#Bruce is a good dad
yrkhn · 2 months
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messy sketch on the phone because it was the only thing I could draw on😞 I haven't drawn on my phone for a long time, so you can see a lot of mistakes here BUT I DON'T CARE guys I enjoyed the process.
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spicy-apple-pie · 6 months
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Nice save Bruce...
Chapter Index
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p1nkshield · 1 year
Bruce being just as guilty of introducing Jason to people like he is but a small little guy.
Bruce at gala supporting youth literary comprehension programs: Have you met my son Jason? As stubborn as kids can be I managed to get him to attend.
Beneficiary: oh that’s wonderful! Does your son enjoy literature?
Bruce: oh absolutely! That’s what convinced him to even come! He has so many respectable hobbies for someone his age. Kids these days rarely find value in the classics but not Jason! Honestly he reads more, and more in depth, than I do! He’s a little mechanic too! When I first saw him he was trying to take the tires off my car with a lug wrench that was bigger than him! It was quite a sight and a rather unconventional way to meet your son but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Beneficiary, blinks as they try to process all the proud dad info: …well that’s lovely, we have some activities for the children of the donors so that none of them get too bored!
Bruce: that’s great! I’ll let him know. Jason, can you come here for a moment?
A very tall, wide, and muscular man turns around and raises an eyebrow.
What a coincidence, that dude must also be named Jason.
He walks towards them
Jason: what do you want old man?
Bruce: there are activities at that table if you’re bored.
Jason: thanks for the memo but I’m not exactly at coloring book age anymore remember?
Bruce: I suppose you’re right :(
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jaeryale · 3 months
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Bat dad with his league of assassins murderous son
Lets hope that the bat duck tape is strong
Quick batfam doodles are my new obsession enjoy!
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt in Memes 6
Let's make it some in-world memes this time :)
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kkryboygayman · 1 year
i like to entertain the thought that all the batsons are trans except damian
bruce is so used to raising his three trans sons that he forgets that damian is cis. he goes to do some fatherly rant and goes "wait oh shit nevermind. you're not built like that." and damian is just ???
everyone thinks it's hilarious and it is.
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perilusjax · 7 months
When Fright Knight first saw the prince, he was just a you cling not even knowing what it means to be dead. The second time he followed his king in taking the child's haunt. The third time he destroyed the L̵̮̲̳͇͔͍͗̍͠͝͝Ã̷̧͉̥̭͇͛̀̚͠͠B̵̡̛͎̘͍̖̎͑̃̏͘͜͠
He carried his child to a land covered in darkness Gotham where he met a lovely knight cloaked in darkness.
#Discussions make for a fun time#
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tiffanydvill · 6 days
When Jason was younger, he refused to believe Santa wasn't real. Superman was real, Doctor Fate was real, hell, even the Flash was real. So why couldn't Santa be real? To preserve Jason's innocence for a little longer, Bruce once dressed up as Santa and went down the chimney just to see the pure joy on Jason's face.
edit: people r saying that Santa is real but remember, these r headcanons.
edit again: imagine them as non-heroes for the sake of the post oml
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thegaypanicattack · 1 year
Bruce : Last night I gave my kids a lesson in democracy. They voted on which movie to watch and the type of pizza they prefer.
Clark : That's a very goo-
Bruce: Then I picked the movie and the pizza because I'm the one with the money
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psychokatrixxxy · 29 days
Everyone who likes DC and Danny Phantom crossovers needs to read Shadow of a Bat on Ao3. It's written by @clockwayswrites or PaperPuffin as is there username on Ao3.
It is one of the best fics I've ever read, ever! It's so sweet and wholesome, and chapter two got me like:
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The emotional build up in to the last line in chapter 2, I was legit sobbing. It's a master piece!
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If you like Batdad and the "Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent" tag, you should watch Batman (1966)
Seriously, Bruce smiles so often at Dick. When they go out for missions, he tells people they are going fishing to bond with his ward. And Dick gets so excited too. So yes, they are bonding, just not over fishing.
When Dick messes up or comes to wrong conclusions due to his emotions, Bruce is not upset by it at all. In fact, the complete opposite is true. He tells him that we are only human and allowed to be upset/selfish/etc. and has complete understanding.
He is guiding Dick towards the right answers and still humors him. When Bruce caught on that Joker was going to play the clown in the opera "Plagiacci" and that's where he was going to be, he gave Dick hints. And when Dick himself made the realisation, he exclaimed "Holy Ravioli!" to which Bruce responded "Warmer" even though it was clear that it was not meant as a question, but an exclamation. And then he said the answer "Plagiacci" at tge same time as Dick.
