#batfam x little sister reader
jasmines-library · 4 months
Hey! i just wanted to say that your work is phenomenal! You got me sobbing in bed at 3 in the morning. I was wondering if I could request a Batfam x child!Wayne!Reader (maybe 4/5 years old) and what they’re all like (individually) when picking her up from school? In her class, they were learning about the great Batman, and all the hard work he does for the city, keeping everybody safe and whatnot. And obviously, she’s too small to know Bruce is Batman.. how would they all react to little baby Wayne rambling about cool Batman who has his own car and sidekick? I’d imagine she’s a very talkative kid, very sweet and friendly, and a very big-Daddy’s girl, but it’s completely up to you.
Thanks for listening to my rambling.. and keep up your awesome work!
Baby Wayne
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Note: This is one of the most adorable requests ever anon! Thank you for requesting and thank you for your kind words. I hope I’ve done your request justice.
He could see the smile on your face from the doorway. Bright and beaming as you sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning forward to listen to your teacher. The second you saw him lingering in the doorframe however, the smile grew and you were up on your feet in seconds and tottering over to him.
Wrapping your arms around his legs you hugged him tightly and looked up at him with big eyes. Picking you up and resting you on his hip, Bruce pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Hey sweetheart. Good day?”
You nodded excitedly, clinging to your dad. “We learnt about Batman today!” You exclaimed.
Bruce couldn’t help the small smirk that crept onto his face. You were still too young to know about his identity and he did well to keep it from you. You were always exploring and wondering off in the manor. He was sure you would make a fine vigilante one day, but for now he was keep to keep you sheltered.
“Oh really?” He raised a brow.
“Yep!” You said, popping the ‘p’. “He’s awesome! He has a cool car and side kicks! And he keeps the city safe! He’s super cool.”
Bruce bounced you up in his arms, savouring the joy in your voice. “Is that so?”
“Uh-huh.” You nodded. “When I grow up I wanna be just like him Daddy!”
“I’m sure you will be kiddo.” Bruce smiled. “I’m sure you will.”
He was waiting by the school gates, leaning up against the metal framing when your class came piling out of the doors. Bruce was out on a meeting, so he was tasked with collecting you from school, which of course he had no problem doing.
When you saw him, he made his way over slowly, watching as your face lit up at the sight of him and you came running over him with your bag hanging halfway off one shoulder.
“Dick look!” You beamed crashing into him as you ran a little too fast. Moving away you pointed to the yellow and black sticker you had plastered to the hem of the coat.
Dick crouched down to your height. “What you got there, squirt?”
“It’s the bat signal.” You announced proudly. “We learnt about it in class today.”
“You learnt about Batman?” Dick asked. He had wondered how long it would be until you began to learn about what they did.
“Yes we learnt about all of the heroes. But Batman is my favourite because he saves the city and he has a sidekick!” You grinned “Robin! I like him too.”
Dick hid his little grin by tussling your hair. He couldn’t wait for you to learn more.
Seeing Jason picking you up was a nice surprise for you when you finished class. You were ecstatic to see him and ran up to him squealing.
“Jay!” You giggled and he picked up and spun you around in the air. “I missed you.”
He had been away on business. You had constantly been asking Bruce about when you would see him again. You had began to miss his face at home.
“Guess what we’ve been learning about!?”
“Hmm.” Jason bit his lip pretending to think “pirate ballerinas”
You placed a playful hit to his chest with a laugh. “No silly. Batman!”
A-ha. Jason thought. this would be interesting. He wondered how much you had been told, though he doubted no matter how much you had learnt, that you had managed to piece things together.
“Was it good?” He asked you.
“It was great! He saves all of the people and is a real hero!” You said waving your arms animatedly. “He’s so brave!”
“He is.” Jason agreed. “Just like you little Wayne”
Tim found you doodling at one of the tables in the library. You had an array of colours sprawled out in front of you as you scribbled on the pieces of paper infront of you.
He peered over your shoulder trying to catch a glimpse of your drawing. You had draw stick figures, which made it hard to go by but even with your messy doodles he could make out the distinctive domino masks of the Robin and the black of Batman’s suit and cowl. He knew them like the back of his hand, so it was no surprise.
“What you drawing, kiddo?” He asked you.
You gripped the drawing with your hands and held it up proudly to him. “Batman and Robin. We learnt about them in class so I wanted to draw them.”
“It’s very good kid.” Tim told you, handing you back the drawing of the lopsided people only for you to hand it back to him.
“Can we put it on the fridge?” You asked curiously “I want to show it to Dad. I bet he thinks Batman is awesome too!” You blabbed “do you think he will like it, Timmy?”
“I’m sure he will.”
Dami was reading in the library when you plonked yourself beside him. Well…kind of. You struggled up onto the couch first.
“What are you doing?” You frowned, trying to read see over his shoulder.
He was reading up on one of Gotham’s villains that was causing havoc in the city. His first instinct was to shut it so you couldn’t read any of it…but then he remembered that you were still only learning to read.
“I’m reading a book on Batman.” He half-lied, setting the book to one side so you could clamber into his lap.
“Ooh I like Batman too.” You nodded.
Damian frowned. You weren’t supposed to know about that yet. “Where did you learn about him?”
“At school.”
Damian relaxed a little.
