#betty kane
thethirdtriplet · 1 month
The Bats are the definition of:
“You mess with one of us, we all mess with you.”.
Like, imagine going after one of them, and you end up having to deal with a dozen of them, later on.
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m-sciuto · 5 months
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Christmas Batgirls
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dcbinges · 1 month
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Solo #7 (2005) by Michael Allred & Lee Allred
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thatthirdtriplet · 3 months
Justice League & The Team (Young Justice) Batfamily Members & Other(s) Bruce Wayne & Everyone Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Pamela Isley & Selina Kyle & Harleen Quinzel Stephanie Brown/Waffles Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Harper Row Jean-Paul Valley & Luke Fox Dick Grayson & Jason Todd Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne Kate Kane & Selina Kyle Pamela Isley & Damian Wayne Jonathan Samuel Kent & Damian Wayne
Clark Kent Diana (Wonder Woman) Bruce Wayne Selina Kyle Dick Grayson Jason Todd Tim Drake Duke Thomas Damian Wayne Cassandra Cain Stephanie Brown Harper Row Bette Kane Kate Kane (DCU) Luke Fox Jean-Paul Valley Harleen Quinzel Pamela Isley Jonathan Kent Raven (DCU) Roy Harper Koriand’r (DCU) Barbara Gordon Terry McGinnis Garfield Logan M'gann M'orzz La'gaan (DCU) Jaime Reyes Cassie SandsmarkcVirgil "Static" Hawkins Kon-El | Conner Kent Bart Allen Barry Allen Wally West Artemis Crock Zatanna Zatara Karen Beecher Raquel Ervin
Additional Tags:
Meet the Batfamily (DCU) Meet the Family Rated T for language Jason's so what do you expect Batfamily Dynamics (DCU) Batfamily-centric (DCU) Batfamily is a Mess (DCU) Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent Bruce Wayne is So Done Chaos Crack Crack Treated Seriously Humor Banter Flirting Hijinks & Shenanigans Chaotic Good Batfamily (DCU) Batbrothers (DCU)
It's all hands on deck when a new species of alien threatens earth, and The Team combine forces with the Justice league. But it's not enough. Everyone is ordered to call in any favors they have, any solo heroes they know.
Batman is suspiciously quiet.
AKA: the bats keep showing up in an ever-flowing stream, and the Team begins to think Batman has an adoption problem.
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chernobog13 · 15 days
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BATMAN (vol. 1) #139 (April, 1961). Cover by Sheldon Moldoff (ghosting as Bob Kane) and Ira Schnapp.
The first appearance of Bat-Girl (Betty Kane), the niece of Batwoman (Kathy Kane).
Just as Batwoman was introduced as a romantic interest for Batman, Bat-Girl was intended for the same purpose with Robin. She only appeared seven times over the next three years.
Then in 1964 Julius Schwartz took over as Batman's editor and ushered in his "new look" for the Caped Crusader. The new look added the yellow oval around the bat on Batman's costume, and removed the Silver Age silliness that Schwartz felt was cluttering the book. That meant Batwoman, Ace the Bat-Hound, Bat-Mite, and Bat-Girl were jettisoned from the Batman books.
Ironically, another version of Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, was introduced three years later under Schwartz's supervision. She became highly visible when the character was incorporated into the third season of the Batman television series.
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midnight-skylie · 6 months
This is my list of a potential candidates I would like to see in a Teen Titans team:
Crush, daughter of Lobo. Half alien half human, full chaotic.
Tefé Holland, daughter of Swamp Thing. Super powerful super teen angst.
Anita Fite/Empress (I just need her to return somewhere in DC)
Harper Row/Blue Bird. Much more original bat choice than adding the same Robin or Batgirl again.
Galaxy, an alien superhero. She's such a cool character I hope she'll get more explored.
Alysia Yeoh/Batgirl. (She was originally supposed to be Batgirl. DC I beg you to go back to that storyline and make it happen).
Connor Hawk/Green Arrow. I think he would make a great team leader.
Static Shock (no actual reason I just think it would be cool to see him).
The Aerie. I know the wiki considers them terrorist but they are just an extremist activist. Yes they kill people but they mostly fight currapt politicians and bad people. They are so cool and I think they would get along well in a team.
(and Bette Kane might be a nice touch to add as well, same reason as Anita).
Edit: forgot Xanthe, a nonbinary magician (sort of). I definitely want them on the team as well! They're so cool.
Unconventiona list? Yes. Am I completely delirious and daydreaming? Absolutely. But this are my top choices of characters I think would be interesting to see in a Teen Titans team.
DC please give them more comics I am dying here.
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jonmyblaze · 15 days
So for my miraculous Batman crossover(Which is here by the way)
(The premise is Adrien is the biological son of Selina and Bruce)
I could have Bruce be as young as in his late '40s
Here's how I did the math.
Bat family ages
Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne are 9 years apart from one another. Dick was taken in when he was nine. He went out on his own as late as 12. he left at 18 and became Nightwing at 22
Barbara Gordon and Bruce Wayne are 4 years apart in age. Dick and Barbara are 5
Dick and Bette Kane (og, Robin and Bat-girl / Nightwing in flamebird) are only months apart.(Dick being only slightly older
Again, dick leaves at is at minimum 18. He was still Robin for a few years,.l When he becomes Nightwing At 22.
So this is like a good decade of him being Robin.
Jason Todd got picked up when Dick already left the Manor. When Dick was already Nightwing.
Jason was 13 and he died at age 15.