Another example is when Dick's Aunt Harriet is giving him piano lessons. Dick is awful at it, but Bruce is still smiling as he sits on the couch, reading the newspaper. And when she gets Dick to give him another piano lesson while him and Bruce are watching the news about Joker's defeat, Bruce smiles and winks at him.
So yeah. Please watch this show if this is something you like. You won't be disappointed
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spicy-apple-pie · 6 months
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Oh Damian, if only you knew that you could never do wrong in Bruce's eyes.
Chapter Index
Also some notes: Sorry about the short updates, just want to get some motivations established for the next arc, but there will be an interlude where Bruce confronts Talia, so that's fun.
And with the holidays and the fact that I'm going on vacation in early January, it's likely that Adopted Damian will go on a two week hiatus. It's still up in the air because I have a few more days off work than I usually do, but I procrastinated gifts as per usual so I have no idea.
I also want to thank everyone for the support during this comic, this is way bigger than I thought it would be and I'm having a really fun time making it. I'm really glad to see so many people enjoying it as well, so I hope I keep doing right by you guys.
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jason: who the fuck-
bruce: language
jason: WHOM the fuck-
bruce: NO-
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mokulule · 1 year
The Number You Have Called Cannot Be Reached 3
Part 1|Part 2
Ship: Dead on Main (Danny/Jason) Warnings: angst/depression and canon typical violence
I'm not entirely happy with this, but I hope you enjoy it anyways. Some things will probably be changed for the Ao3 version, this is very much first draft and I want to do a proper rewrite before then.
Jason parked his bike next to the Batmobile. There was a strange air in the Batcave or maybe it was just him being different. He couldn’t tell for sure. He stepped off the bike so he had his back towards Bruce, who sat by the Batcomputer with his cowl off. Jason could still feel his gaze when he looked up. He didn’t know what to feel. Where was he supposed to start?
“Little Wing!” Dick announced happily, suddenly slinging an arm across his shoulder from behind. It was only all his training that stopped him from jumping three feet into the air from the fright and he managed to just tense - but that was normal. Dick would consider that normal. Pull yourself together, Jason, he scolded himself. Normal, act normal, for one long moment he was grasping for what was normal. It definitely wasn’t the urge to lean into his big brother.
“Jay?” Dick asked quietly, worried, thankfully too quiet for anyone to hear. Panic grasped him and he elbowed Dick to get him off. Dick bent over with an oomph. At least elbowing Dick was a normal response, even if it was for the wrong reason.
Ignoring the strange urge to check on Dick, he squared his shoulders, firmly didn’t look back and walked forward towards the Batcomputer, where now that he had arrived the rest of this night’s patrol team gathered. Damian already out of his suit with damp hair and a towel slung around his neck glanced surreptitiously at Jason out the corner of his eyes even as he pretended to look towards Bruce - brat was still worried. Tim was curled up in an office chair doing who knew what with his laptop in a way that did not seem conducive to the healing of the broken ribs he’d been benched for. Bruce himself, paused what he was doing and spun around in his chair. Even sitting he managed to draw everyone’s attention, Tim even closed his laptop.
Jason purposefully crossed his arms and widened his stance. That’s what they expected of him, probably? How did he usually stand? He usually always felt one wrong comment away from a fight when he was here, he should stand like he expected it, right? Defensive.
This was exhausting.
At last Dick walked up to them completing their loose circle. He was rubbing his side and Jason felt a stab of worry and guilt. Had he aggravated an existing wound? Shit. Fuck. What was wrong with him? Why was he so worried?
“Oracle,” Bruce spoke, “please start.”
“Thanks to Hood, we now have a better headshot of the thief,” Oracle announced from the computer speakers“The Ghost,” Dick interjected in a sing song voice, “after what happened tonight you can’t disagree.”“Nightwing,” Barbara replied flatly, she didn’t even need to say she thought it was a stupid name. “The thief,” she reiterated in a way that left no room for any other arguments and Dick wisely held his silence. At least Dick knew Barbara well enough when to stop. Finally she pulled two photos up on the large screen. The one on the right was an older/early photo with the green glassed goggles obstructing much of the upper half of the face, a grin was a sharp line of white on the lower half of the face in the blurry photo, the quality was terrible and caught in movement.
The newer photo on the left showed a young man, maybe even late teens, eyes were wide, bright green, not quite glowing and his face beet red in embarrassment, mouth slightly open - this was taken just after he’d pushed away from Jason. His goggles sat at the edge of his messy black hair, just high enough to see the way he was beginning to swell on his forehead where Jason had clocked him.