“He has a super cool cape! And a big car that he drives really fast around the city to stop the bad guys!”
“Sounds dangerous.” Damian smirked.
“Yes…” you trailed off. “But he is allowed to do it because he is Batman.” You decided.
“Is that right? He teased.
I hope that was okay! I hope you don’t mind that I changed it a little at the end: I didn’t want it to get too repetitive.
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao
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randomperson3736 · 10 months
What if little batsis meets little supersis
A/N: ooooo, I like this idea. I'm gonna make this into like a Headcanon cus I feel lazy to actully write a story on it 😶✌️
~Child batsis meets child supersis~
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●Straight up, the first time they met they were like bffs. Almost like they have known each other their whole short lives.
●They met beacuse Damian is kinda bestfriends with Jon Kent, plus their dads are like work partners.
●A lot of sleepovers at the Wayne Manor or Kent farm.
●Helping Alfred make cookies.
●Pulling pranks on Jon and Damian.
●Making Bruce and Clark become pretty little princesses for tea parties. (Alfred took sooo many photos)
●Always being attached at the hip 24/7.
●Being known as the "best child duo".
●Matching outfits.
●Always sharing secrets with each other and not telling anyone. (Besides Alfred)
●Begging Bruce and Clark to have sleepovers or play dates.
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xan-izme · 5 months
Double Life 7 (ATSV x reader x Batfam)
Summary: An unwilling partnership is formed between reader and Redhood. Damian wants to know more about his half-sister. And visits New York to seek answers there is only one problem, his father decides to come along.
You're in deep shit now. The whole time Jason was at the mansion, he had been eyeing you and giving you dirty looks every moment you spoke. You would glare back.
it was clear to others that you and Jason, were not fond of each other. But no one spoke up about it. Bruce would give Jason a stern look to stop and give you a gentle pat on the back.
And what's worse, Jason brought it onto himself to stay at the mansion to get to know the new member of the family a little better.
You were in your room. Thinking on this whole day and how everything just had to go downhill the moment you got back into action.
You were currently staring at the silver case you got earlier that was on your desk.
Alchemax . . .
You let out a deep sigh and sat on your bed. You felt a small headache come in as you thought about how you were going to get through this. You had to talk to Jason. And get things settled. Make a deal or something.
Suddenly you hear a knock at your door. You quickly hide the case. "Who is it?"
"It's me, you little thief." The voice on the other side of the door was clearly Jason. You frown and march over to the door and opened it. "Jason. . ."
Jason had a smug smirk on his face as you pushed through you to enter your room. "Where's the case." Jason stood by your bed and scanned your room. Taking in the art and pictures. The boombox and vinyl was pretty odd to see.
"Don't know what you're talking about." You let out a small sigh as you crossed your arms and leaned against your door frame. Jason glares at you and went over to your door and closed it shut.
"You know damn well what I mean." He got all up in your face as he had his finger pointed at your chest.
Your frown deepened as you glared back, glancing to his finger and back up to him. Making it clear, you don't like how close he is.
Jason calmed down a little and put distance between you two. "Look, we got off the wrong foot. . . I know your true identity, and you know mine." Jason spoke slowly, making hand movements and keeping eye contact. As if he was speaking to a toddler.
"Let's talk."
You were actually satisfied with this. But you have a feeling you should still be cautious with this one.
"Talk about what?" You leaned off the wall, still keeping your eyes on him.
Jason stayed silent and crossed his own arms. "A deal. You have something I want, I have something you want."
Your eyes narrowed. "What exactly do you have, I would want?"
Jason smirked "Your identity. You know, you're in a different city now, Spider-woman. There's a bigger vigilante out there, that would either put you down, or force you to join him. I have a feeling you don't want both."
You had to process for a second to understand who Jason was talking about, then you realized it. "Batman." You had completely forgotten about the famous batman. So focused on your own personal life. You had taken a risk to go out without thinking you'd run into Batman who has been in the game for years.
"Yup, so. How about we work together for now. Whatever is in the case, seems important. I don't want the old bats to find out about this either, so let's just play nice together and get this over with. I'll keep my mouth shut if you do the same, deal?" Jason extended his hand for a handshake.
You took a moment to think. And after what Jason had said, you realized, you possible have more to lose. You needed this deal more than him.
"Deal." You shook his hand to seal it all.
You let out a small yawn as you exit your room. About to leave for school. Your met with Damian waiting outside of your room, as usual. "Morning, cupcake." You spoke in a joking way. Damian frowns "Don't call me that- your shoes untied." He seemed bothered by your untied shoe.
"I know. It's a choice." You say with a shrug as he followed you down the stairs. Once you and Damian are downstairs, Alfred has already prepared breakfast.
"Morning Alfred smells and looks amazing, per usual." You had a nice smile on for the butler. You truly are grateful for Alfred. He just feels like a person you should respect. He does so much in this big mansion.
"Lady Y/n. Your usual f/f and Coffee-" Alfred paused as he noticed your coffee, he set down was no longer there. "Odd, your coffee." He mumbled a little confused.
Before you could say it was okay for now, Jason came out of nowhere.
"Oh, sorry was the coffee yours?"
Everyone looks over to see Jason, with your coffee mug.
Damian was quick to scold the older about taking your cup of coffee. You deadpan at the whole situation. Jason just smiled and gave you a half ass apology.
