#bruce x talia
crybabylulu · 8 months
Pt 20 this is correct and no I will not take criticism
Talia: *talking to a random teacher at a PTA meeting (Parent teacher association meeting)* these are my children I birthed all of them it was hard but so worth it in the end *showing off pictures of Damian, Jason and Cassandra* aren’t they beautiful?
Teacher: indeed they are
Some mom: *butting into the conversation* they don’t look much like you except that one *points at Damian’s picture*
Talia: well my son Jason and daughter Cassandra take after their father
Some mom: they all have the same father? That’s shocking
Talia: excuse me?
Some mom: I’m just saying
Talia: I have only loved one man my entire life and he is the father of my children *grabs Bruce who is by the cupcake table* this is the man that impregnated me three times to give me three beautiful children! Do you not see the resemblance?
Bruce: *confused asf with a cupcake in his mouth*
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satoshy12 · 5 months
Danny Fenton and his Aunts bad taste in Man.
Jack Fenton is the son of Ra's al-Ghul, who left the league.
Jack made sure the family stayed a big family! with family meetings! Between him, his siblings, and his father
Danny and the rest of Amity Park have no idea about Heroes and Justice League. They never cared to know the names of S-Man, swimsuit women, or Red Blur.
Ra doesn't need a Heir, I mean he wouldn't die, his grandson Phantom body and amity park showed him that.
Jack al Ghul would still talk a few times with his father and baby siblings. So Jack would force Talia, Nyssa, Dusan, and the rest to join them for dinner with the Fentons.
While at one of the dinners, Danny heard something from his uncle Dusan.
And all started when Danny heard something he had never heard about. His two aunts were dating a creeps!
All Danny had to learn was that his aunts were dating a billionaire; the first thing was to look and make sure they would be okay. And they wouldn't try to change his aunts, like Vlad did in the Alternative Time Line. (The Masters of All Time).
And to make sure they aren't like Vlad, Danny has to look after his family after all.
They seem to fail, as both have a secret base in their house.
Yeah, Danny is totally against his poor aunts dating them, and he would talk to them about it. They can do much better!
Ra had a good laugh, as he learned the boy had pics to show how creepy they are with a secret base! And made it worse by saying how both tried to change his aunts. (Talia with bruce)
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smallandangry24 · 2 months
To keep up with the trend:
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic:
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Honorable Mention: Bruce Wayne
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frownyalfred · 1 year
I need more fics where Talia is obsessed with Bruce and Bruce is just…not as into it. And he’s always excusing it like “Talia my mission—” and she’s like “we have a mission right here, habibi. You want to save this pussy? Should I buy you a small country? Do you want me to hire some men for you to hunt down and beat up?” and Ra’s is in the background sighing because no Al Ghul should ever be down that bad. But he secretly agrees.
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and i would say i love you, but saying it out loud is hard
ko-fi | commissions
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Thinking hard about...League of Assassins. Damian sitting, whimpering, little arm crushed tight in Ra's hand. " What have I told you of mercy?"
" That...That it doesn't serve the strong." He's little; He's too little to be the Bat's son. The other one is tall and angry, made to make the world kneel. It was too bad he escaped.
" And are you not strong, Damian? Are you no boy of mine?"
" I'm...I'm mother's strong boy."
Ra's snarls, hand raised, and, --
And Talia, cursed, soft, ruined Talia, stops him. His broken legacy, letting herself be prey to attachments that don't even want her. Departing from his lessons, from his side.
Talia can be her own demon.
She glares, fierce, holding Damian to her chest. He's crying shamelessly in her neck and she doesn't even reprimand him. " How low you've fallen, daughter,"
" Not lower than you. Make the smart decision for once in your overdue life, and don't challenge me. I don't know loss. I don't care how you hurt me. You never knew anything else. Do not touch our habibi, "
"Our? Don't make me laugh. He hasn't claimed either of you. If it bears my name, it is mine. Damian Al Gh--"
" Wayne,'' she smirks, " his name is Wayne. And I promise you won't like the consequences if you choose to hurt what's mine and my beloveds. Let this not happen again."
"Or what, Talia? You'll call Batman?"
His voice is mocking, but the green in Talia's eyes is dull and serious, " No. I'll call Bruce."
The Pit can fix death; It cannot fix fear.
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vodrae · 2 months
Talia: Good morning beloved, I have made you breakfast !
Bruce: How did you get in the manor ?!
Talia: "Thank you" would be more pleasant.
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zedreh · 2 months
You know, looking back at old issues from before Grant Morrison's run, I just want to say that I really like Talia as one of Bruce's main loves. The pages below come from Batman Adventures Vol. 1 #13, in which a priceless statue was stolen from Ra's and so Bruce goes with Talia to Paris to get it back. Before they start searching, they have time to go sightseeing together.
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After their time is cut short, they go looking, and they fall into a trap set by an old rival of Ra's who bought the statue, who then locks them in a burning hut.
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Of course, they get out, take down every one, and get the statue, after which Batman let's on that he knew the statue itself isn't what's valuable.
