#damian and tim duo
91-1lover · 3 months
What if Damian and Tim love each other and even like? It's just more of a situation "Manipulating others is easier ". Maybe an example will help;
Damian: Father, May I go to Zoo today?
Bruce:No Damian, you're grounded.
Tim:Oh, that's bad. I could go with you to take photos of otter, but if you are not going I think I will stay too. What's a zoo without company. Maybe I will go with Kon next week.
Bruce *Super happy in a moment of thinking his youngest kids getting along*: If you two agree not to kill each other, Damian can go
Tim and Damian:*Knowing looks*
Or situation like;
Tim who has abandoned issues and is having fear of people leaving him: Dick is mad at me. Can you stab me so he will be in his mother hen mode Instead?
Damian who would like to have 5 minutes of peace from Grayson: Say no more
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dieubius · 10 months
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uhhh. bruce wayne modelling gig. have a good day 🥰
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sodamnbored · 2 months
Damian, entering the living room: Oh, Drake. I didn’t realise you were here too.
Tim, distracted on his phone on the couch: Yeah, best WiFi around. Keeping busy?
Damian, looking in cupboards and chandeliers for acrobatic older brothers: Looking for Dick.
Tim absently, not looking up from Grindr: Mm, me too.
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speedforce-zoomies · 2 months
“Favorite hero - go!”
Tim didn’t even look up as he continued to type up his report for the night, “Dick Grayson.”
Jason scoffed, “Way to use your listening ears Timbers, Duke asked who’s your favorite hero, not your favorite brother.”
“I heard and I answered. Dick Grayson. If he’s Robin? Robin is my favorite hero. Now he’s Nightwing? Nightwing is absolutely the coolest hero to ever exist. He’s acting as Batman? Obviously Batman’s the best.”
Dick grinned brightly at Jason, smug in a way only older siblings can be.
“My. Favorite. Hero. Is. Dick. Grayson. From the day I first meet him, to the day I discovered his hero identity, to becoming a part of his legacy, to the first time he called me his brother, to today and till the day we’re both dirt and worms, my big brother will always be my favorite hero. You use your listening ears.”
Several of the others made faces or rolled their eyes at dirt and worms part of his rant but Dick only laughed quietly and hugged Tim so tightly that Tim felt the air being slowly but steadily pushed out of his lungs. Tim made no complaints but did roll his eyes, though no one but Cass could tell if it was at Jason or Dick.
“I can not find fault in your decision,” Damian weighed in, “And obviously, Father is your second favorite, thus your third favorite must also be of equal valor?”
Tim huffed and wiggled his way out of Dick’s loving embrace, “Who said B was my second favorite?”
Everyone blinked at him and he grinned, the exact same expression on his face as had been on Dick’s a few minutes prior, submitted his report, grabbed his Zesti off the ground beside him, and took advantage of Bruce and Alfred entering the cave to escape any more questions.
“Good night!” Dick called after him.
“Night!” Tim waved behind him.
“Well, I think I’m a strong contender for second favorite,” Tim heard Stephanie say and someone’s muffled response before the grandfather clock closed behind him.
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ambrosethedarling · 7 months
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Full doodle page 😋😋
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Tim: *running up from the Batcave* Damian: *running down from his room* Damian and Tim, meeting at the staircase: *pausing, making the connection that other was probably doing something they shouldn't be doing*  Damian and Tim: Tim: I won't tell if you won't  Damian: Deal Damian and Tim: *continue their respective getaways*
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whywoulditho · 2 months
someone on reddit said DC comics have separate authors for each run so like superman's authors are probably not allowed to write things that affect batman's story and that's why they couldn't make conner and tim kiss even though tim is a canon male kisser and vice versa for damian and jon. suddenly everything on the planet earth makes sense
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robinsleeping · 2 months
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i have five bird tattoos and i’ve named them after the robins :)
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Tim: are you a keyboard?, Because you're my type
Damian: Appreciating your efforts to Rizz Y/n tommorrow..but use Grayson as your practice doll not me.
Tim:Why? What's wrong with u?
Damian: Being blatantly naked under your smile and corny pickup lines will generate worse nightmares in my dreams which will be far exceedingly from any scarecrow's fear gas could ever produce.
Damian: And unlike you I love my beautiful sleep #sorrynotsorry
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wwprice1 · 1 year
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More great DC covers for May.
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bitimdrake · 2 years
people have talked at length about the Dick/Tim/Damian Robin debacle and I do not currently have the mental space to wade fully into it (except to say that demonizing any of them is dumb). But I do want to say:
One of the most incorrect fan claims is this idea that Dick was playing favorites when he picked Damian over Tim because you guys. you guys.
At the time Damian became Robin, Tim was Dick's beloved little brother who he'd adored and fought beside for years, who he'd entrust his life to without hesitation, who he affectionately proclaimed to be even better than him as Robin, who he genuinely enjoyed hanging out with
and meanwhile
Dick couldn't fucking stand Damian
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arataka-reigen · 2 years
It is so cute to think that for almost the entire existence of the character, Batman has had a Robin to perch on his back and light up his life. For more than 80 years the darkest and gloomiest character has had several light traffic colored children following him around and making his life more interesting <3
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t4timkon · 1 year
i’m a very outspoken hater of the “damian and tim hate each other” curse DC seemed to have cast upon these two little guys and deprived us of the brotherly relationship we deserved.
i think damian and tim should be allowed to bond. specifically, bond over food. the comedic potential is insane
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glassdecanters · 1 year
cass and tim have my favourite relationship between the batkids oml
the two of them train together and have the worst digs at each other when they do so. cass takes the time out of her attacks to literally sign things.
tim, on his back on the floor:
cass, with her foot on his chest, signing to him: yeah that's what you get. homo.
and he'll always hit her back with some shit like "at least my parents wanted me". or pointing out she is, in fact, also a gay.
they're the two that hit back at jason and damian's prank attacks. they work together in family game night and most of all when they're on the comms, and cass obviously can't properly communicate, tim will slate her.
he'll sit there with his comms unit and just snitch on cass for things he did.
"oh yeah, cass was the one who spilled coffee on the couch, yeah, that was cass. oh and she was the one who hacked into the batcomputer to stream minecraft videos. she hid dick's domino mask too. sorry guys. thought you knew."
and she will be ready and raging when he gets back home. he gets a kick to the face and he remembers why he hasn't done that in two weeks. that shit hurts.
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whalehouse1 · 11 months
Batman, after a mission: Signal, you are no longer allowed to strobe light anyone.
Signal: Why? It worked, didn’t it?
Batman: After causing two seizures, yes.
Red Hood: This kid’s growing on me.
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