"Oops, my bad kiddo.'' Jason ruffled your head and set your empty mug in front of you.
"I'll make you another cup-" Before Alfred could even attempt to take the mug. You shook your head. "It's aight." You just ate your food and dragged Damian to the limo with you. Of course, you didn't leave without catching Jason giving you a mocking smirk.
You and Jason might be teamed up for the moment, but it doesn't mean you two are going to be the best of friends.
Damian has been doing more deep searching on you for a few days now. Trying to take everything in and find out what you're hiding. He hasn't found anything about this Miguel. In fact, no one in your life that he had searched on the Inernet mentions any Miguel.
What's gotten Damian a little more interested, and suspicious is your school records. Before your mother's death, you seemed to have been determined to go into a privet school in Brooklyn. Both you and your cousin seemed to be determined to enroll in the same privet school.
But why this specific school? there were other privet schools more fit for you and your cousin. Closer to New York. So why did you and your cousin pick Alchemax Academy?
"Y/n?" Damian spoke as he stared up at you, you and he were just sitting the bleachers during lunch.
"Hm?" You were still focusing what you had on your laptop, probably one of your assignments.
"That party you're going to for your uncle's promotion, can I come with you?"
You paused and looked over to Damian. Your surprised from this request, but you smiled down at him softly. "Of course, sweets." You pat his head and go back to working on your laptop.
He knows you won't tell him much, and you're not exactly an open book, nor are you easy to read. So, he should get some more info on you a little more on the deeper level if he visits your family.
You were excited to be back in New York again. And see Uncle Jeff and Miles. You missed them so much.
"Okay, let me go over the rules." You were about to explain the rules with Damian. So he makes a good impression on your uncle and aunt. Well, mainly Tia Rio. He's your half brother, and you want to make sure he won't fully mess up.
"Never call the adult by their first names, unless they insist. No talk back, like you usually do. If they offer you more food even when your full, don't refuse, you have no choice in the mater. And please, please don't go into the house with your shoes on. Okay?" You gave Damian a small smile of the basic rules.
"I see. . . may I ask who will be at this party?" He wants to know who his first target should be for conversation. Who he could pull more information from.
"Well, my cousin, aunts and uncles. A few family friends. Nothing too big." You had your back faced to Damian as you were fishing out some clothes that were nice and casual but still nice for the event.
Suddenly, a knock is heard at the door. "Can you get that for me Cupcake?"
Damian frowns as he gave you a glare, you were unbothered by it of course. "I told you to stop calling me that." He crossed his arms a he got off your bed and approached the door to open it up. He's met with the sight of Alfred and Bruce.
"Father." Damian raised a brow, showing his confusion as to why he was at your door. Bruce gave him the same look, wondering why he was even in your room.
"Damian, is Y/n here? What are you doing in her room?" Bruce asked as he attempted to peek into the room. But you heard his voice, and you walked up behind Damian with a greeting smile.
"He's getting ready with me. I'm bringing him along today."
"Oh?" Bruce was shocked to hear this, knowing Damian isn't the type to go to these kinds of things.
"Yup!" You ruffled Damian's hair. Bruce and Alfred couldn't help but soften at how the two of you have gotten along so well.
"Y/n, I was planning on coming along with you. If you don't mind."
You smiled at Bruces offer. "Of course, the more the merrier. Right Cupcake?" You smiled down at Damian, who did not like this idea at all.
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hana-no-seiiki · 3 days
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cw/tw: mentally ill reader. schizophrenic reader. reader w/ abandonment issues. manipulative reader. crimes. arson.
summary: we dive deeper into Gotham's explosive personality and history with those that took the title of ‘boy wonder’
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“They were right! You’re just a Jinx.”
“Everybody shut up! I need to think!”
“We weren’t . . . “
As much as you scared the crap out of Joker’s goons. Since they saw you grow up first hand. A lot of them tended to be overprotective over you.
I mean, they’re insane enough to follow Joker. What more you?
They see you as his successor. An heir of sorts.
Which is why Jason Todd felt like he had no choice but to either fix you or keep you locked up.
You don’t remember much of him. If you did you would hate him.
He was the one that essentially helped you pull the trigger on your family.
If you haven’t read my other posts about it, here’s the rundown.
Jason had a massive crush on reader when the two of em were kids. Prior to everything. Before he was adopted, before reader set their world ablaze, before shit hit the fan essentially.
He saw how neglected you felt. The rejection you faced from your peers for not being strong enough. For being small and weak.
Him and your sister were pretty popular amongst the kids but it only made the comparisons worse.
It was always how they were “twice the kids at [Y/N]’s age.”
And so he thought of a little gift. Just a little something to show the others how cool you really are.
He didn’t expect you to use it that way. And the worst part of it all, he wasn’t there to comfort you. I mean sure, dozens of people died that day. Many of which he was somewhat fond of. But he was sure they’d want him to comfort you. To say that it wasn’t your fault.
And despite all that, you only knew Jason as that one guy Joker went too far with.
“Hey, [N/N].”
The call of your name almost froze you on the spot. Their screams pushed forward from the back of your mind into the forefront. You didn’t think. Your hands just pulled the trigger of your machine gun on its own.
“Who the hell are you?” You grit your teeth. You’ve heard of this Red Hood going around and ruining your adoptive father’s plans lately.