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There's just so much about them that works so well. I'd go into it more, but I think these pages speak for themself.
Also, I like this one panel of them greeting each other.
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telffiin · 5 months
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brutalia panel redraw!!! i thought this one was really cute lol
(original panel under cut)
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audhd-nightwing · 2 months
brutalia this, batcat that
WRONG the correct answer is brutalina
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shyjusticewarrior · 10 months
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crybabylulu · 8 months
Pt 22 this is correct and no I will not take criticism
Cass, Damian and Jason: *coming in the house with a shit ton of shopping bags*
Bruce: did you steal my cards again?! That’s it’s take all that stuff back to the store
Cassandra: mom
Bruce: mom?
Damian: yes mother. We did not steal anything from you father
Jason: ma told us we can get whatever we want on her dime Bruce *shit eating grin*
Talia: ok babies go put your stuff away then we’ll go out for dinner ok
The children: ok *they all go upstairs*
Bruce: Talia they are on punishment
Talia: with you. Not me. Now if you’ll excuse me beloved I have things to put away oh and I bought you a new watch! *reaches into the bag and pulls out a toy Batman watch* isn’t it the cutest thing?
Bruce: *wearing the toy watch until it breaks because he loves Talia more than anything and a gift from her is always precious*
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birthofvcnus · 3 months
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kstarlitchaotics · 4 months
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Ra: So, daughter, how went your last several days in the civilized world?
Talia: I spent them doing all I could to thwart you, father.
The Batman and Robin Adventures #10
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dalekofchaos · 10 days
Injustice au:Batman's regime
Been thinking of an alternate Injustice where Batman goes bad and leads an authoritarian regime.
Instead of Joker nuking Metropolis and Superman killing Lois. What starts it off is Selina is pregnant and it's Bruce and Selina's wedding. Joker shoots Selina killing her and Bruce's unborn child. Joker leads them on a merry chase to Metropolis and then the nuke goes off in Arkham.
Bruce kills Joker.
Clark, in horror. "Bruce, what have you done"
Bruce, full of heartbreak and in a fit of rage. "What I should have done a long time ago"
Bruce regroups with the only surviving members of the Batfamily. Damian and Cassandra. And decides to do what he should've done a long time ago.
Bruce seeks out Ra's and Talia. Bruce finally gives in and agrees to lead the League Of Assassins. Bruce kills Ra's and takes the LOA for himself. Talia takes Diana's place as his lover and second in command.(while Diana thankfully isn't cartoonishly evil)
Batman is known as Khuffash(translates The Bat)
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Art by Richard Quintero
Bruce's plans would be what Superman was in Injustice canon. Build a better world. Cleanse crime, end war and destroy everything Batman represented and make the Bat a symbol for the whole world to fear and if the Justice League dares to stop him, he will enforce his contingency plans on a world wide scale.
Bruce's regime council would be the following
Talia Al Ghul
Amanda Waller
Lex Luthor
Lady Shiva
Damian Wayne
Cassandra Cain
Ocean Master
Villains implanted with suicide squad type bombs being enforced to follow the Regime
Solomon Grundy
Black Adam
Killer Frost
He gives the Justice League a chance. Join him and help him bring justice and order to the world or die out with the cleansing fire.
The Justice League are the insurgency. They will stop their old friend or die trying.
Unbeknownst to Bruce, Barbara survived. She's been helping the Justice League with her Oracle network. Barbara broke through to Cassandra and Cassandra has been working on the inside out to save her father from himself.
And instead of Lex always working with the Justice League, it's Amanda Waller working with the League.
Bruce has Gotham rebuilt using the Wayne fortune and Arkham rebuilt set to imprison the Justice League.
Bruce imprisons almost all of the Justice League.
Clark causes a breakout and Barbara and Waller disable the bombs in the villains, thus causing the tide to shift against the regime.
Wonder Woman defeats Talia
Aquaman stops Orm.
Cassandra defeats Damian
Eventually the whole regime is neutralized, until it's just Bruce.
The villains have Bruce at their mercy and Bane breaks him. But to their misfortune, Bruce had planned for this and had a Lazarus Pit built in New Arkham. Bruce crawls into the Lazarus Pit. Game over. He destroys them one by one.
The final fight would be between Superman and Head of the Demon Batman.
Batman has Superman where he has him. And as he has his Kryptonite sword at Clark's throat, Bruce gives him TDKR speech
"I want you to remember, Clark…in all the years to come…in your most private moments…I want you to remember…my hand…at your throat…I want…you to remember…the one man who beat you.”
And then Cassandra stabs stops him. Together Clark and Cassandra take him down together.
Cassandra Wayne dedicates her life as the new Batman to clean up her father's mess and dedicating her life to making the bat to be a symbol of hope. While Damian swears revenge for his sister's treachery.
Bruce and his cohorts is kept in the bowels of new Arkham, being insured they will never escape, while Bruce vows to come back and finish what he started, while Clark vows he will be there to stop him.
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brutalweek · 5 months
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DemonBat week 2024
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