Tim Drake is 13 when he becomes Robin. (Jason should be 16 )
Stephanie is around the same age as Tim
Nightwing is still in his twenties. Bruce is in his thirties.
Tim Drake lives to be somewhere 17 or 18 when Damien comes into the picture
Damien is 10
Now for my fanfic
I want a 7-year-old Mar'iander Grayson.
Damian would be 2 years older than Adrian And marianette.
(So he could potentially be born during or after nightfall)
And the youngest Helena is a baby.
If I make Adrien 17
That would make Damien 19
Tim Drake would be 29
Jason would be 28-29 ish
(Ain't that a whiplash)
Dick and Bette would be late ' 30s early '40s
And Bruce could be at worst in his late '40s to '50s
(Somebody checked my math please )
Point is for the most part I I'm surprised I got this much of the mental math down. (I got if my math works out
Bruce and dick are 9 years apart
Dick and Jason are 9 years apart.
Honestly, I kind of like that idea Jason thinkings. He's on the older end of the family but he's really not..
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elioherondale · 10 months
PSA: A list of batfam members that idiotic fanon-only ppl have decided to put the mantle of Flamebird on and not seeing how misogynistic that is to Bette Kane
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
Damian Wayne (this is only fine when this is with Jon, IT IS NOT WHEN YOU TRY TO DO THIS WITH GRAYSON)
Jake Grayson (whomever the fuck that is)
Wally West. fucking Wally West. Like, how much of an asshole do you have to be to look at one of the most well-known legacy characters whose era on the title has defined the series and its lore for years to come and think "hmm, y'know, he'd be better as Flamebird"
Carrie Kelley. Girl, she already has three different mantles (Robin, Catgirl, Batwoman), you do NOT have to give her Flamebird.
Barbara Gordon (thank you @blackorchidsonefan). This one is probably the most dramatically ironic. There's a massive amount of people out there who don't see Bette as being the original Batgirl and you're deadass gonna say "yeah, let's make Babs steal BOTH of her mantles"
Unless she happens to fucking die, actually passes on the role of Flamebird or if its for Kryptonian Nightwing and Flamebird, DON'T FUCKING GIVE ANYONE ELSE THE MANTLE OF FLAMEBIRD AND JUST PUT BETTE IN YOUR STORY/FIC/AU INSTEAD.
IT'S NOT EVEN THAT FUCKING HARD, Y'ALL CAN READ MOST OF HER APPEARANCES IN THE SPAN OF A DAY (unless your some of those weird stans who think that reading 2.5 k word fanfics with major mischaracterization is better than reading the source material with pictures and words that only goes for about 20 pages each issue) Anyway, that's my PSA for y'all. Stay cheesy and go read more comics~
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kstarlitchaotics · 2 months
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The original Batfam 🦇
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northoftheroad · 10 months
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Remember when Alfred wrote fan-fiction, and shipped Dick with the first Bat-girl… (Batman vol 2 #163)
Bruce was naturally paired with Kathy Kane in Alfred’s stories…
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tzigone · 8 months
Bette Kane relationships that are important to you? Ideas for new supporting characters that would suit her?
For my headcanon reboot, I'm sourcing opinions. I have an idea of what kind of character I want Bette to be (she's been several different things in the comics), but am much hazier on who I want her to interact with and have strong, long-term relationships with.
She's the former Tennis star who left the gig early (leaving money on the table) because she got bored of it after a Golden Slam. Was going to have her study sports medicine at UCLA, then become an orthopedic surgeon (she's pretty much amazing at anything she attempts). She's been playing tennis competitively for years, so would have millions, but not tens of millions, of dollars at this young age. But if you really like, I guess she could keep up tennis instead.
For the record, in this universe Kate Kane debuts as Batwoman in her late 20s, and Dick is only 4 years younger than her. If I keep Bette the same age as Dick (as I was planning to), then Kate as mentor doesn't work for me.
I was thinking about a Titans West sort of thing with Mal and Karen and maybe later Don Hall and Holly Granger. I'd like at least one more member, though, so Bette isn't a third wheel before Don and Holly arrive and after Hank leaves (when Don "dies" - it's a whole thing). Of course, if she's continuing to pursue a career in tennis, this could be less of a thing.
Hank's in D.C. and Gar in New York at this time, so that puts the out as her daily companions.
I love the idea of characters (especially non-team characters) having civilian supporting casts - ordinary people - around them. But I'm not too good at inventing characters.
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thethirdtriplet · 6 months
Headcanon for Tim’s next birthday:
Tim, about to open Bruce's gift:
Tim: Bruce I swear to god, if this is a repeat of that one birthday, I will kill you, all of Gotham, I’ll even set the whole city on fire, just for good measure.
Bruce, nervous: No it’s not…
The Batfamily:
Tim: What? It was a really bad birthday.
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dcbinges · 1 month
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Solo #7 (2005) by Michael Allred & Lee Allred
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catluniscia · 1 month
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My Card where you can find my socials, where to buy my merch, and commission information, and places to support me like ko-fi https://blackmoonrose13.carrd.co/
Speed paint: https://youtube.com/shorts/pd2t8L7iGzA
Batwoman in the Dc Bombshells series just very league of her own if you know that movie, yes I know based on real woman during war times, I just had some fun and decided to make it look like an old photo autographed and sealed with a kiss a classic
For sale here https://CatLunisciaCreations.threadless.com/designs/bombshells-batwoman-pinup
And here https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/blackmoonrose13/bombshells-batwoman-pinup/
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chernobog13 · 11 months
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The original Bat-Girl and Catwoman, and Bat-Mite by Art Adams.
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