And what’s worse? The man kept forcing you to stay away. Plying you with all sorts of prostitutes and all the money you could ever need or want.
Despite your hostile disposition, the man in question doesn’t return it. “I’m sorry. This was all my fault. I shouldn’t have left you behind.”
“Leave.” You lowered your machine gun. A sudden wave of drowsiness overwhelmed you. A sense of calm. Weakness. Everything was screaming at you to end the source. But if he kept dodging your bullets them perhaps diplomacy would work.
You breathed out. [Y/N]. That name, that identity — though it fell down a well and was long dead it still had it uses.
Softened voice, doe eyes, and posture loose. If you had no other weapon they you always had your vulnerability.
“You need to leave, Joker is coming soon and I can’t help you if you’re caught.”
“Who was that, Jinx?” Joker asked.
You turned around. Your eyes meeting his chest and then his face, where that wide, freakish grin was stuck unto him.
“Old man, I think you mean what.” The toxic pink glint flashed through your eyes as you once again buried your old self along with the rest of the corpses that have met their demise by your hand.
“Meet Fishbones.”
Recently Tim had been . . . more agreeable to your demands somewhat?
You could tell he was pulling his punches.
Sometimes he’d even join you in your exploits.
You never trusted him of course. You never trusted anyone but yourself. But he was fun to be around is all. Whether it was you two beating each other to near death or blowing up buildings (he made sure to evacuate its residents before you two went all out).
“You know. I kinda wanna blow up that building. Don’t you think we’ll have a better view of the sky that way, Timmy?” You pointed to the structure with your signature gun shaped hand gesture.
That was one of Bruce’s buildings.
“You . . . “ Tim blinked at you a couple of times. “are so right.”
“Let’s go.” You yanked him the hand.
Tim smiled. Even if he wasn’t making direct contact with your skin, and you with his — he couldn’t help but smile at the intimacy of this moment. What were his worries with you beside him? All the sadness and anger felt so fleeting when he was with you.
His glee almost costed him his life as it took him a couple of moments to realize that you have pushed him off a building after a while of parkour.
He managed to grapple himself back, and with your assistance, he got back up to the ledge you two were on.
He gave you one half hearted glare. You laugh at his face, “You’re such a loser! Always ready to cry! Wah wah wah!” And you set off. Getting within the building with no care for stealth whatsoever.
What was the point of being all sneaky like when you had bombs on you?
"Wait up! Get back here!" Tim ran after you. He didn’t mind that you were essentially destroying all his and Bruce’s hard-work on his industries, but you were being too reckless. He would sure as hell minded if you were caught.
Turns out he wasn’t so far off when it came to his fears and suspicions.
“You. You set me up.” You glared at him. Hands on your blaster. Ready to shoot at a moment’s notice. Your eyes flicking between the men in front of you, wondering who was best to pick off first.
Batman, Nightwing, or the man you stupidly thought was your friend.
“No. No you have to believe me I—“ Tim tried to explain. But Dick cuts him off, “Good job, we couldn’t have done it without you.”
“You traitor. I knew it. I knew it.” Your voice got weaker and weaker.
No, no, no. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. This wasn’t part of the plan. Tim was supposed to be with you for longer.
“I told you, you have no choice.” Bruce finally spoke. His cape moved to his back.
He wasn’t going to let you go. Not without making it bloody.
“Oh, boohoo. You’ve always been no fun!” Your eyes never leave the two dark suited men, but Tim knew you were speaking to him. “Good thing I never trusted you.”
And you take a deep breath, dropping the laughing gas Harley gave you for emergencies. It wasn’t as strong as the original one, hell you’re sure that those people probably expected that move. But it at least blocked their line of sights on you, allowing you to create some distance.
You managed to get far enough to ready your weapons and send a call of help to your adoptive parents before your prediction proved to be true — footsteps behind you; loud and clear.
“Look’s like we’ve got even more company. Huh, boy savior?”
“Don’t move and I won’t cut you down.”
Pow pow in your hand, and desperation in your mind. The last thing you heard is a blade unsheathing before you pull the trigger.
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୨ ©️ ୧⸝⸝﹕hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2024﹐⊂☁️⊃ ‹𝟹
AUTHOR’s NOTE: YALL THOUGHT THIS WAS GONE!! WELL THINK AGAIN!! I AM BACK!!! Sorry for the late update!! Man I’m so excited for season 2 of arcane ahahsheudidj
Taglist: @w31rdg1rl @cherry-peach-flavored @ice-cream-writes-stuff @speckle-meow-meow @inejghafawifesblog @sitepathos @mimiissia @rolo-at-midnight @mossyvampire @kawaiimusiccollection @harpy-space @takottai @maddeningmangos @obsessed-with-a-fictional @ihatemylifeuwu @caramelstrikezz @szapizzapanda @vanessa-boo @imbiafandbored @victor-rose @earphonejack09 @rainnyydaysworld @bubbabobabubbles @ksziggy @evan-trand @emo-z0mbiezzz @nyra-42 @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @orangeboulevard @alwayszealousdetective @huhuhhuhh @iwasveronica @imginarygirl @nebuluma @heyitsaloy @mysticalhills
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Baby Flower
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Yandere Platonic Cg!Batfam x Little!Fem!Reader
"Bubba tree!" The girl shouts.
