#dc orphan
Random Batfam Costumes Appreciation Post
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In order: Luke Fox as Batwing, Jason Todd as Arkham Knight, Harper Row as Bluebird, Stephanie Brown as Batgirl, Cassandra Cain as Orphan and Duke Thomas as Signal
Wanted to clarify my opinions after the batsuit poll
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Sometimes I read a comic featuring the Batfamily and I am really enjoying myself.
And then someone has the most wild out of nowhere inner monologue that punches you right in the gut and all you can think about is 'Please go to therapy and get on some antidepressants'
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allthegothihopgirls · 1 month
"justice league doesn't know batman has kids" and by some freak incident, they end up meeting them all at once, after never having one single sneaking suspicion of batman being a family guy.
you've got every batkid + justice league member in the same room, and bruce tries for a total of 6 seconds to diffuse the situation before giving up.
there's bats left right and centre making completely false claims about how their family came to be, just to stir shit. also purposely trying to ruin batman's 'stoic and mean' reputation as best as they can.
jason and steph are telling everyone that they're all bio kids, and bruce does try and correct that one (some of those kids don't even belong to him in a non-bio way!!) but not before tim pipes up and goes 'well actually it depends what you count as biological, he grew me in a lab'.
dick's taking full advantage of the JL's perception of batman being oh so impressionable in the moment, and is telling stories of his childhood + batman raising his younger siblings, making him out to be the softest guy to ever exist (completely on purpose). cass is nodding along next to him, and making sure whenever she adds a comment that she uses the word 'dad' instead of batman just for the extra domestic flare.
babs and jason are explaining how they all consider themselves bats, in a way that would make anyone believe that they're in a cult. bruce is standing amidst it all, an immovable object, with dick's arm on his shoulder, and damian huddled into his side (ALL for dramatic flare. they need the JL to know that he's. just a guy with kids).
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0pin0n-custard · 1 year
Batman is 1000% overshadowed by his kids.
Dick Grayson is better at acrobatics and flexibility. Duh.
Jason Todd is better at brute strength hand-to-hand combat (also he has a fucking gun, so ranged attacks +1, another +1 for not being a pussy and killing people. [PS DC stop nerfing my boy.])
Tim Drake stole the title of World’s Greatest Detective right out from under Bruce, and he would probably be unstoppable if he still had his spleen.
Stephanie Brown is superior at actually being a functioning human being- objectively the most important trait of everyone here.
Cassandra Cain is just better. At what? Everything.
Damian Wayne is better at channeling his trauma and autism into things that aren’t punching mentally ill people (like seriously the kid had to unlearn his LoA brainwashing and look at him go adopting animals instead of traumatized orphans.)
Duke Thomas cAN FUCKING FLY.
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cosmicpoutine · 2 months
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stephcass fandom open the door or in gonna throw rocks through your window
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crybabylulu · 8 months
Pt 20 this is correct and no I will not take criticism
Talia: *talking to a random teacher at a PTA meeting (Parent teacher association meeting)* these are my children I birthed all of them it was hard but so worth it in the end *showing off pictures of Damian, Jason and Cassandra* aren’t they beautiful?
Teacher: indeed they are
Some mom: *butting into the conversation* they don’t look much like you except that one *points at Damian’s picture*
Talia: well my son Jason and daughter Cassandra take after their father
Some mom: they all have the same father? That’s shocking
Talia: excuse me?
Some mom: I’m just saying
Talia: I have only loved one man my entire life and he is the father of my children *grabs Bruce who is by the cupcake table* this is the man that impregnated me three times to give me three beautiful children! Do you not see the resemblance?
Bruce: *confused asf with a cupcake in his mouth*
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rainnyydaysworld · 3 months
Tim: Hey, do you know the password to Damian’s computer?
Duke: Fuck you, Tim.
Tim: Hey!!
Duke: No, you misunderstood, the password is "fuckyouTim".
Tim: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.
Reader: Get on my level!
Steph: Unfortunately, to "get on your level" I'd need a boat trip to the Mariana Trench and a pair of cinderblock shoes.
*Dick is fighting a monster*
Barbara : Just stay calm! You already have everything you need to beat it!
Dick: The power to believe in myself!?
Barbara : No, a knife! Stab it!
Reader: Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff.
Damian: Tim, this morning, I called you abhorrent and reprehensible, and I’d like to withdraw that statement-
Tim: Aww, thanks-
Damian: But I can't. Those are the 2 words that best describe you.
Reader: So, Steph is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night.
Cassandra: Why?
Reader: Because I've caught her trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row.
Steph, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.
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murdocks-devil · 4 months
Gotham citizens must be wildly protective of their cryptid vigilantes who are shit at hiding their identities. Like, you mean to tell me there's as many sidekicks Batman has as Brucie Wayne has children (acquired however way) with identical facial features and they don't realise it? You mean to tell me Red Robin and Spoiler didn't pay with their civilian cards at a batburger store? You really think noone remembers young Dick Grayson-Wayne's tales of acrobatics and then bam you have nightwing later and yeah no you think those things are disconnected?
Nah Gotham treats its own in the same way Tobey Maguire's Spidey got treated on the train. Adoration, concern, respect and love. Shit like not registering Red Robin's card and instead it's on the house. Like leaving cats and dogs in comfy but accessible places in the house so Robin can pet them on his way to patrol. Like making sure to childproof sharp arches so Nightwing doesn't get nicks. Like leaving homemade food and checking out library books for Red Hood.
Like pulling on Batman's helmet and calling his children and looking the other way when he's too injured even though that face has been plastered across every single billboard in the city one time or another.
Unless they perceive you as a journalist poking their nose in where it doesn't belong. Then you get conspiracy theories about Batman and Brucie Wayne's star crossed love stories and stuff like YouTube thirst videos of blurry Red Hood munching on a sandwich and memes.
