#bat girl Cassandra cain
crybabylulu · 8 months
Pt 20 this is correct and no I will not take criticism
Talia: *talking to a random teacher at a PTA meeting (Parent teacher association meeting)* these are my children I birthed all of them it was hard but so worth it in the end *showing off pictures of Damian, Jason and Cassandra* aren’t they beautiful?
Teacher: indeed they are
Some mom: *butting into the conversation* they don’t look much like you except that one *points at Damian’s picture*
Talia: well my son Jason and daughter Cassandra take after their father
Some mom: they all have the same father? That’s shocking
Talia: excuse me?
Some mom: I’m just saying
Talia: I have only loved one man my entire life and he is the father of my children *grabs Bruce who is by the cupcake table* this is the man that impregnated me three times to give me three beautiful children! Do you not see the resemblance?
Bruce: *confused asf with a cupcake in his mouth*
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borntolatetohaveaname · 10 months
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"anyone can be a babygirl but it takes a man to be a single mother"
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ditzybat · 29 days
cass: …
bruce: …
duke: what’s happening with them?
tim: i don’t… know, they’ve just been staring at eachother silently for the past half hour, it’s weirdly intense
bruce wiping away a tear: thank you that was a very deep and meaningful conversation
cass: of course, love you dad
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kiteou · 6 days
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pinkiemachine · 2 months
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Part 7 👇
Part 5 👇
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Submitted by anonymous
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xanthezhou · 25 days
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spicy-apple-pie · 7 months
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Pov your mom and dad are fighting
based off this low res comic panel lol
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gffa · 1 year
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*sniffling through my tears*  You’re such a good egg, Cass.  The best of the good eggs!
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makkiyz · 7 months
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crybabylulu · 6 months
Pt 30 this is correct and no I will not take criticism
Cass: *packed up to go to her moms because she makes great Mac and cheese* (it’s a joke me and my bf made that Shiva makes the best Mac and cheese)
Steph: *packing to go with Cass because wherever Cass go she go*
Jason: *packing to go visit the league because Roy is gonna be there and Talia makes good food*
Bruce: why are all of you packing?
Jason: mom
Cass: mom
Steph: I’m just going with Cass
Bruce: at least I’ll have dam-
Jason: HURRY UP AND PACK YOUR SHIT! Fucking demon *heading to the car with his sisters behind him*
Bruce:……never mind it’ll be me, Tim, Alfred, Dic-
Dick: BYE B! GOING TO THE TITANS! *running out the front door*
Bruce: fine it’s me, tim and Du-
Duke: bye guys! Vixen invited me over for thanksgiving! *walking out the door*
Bruce: *takes a deep breath* it’s gonna be me, alfred and T-
Tim: Bernard wants to spend thanksgiving with me! Bye Guys! *leaving*
Harley: I’m so glad you could join us Brucie! *sitting at the table with Ivy and their kids*
Bruce: you kidnapped me
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heylosers06 · 2 months
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Stephcass!!!!! I actually love these two
I did this while waiting for the poll to end so I’ll do that next! 🥰 (still on that art block sorry the coloring is so rough 😔)
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parkjammys · 7 months
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures vol.3 by Vasco Georgiev
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shyjusticewarrior · 8 months
DC Comics Incorrect Quotes Pt 179
Steph: Hey, Tim. Are you wearing your running bottoms... and your hoodie?
Cass: Tim, are you going running?
Tim: *nods and leaves*
Duke: Have fun.
Damian: Oh my god, what is wrong with Drake right now?
Jason: Yeah, what happened?
Duke: Tim's going for a run. If anything we should be asking what's right with him.
Steph: Tim only goes running when he's upset, and he's wearing his sad hoodie.
Cass: And from the looks of it, it's been washed. Which is bone-chilling.
Duke: He's fine, everything's okay.
Dick, barging in: I just passed Tim on the street! Running! On purpose! Oh my god!
Duke: Maybe I was wrong.
Dick: *sticks his head out a window* Tim! Are you okay?! I see you, and I love you!
Duke: In my defense, nobody here emotes in a normal way.
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ruestheday · 1 month
thinking of that one comic where red hood is fighting dick and robin!tim iirc and he’s like “i’m not scared of you!” and then cass appears out of nowhere and says “hello” and jason goes “FUCK”
i can’t find it but i know it exists
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audhd-nightwing · 8 months
batfam as new girl quotes
steph: where are you, tim? this place is fancy and i don’t know which fork to kill myself with.
dick (16 y/o): i’ll take you through the whole thing. i’ll be like your guide.
jason (13 y/o): like gandalf through middle-earth?
dick: ok, first of all, let’s take the Lord of the Rings references and put them in a deep, dark cave where no one will ever find them.
jason: except smeagol. he lives in a cave.
tim: you text me “happy monday.” what am i supposed to do with that?
damian: oh, i don’t know. maybe have a happy monday?
(he’s trying to be nice)
jason: would you consider us adorable?
dick: no! we’re adult men.
dick: we’re cute.
cass: you always see the worst in people.
damian: yeah, because people are the worst!
steph: i mean, bruce, we love you, but…
steph: but you’re not a man of the people.
bruce: of course i’m not a man of the people. i’m above the people.
cass: we’re a family. families talk about things.
jason: no, families ignore things until they go away.
new parent bruce: dick, do you want to go to sleep?
9 y/o dick: no way.
bruce: if you do, i’ll write you a check for $6,000.
duke: what are you doing in here?
tim: eating cookies and avoiding confrontation.
(in the bathroom at a gala)
steph: jason, come on, that’s like the president and the vice president not being best friends.
jason: they’re not best friends.
steph: come on. everybody knows they’re best friends.
dick: i’m in love!
damian: titus, clear my schedule. i need a word with our brother.
steph: duke, those shoes are not brown! they’re green!
duke: you guys are idiots! they’re as brown as money.
cass: what color is kermit the frog?
duke: brown! he’s a brown frog.
tim: duke! you’re color blind, dude.
bruce: darn it! has anyone seen my croquet cleats?
tim: hey guys, do you think i’m a good person?
steph: you’re a terrible person. it’s hilarious.
dick: i’m very quick on my… uh…
jason: did you just forget the word ‘feet’?
dick: feet, yeah.
(he’s been awake for 72 hours without sleep)
duke: i can’t believe i didn’t notice this before but damian, you are legitimately crazy.
damian: i think we’re all a little bit crazy, don’t you, thomas?
duke: no, i mean, you’re like aging ballerina, child chess prodigy, professional magician crazy.
damian: it’s my grandfather’s fault.
duke: yeah okay fair enough
tim: if i was doing something stupid, you definitely would be involved.
dick: yeah, you’re damn right i would be. and i would probably be there to make it even stupider.
bruce: has anyone seen my good pea coat?
steph: i brake for birds. i rock a lot of polka dots. i have touched glitter in the last 24 hours!
steph: and that doesn’t mean i’m not smart and tough and strong.
jason: are you insane, bruce? we’re not ready.
jason: that’s like taking a musical from rehearsals straight to broadway. you got to workshop it first.
(pushing the theatre kid jason agenda)
dick: you realize i say goodnight to you every night and you never say goodnight back?
dick: what is the problem, jason? do you not want me to have a good night?
jason: oh my god you’re so overdramatic
tim: please don’t mistake my measured blank tone for calmness, as i am filled with waters of rage.
(he’s at a gala)
bruce: damn it! i can’t find my driving moccasins anywhere!
duke: what a dumb idea.
duke: do it.
(he is an enabler)
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