Arms crossed over pouting in pale pink. Her legs hung loosely around the man's broad waist.
"No, princess, you know you can't go out there…" He replies softly.
Guilt was evident on his face. Wanting to take his little sister outside. Rules were rules. Jason knew if he were to disregard Bruce's orders when it came to her safety he'd have hell to pay. Jason also knew that it wasn't safe even walking her through the manors yard. They were keeping her safe even if it made her angry.
Speaking of which, she was trying to wring herself out of his grip. Crying loudly and writhing in his hold. Pleas falling as fast as the thick tears. Streaks striking against pink cheeks.
Jason sighs heavily. The guilt eating at his will. He holds her a bit tighter. "I know" falling out of his mouth as quick as her cries.
"Bubba! Bubba!" She calls angrily.
His hands taking over her back. His red shirt is darkened with her tears. Her smaller hands pull on the shirt a desperate struggle to get what she wants.
"C'mon doll… It's not that bad. I know you want to go outside but it's not safe." He tells her sadly.
Jason walks away from the window. The view clearly proved too much for the little. Her cries still sounded through the decorated halls. Her strength proves nothing compared to his.
"Aww, what happen to our baby?" Dick coos out the question.
Dick comes quickly across the living area. His hands out to take her from a seemingly very anxious Jason.
"No no no!" She shouts.
Her hands wring into the taller man's shirt. She rocks angrily in his arms. Jason sighs in defeat, slouching slightly with the toll of guilt. Dick looks a mixture of hurt and confusion.
"What happened?" He asks, irritated.
"She wants to go outside." A new voice spoke.
Dick turns as Tim makes his way into the room. A bat plushie tucked under his arm, a pacifier in hand, and a tablet in his other. The pacifier has straps to keep it on for when she "acts up".
"Saw them on the cameras." Tim spoke, holding up the tablet.
"I don't think she's giving up this time…" Jason mentions.
"That's why Alfred already put her medicine on it." Tim responds pointedly.
"Our poor baby bat." Dick pouts.
She tries to turn her head off when Tim brings the pacifier to her lips, but Jason holds her face to it. She cries and screams as they lock the straps over her head.
Her arms swing, but do little damage. Her face is pink and wet. None of the three men seemed happy with the current situation. They all knew that she would cling on to any of the others as soon as she'd see them. Her pettiness shining through even when small.
Their knowledge is proven when Cass and Duke walk into the room. The small girl immediately whines out and reaches out for the two. Trying with all her might, which was slowly diminishing with the medicine.
Cass perks up instantly, a smile breaking gracefully across her face. She comes over and easily steals the girl from Jason's arms. The tiny girl latches onto her. Burying her wet face into her black shirt.
"What happened sweetheart?" Duke asks softly.
His hand lands softly on her back, rubbing soothing circles. Had the three painted a perfect picture, even with the smaller girl's tears. Of course none of them took that for granted as Dick had already pulled out his camera and taken a picture of the three.
Tim explained the girl's breakdown, or as he explained her "tantrum. Duke coos out at her. Reaching out to hold her hand as she reaches out to him.
"Your big siblings are just so mean aren't we?" Duke smiles pitifully at her.
Cass giggles slightly and nods her head. Both trying to make the situation seem less important to your small mind. She nods with them, but she means it in a more serious sense. Her tears have stopped falling, however her pout remains firm.
"What, is there a party in the living room or something? Were we not invited?" Steph jokes as she walks into the room.
"Clearly, Brown, pup is upset." Damien says irritation leaking from his voice.
"Chill out Damien. None of us did anything, she just wanted to go outside." Jason says equally annoyed.
Damien narrows his eyes. Steph coos just like everyone before her had. The smaller girl was rather calm now despite her pout. The medicine took its toll on her and calmed her down almost to the point of making her fall asleep.
Everyone decided to chill in the room for the time being, just in case she got ornery. Jason grabbed a book, Tim worked on his tablet, Duke and Dick chose to play a movie, and Steph and Cass talked and held you softly.
An hour passed and Damien seemed to have reappeared. He has a small bag in his arms, and he walks with determination flashing in his eyes. Dick greets him and Tim asks what he's doing. For once, Damien ignore both men and walks up to the girl.
Her eyes light and incredible exhaustion. It was obvious despite how little she was she was still aware of the danger she was in. They'd kidnapped her so long ago and even when she regresses she seems to hold onto some of her grown-up fears.
They all hold hopes that one day their little sister will let go of her old life and be the precious love they know she passed down. She still let them be there when she was little just not when she wasn't it broke their hearts every time.
It was obvious she was trying to fight her regression. She was slowly slipping out despite their efforts. She was also trying to stay awake.
Damien took notice of the stress in the room despite the faux calming atmosphere. He motions for Cass to scoot over and she obeys easily. He took his place right next to her.
"You're still upset about not being able to go outside." Damien says factually.
She cuddled with her bat with Steph on her other side. Damien brings the bag closer to his feet.
"These perhaps won't do much to make you less angry, however I'm certain these are what you wanted to see." He mentions searching through the bag.
The first thing he pulls out of the bag is a branch of hydrangeas opulent blooms. Purple and blue petals immediately catch the girl's eye. Whispering out a quiet awe at the flower. She reaches out with one hand while keeping her bat plush snuggled close in her other. Her fingers gently skim the petals and her eyes glow with fascination.
