#counterparts of Dick and Babs
satoshy12 · 4 months
Zombie World Isekai
Nightwing, Barbara, Zombies, Danny, Jazz
Dick and Barbara woke up in this new place. It looked like a movie they watched with the zombies.
And both weren't even summoned to the same place.
That was why Dick was traveling with the young, red-haired girl. Who told him she was a "bat-girl"? Who uses a bat to beat up the zombies? He has to give it to her; she is very capable, and the man was hurt as the criminal attacked them.
Barbara was more simple; the young boy with her tried to protect her all the time. Something about making sure she is okay until she is healed, to her surprise. It worked. For a zombie apocalypse, this world has very great medicine.
Danny:" I will protect the counterpart Mom, till she can join."
Danny is simple hero ; that must be his mom's counterpart in this world!! She looks like his mom, but younger!
Jazz just looked at the one with her; he looks like a runt dad.
Barbara is simple, she loves that tiny boy. She would take him with her when she is able to leave this world.
Dick is really trying to make the Girl understand. He is not a RUNT!
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zeroducks-2 · 8 months
My problem with canon DC couples in which the woman is 10+ years older than the man isn't the age gap itself, rather the fact that they age down the woman in question to make her look/act/reference the events of her life as if she was the one with 10 years less than her male counterpart.
Fuck this shit. I want nearly 40s, seasoned vigilante, living breathing encyclopedia of everything because of photographic memory, take shit from no one Barbara Gordon back. I don't want a ditzy young Batgirl de-aged to when Dick was 15.
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human-who-lives · 6 days
I feel like the Batfam are all only allowed 1 social media account for their hero identity (a rule bruce made as compromise for his kids wanting social media)
None of the bats are allowed a TikTok except babs who has an account called Gotham_Bats. Where all she does is post clips of the comms with scrolling text. Everyone is assigned a colour and modulated voice. She only posts vidios under a minute long so if she has a clip that’s longer she will post it in parts, exept she has a strict post schedule of one post a day at 4pm sharp. Everyone stopped begging for a second part bc they know it will be posted the next day.
Steph has an Instagram that Bruce made her promise to get peer reviewed before she posted anything on her story, reels, or regular posting. Not because he doesn’t trust her but absolutely bc he doesn’t trust her. She only ever gets Tim to peer review it bc she knows he will find something incriminating in the photo and she knows to edit that shit out.
Jason has a linkedin just because he thought it would be funny if he did that. He doesn’t regret his decision at all because he made it the most cursed profile ever.
Tim has a tumblr but you have to find who the real red robin is. And he doesn’t make it easy but once you know you know. (Tim gives me went to dashcon vibes Ngl)
Bruce and cass don’t have social media as their hero counterparts. Cass doesn’t have any social media full stop. And Bruce has it bc he was bullied into it.
Duke has a twitter (x whatever it’s called these days) bc he’s a daylight vigilanti people expected him to have the Insta. But no he has twitter. He answers the questions people have bc no one can find Tim’s tumblr to ask him and no one else looks at their comments.
Damian has a Facebook he has never posted to once and isn’t planning on it, everyone assumes it’s some fan account. But Damian gets bored and so he has a total of one post that says “yes I am me” with no other context. He only chose Facebook because he didn’t want to waste his one social media on something the others already had even if he never uses Facebook.
Dick has a Snapchat who like Steph isn’t allowed to post without getting peer reviewed. He always gets the closest person to him to review it esp bc they are usually in the story’s he posts. He doesn’t use the chat feature only the story feature.
The bats know they didn’t all have to choose a different social media but they find it extremely funny that they did bc if someone wants to follow and keep up with all their social medias they are gonna have to work for it. It’s also really funny the people who are searching for everyone’s social medias bc not all of them have them. And if they do they don’t look real (bc that’s the point)
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Related to my prev post:
I don't give two shits if Bruce is written like a bad dad if it means we get good writing for everybody else since i think minorities are more important than a white cishet male nepotism baby unlike his butch lesbian counterpart who's judaism is an actual fundamental part of her character and since he's been written as abusive so consistently over the years it's in-character anyway
Dick can be both bi/pan and demisexual and there's more evidence for the latter than the former so making him be sexually loose is aspec erasure and mspec stereotyping and he dosen't have a thing for redheads,he has a thing for black women and to me the only guy he seems to like romantically is Roy and that adds on to his demisexuality since they're childhood best friends
'Catholic guilt Jason' is a shit headcanon that misses the major and critical part of him being Red Hood that he didn't feel the slightest bit bad about killing people and the point of his redemption was learning remorse,afrolatino Jason isn't based on stereotyping but him filling out so many black and latino cultural aspects and if any hcs for him are stereotyping it's the one that he's a slut because he's a very handsome and hot and cute goth punk man
Tim is perfect the way he is and dosen't need power ups or to get 'punished' for the oh so horrible crime of being a realistic teenage boy,he's not JUST huge a loser or a super cool dude but both at once and it's bad writing and fetishistic to ignore his wide range of relathionships that consists of mostly of women to make him a 'guys guy'
Stephanie is heavily autistic and bpd-coded so she's far from a 'normie',much less an 'it girl' but people see blonde hair and blue eyes and throw away everything else about her because that's all she's worth to them or call her an abuser and a pick me just like they do irl bpdtistic women and she's also canonically pastel/indie punk and a Team Mom but gets her presentation switched to basic and made out to be a womanchild instead
Cass had a million times more moral conflict than Jason ever did,would never in her LIFE wanna be feminine even in the chinese way and would be butch in it instead,turning her scattered speech into sign language is ableist not unlike(but not on the same level as)changing Babs' type of wheelchair disability and she'd be a better Batman than any male character in existense
Duke is only a golden child in the sense he has a yellow motif and is as disruptive and authentically quirky as his siblings,We Are Robin is a better team than the canon Outlaws,his powers are cooler than any Al-Ghul ones you could come up with,he has more femme energy than Tim does and Carrie Kelley ain't shit and only gets brought back to replace him because DC is antiblack
Damian's introduction mentality was a result of not only child abuse but also psychological grooming to get him to dehumanize himself and all his bigoted comments are explained either by him being like 12 or his writers trying to demonize brown people and anybody who thinks he's a bad person is a super-sized pissbaby with no sympathy for kids of color,shipping him with Jon is making a bisexual man into a ped0phile and Jay is good even if aging Jon up wasn't and he should be friends with Maya,Suren,Nell,Colin,Kathy,Maps,Tai and Miles,Gwen,Peni,Pavitr,Hobie and Margo from Atsv and Nico and Hazel from Pjo instead of Billy Batson or Danny Fenton or ANY Mcu characters
Talia is super hot but should be drawn in accurate arab clothes instead 'sexy assasian gear'(not that these two can't co-exist but you get what i mean),her personality is extremely rich and her stories are mega interesting,she's a good mom to Damian and literally never 'took advantage of Jason' seeing as That Scene In Lost Days was decanonized by it's writer who said it was ooc for her on his part,she should've been a mom figure to Stephanie in her Robin Days too since they would get along and she deserved her own run where she takes over Lexcorp to transform it into a force for good and become Superfam-adjacent to free herself from having only male connections
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ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ♡ ༘*.゚Mouse-Trap ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ♡༘*.゚
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《Notes / Ideas / Mini Fic》
In this Au, (Y/N) is the the first sidekick since Dick Grayson is Stray in this timeline. Due to that, her origin is much different.
