#The Outlaws
You have no idea how much it means to me as a black autistic that started reading comics because of watching Utrh that Jason and Duke are eachother's Robin.Jason saw the FIRST and ONLY black Robin and decided 'He's my Robin.Y'all can do whatever,i don't care' and Duke canonically WANTS to be included and feel like part of the group for fucking once instead of settling for the misfit status and being alone,when he's only 17 yet is expected to just live without parents.He grew up being beaten down by society,kicked out of schools and in and out foster homes and you dickbreaths won't even let him have a family because you hate black people for not being quirky blue eyed white boys and call yourselves weirdos while upholding the status quo against us but your opinions and poor excuses of writing skills mean nothing because Jason choose Duke over Tim,over Roy,over everyone else when he was offered them.Because he wants DUKE over EVERYONE ELSE and Duke loves him too because Jason always gives him exactly what he's always wanted and needed and Jason needs Duke too since he's his best-written around him and Jason makes for an interesting and even essential part of Duke's story and character.Duke and Jason are eachother's Robin,always have been,always will be and Jason's never gonna stop choosing Duke.If you think otherwise,you don't know Jason and you don't deserve to speak on Duke's name.Red Hood's Robin is black.Don't you dare take them from eachother and then have the audacity to pretend you love either of them or care about representation
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yourlocal-edgelord · 25 days
We have the justice league playing fuck marry kill without knowing batmans bruce
what about their children
all the teens and young adults in one room drinking and playing F.M.K as a party game
Beast boy: Lets play fuck marry kill
A bunch of drunk kids agreeing
Wally: Lets go famous, i say we start with Tim drake, Jason todd and Dick grayson
Sounds of three people choking on their drinks (we all know who it is)
Roy: The wayne kids?
Once more mutual agreement to play these three
Then each time a kid lists which brother they would fuck or marry that brother grows an alarming shade of red, everyone assumes its the alcohol.
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lovesick-joey · 8 months
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quadruple-a · 1 year
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tim-drake-scholar · 10 days
One of my favourite things about batfam is that each of them thinks they’re the only normal person in the group. But the second you slap a Robin down next to teen titans or young justice or the justice league it is so evident that they are unhinged.
Any Robin in a Batman comic: intelligent, methodical, empathetic, grounded, composed
Any Robin in a YJ/TT comic: deranged, blood thirsty, calculating, clinical, mad scientist. Skeptical. Moody/brooding.
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jupiterfallz · 8 months
Batsibling shenanigans #286
Dick: Your parents got murdered in front of you?
Batkids: Fucking mint
Jason: You got kidnapped and tortured by the Joker?
Batkids: Fucking mint
Tim: Your parents are neglectful billionaires who left you alone from a young age?
Batkids: Fucking mint
Damian: Your maternal family is full of assassins who trained you and your second eldest brother who was revived in the lazarus pit?
Dick, and Duke: You fucking what-
Jason & Damian: fucking mint-
Tim, who already knew, echoing moments after: fuckin mint.
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headcanonthings · 2 months
Roy, leaning on the counter: Hey beautiful, come here often? Jason: Is this the part where I remind you we've been married for four years or do I play along? Roy: Play along! Jason: Alright. Sorry, I'm not interested, I'm married
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
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Very surprised nobody's done this before but maybe i'm just not looking hard enough(< guygal who checks the Batfam tags literally every day)
Duke edit by the lovely @robiinjason and the Maps art is by an official DC artist!!
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vodrae · 9 months
Jason Todd being a theater kid and Roy Harper having a band in canon, and his mother being the Taylor Swift of their world, I will not accept it if you tell me they didn't have a garage band together and some original tapes.
Kori comes from a space spartans society, you can't tell me they didn't beat the shit out of drums and bass when she felt homesick. They were on an island, who gonna complain ? Whales ?
They definitely mastered a "I'm in love with my car" duet.
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spacebubblehomebase · 4 months
(6/6) "R is for Rebellion!" ❤️
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Jason Peter Todd was the second Robin. Known for his burning passion and strong beliefs, this little bird will soon find his own way into the world beyond that of even The Bat's established status quo. He who would encourage others to seek new ways unwritten and be an example of someone that could take life's challenges as well as come out stronger. To break rules and have the willpower to persevere to the bitter end. For at times, when old tricks fail, one must forge their own path and seek new resolutions. -Bubbly💙
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If Batstans really wanna compare Jason and Hobie from Atsv,they could easily use the 'I see a black boy in need and imma help him' typa beat they both have with Hobie having Miles' back no hesitation when Spider Society turned against him and Jason choosing Duke as his Robin because Duke wants to feel like he's part of a real family after his parents got jokerized and how lonely and abused by the system he was as a kid.But that would require aknowledging Hobie's AFROpunk rather than just punk and writing the afrolatino Jason headcanon as an actual black man instead of a joke,fetish or token🤷🏽‍♀️
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another old pic
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mantimae · 2 months
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Outlaws movie night with the green eyed trio :) 💫🔫🏹
Textless version below the cut!
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lovesick-joey · 11 months
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jayroy doodle
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novie0120 · 4 months
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jupiterfallz · 9 months
Regular Batkid content
Jason: *reading pride and prejudice in the comfy arm chair*
Tim: *walks in* What the- Are you crying-?
Jason: *looks up from where he’s reading Pride and Prejudice*
Jason: *sniffles* No, I have allergies-
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