“Would you like to hold it, pup?” Damien asks her sweetly. She nods her head vigorously. Excitement overtakes her features. She sits up more and takes the flowers with care. Her smile widens, and she brings them close to her face to smell them.
“Did you seriously bring flowers from the garden?” Tim asks.
“Clearly none of you were going to do anything, Drake.” Damien answered curtly.
“Kinda glad he did,” Jason said. “She already seems a lot happier now.”
“Yeah, and just look at how cute she is with them!” Steph says brightly.
“I am a little worried…” Dick pushes out. “What if she’s allergic?”
“We have plenty of medicine for that. Think of how happy she is and how many pictures we can get.” Duke says pointing towards the smiling girl.
Damien turns his attention back to the girl and holds out more flowers this time light-pink roses. He’d deliberately taken off the stems leaving just the flower heads for the girl to hold. She reacts positively, grabbing at them quickly so she could feel the soft petals.
Despite his plan to give her them one at a time so she doesn’t get overwhelmed, she noticed his bag and was actively trying to steal it away. The room was filled with giggles and smiles as Damien slightly raised the bag and poured flowers on the girls lap. Her face lit up and she bounced slightly in joy as white rosebuds, baby's breath and love in a mist all flowed swiftly in her lap.
She squealed in joy. Picking up every flower and messing with it. Duke was right as they’d gotten quite a few pictures of her playing with the flowers. Even more photos were taken when after playing in the plants she allowed herself to relax enough to fall asleep, surrounded by the blossoms.
As much as they wished to take her outside, the family knew it was their job to protect her. Whether that need to protect grew into obsession and paranoia, well they would never say, but they wouldn’t let a single thing hurt her. No matter what they had to do.
~~~Notes (Flower Meanings)~~~
Love in a Mist symbolizes being perplexed by someone and openness to love
Light-Pink Roses symbolize platonic love
Hydrangeas Opulent Blooms symbolize familial love
White Rosebuds symbolize sibling love more particularly sisterly love
Baby's Breath symbolize everlasting familial/brotherly love
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e-nonsense · 2 months
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pairing. batfam x batsis!reader + platonic!matt murdock x batsis!reader
warnings. swearing, child neglect, mentions of an accident that makes you blind, canon/typical violence, nothing goes with comics, OOC matt murdock
wc. 1.2k
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Jason had disappeared again, where to, no one knew. All that you had been told was he and Bruce had another one of their many fights, this time it had gotten physical.
You had only found out weeks after his disappearance. Having been in New York for the last two weeks.
You were amused to find out that he hadn’t actually left Gotham, instead he was sitting across from you munching down his burger, the sounds made were disgusting and you thanked whatever God out there that you couldn’t see it.
You listened with a smile as your older brother rambled on about how pissed off he was at Bruce, your unseeing eyes hidden behind a pair of tinted circular glasses.
The glasses were new, not the fact you were wearing them, just the fact that instead of them bearing the usual black tint you often wore it was now a dark purple.
Jason was the only sibling you confided in with your newest secret, a new name whispered amongst Gotham crooks and villains. He was against it at first, completely against it but when he saw you fight finally. His mind was changed.
If you learnt this much in two weeks, what could you do if you had two months. Or two years?
Jason wouldn’t this but he could see the Bruce in you, how quickly and how resilient you were becoming. Someone who could match the Batman in skill despite not having sight, he’d stick by to help you figure all that stuff out.
So for now Jason would support your decision, help you from behind the computer for now until he’d be ready to come back as Red Hood. But for now he could settle with lunch dates with his little sister during the day and helping you kick ass during the night.
“So, you going back to New York so this Murdock guy can train you more?” Jason asked with a mouth full of burger and you grimaced at the sound of his chewing.
“I might not if I’m going to be hearing your chewing in more detail from now on.” You grumbled, reaching out for your milkshake. Jason snorted in response, swallowing down his food.
“You can hear that?” He asks intrigued.
You only nodded in response, before shrugging. “‘S not much. Matt can heat heartbeats, but he said if i continue focusing and blocking out noises I don’t need to hear I’ll get there soon enough.”
Jason nodded along, you assumed by the sound of hair ruffling.
“So what can you hear so far?” He asked.
“Breathing, chewing, things far away sometimes, i can hear more sometimes and then other times i can’t hear anything at all.”
Jason hums, pausing to watch you, “you look happier.” He blurts out, “i mean compared to how you were, stashed away in the manor.”
You hide your smile behind the milkshake and Jason smiles, “I’m glad.”
“Breathe,” Matt instructs, hands on your shoulders. “Focus on his heartbeat, ignore mine, find him.”
Your breathing evens out, and Matt can hear your heart slow down, relaxing from your earlier training as you tried to find the heartbeat of the other man in the room. “I can’t—” you try to complain.
“Do it,” Matt repeats, “focus.”
Then you hear it, another heartbeat echoing through your ears coming from your, “left.” You mutter and Matt grins, ruffling the top of your head.
“That’s creepy,” Peter’s voice calls out, “it’s like there’s two of you now.” His footsteps get closer, stopping right in front of you.
“I should properly introduce the two of you,” Matt says. “Peter this is y/n Wayne. Kid, this is Peter Parker, he’s Spider-Man.”