I would say (Y/N) would take the mantle in her college years.
By day, normal college girl that has a intership at Wayne Enterprise. At night, timid heroine that aids the dark-knight crusader.
With a quiet breath, you do your best to keep up with Mr. Wayne as he walks amongst the party guests. His secretary calling out sick, along with needing you as extra eyes incase of any.. Mishaps.
I would say (Y/N) back story is completely up to ya'll! But overall, she is the eldest sibling of batfam. Adopted or not!
"Ah.. Ms. Kyle." Mr. Wayne gently takes her hand, placing a small kiss on her knuckle as she chuckles gracefully at the contact. "Bruce.." She smirks cheekily, "I see your unacompanied at the moment.."
"I'm not, this is my son, Richard."
I see this (Y/N) is much more dependent on Batman/Bruce than Dick was.
Instead of her leaving Bruce with the intentons of becoming her own hero. He basically had to persuade about it, disscussing it and such.
Which works out! Kinda...
Ms. Kyle states, as you linger behind Mr. Wayne. Trying to take a peek at the situation, until you hear a unfamiliar voice chime in."A pleasure to meet you, Sir." He said respectfully.
Dick however, later on. Does in fact travel out of Gotham and becomes his own seasoned thief.
Later on, becoming more situated in Bludhaven, often visiting Selina!
Overhearing the greetings, you shuffle closer anxiously. Honestly just wanting to head home and finish assignments until patrol. "And who's this?" Ms. Kyle says soothingly as she sees you.
"A-ah.. Uhm.."
I would like to think in this Au, much more magicl-girl vibes!
Also, to add! Bruce is much more protective than usual. Cause I think its funnier!
But this is mainly due to MouseHero!(Y/N) still not as well-trained as Bruce, yet shows promise.
"This is my intern, (L/N), she's substituting for my secretary tonight." Placing a hand on your shoulder. He gently nudges you in front of the two. "Uh.. H-Hello?" You said weakly, doing your best to look at them both.
"Hello there." Ms. Kyle greets kindly, giving a small wave as Richard took a glance at you. "Hi, (L/N). Right?" He greeted charmingly, holding out a hand.
In this Au, there are Robins! But the mantle is always changing.
You blink at his presence, he.. He was gorgeous. His lips pursing into a grin, blue irises taking hold of your heart.
Grasping ahold of his hand, you politlely shake back.
Yawning, Stray boredly stood watch as Selina grabbed the jewel. Smirking, he helped her up, letting her take the lead as he followed after. Running amongst the rooftops. Graceful as their feline personas as they dash.
Wincing slightly, Stray glances at the other building. Seeing a familiar bat-themed caped-crusader on their trail. Rolling his eyes, he kept moving, something or rather.. Someone did catch his intreset..
Gasping in awe at the moonlight, you jump over buildings carefully. Trying to keep up with your mentor as he skillfully plants his feet on the opposing building. You managed to bring your speed up, eagerly leaping forward, eyes bright as a smile blooms on your lips.
Stray, noticing the actions, slows down ever so slightly.. Savoring the raw expression on the heronies features.
Ah.. Far too late to admire when the opposing duos now stood neck and neck.
Civilian (Y/N) is still shy, but more akward and humble, almost embarrssingly . While her Hero counterpart is still shy, a bit more cry-baby with a strong willed-heart. Overall, still the same girl, just one with more confidence.
Babs is still Batgirl! She doesn't date Stray. But does date Dick for a bit, but before they create their hero/vigilante personas, though it doesn't work out. Overall still on good-terms and are besties.
"Aww... Seems Pussy-Cat is gonna' ruin the fun!" Joker laughed, watching Stray pick you up carefully. Your costume torn a bit as you weakly move in his arms in defiance.
"Why don’t cats play cards with mice? They’re too fur-midable at poker!" Joker joked, sweating slightly as he saw the glare directed at him.
I love to think Babara is your utter bestie, in or out of costume. She Dislikes Stray, (she doesn't know its Dick), finds him way too cocky and flashy. Bruce and her team up to scare him away whenever they can, (often failing).
Jason however, finds Stray!Dick annoying but kinda cool. Though, Jay does on occassion get teased by the thief. Which he hates, and goes to (Y/N) with crocodile tears.
It works often, Dick finds it annoying and tries to explain himself as Jason smiles in wickedness. It still works when your all older! What a pain! (Dicks words, not mine.)
In this Au, Dick gives off more "golden-kid" vibes, due to the fact his thief-persona is much more flirty and blunt.
You smile, giggling as the thief dramatically recalls his tales with your "hero-self". Flustered slightly, dumbly nodding along as your chest felt warm.
Stray and Civilian!(Y/N) relationship is sorta like Mari-Chat in a sense (lol).
But I feel like she'd open up to him more due to Dick's flamboyant energy. Finding comfort without the need to be enemies when shes not in uniform.
But with Richard, she's more self concious than ever! Always afraid she'll mess up and ruin their starange friendship and he'll figure who she is.
Batman is so done, while Selina loves her new novela.
Tagging: @gaozorous-rex-blog @b4tm4nn @777ily @celestial-kanzakii
[Yay! I wrote more! Horray! I need to write Hemlock!Jason. But overall one of my favorite Aus! Any more ideas? Send them in! Hearts, comments, fan art are super Appreciated! Check out the extra! Mousequerade Ball!]
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nat1-seductionroll · 1 year
So hear me out: The Batcomputer has the Sims 4 on it.
All packs and kits. No one knows who bought the DLCs or who put it on the computer. Violence mods(deadly toddlers, extreme violence, life's tragedies, etc) are installed. No one knows who installed them. But everyone has their own household. Have some ideas.
Damian's household
It's Damian as a sim because he needs a human sim to play as. The other seven slots are animals. Titus has a sims dog counterpart. Ace does too. Alfred has a cat sim counterpart. The other four are two more cats and two more dogs, all named after fictional classical characters. The house is MADE for the animals. Laser litter boxes, cat trees, automatic feeding bowls, pet beds EVERYWHERE.
Jason's household
He installed the violence mods. Reason? His household is called Jason's Bitch Murder House. It's Jason as a sim, Joker as a Sim, and whatever sibling pissed him off that week as a sim. The house is DESIGNED to kill sims. Except Jason's sim. Jason's sim gets a small area that doesnt kill him.
Tim's household
He has a sim in the basement. There's the household plus one in the basement. The household does not work. The basement sim is their source of income.
