#dc oracle
Tim: So, and for what reason was I 17 years old for the last 15 years?
Damian: That's what you're complaining about? They couldn't even bother to give me a proper characterization until much later on. And then it is one that does not align with my upbringing!
Stephanie: At least you weren't killed just because of misogyny
Dick: Yeah, I wonder how anyone let that through. But then again, I shouldn't expect anything else from writers who made me stuck as Ric for two years and all the, you know, Tarantula stuff
Jason: It's honestly like they just spin a wheel every day to figure out if I'm a villain, hero or anti-hero
Duke: Forget about the writers, the fans also have some... wild assumptions
Stephanie: Yeah, like that you're the normal one!
Cass: Or that I'm mute. Just there to give emotional support
Barbara: Or that the most traumatic thing to ever happen to me is framed as something good just because I became Oracle. I barely had one page of dialogue in that entire story!
Tim: At least they get one thing right.
Dick: And that is?
Tim: Bruce.
Jason: Yeah, what is up with that?! It feels like I've become his punching bag! Why is he considered a hero again when he is just plain abusive at this point?
Duke: Patriarchy
Barbara: And male power fantasy
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jaymidknight · 2 months
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Happy Birthday to my favorite Wingding King My Art Link || Instagram || Twitter
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cosmicpoutine · 3 months
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more casual timmy.
the oracle look is kinda different for him, but i wanted to draw his bangs longer, and i think this style fits better
part 1
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vodrae · 6 months
Barbara Gordon: Cobblepot is trying to hide his money in the blockchain. Unfortunatly to him, Satoshi left some backdoors to use.
Tim: Yeah back in 2009 I didn't know how to code encryption of this level.
Babs: Of course in 2009 you were- DID YOU JUST SAY YOU CREATED BITCOIN ??
Tim: I was bored at home.
Babs: Are you aware some countries want your head ???
Tim: Tell them to wait in line.
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
I don't think y'all understand how terrifying Oracle is. Every single action you commit on a device with a wifi or Bluetooth connection, she could find out.
She probably has automatic filters set up that ping her alerts if you talk about "drugs," "bats," "product," or "guns." If you've been arrested before, you're probably on her watchlist. In fact, everyone you know is also probably on her watchlist.
To combat this, you would have to set up codes that she will figure out within a month. That or try to communicate strictly offline (which mean more meetups with people and a higher chance of the Bats catching you).
If you knew her in person (and she's thus in charge of your electronic security), she definitely knows more about you than either of you are comfortable with.
Barbara Gordon is scary and extremely powerful
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pierogey · 5 months
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babygirl loser and her galpals
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snersona · 7 months
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its unsettling, to mother nothing
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bag0fsnakes · 6 months
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batcowenraged · 20 days
it would make sense for gordon to eventually deputize the bats to perform arrests if only for the purpose of making legal proceedings easier but that would mean they would have to prove they have enough understanding of laws to know what charges rogues are officially being arrested for (they definitely do but they would have to prove it on record) so now i'm just picturing "the bat exam" where they have to go to gotham pd and take an exam in full costume while gordon or someone else is watching
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I love how most of the batkids are fluent in multiple languages.
Think about all the fun.
Them talking five different languages in two sentences and everybody understanding it without problem.
Calling each other insults in a language they know the other person doesn't speak.
They have a conversation in a language that has informal and formal 'you' and they are addressing each other with the formal 'you' because they know it annoys the other person
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wonder--girl · 1 month
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This week's doodles: Comfort doodling after a Rough day— Babs, Steph, Claire Redfield, Leon Kennedy, Me, and some Tim and Jay practice doodles ♡
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bijuutamer · 8 months
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vodrae · 3 months
It's always funny to see Barbara Gordon as the mature and responsible big sis/surrogate mother in fanfiction when (since the retcon of Betty and Katy Kane) she's the first unrelated character to Bruce to have thought "This guy is punching criminals dressed as a bat ? Sounds like a good career"
She's not saner than the others oh no no no
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carduelism · 1 month
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pierogey · 7 months
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snersona · 8 months
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some barbara sketches i did a little bit ago bc im desperately in love with her
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