"Spider-man?" You snorted, "what, were there no other names available?"
Peter groaned, crossing his arms like a pouty child. "Shut up," he grumbled.
"breaks over," Matt calls out and now its your turn to groan, all morning since you got back to New York he's been training you.
Starting with sitting silently in one place and picking out quieter sounds and now you were training to fight more.
Because no way in hell was Matt going to let you fight freely in Gotham city without further extensive training. So for now, you were getting your ass handed to you, and it sucked.
Bruce started at the screens in front of him, the sound of his youngest sons sparing in the background didn’t phase him, he was getting irritated with the new presence in Gotham. Some newbie calling themselves Duchess, a who had never crossed paths with him by some miracle.
actually it seemed every time Bruce arrived on scene, the Duchess just disappeared, as if she had some sixth sense for him. There was limited footage of her too, just little blurs of shitty CCTV cameras of a girl with a bandana tied around her eyes and in full black. Hands wrapped in black bandages, any distinguished features covered up, leaving the possibilities of her identity to thousands of candidates.
The only other thing Bruce had on her being her constant travel between Gotham and New York, specifically Hell’s Kitchen. But he got no leads from there, other than the Duchess being in cahoots with the Daredevil and his allies.
So, after hours of analysing footage, names and failing to hack into SHEILD’s servers, the only thing Bruce had gotten was that this Duchess being; female and lives in Gotham or New York.
“Nothing?” Dick’s voice comes from beside him, arms crossed as he leans back against the desk, sweating as he had just returned from patrol with Cass and Steph.
Bruce grunts in response and Dick takes it as a yes, “damn.” He mutters with a sigh, “well I’m heading home. I need sleep and I have work in the morning,” Dick says, stretching his arm, patting his shoulder as he heads up the stairs and out of the cave.
Was he actually heading home? No. He was off to do his own investigation about this Duchess. Hopefully he’d actually find something.
Navigating Gotham was easy when you had the heartbeats of the people who you want to avoid memorised. But New York? Not so easy, the streets were louder, busier, people walked around freely and not in quiet groups armed with knives to avoid being attacked.
At first the noises were overwhelming to your senses, but overtime you had learnt how to block out certain sounds, like cars, random clicking, rats, water, the unimportant things. And the noise became more bearable, you could tell the difference between human heartbeats and animal ones.
“This way,” Matt spoke, jumping over building to building with you following closely behind.
He had talked about getting you a suit made but until then the outfit you had on currently would do fine. The sounds of Peter’s webshooters were in the background, “are you sure about this? I mean she’s still new to this, taking her out on patrol might be a bad idea.” Peter spoke, trying to be a voice of reason.
“I’m sure,” Matt says his voice distorted due to the sound of an explosion in the background, the smell of smoke filling your noses.
“That can’t be good,” you mutter, nose scrunching at the smell.
“Definitely not,” Peter nods in agreement before the three of you head over towards the scene.
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© e-nonsense. do no copy/steal/translate. do it and I’ll bite your toes off
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 3 months
I Can't Protect You Anymore (Batman X Daughter!Reader)
Turning Into Jason (Bruce Wayne X Daughter!Reader)
Teleportation Help (Bruce Wayne X Daughter!Reader)
Forgotten Birthday (Bruce Wayne X Daughter!Reader)
Finding Identities (Bruce Wayne X Teen!Reader)
Independence (Bruce Wayne X Male!Teen!Reader)
Dick And Jason's Friend (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader
Addicton To Fear (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader)
Happy Anniversary (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader)
Plan PDA (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2/ Pt 3
Movies And Plans (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader)
Telling Truths (Dick Grason X Male!Reader)
Loathing To Love (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader)
Seeing An Unwanted Face (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader)
Escaping Joker (Dick Grayson X Fem!Reader) *TW
Hating Your Presence (Dick Grayson X Fem!Reader)
Betrayed (Dick Grayson X Reader)
MIA (Jason Todd X Male!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Just An Accident (Jason Todd X Male!Reader)
Sleeping Over (Jason Todd X Male!Reaer)
Never Forgotten (Jason Todd X Male!Reader)
Serving Revenge (Jason Todd X Male!Reader)
Practically Together (Jason Todd X Male!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Help Through Change (Jason Todd X Reader)
Selina's Kitten (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Meeting The Family (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Quoting Shakespeare (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Nightmares (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Jason's Partner's Sacrifice (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Opposing Ego (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Shut Up! (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Protecting Children (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Wrong Apartment (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Staying Home (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Under The Mask (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Normalcy In Chaos (Jason Todd X Brother!Reader)
Anxieties (Jason Todd X Sister!Reader)
You're More Important (Tim Drake X Reader)
Childhood Promises (Tim Drake X Male!Reader)
Trust Takes Time (Damian Wayne X Batmom!Reader)
A New Member Of The Family (Damian Wayne X Sister!Reader)
Secret Friendship (Damian Wayne X Fem!Reader)
Meeting On Rooftops (Damian Wayne X Fem!Reader)
Similar Suffering (Damian Wayne X Fem!Reader)
Needing To Move (Damian Wayne X Reader)
Longing At Galas (Adult!Damian Wayne X Male!Reader)
Needing A Cheer Up (Alfred Pennyworth X Fem!Reader)
Lost Control (Batfam X Fem!Reader)
A Part Of The Family (Batfam X Fem!Reader)
Nothing Said (Batfam X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt2
Hanging Criminals (Batfam X Brother!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
New Sister (Batfam X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Much Loved Sister In Law (Batfam X Fem!Reader)
Walking Home (Batfam X Deaf!Batson!Reader)
Little Daredevil (Batfam X Blind!Batsis!Reader)
Being Bruce' First Bio Son And You're Developing Relationship With Damian Would Include...