Cassandra's household
Cassandra's household's house keeps changing because she is the only one who can build badass multimillion dollar worth of gorgeousness. Since its probably a communal world and therefore same account, she makes the others siblings houses.
Bruce's household
He denies about playing it. But he does. And his household is Sims Bruce, Sims Alfred, and the six siblings that behaved the best that week. Unless, however, there is a mod installed where there can be more than 8 members of the household.
Dick's household
IT WAS DICK. HE PUT THE SIMS 4 ON THE BAT COMPUTER. HE BOUGHT ALL THE PACKS. HE BOUGHT ALL THE KITS. Why? Bruce said he couldnt play the Sims 4 on patrol because its unprofessional but Dick is just like BUT SIMS DICK IS SAD(Inspired by this post). He did it out of SPITE.
I also have some for Steph, Babs, Alfred, Duke and a few of the Kents if you want them. Also maybe Harley Quinn.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
no bond is stronger than the one between a batkid and his corresponding speedster
Literally, there's a speedster to compliment every bat
Dick and Wally have the classic brolationship—they have their own partners but that won't stop them from sleeping in the same bed, ordering one milkshake, or sharing custody of Zitka. They have the comfort of knowing that in every life, they have each other. Plus, Babs and Linda already have their bredding (bro wedding) planned out.
Hear me out: Jason's speedster is Owen Mercer. Owen, who's the second Captain Boomerang with short bursts of speed, can act as both the hero and the villain in different narratives. Unlike his predecessor, his alignment shifts to suit his needs but he's more good than bad, which makes him a prime Outlaw candidate. Also Jason wants to set the record for most redheads collected.
Tim has Bart. A lot of fan portrayals have Bart as tertiary to Tim and Kon (it's even a point of contention in canon). However, I think of Bart's mentality as the antithesis to Tim's. Tim mulls over strategy while Bart chooses to act first. They both have a stubborn righteousness, but Tim is jaded with experience compared to Bart, who maintains a youthful sense of optimism and ambition. They're both geniuses, but Bart is far more in touch with emotions and can call out when something isn't right in a relationship.
Damian has Wallace II. Canonically, they butt heads before coming to the realization they have to team up. Rather than being the opposite, I think Wallace's defiant attitude mirrors Damian's. They've both been let down by the adults in their lives and prefer to take things into their own hands. They both have childish egos that have been subdued over time, which can be both a common ground and a clashing point that keeps their relationship interesting.
I was initially gonna pair Jesse with Babs, but I think there's more growth potential with Steph. They're fast learners who aren't afraid to let themselves feel, and sometimes they're in over their heads. Jesse feels like a future snapshot of Steph. I can see Jesse showing Steph how to channel her passion and energy not just in being hero, but also becoming a better version of herself.
Duke and Cass share Avery. Compared to Duke, Cass and Avery have been around more. I can picture them taking him around the world on new adventures and teaching him tricks that Bruce wouldn't have. Avery switches between places pretty often, which makes her a reliable point of contact outside of Gotham. Also I wanna see Duke and Avery combine their powers.
Babs and Danica are the "let people underestimate us because of our disabilities" duo. While Babs is on the home front as Oracle, Danica is the speedster no one expects because her inhaler throws off all suspicions about her identity. While Danica doesn't quite fit with the Birds of Prey, she still makes a valuable ally.
Thaddeus possesses a cynicism akin to Cullen Row, although Thad is more unhinged. I can see them connecting over their resentment and without anyone to keep them in check, that can be dangerous. However, Harper is more grounded and draws clear moral boundaries, so she acts as a counterbalance that turns a destructive relationship into a productive one.
Jess and Carrie's nonbinary asses would definitely get along. They both have fun personalities and creative ways to navigate situations where not many tools are provided. They can be loud and attention grabbing when they want, but they also know the advantages of being in the background.
Kate and Max are similar in that they're mentors, but they're also not. They're the ones who step in when the usual mentor figures (Bruce and Barry) fall short. They have a distant exterior but provide lots of love and support once someone gets through to them, and they're not afraid to call out their counterparts.
Alfred and Jay have plenty of experience under their belts and don't let their age keep them from the action. It's abundantly clear that they care about their families, and it hurts when they can't protect them from everything. Jay has a more American Grandpa sense of humor while Alfred has the dry British wit, so together they're unstoppable.
John Fox barely shows up in the comics, but when he does he's doing what he thinks is best only to land in trouble. Selina would relate to the messy history and moral ambiguity where actions don't match intentions. They also both have a knack for disguises and can exchange tips.
Bruce has Barry, obviously. Their relationship is similar to Tim and Bart's. Bruce definitely lets the grimdarkness seep into how he sees the world, whereas Barry can step back and look at things from an objective lens. Not everything need a complicated plans with a thousand contingencies, so Barry is like the common sense/Occam's Razor. Plus, we all love how he and the team mess with Bruce—it's what Bruce needs.
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luvly-writer · 1 year
“But oh..cara mia”
Ch. 1: So what did i miss?
Dick Grayson x Latina! Reader
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: none
Author’s Note: Seeing as “You are my sunshine” is ending, I published the first chapter to get you guys as excited as I am for this story.  Warnings, in this story, heavy amounts of character trauma will be discussed. Therefore, heavy amounts of angst will be shown. Worry not though, fluff and feels will also be a part of it. Enjoy the first chapter and if you’d like to be part of the tag list, don’t be afraid to send me an ask, reply on the chapters, or send me a message. Feedback is always positively welcomed and loved. Love you all!
Taglist:  @lorosette @nanas-teatime @prettyacademia00
Series Masterlist:
It had been a quiet night on patrol. Nothing big had happened, just a few thugs here and there. Everyone had retired for the night and decided to crash at Wayne Manor. First arrived Babs, Steph, and Cass, they had been the group closest to the manor. Then came, Tim, Jason, and Duke. Dick, Damian, and Bruce arrived last.  They had all entered and headed directly to the changing rooms, too busy with the chatter and banter to even pay attention to the batcomputer.  Funny enough, for a group of vigilantes and the world’s greatest detectives, no one noticed the figure next to Alfred, smirking at them from the seat of the batcomputer. “They really are hopeless sometimes” the young girl laughed at Alfred who nodded along with a soft smile. Finally, everyone had returned and noticed someone had been sitting waiting for them. 