Jason looked from one picture to the other, something was off to him. The grin was an obvious difference, but these where snapped in very different moments, and he shouldn’t let different emotions cloud his judgment.
“He’s lost weight.” The realization hit him with the certainty of a sledgehammer.
There’s dubious mumbling around him, about the blurriness of the first picture. But Jason is unmoved, there’s a hollowness to the guy’s cheeks that wasn’t there before.
“We can’t really judge that sort of thing with the quality of the first image,” Barbara cut through the murmurs. Jason knows he right, but he doesn’t feel like arguing.
He doesn’t feel like arguing, it’s another realization that leaves him wrong footed and he’s not listening for a minute. Checking back into the conversation he only caught the tail end of the conversation that was apparently about the Meta’s skills.“-we can now add phase shifting powers-““Like a Ghost.”
Tim groaned and Barbara outright growled - Jason reevaluated his earlier thought that Dick knew Barbara’s limits. Damian had already accepted the logic and Bruce had long since become immune to this sort of Dick antic.
“Back on topic,” was all he said. “Tim.”
Tim opened his laptop back up.
“Yes, so the items the thief-” There was a small beat as everyone waited for Dick to interrupt, Tim was side-eyeing him but continued; “-is stealing are still painting a very alarming picture, and there is a multitude of very dangerous uses, not to mention what kind of world ending horror they could be built into. Luckily he didn’t get the prototype spectral calibrator tonight, and we’ll be keeping it here for the time being and set the project on an indefinite hold at Wayne Enterprise.”Tim looked up at Bruce. “We’ll be needing to monitor Star Labs as they have a similar project, but so far the Ghost has not operated outside of Gotham to our knowledge.”
Bruce nodded, “I’ll arrange something.”
It was a signal for Tim to continue, “we’re still no closer to a way to capture him and the phase shifting is a whole other added concern. We’ll need to figure out if there’s something he can’t phase through, some denser materials perhaps. I just finished looking through tonight’s footage and from what I’m seeing at least the new filter program is holding up; both the audio and visuals have very few glitches now. But we still don’t know how he’s sending out the electromagnetic interference.”
“Ghoooost,” Dick said quietly under his breath.Tim’s left eye twitched dangerously. Jason couldn’t help smiling, it was very good he was wearing the helmet. Bruce once more ignored Dick looking to Damian.The kid straightened imperceptibly at the attention, it really was adorable, but his voice was as haughty as ever. “Blood sample is already being analyzed of course, tt.” Blood sample? Oh, that’s what Bruce had been doing on the roof, when Jason was distracted. A sick feeling rose in his stomach thinking of the blood, was Ghost even alive? He could be bleeding inside the head for all they knew.
“Hood,” Bruce asked quietly, “do you know why the Ghost reacted to you like that?”Jason stiffened. Fear grabbing cold onto his heart. There was no way he could tell them he thought it had to do with the pits. They’d think Jason was being influenced by the Ghost and bench him. He couldn’t let that happen, he needed answers. He didn’t need to fight his family.
“No damn clue,” he scoffed, hoping he sounded nonchalant and none of his panic shone through, “some weird trauma response? He’d just hit his head real good.”
Bruce looked at him dubiously, but he was clearly unwilling to risk pushing. Their truce was a tentative one after all, one they’d come to after many false starts and stops. Jason had never before been so glad for their tattered relationship.
“So to conclude,” Dick drew everyone’s attention off Jason, “the Ghost is still a mystery, we don’t know if he’s just a thief or a supervillain biding his time.”
“He’s not a supervillain.” Jason could have cursed himself, he’d just gotten their attention off him. Now he was forced to elaborate. “He’s not wearing any sort of body armor, just that hoodie.”
And he’d definitely broken some of his ribs landing on him, Jason thought with a pang of guilt.
“Not all villains wear body armor though,” Tim pointed out carefully, and now Tim was worried too, Jason had no clue what had given him away.
“The ones who engage in close combat with us usually do though,” Dick returned, and Jason could have hugged him for bailing him out again (if that had been normal, which it was NOT).
“He could just not be a very good villain?”
“Or he’s just banking on the fact that he’s very good at dodging,” Barbara interjected with annoyance before the discussion got out of hand, “or did you all just forget you’ve been chasing this guy for weeks without landing a substantial hit on him?” She could always be counted on to be the voice of reason.
Dick scratched the back of his head sheepishly. Tim looked down at his computer. Damian scoffed, trying to look unaffected but that was definitely almost a pout.