And then there's one journalist who's so very confused why entirety of Gotham seems to lie when it comes to a particular group of very famous people he knows both ways.
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Submitted by anonymous
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pacificwaternymph · 2 months
I think the funniest scenario I can think of with the Wayne family being multilingual is the arguments.
Like to my understanding, everyone in that family knows and/or at the very least understands 5-6 languages, minimum. There is definitely significant overlap between many of them, but all together I imagine each of them have like two languages in common with each of their siblings, excluding English. So you've got a nice, wide mix.
Which is all fun and games, right up until something sparks an argument and the entire family gets swept up in it.
Everyone is shouting. They've switched languages four times in half as many minutes. They each only speak about half of them. Poor Cass shut down from too much input about a minute and a half ago. Jason and Dick are both shouting at each other in languages they know the other doesn't understand. Steph doesn't even know what they were arguing about in the first place because it started in Portuguese, which she doesn't speak. Tim can't remember the word for cat in Arabic and has taken to trying to poorly describe it.
Everyone walks away from the conflict with entirely different conclusions.
Of course could just return to the original topic of debate (if any of them could even remember what it was) after they've all had time to cool off like reasonable adults. But they won't. Because god forbid they make anything easy on themselves.
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I love it when the batfamily is allowed to age.
And they are still fighting crime.
Part of the whole appeal is how they're just normal ass people without any powers, minus Duke, but still go out there stopping some major crime scheme.
Even better if you compare them to athletes or gymnasts, who retire in their 20's.
Has the batfam ever cared about this? No. So it's not stopping them.
And you know what would be even funnier?
If Bruce would be the last to retire. The one who started it all.
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razorsystem · 5 months
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batgirls with some tall steph supremacy <3
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the-b1ah · 4 days
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Part 1 of the batburger saga
Imma try to get all of Cass’s ASL right but let me know if I’ve fucked up in the comments. I’m already dreading how many hands I’m about to draw but anything for the queen of ass kicking.
Also gargoyle are very fun to draw btw
Black bat is doing the classic bat brood over Gotham city when our little ghostie decides to pop over. Since he’s acquired a free “all you can eat” batburgers pass it only seems fair to share the wealth.
Black bat: *gazing despondently upon Gotham with dramatic music in the back* >:(🦇🪦🌧️
Phantom: Hey! ope, sorry to interrupt your brooding, want Batburgers?
Black bat : :D✨💖🫧
Art reference
Masterlist | Origin | part 2
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rhiaemrys · 7 months
All of those Batfamily de-aged fics, but like, they’re all in their "Trouble-Maker Era". This is primarily to create as much chaos as physically possible, and potentially cause Batman a stress aneurysm.
Like, Dick Grayson, going from a relatively well adjusted (for a vigilante which isn’t saying much) to a tiny crazed 8 year old Robin who is ready to Fight God or die trying. He keeps perching on chandeliers, throwing stuff at people and hitting Damian over the head every time Damian mentions hes Robin.
Jason Todd, who was a well settled Red Hood. Little murder, but mostly having fun with the outlaws and saving the world. Now is an angry recently resurrected 19 year old bent on beating the Bat up. Currently he's gone to the wind. No one knows where he's at, but once something blows up they'll use that as a triangulator.
Cassandra Cain, who already is a stubborn shit at the best of times but has learned to compromise more and more over the years, is back to the homeless child that Bruce found during No Mans Land. She only trusts Bruce and Duke and is utterly willing to wreck anyone else who gets close to them.
Tim Drake, who has found his calling as whatever call sign he chooses, is now launched back to “All my friends and family are dead or think I’m in desperate need of therapy (which I am but god forbid I admit that), I think I’m a little insane with grief so let me traverse the entire world and work with one of my adoptive fathers greatest enemies to find him” Red Robin era. He's been holed up in his room running the calculations that this is a doomsday scenario since he got back from being de-aged.
Stephanie Brown (who, unlike the rest was smart enough to run for the hills when the magic user appeared, yelling out that this one is for the idiot boys, but unfortunately got waylaid by Cass), is now a new Spoiler who is spoiling to fight Batman barehanded because he said that she should go home.
Duke is back to the Robin War gang era and along with Dick, ready to Fight God. Hes got like, fifty makeshift weapons at one time and ends up teaming up with Cass.
Damian, currently Robin and doing very well in the role, is now back to the newly acquired child stage where he’s attempting to prove himself to both sides of his heritage. He ends up being terribly endearing to Bruce solely because, even if it's only partial, at least Damian sticks around for the whole lecture when the crew gets in trouble (he's only doing that so he can find loopholes).
It concerns Bruce how many of these literal children are either down to murder or take out their siblings should said sibling Attempt To Murder.
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two hours of sleep and i forgot the word for dairy problems
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qcomicsy · 1 year
If the batkids had a podcast. Part. Vlll
Spoiler: Ok. Most traumatizing thing a civilian said to you- Go!
Signal: "Hey lightboy!"
Redhood (slams the table, giggling): LIGHTBOY
Nightwing: "Thanks daddy."
Red Robin (spits coffee): "Thanks DaDdY"
Orphan: "Call the feminist Batman"–
Redhood: I though– (pause) I though Batwoman was the feminist Batman.
Spoiler: That was part of it! That's part of it– They thought she were her.
Dick: Oh Orphan-
Signal: That was back when you still were Batgirl?
Orphan: Yes.
Spoiler: That's so unfair I wish I was feminist Batman-
Red Robin (giggling)
Spoiler: I would punch people and they'll go "girlboss"!
Redhood: Who's they?
Red Robin (lowering his voice): The voices.
Spoiler: The voices.
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