“Well, i’ll be fucking dammned,” said Jason with a laugh as the girl jogged towards them. “Hello strangers!” she giggled as Cass, Stephanie and Barbara went to hug her. Next was Tim and Jason who couldn’t help but tease her for leaving them for two whole years. Duke then smiled as the young girl jumped in his arms and hugged him tightly whilst screaming that God-awful nickname she knew he hated but secretly loved, “Duckie!” Finally, she turned to the last three, first giving a hug to Bruce, the man who had come to love her as one of his own. Then she turned to Dick, and Damian swore the cave turned tense for a second. He looked at both of them, who were standing face to face, looking at each other dead in the eye. Damian looked around, confused at the anxious faces of everyone around. Even his father was looking at them wearily. “Richard,” she said dryly, to which her counterpart responded just as drily with a nod, “YN”. They kept eye contact for a few moments and when she broke it off to look at Damian, everyone let out a sigh of relief. “Bruce! YOU GOT ANOTHER ONE!” she said looking at him bewildered. She turns to the man and says, “Ok, that’s it, you definitely have a problem, Bruce. You can’t keep exchanging therapy for adopting orphans. I thought we were past that!” making the rest laugh. It wasn’t Yn if she isn’t berating Bruce on something. Bruce at least had the decency to look bashful and Damian spoke up before he could open his mouth, “I am not an orphan, I’m his son. THE blood son”. Yn eyes widened and she looked at Bruce who confirmed his claims. “I leave for two years and come back to find you have a biological kid! Bruce! You could have at least sent an email of precaution!” she says and Bruce shoots back, “I would have if you hadn���t been traveling constantly or in Themyscira” to which the girl smiled bashfully. “You said I needed a break, so I took it.” making the rest laugh. It was good to have her back. Before long, they had migrated to one of the living rooms where she told them all about her adventures and gave them little souvenirs. Throughout this entire time, Damian observed her carefully. She was open with everyone else, yet guarded with Grayson. There were times he would find them looking at each other when the other wasn’t paying attention. A strange fondness could be found in their eyes.
Finally, everyone started to retire to their bedrooms, but before he did, Yn called him out. They were left alone in the living room, with Damian looking at her curiously. “Heard you are half Arab,” she said looking at him softly. She was kind, that he could tell. “He answered quickly, wanting to know what she wanted from him, “Yes, I was raised at the League of Assasins by my mother and Grandfather.” She nodded, “Ras Al Ghul and Talia Al Ghul, damn, another traumatized kid to the bunch. How’d that happen with B?” she said not expecting an answer but Damian cleared it up for her, “She drugged him. Doesn’t take a genius to know it”. She hummed in response and pulled something out of her bag. It was an elephant figurine, beautiful in all aspects. It was jade with golden accents. Truly a remarkable piece. She extended her hand towards him and presented it to him. “Here, a small present. As a welcome to the family. I got it when I visited Arabia. Elephants are my favorite animals, thought you’d like it,” she said and smiled when he took it. He felt a warm sensation in his chest, one he wasn’t used to. Giving her a nod, he thanked her and left for his room. She could see the small smile he was trying to suppress. Once in his room, Damian placed the figurine on his bedside table. Admiring it a little, his thoughts were full of the observations he made of today. Yn Ln. First, he identified what was known. Everyone in the family seemed to be quite fond of her except Grayson, which was out of character seeing as he was normally the warmest. She was kind, and he would understand the fondness of everyone else. She seemed to know all of them quite well, meaning her presence in the family must go way back. And finally, things between Grayson and her were NOT good. Now to what he didn’t know. What exactly was her part in this family? Why does she have such influence over everyone? And his biggest doubt, what the hell happened between Grayson and her that caused everyone to tense up at a mere staredown between the two. That night, as he went to sleep, he assigned himself a new mission. Find out who is Yn Ln and what went wrong between her and Grayson. 
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mattzerella-sticks · 8 months
"You can live a normal life. Fall in love."
I think this scant piece of ranting says a LOT about how Bruce sees Batman. It's not just a duty. It's a curse. Your blessings are also your damnations. Bruce thinks that you cannot fall in love while you are a vigilante (despite COUNTLESS EVIDENCE THAT DISPROVES THIS - Dick and Babs, Clark and Lois, Ollie and Dinah, etc.)
But Bruce has a very myopic viewpoint that leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy. He hasn't had success in romance as Batman. It's Batman's fault. He can't give up Batman. Ergo, he cannot 'find love' in the nuclear family, heteronormative sense because of Batman.
Let's look at the three 'greatest loves' of Batman's life according to his and Ghostmaker's trip into his psyche.
Selina Kyle. Talia al Ghul. Poison Ivy.
I'll work backwards. Ivy is a placeholder because she was never really his. She never loved him, and his love for her was chemically induced. But he has her there, why? Maybe to say that it doesn't work out because she chose someone else.
Talia. The mother of his child who is also the Demon's Head. It would never work because of his strict code against killing and her ambivalence towards it. Ironically, they have the healthiest relationship imo that probably was born from necessary co-parenting. While they don't care for what the other does, they respect and care for each other and have deep history. He thinks if he can't make it work with the mother of his kid, who can he make it work with?
Selina Kyle. Probably the closest (at this point in canon) Bruce has ever come to having a relationship that works. But every time it looks like it'll be a sure hit, something gums up the works. Most of the time, it's each other as there are key aspects of their identity that neither are willing to compromise for. And usually, when there is a compromise, it's usually on Selina's part whereas Bruce can continue being Batman. That puts a huge power imbalance in the relationship. It doesn't work out because Selina will always be drawn back to crime, and Batman will have to stop her. Bruce supposes that's what you get for falling for a criminal.
In all three, Bruce creates logical reasons why Batman is incapable of having a relationship and uses that to justify why he cannot have romance in his life. Why having this duty is a curse. Why he is showing love by getting his kids 'out' of the life, through whatever means necessary.
However, with Selina taking a chunk out of crime through a grey method, she is pulling at a foundational aspect of his personality - I'd argue the safety net Bruce created for himself when he was that boy in the alley - and, in turn, making the Batman/Zur persona go nuts. Zur sees her methods not a way to help Gotham but as an attack on him since, if this can save Gotham what is the point of Batman? What was the point of Bruce's vow? What was it all for?
Zur is giving Bruce a reason to keep going, to keep putting on the mask, so he doesn't have to confront what's under the mask when there's no crime to fight. To deal with his personal life and relationships and mhi that need to be dealt with.
And Selina and the Batfamily are right, this shouldn't have turned into a war. They shouldn't be fighting. This is an unforseen side effect of them fulfilling Bruce's wish which is to make Gotham safe when, in reality, maybe thats not what Batman wants because what safe Gotham would need Batman?
Almost like when in Infinite Crisis, Superman of earth one asks his earth two counterpart: "if your earth was perfect, why did it need a superman?"
A safe Gotham doesn't need a Batman and, after all the stress and trauma Bruce has suffered since he put on that cowl, he is not ready to hang it up. It is his burden and his joy. As much as he grouses about the crime and how much work it is to keep Gotham 'clean' he hates sitting on his hands with nothing to do.
Ironically, Batman of Zur En Arrh reminds me of what happened to Robin in Teen Titans Go! in 'Uncle Jokes' when Starfire started acting like Cyborg and Beast Boy, breaking the natural order of how he saw the world and making him go cuckoo. The same thing is happening to Bruce.
He needs to realize that he can still be Batman but he can also not be in control. That Bruce is the one stopping him from finding 'love' in a traditional sense, not Batman. That he has love and a family and he does not need to keep pushing everyone away because he thinks it's better for them and he knows best.