Bruce’s eyes twinkled in amusement as he stood up and was that almost a smile? How was this happening? It felt… His fingers dug into his arms. It felt like all the things Jason had convinced himself had never really been there. And there was Bruce’s hand landing on Damian’s shoulder; a silent comfort-encouragement, because Bruce was terrible with words but his touches always spoke volumes. And as the small smile bloomed on Damian’s face and he quickly looked away to hide it, Jason remembered exactly how that felt. Shit.
“Oracle, that’s all for tonight, we’re not getting anywhere without more information.”
“You got it, B, Oracle out.”
Jason spun and stalked towards his bike, before he did something, he didn’t know what exactly.
Bruce’s voice stopped him in place. He glanced over his shoulder to see them all watching him. Don’t give anything away, he scolded himself.
“What is it, old man?” Jason asked trying to interject as much annoyance into his voice as he could, but it was so hard dredging up any of that when they looked at him worried like that, and his chest ached and he just sounded tired.
“It’s late,” Bruce said with a small unconscious wave of his hand as if anyone could tell the time of day from within the cave, “you could stay the night?”
After a beat he added, “Alfred would love to see you.”
Jason’s jaw clenched. Alfred would, but that’s not what Bruce was really saying, he was saying he would love to have him stay, but didn’t think Jason would be receptive to that and so he brought out the Alfred card. It was plain as day and how had Jason never seen that? Seen the longing on his dad’s face? His chest ached, he knew why. He was always so busy reading everything Bruce did as him trying to control him, every interaction tinted in green. His chest ached. Every inch of his body wanted to stay, to take a step back, see where this could lead, but he couldn’t.
He had to act normal. Normal Jason would never. Normal Jason could be back tomorrow for all he knew. He couldn’t do that to any of them, to himself.
With great difficulty he tore his gaze away from his family and walked the last steps over to his bike.
“Tell Alfred I’ll be coming over for tea on Tuesday,” he said loudly over the noise of his bike, not looking, because he didn’t want to see any of their reactions, then he tore out of there.
This was better for everyone.
Poor Jay really is having the time of it, maybe next part he'll get to actually enjoy not being angry.
next Masterpost for subscription link
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iwannabealice · 8 months
kid jason: you're ugly
bruce: i'm wearing a mask-
kid jason: and thank god for that
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puppiesandnightlock · 8 months
Link: Why Bruce Should Not Have The Title of World's Greatest Detective Anymore, a presentation by Tim Drake
Summary: Bruce didn't know the Super Sons were dating somehow, and Tim compiled a list of evidence of a bunch of moment here he should have caught on, but did not.
Featuring Confused and Tired Dad Bruce, PowerPoint master Tim, Traumatized Dick, and an embarrassed Damian.
Super Sons Week Bonus Day: Family and Legacy (this one won by a landslide on the tumblr poll)
In Bruce’s defense, he was a father of six officially and about twelve emotionally. He had long ago resigned his title of World’s Greatest Detective to Tim, so honestly, could you blame him for not noticing that his youngest son had had company around more often? And come on, it was Jonathan Samuel Kent, the two were practically glued to each other even before recent developments. 
How recent, he wasn't sure. 
And now he had to sit through a folder Tim had given him, evidence compiled in an attempt to clear things up in his head. He plugged in the USB that fell out of it and it opened to a powerpoint.
Of course.
Angels and Demons, or otherwise known as B, how the fuck did you not know?
A presentation by Tim Drake 
Evidence #1: “Wrestling.”
The slide played a clip of surveillance feed from inside of the manor. Damian had Jon pinned to the ground, both panting and flushed. 
“What’s going on here?” Bruce turned the doorknob, poking his head through the door.
Damian scrambled off of the taller boy, schooling his features to a mask of indifference. 
Jon made no such efforts, choosing to starfish across the carpeted floor, a blank look on his face as he stared at the ceiling.
“Nothing, Father, we decided to make use of our time and spar. Jonathan needs practice.” 
Bruce eyed them suspiciously, pausing to take in the scene. Damian’s usual gel slicked hair was ruffled, and Jon’s curls were splayed out on the floor, some in his face.
Then again, his hair was always a bit unruly.
Their faces were flushed, and they had been breathing heavily when he came in.
The quick once over seemingly revealed nothing to him, although one could clearly see the still blown pupils of an expressionless Jon, and both boys’ kiss-bitten lips.
“Next time, spar in the cave, that’s what it's there for.” He walked out, shutting the door behind him.
The video feed played for a bit longer, Damian putting his face in his hands, a very un-Damian-like thing to do, and groaning.
“I cannot believe that actually worked.”
Tim had left a little note on the side of the video after it stopped playing. You have six kids, and one of them is one Richard John Grayson, how on earth did you fall for that?
