block me if you're going to be bothered enough by this#because if you do bother me i'll just block you first lmao#edit: not that not being seen as a threat is necessarily a good thing because in the case of us afab enbies we're mostly just dismissed#there's a lot of us but it also feels like we're so invisible outside our own communities#we're just assumed as queer women most of the time especially those of my generation who haven't had any opportunity to medically transitio#except the lucky few who were able to get a diagnosis relatively early in life#or had the money to turn to private healthcare#trans men who don't pass too#moodle rambles
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hedgehology · 1 year
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Celebrating non binary pride at hedgehology!
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xemnote · 8 months
I'm so god damn heartbroken...
I got woken up with a call today, letting me know that my top surgery NHS referral was rejected because I don't want to get hormones.
Even though I emailed to ask if it was possible to get the surgery without wanting hormones and they implied it was.
I was so excited...
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