Batman is Gotham's greatest hero, Bruce Wayne's love, but he's also Bruce's greatest rogue. Duality.
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
My 'Dick is a trans woman who's egg cracks as Robin' au/rewrite so far
Cw for mentions of ped0philia and implied attempted csa by Slade and transmisogyny in the last part
Her base design is her Wfa one since that's the most accurate to irl romani people but there's also obvs some significant differences:Since she went on puberty blockers and hrt,she has more feminine facial features and is shorter(because estrogen makes you shrink)with a curvy build and is pretty busty.As Robin,she has a short low ponytail and as Nightwing,she has a wolfcut
Very much a tomboy from day one and stays that way forever which made it hard for her to realize her womanhood but then Babs,who is also a gnc transfem,became her friend and helped her realize who she really is.They consider eachother sisters
Roy is her love interest simply because transmasc4transfem Dickroy is my favorite version of the ship.Their dynamic isn't changed too much due to how much romantic subtext they have already-The only big difference is that their feelings are explicit here.Also,they transitioned together <3
Her costume as Robin post egg cracking is the same only with shorts instead of tights and her Discowing one has a chest window instead of a deep v-neck to show off how well her estrogen is working(Kory's idea btw).Her regular/current canon costume remains unchanged
Her and Jason are super close when he's Robin because from speaking from my experience as an irl eldest sister,older sisters and younger brothers tend to get along the best.When he becomes Red Hood,she wants him to stop killing and to come back to the family but less 'I can fix him :(' and more 'That little motherfucker is gonna let me fix him if he knows what's good for him'
More maternal but not due to being a woman,rather because she spends more time with kids(See the Robin!Jason thing + Becoming Lian's stepmom)
I'm not a raging misogynist so there's no instinces of her being SA'd but Slade does have (disgusting ass) feelings for because of what a creep he is to male!Dick making me believe he would canonically if he weren't straight but he never succeeds in forcing himself on her.Related,Tara is written like her animated counterpart in regards to how sympathically she's potrayed and becomes an official Titan with Dick as the first one to welcome her in as an ally.And [Dick] does still get sexually harrased because of how beautiful and voluptous she is but not nearly as severely and it's played strictly as a bad thing and the people doing it have consequences given to them
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rubydubydoo122 · 2 months
In every universe Jason Peter Todd dies young. It’s a fate sealed across the multiverse. Maybe he could hope that there’s one universe where he doesn’t. aka, Jason, Dick, and Bruce go multiverse hopping, and are not having a fun time. (Ps, when I started writing this fic I hced Jason as Latino, but I don't really believe in that hc anymore, so just a heads up if you don't like that hc)
TRIGGER WARNING -> Child Death. (it's Jason)
“It seems that instead of teleporting us to a set coordinate, the device is sending us across different realities.” Bruce roughly folded up his suit and placed it in the duffle bag. “It’s too early to see if there’s a pattern, or if it’s random, but we were in the first two for different amounts of time. The first one lasted for two hours and 10 minutes, the second reality lasted for an hour and three. Knowing Tim, he’s already working on a way to pull us out. We are going to figure out how to help from our end.”
Dick balled up his suit and tossed it into the duffle, “Should we ask our counterparts for help?”
Ah, ok, so they were just going to skip over the fact that they had just watched Jason die. Twice. “Depends on the universe. Vampire Batman sucks .” Pun very much intended. 
He realized Bruce and Dick were giving him twin confused looks, “You two aren’t the only ones who’ve gone on multiversal adventures.” Jason shook out his fingers. This is why he hates the cold. The bone deep pain is annoying, and it causes his joints to stiffen up like an old man.
Dick frowned, “When?”
Jason shrugged and took weight off of his left knee and hip. Stupid crowbar. “After Duela Dent died, but before Bruce got lost in the timestream.”
“Ahh, so during your villain era.” He zipped up the duffle bag.
“No.” Jason crossed his arms and huffed, “There was a brief moment of time where I was toeing the line of Anti-Hero. It was during that era.”
“You always toe the line of Anti-Hero.”
Jason pitched his voice and wrinkled his nose, “ You always toe the line of– ”
“Boys.” Ugh, Bruce said it in his ‘Robin’ tone. “Focus.”
Jason peeked out the window. Oh! Bingo! “The Library’s across the street.” It was a good place to gather information, especially if you were stranded without electronics. Jason would know. He’s done it many many many times. 
He used to go to this Library all the time. When Babs used to tutor him, when Bruce tried to give him something familiar. When he’d come here every weekend with Mami and they’d sit on the couch shaped like a stack of books, reading for hours and hours. Then they’d come home with a stack of books to last them through the week.
Dick glanced out of the window, “Think we’ll run into Babs?” 
Jason snorted, as they walked out of the door. “Think we’re in a timeline where she hates you for being an idiot? Oh my god, what if you’re with Kori right now?”
Dick squinted at him, “What if… you shut your mouth, Mr. I died a kiss virgin .”
Jason flicked his forehead, “Imagine going back and forth between the same four redheads for over a decade. Couldn’t be me.”
Dick swatted the back of his head
“Ow! Bruce! Dick hit me!” Did it actually hurt? No, but it’s the principal of the matter. If your older brother hits you, you have to overreact to get him in trouble.
“What– Bruce, but Jason started it.”
Bruce didn’t respond to that, to which Jason gave Dick a shit eating grin, “Well whaddya know? You die three times, you become the favorite.” 
“ Jason .”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry old man.” The crosswalk turned green, but they made sure to triple check before actually crossing. It’s Gotham. No one drives like a sane person.
No one in Gotham was a sane person. It’s because of all the curses, and the water. 
The only other person who seemed to be in the library was the librarian, and no, it wasn’t Babs. He couldn’t figure out if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He’ll figure out once they know if this is a good Batman Universe or a bad Batman Universe.
They made a beeline for the computers, and Bruce used the guest sign on. It was 2014, so Jason was probably Robin, unless it was one of those timelines where he didn’t even exist. They first went to the Gotham Gazette, and surely enough the top headline was from two days ago, and read, “Batman and Robin send Two-Face back to Arkham. ” Along with a picture of Batman with a hand on Robin’s shoulder while they watched Two-Face being loaded into a cop car. It was definitely him as Robin, and he’s pretty sure that was the day he tried to kill Two-Face because he had killed Papi.
So it’s a Good Batman Universe.
Dick started fussing with Jason’s hair, “You should bring back the hair loopies.”
Jason was about to swat Dick’s hand away, but then he realized that maybe Dick needed the physical contact to confirm he was alive, so he just fixed Dick with a look. “It doesn’t look the same with the white streaks. And I don’t feel like dying them black. It makes it look like I’m balding when the roots grow in.”
Dick frowned, “You mean you don’t bleach it?”
Jason just raised an eyebrow. He’s been keeping the vitiligo a secret from Dick and he was not about to ruin it because they were stranded. He’s not ashamed of it or anything, he just wants to see how long it takes Dick to figure out. The patches that have lost pigmentation look more like freckles, and since he’s gotten a proper diet the patches haven’t grown. 