Evidence #2: Dates
This opened to a video from a phone, someone walking into Damian’s room and filming his fussing with his appearance in the mirror.
“Whatcha doin’, baby bat?” Tim’s voice came from the other side of the camera.
“Fixing my hair, what does it look like, Drake?”
“Whoa, whoa, chill. I’m just curious, I haven't seen you put this much interest into your appearance since you had picture day.”
Damian scowled, more out of admittance that he was right then spite.
“Say what you will, Timothy.” He hesitated. “How do I look?”
“You’ll blow his socks off, Dames.” Tim said softly, a hand reaching out from behind the phone to straighten his jacket.
Damian inhaled deeply and carefully walked down the stairs. The doorbell rang, and as if filming a reality show, Tim followed dutifully behind. Jon stood, looking as nervous as he was, holding a small bunch of wild flowers that he immediately thrust into Damian’s face. 
“Oh my god-” was whispered from Tim as the camera zoomed in on Damian, a pink flush becoming slightly visible.
“I’m so sending this to Dick.”
Damian handed off the flowers to the nearest person, but not before threading a few into Jon’s curls.
“Where are you going?” Bruce came out from the dining room, files in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.
Tim switched the camera over to him, zooming in on his tired appearance, then zooming out so he could see everyone.
“The movies, s-sir.” Jon stuttered.
Burce raised an eyebrow. “Jon, you’ve known me for years, you can drop the formalities.”
An undignified squeak came from the boy and Damian sighed, albeit affectionately.
“We will be going, Father.”
“Have a good time.” He waved them off, disappearing into the labyrinth that is Wayne Manor.
“That’s it?” Tim was heard screeching off screen. “He gave ME hell, gave my dates HELL, broke out the KRYPTONITE when Kon even LOOKED at me, and all you get is HAVE A GOOD TIME?”
“Sucks to suck.” Damian jeered, taking Jon by the hand and dragging him out the door.
Followed by it was several screenshots from a chat titled “Rockin’ Robins”, all of them sharing stories until someone pointed out that maybe Bruce didn't even know it was a date, which was accurate.
This note said There were flowers. Flowers.
Evidence #3: They were in A FUCKING CLOSET.
Bruce spat his coffee out at that, massaging his temples. This was getting to be way too much. He did not at all need to know about what had happened in the closet, especially because he remembered this particular one and frankly? It was embarrassing that he didn’t catch on then.
Bruce was walking down the hallway when he suddenly heard noises coming from the third floor janitor's closet.
Tentatively, he opened the door. The last thing he expected was for Jon and Damian to stumble out of it, school uniforms slightly unbuttoned and very rumpled. Jon’s glasses were crooked, and Damian’s tie was missing.
“F-Father!” Damian stuttered, attempting to smooth out his ruffled appearance. Jon silently handed him his tie, both boys flushing furiously under Bruce’s rather confused gaze.
“What were you doing in there? Aren’t you supposed to be on that field trip? Your class is still on the first floor.” 
“W-We were…uh-” Jon fidgeted with the buttons on his shirt, nudging Damian for help.
Suddenly, his gaze caught on something reflecting green in his son’s back pocket. His eyes narrowed and his face set into a firm expression.
“We will be talking about this at home. I’m disappointed in both of you, I thought we’d gone over this.” 
Damian’s face paled, before morphing into one of confusion. “What exactly are you talking about, Father?”
“Sneaking out for hero work.”
Both teens inwardly sobbed in relief as Damian said stiffly, “Yes, Father.”and Jon with a quaking “Sorry, Uncle Bruce.”
Satisfied in his parenting skills, Bruce continued towards his office.
If he watched the video Tim had put in from the surveillance feed of Wayne Enterprises, he could almost guarantee they would have both been sporting some rather suspicious brusings. 
Bruce stood up, he was going to need a drink to get through the rest of this. 
Unbeknownst to him, most of his kids were perched in the living room, wheezing at their father’s reactions.
Damian was rather displeased at all that was being shown, and his face was flushed red.
“Looks like baby bat isn’t so innocent.” Jason cackled.
“My precious sweet little boy, this is OBSCENE, they are BABIES!”
“Richard, I am nineteen years old.”
Tim closed the laptop as Bruce left the cave, leaning back. “It was sad, honestly, to compile all this information and realize Bruce didn't get any of it. I mean, how long has it been?”
“Three years.” Damian muttered.
“Three fucking years. It’s sad to see him go.” Duke said solemnly.
There was a moment of silence as they mourned the loss of their once perceptive father.
Then promptly burst into laughter.
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