The only people who know are Bruce, Alfred, and Leslie, and they’ve all been sworn to secrecy. 
He used to dye his hair in his Robin days. Just to preserve their secret identity. Now, since he wears a helmet, it doesn’t really matter. (That and he’s legally dead. He doesn’t really need to keep his secret identity a secret.)
Even though they knew they could trust this word’s Batman, Bruce continued to go through news articles. Mr. needs to know everything about ourselves.
The main door to the Library opened, Jason, Dick and Bruce all looked to who came in and froze. “Bruce, you didn’t have to bring me here. We have so many books back at the manor.” That was his little tiny baby voice. That was a little tiny him.
“I know, but sometimes, having something familiar to fall back on can be nice. Especially when everything’s so new,” Huh. 
He forgot about how caring Bruce could be at times. (He didn’t. He could never forget. Not when he was one of the few people who have ever shown him kindness. He just chooses to push that Bruce deep down to be locked up in his memories.) Now he’s all doom, gloom, and brood.
He heard his younger self scoff, “Did you…” Jay trailed off “ Papi?”
The pair came closer to them, before stopping a few paces away.
Jason gave them a smile. He wasn’t sure what he was going for, awkward, or apologetic. Maybe a bit of both.
Bruce (the older one) cleared his voice from where he was sitting, “Hello, Bruce, Jason. ART is nice,” Alternate Reality Travel . “Maybe we can look at those books together.” 
Honestly, it was just a crazy good coincidence that the Art section was in the back of the library. 
Bruce (the younger one) crossed his arms and stood slightly in front of Jay. “What’s the story?”
It was a chance to weave their code phases into what they were about to say. Would they be the same throughout the multiverse? 
“ One bad night , we were tracking down an operation run by one of the newer rogues, and we got hit by an interdimensional ray. We’re being thrown across realities seemingly at random. We have only been to two so far.” 
Younger Bruce nodded, then looked to Dick, and then to Jason. A soft smile appeared on Bruce’s face (One that radiated so much pride it hurt,) “You two are so big.” Before either of them could respond to that, He patted their shoulders, “Alright, let's get to the manor. Maybe we can figure some things out over there.”
They went to leave, but before they did, Jay snagged a couple of books off of different shelves. Maybe being a book nerd was also a universal constant. 
They waited for Jay to check out his books, and then they hit the streets. Younger Bruce apparently parked a couple of blocks away. He’d been awfully quiet since they said they were from an Alternate Reality. Though, to be fair, the timing is awful. He remembers being really withdrawn. For a while after he learned Papi was dead. 
They were walking in pairs on the sidewalk, both Jasons in front, Dick and Bruce behind them, and the old Old Man bringing up the rear.
“So… Dick, how are things in New York?”
Jason and Jay shared a look. He forgot how awkward they used to be if they weren’t screaming at each other or working on a case. 
“Actually, I live mostly in Gotham now. It was Blüdhaven for a while, but with five other siblings, you wanna stay close to home.”
Bruce blinked, “F- Five?”
Dick snorted, “And that’s not even counting the ones who you’ve emotionally adopted. I don’t think B would be able to give you an official number. It’s always ‘I have six children, but there's also…’ and then proceeds to list seven more names.”
The Old Man just grunted.
Dick kept chattering about Bruce's adoption addiction, as they made it to the cross walk. Vaguely talking about random habits each of them have without giving too much away. Though it was another dimension, Jason didn’t know why Dick didn’t just tell Bruce outright. Maybe if Jay had some siblings before he learned about Sheila, one of them would be able to talk him out of going. Though, the only ones that were currently available for Bruce to take in were Cass and Damian, and neither of them liked Jason all that much. Damian’s quarreling about being the ‘blood son’ might even drive him away even faster. 
Jay tugged at the end of Jason’s sleeve, his voice was small when he spoke, “Does it… does it ever get better? Does it ever… stop hurting?”
Jason thought about it for a minute. He couldn’t exactly tell the kid that grieving your parents goes forgotten when you’re mourning the person your Dad used to be, even though he’s right in front of you. How miniscule those griefs seem when every moment you’re mourning yourself for what seems like till the end of time. “I mean, when you think about Mami does it still hurt?”
Jay chewed the inside of his cheek and nodded. 
“It… It never really stops hurting. You’ll miss people who meant the whole world to you. People who still do. Even though it’s been years, some days I’ll have the overwhelming urge to put on Billy Joel because I miss listening to Papis voice singing along. Sometimes I just want to curl up in someone’s lap and have them run their fingers through my hair because that’s what Mami used to do. Sometimes—“ he’ll bake too many treats because working in the kitchen seems to bring Alfred’s spirit to life right next to him. Sometimes, Bruce will be yelling at him about his ‘recklessness’ and Jason will have the overwhelming urge to grab his arm and run up to the library because he missed the nights they used to stay up together reading. He misses Bruce’s deep timbre lulling him to sleep. He missed the way Bruce would somehow fend off his worst nightmares. “Sometimes, you miss people so badly. So bad that it hurts something deep inside you, and that pain never really goes away. But the more you let yourself feel that hurt, the less painful it is. So it still hurts, but it gets better. Even when things seem hopeless. Does… Does that make sense?”
“Yeah.” Jay nodded, setting his eyes on the couple in front of them. “So…Are Babs and Dick together in your universe? Or is it Wally? Or Kori? Why does Dick only have a thing for redheads?” 
Jason snorted as the little green walking man lit up, and the couple immediately started walking. “Beats me, little man.” He could totally see them all in a polyamory though. It would solve a lot of problems for Dick.
They must not be from around Gotham if they trust the drivers that much.
Jason watched as Jay’s eyes widened, and he suddenly bolted, “ Move !” There was the sound of a horn, as Jay shoved the couple out of the way. Followed by the sickening crunch of a body making impact with a metal sheet.
No. He wasn’t supposed to get hurt here. Obviously it was an alternate reality, but how could he have just died from something as simple as a car crash? Why did he have to have a martyr complex and save those people?
“No, no, no, Kid, stay with me.” He lifted Jay up and onto the sidewalk. He could hear yelling in the background, but couldn’t bother to pay attention.
“‘M ‘Rgna g’rge”
Jason had to think about that for a moment, “ Regina George ? Seriously? You just got hit by a car. Not a bus.”
Jay just coughed and gave him a bloody smile.
Punctured lung, probably. That’s not even counting the probable head injury, and– the fatality rate for car crashes are higher for children than adults. Jay’s not gonna make it.
Bruce kneeled next to Jay, and swiped the hair from his forehead, “Old man Bruce is calling 911, Dick is yelling at the driver.” 
He made eye contact with Jason. They both knew Jay wasn’t making it out of this one.
Jay probably knew that too. “Th’re’s a…place… ‘the sidew’lk ‘nds…”
Bruce’s mouth twitched before he began to recite the poem, “ There is a place where the sidewalk ends; And before the street begins; And there the grass grows soft and white; And there the sun burns crimson bright.” His voice got softer and softer with each word, like it usually did while he read in the library, “And there the–the moon-bird rests from his flight; To cool in the peppermint wind.” Bruce sniffled and looked at Jason. Eyes dangerously glossy. Like tears were about to pool out. 
Jason swallowed the lump from his throat, “Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black; And the dark street winds and bends; Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow; We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow; And watch where the chalk-white arrows go; To the place where the sidewalk ends.” 
“ Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow; And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go; For the children, they mark, and the children, they know; The place where the sidewalk ends.” Jay’s eyes glazed over, as the last of his light dimmed behind them. Jason’s stomach knotted as he brought two fingers to gently slide his eyelids shut. He’d done that for multiple people who he had found dead in the alley, he just never thought he’d ever do that for himself. “ May holy Mary, the angels, and all the saints come to meet you as you go forth from this life.”
Then everything turned to white.
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All Dick & Babs interactions from the newest Harley Quinn animated series: The legions of bats! issue
Dick and Barbara aren't dating on that universe (yet) but that doesn't mean they don't have some interesting interactions like their counterparts on every other universe.
At the begging on the issue, Barbara complains that she has to babysit Cass and Dick being true to his name makes fun of it:
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After Cass beats her up over a video game (🤣) sweetheart Babs hopes that Dick is having a better time than her:
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Later on, Dick calls the bats to aid him:
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Which leds to Dick&Babs fighting like an old married couple over the rights of kids participating in the fight,lol:
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jzbnee · 2 months
omg jezebunny hiiiii~ <3 i like ur new sideblog its very nice
i would like to know more about gone girl stephcentric and brujay vampire au please <3
omg ; v; bean!!! ty for hitting me up 🥺
gone girl stephcentric is a kind of ancient wip but one i had a lot of crazy ideas for??? i believe it was going to be kind of steph with a robin harem sort of?
bruce activated his protocol to pull all of the Standard Robins out of play by framing them in a human trafficking ring crime & getting the authorities to bring all of them in at once. Steph goes to ground/fakes her own abduction (with the implication that she might have been one of the women abducted in the ring) and is trying to figure shit out, while babs + cass + duke are also trying to figure shit out together... this fic features a lot of tv/interview clips alternating with prose!
brujay vampire au was actually backstory for an rp that got a little out of control... i think the rp is dead but i was playing jason and had a very elaborate mental image for what was going on with them. it was going to kind of highlight how they were both different from their canon counterparts while emphasizing bruce's unique fondness for/obsession with jason. kind of lost steam for it when the rp died (the plot of that was that dick & tim & jason were conspiring to kill bruce together which was v funny to me)
putting excerpts of both under a readmore!
gone girl stephcentric
Barbara turned to Cassandra and Duke. Cassandra’s body was stiff, ready for a fight any second. Duke 
“If I’d gotten to their places right after, then-”
Raising her hand, Barbara cut Duke off. He shouldn’t be blaming himself. This had come totally out of left field and the ball smelled fishy, too. 
“None of us were expecting this. Don’t beat yourself up.”
“Steph?” Cass asked, hands flexing at her sides. Yeah. Barbara was feeling helpless, too. Not for long, though. She’d figure this out.
“No word yet.”
“You checked the cams at her place, right?”
“Who do you think you’re talking to? I’m the reason those cams are there in the first place.”
“Sorry, guess I’m nervous,” Duke rubbed at the back of his neck.
“Me too.” 
“Well,” said Barbara. “I’m sending one of my contacts over to Steph’s place now. I don’t know where she is, but she wouldn’t vanish like this without a good reason.”
“...Bruce?” Frowning, Cass looked at the screen, then at the communicator she’d brought along. This room had controlled frequencies, but it would let in contact if it came from an approved channel. Bruce hadn’t messaged any of them.
“Compromised. We’re flying blind on this one. I want us to maintain normal behavior in civilian mode for now. I’ll set up a new meeting location, one Bruce doesn’t know about. We’ll meet again in eight hours. If you want to do solo investigation, that’s fine, but stay away from their apartments in daylight.”
“Got it,” said Duke. Cass nodded, though there was a shift to her mouth that indicated she’d disobey in a heartbeat if she thought she could find something. Barbara understood that impulse, and maybe she would find something. Better to let it go for now.
brujay vampires
"Here we are again," Bruce mused. He crossed one leg over the other. The tiger's teeth were brushing Jason's face. Each inhale and exhale moved his hair. "Sire and childe, reunited."
"Yeah," Jason said lamely. Bruce's arm went over his shoulder. Despite himself, he listed to the side, into Bruce's steady presence. Remembered when he'd been small and Bruce had been everything to him-- protector, father, mentor, sire.
Bruce's thumb brushed his shoulder. Jason sighed, body relaxing in increments.
"I missed this," Bruce continued. "Missed you, Jason. It hasn't been the same without you."
"...Missed you, too," Jason allowed. The tiger's mouth was closing around him. And to entertain whom? No one else was here. Still, he could picture the clapping and cheering from the audience as he risked his life for their measly entrance fees. Others called for the clowns to come back out.
Jason hated clowns. This was at least better than clowns.
"But I wonder..." And there it was. The trailing off, the deliberate shrug. The sigh.
Jason's body tensed as if bitten, and Bruce's fingers dug into his shoulder, tight and hard.
"What." Jason's voice was tighter. Hoarse, already."I wonder why my precious little boy, when he found himself alive, didn't come find his sire. Why he wandered for years. Why he let someone else turn him the second time.”
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starwalker03 · 11 months
What would happen if the WMLP cast magically switched places with their same age canon counterparts?
Oh goddddddd. Oh boy.
Ten years time is like. Post season four yj. I didn't finish season four because *waves hand in general direction of the show* but like. Oh boy.
First off, Wally is dead in the show. Like he's proper dead. We kept expecting them to bring the bitch back but nO. So like. Man's just ⭐appears⭐ to find everyone is mourning him, which sure that's the same in his own universe, but also has to deal with the fact that when they fix this they lose him all over again.
But that aside. Elephant in the room. Dick Grayson. Oh boy.
I think season four left Jason still with the league of assassin's but I'm not sure. Either way I think by this point in the timeline he'd have started his red hood shit. Steph and Cass are present as well, and Tim is Robin, and Babs is Oracle. Heck I'm pretty sure Babs and Dick are in a relationship still at the end of season four. Things are a complicated mess but they're functioning. And then you throw wmlp Dick in there and take out the one guy (canon Dick) who probably stood a chance at playing moderator and keeping things civil. Dick will pick a fight with Bruce almost immediately and Bruce will almost definitely lose, because he doesn't want to fight Dick, will be caught by surprise, and has no idea how to handle this version of Dick. His head will go through a wall and anyone who gets in the way will join him.
Oh boy Artemis. Artemis is raising Lian with Roy in the show as far as I'm aware. So Artemis wakes up in a random house but oh hey there Lian okay maybe something weird happened and she can just find Jade and ask- holy shit what's Roy doing here? Also why does he have that beard? And uh... Well he's put on weight? Uhhhhhhhhh- They probably have a weird confusing talk over coffee but for the most part it's fine and she's so happy to see Lian with her dad and then they go to the league and for a moment she can pretend that this is her life. That she can have this. For a moment, then she has to get to work and fix things.
Conner waking up and having a family, having Jon and Clark and he's so happy. But first he wakes up, rolls over, and Morgan is in his bed.
M'gaan wakes up in an unfamiliar bed often enough but then she opens her eyes and it's Conner. She just lies there a moment in shock and eventually just says 'well this was unexpected'. Conner hugs her, because oh my god it's m'gaan and I miss her and I haven't seen her in so long and- she kicks him off the bed. They stumble around in the house trying to figure out what the hell is going on and they're starting to consider their options when a car pulls in and it's Clark and Loud and Jon and they consider pretending they're not home for a while because FUCK. But they can't avoid it and Lois and Clark are going on about some family picnic they have planned and the two of them are just standing there. And eventually they're looking at them like 'hey what's wrong?' because man they're acting off and they just kinda nervously laugh and M'Gaan smiles and is like 'oh were from another universe'. Chaos ensues.
Kaldur tho. Oh my god Kaldur waking up in whatever house or apartment or whatever his other version has and he's just sitting there freaking the fuck outfit a very long time. Eventually Artemis probably calls him or smth idk and he's like 'cool cool brilliant I'm just gonna. Collect all my silly brain stuff. All my stuff. Just gonna put that in a bag. And then in a box. And we're gonna put that on a shelf. And pretend it's not there'.
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cologona · 4 months
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Why does everyone love Red Hood so much?
If I were to continue this pattern with the girls I’d say…
Cassandra is Batman the penitent.
Steph is Batman the unyielding.
Babs is… Batman the vigilant I suppose.
(To be honest I don’t know Babs very well. I do get the impression that she has a similar thing about control though, hence the surveillance. Ah.. the limits of my vocabulary. )
It’s interesting that the boys all work as extensions of Bruce, and were all “built” by him in some way. Even Damian, who arrived at Bruce’s doorstep already a formidable combatant, had to learn how to be a Hero✨ from Dick and Bruce.
The girls don’t work this way. Damian’s female counterpart in this analysis is Cassandra, and not only did she arrive in Gotham already a fighter she had her own no-kill principles completely independent of the Bats. The girls have similarities to Bruce as people, but they’re ultimately separate from him.
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Oc short stats for my main ocs
Full name: Rooty Beera Float Age: 9 (when she meets bros and games events) Species: Sundae Glass (rootbeer float) Gender: Female Sexuality: Pan Race (human counterpart): Irish/African American Height: 4'6 (9-14 probably) 6'0 (15-adult) Likes: Detective Sketch, Mugman, Cuphead, Kettle, Tea, Joe, punching shit, Flower (best friend), little kids, beating up actual bullies, Chalice (sometimes) her biological father (yes she still likes and loves him) Dislikes: Being tall for her age, large bodies of water (as far as aquaphobia), not knowing what's going on, letting people see her cry, admitting she's susceptible to feelings, alcohol, Puff, Chalice (sometimes) Voice Claim: Bridget Fitzimmons --- Full name: Flower Gal Locera Age: 8 (when she meets bros) 10 (events of game) Species: Oleander Gender: Female Sexuality: Demisexual Demiromantic Race (human counterpart): anything white southern US
Height: 3'3 (13) 5'0 (18 onward) Likes: Betty Locera, Cuphead, Mugman, Rooty, Elder Kettle, Tea and Joe, Cagney (sometimes), gardening, pleasing Ma Dislikes: people being jerks, Cuphead/Mugman/Rooty not thinking before doing things, Ma's nagging, Puff (she has some sympathy for Huff), the dark Voice Claim: Faline (I did the sequel because she doesn't talk much as a fawn in the first movie, mainly giggles and squeals lol) --- Full name: Tea Kettler Java Age: 35 (game events) Species: Teacup Gender: Female Sexuality: Willing to learn about herself Race (human counterpart): African American + Native American Height: 4'10 Likes: Her father, Joe, her babies, Bean, Babs (the goat), cooking, baking, being bossy, dancing, singing, Rooty, Flower, Betty, Puff (she's a bad influence to Chalice but she's nice to Chalice and no longer messes with the boys so she lets it slide) Dice, Lucile, Pyra, Jr. Dislikes: People bossing her around, Cinnamon, Devil, Ludwig (She LOATHES him lol), Cinnamon, she also hates Cinnamon, did I mention- Voice claim: Charlotte La Bouff
--- Full name: Joe Java Age: 37 (game events) Species: Mug Gender: Male Sexuality: Bi (bro doesn't realize-) Race (human counterpart): Cowboy. I mean this in the most non-offensive way. Caucasian cowboy from southern California- Height: 5'8 Likes: His mother, Tea, Kettle, his boys and girls, Pyra, Jr., Luci, Rooty, Flower, Betty, Dice, Sketch, building, falling off of shit while building apparently, taste testing Tea's food, telling stupid dad jokes, making things, his building crew (they're like family), good moments he and Cinnamon have together. Dislikes: Devil, Cinnamon (he still loves him ofc), Puff (not in a hate way, just in a that's a bad kid way), dogs (he's scared), Babs (the goat, she annoys him) Voice Claim: Lafayette --- Full name: Clarissa Dice Illy Age: 51 (game events) Gender: Female Sexuality: "The hell is a sexuality I do whatever the fuck I want" Race (human counterpart): African American Height: 5'0 Likes: Dice, Luci, Kettle, "The Hairy Flapper", Tea, Joe, Cuphead, Mugman, Chalice, Siphi, meh Flower and Rooty are okay, Dislikes: Phobus, young ladies showing too much (more of a fear things for them rather than against them), over controlling people, being outside her home, not seeing Kingsly for awhile Voice Claim: Beatrice Horseman --- Full name: Cinnamon Java Age: 40 (game events) Gender: Male Sexuality: Um *opens notes and previous conversations* He does what he wants like Clarissa-- he might fluctuate in this sense, who knows. Race (human counterpart): Whatever tf Joe is south western US guy who is white Height: 6'10 Likes: His damn moose he named Bellow because he never shuts up, Scarlet, Nessy, Pyra, Jr, animals, his mom. Despite Tea hating him, he feels the need to make sure Joe's stupidity hasn't killed her yet, so he likes her at least a little. His nephews and nieces. Dislikes: People coming to the mountains unannounced (aka his home/animal sanctuary he lives on. It's rarely poachers and 90% Joe being a dick or his nephews being 'can we feed Bellow?") Terrified of Flower, doesn't understand how she's that nice, afraid she's going to slip one of her leaves into his drink. Voice Claim: Tank
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