Date With A Girl (Batfam X Batsis!Reader)
Birthday Blues (Batfam X Male!Reader)
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ifyoucandaniel · 4 months
i know we all love our jason “reads classical literature and makes obscure literature references” todd, and usually damian is the other reader in the family and they either bond over their love for classical literature or try to kill each other. however i would like to take this a step further and say that EVERYone in the batfam are big readers. i come from a big family and all of us read in some way or another so here are my headcanons for the bats:
jason, as we know and love, is a massive classic literature buff. pride and prejudice, the brontë sisters, the iliad (he swears achilles and Patroclus are the greatest love story of all time), etc. he IS pretentious and everyone groans when classic literature is brought up in any debatable capacity. however his all time favorite book is the princess bride and he would die for buttercup. when the whole family starts watching jujutsu kaisen, jason reads the manga just so he can spoil things for damian that never actually happen. the day a new episode comes out jason tells damian panda was actually a spy and kills megumi. damian tries to kill him with his cereal spoon
while damian was with the league talia made sure he was sufficiently educated in classic literature in all their original languages, and he doesn’t mind a good classic. however i think he actually reads a lot of manga and children's classics. he read where the red fern grows and old yeller and cried, but he won’t ever admit it. he loves shonen and shojo manga, he really likes naruto and attack on titan (i can’t really decide what i think he’d like actually)
Dick is a smut slut girly!! he is in a bookclub with babs and steph where they read the sluttiest books to ever make it through publishing. He read ACOTAR and was constantly facetiming babs to rant. they're currently reading haunting adaline. Bruce once asked what the big deal was when the girls were talking to dick about fouth wing in the kitchen and they all looked at him with such offended expressions he never asked again
tim is also a pretentious fucker, but he reads dark academia. he will ride or die for Donna Tarte, his copy of the secret history is always on the desk by the batcomputer and he takes if we were villians on patrol with him. jason fucking hates his books and they're always fighting on who's taste in books is better. jason actually really loved a little life a cried seven times while reading it, but he would rather die than concede
steph is an AO3 girly!! she's part of the slut bookclub with dick and babs, but at heart she's an ao3 girly. she's also written her fair share of bruce wayne x batman fanfics. she once read a superbat fanfiction out loud to the boys and dick was absolutely enthralled, duke was morbidly facinated, damian had never been more disgusted in his life, and jason laughed so hard he almost threw up
duke reads a lot of comics (spiderman is his favorite because i say so and the MCU is their comic world), and he likes X-men and wolverine. he also really likes high fantasy and has read every book brandon sanderson has ever written
Cass like romance novels and ya books. damian acknowledges her taste in books after she defends his stance on harry potter and percy jackson being classics when jason tries to argue that they don't belong in the same category as his books. she read the cruel prince and convinced bruce to get her a snake she named percy. she reads books damian recommends and he would never actually say it out loud, but he secretly loves sharing his books with her and feels a lot closer to her because of her willingness to read what he recommends
bruce isn't typically a reader (he's too busy serving justice and kicking ass) but he will read books that his kids ask him to. he read the entire wheel of time series with duke and would go on patrols with him after just to talk about it. he read the golden compass to dick when he first took him in, and he read all of jane austen's books after jason told him he must be illiterate if he'd never picked up a classic
now what about alfred...
i dont have time to do everyone else and this is super rushed, but I just couldn't stop thinking about dick and babs having a little book club and reading the sluttiest books ever
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redhead-batgal · 6 months
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Type: Two-Shot (Part Two: Here)
Pairing: Fem! Reader x Damian Wayne/ Robin
Word Count: 8,605
Content: Bad y/n family, self-depreciative thoughts, language, violence, a little bit of gaslighting, angsty times, (a tiny bit of venting), "good" coping/reactions, tiny bit of batfam slander and aged up reader/Damian to 18yrs.
(P.S: I may or may not have another part planned that will make all of this make more sense but like it works fine as it is if y'all like it on its own)
Y/N: your name, V/N: Vigilante name, S/n: Sister's name, Favorite Color: f/c
Family is supposed to be one of the most cherished and important things in life. They are supposed to support and love you; they are supposed to make you feel safe and happy. They are supposed to lift you up and help you know that despite your flaws you are loved, wanted and cherished.
And yet, yours never did.
Born the middle child you were quickly forgotten. Especially since your younger sister captured everyone's attention. Captivating every person who passed it seemed as if she had some kind of aura that pulled others in.
It seemed as if she was good at everything and nothing you could ever do would even make you half the person she was. She was kind, and friendly, wickedly intelligent and charismatic. A perfect person some would say, and it made you feel like utter shit for not being able to do a third of what she could.
Maybe that was why you turned to a life of vigilantism. Maybe you hoped that doing good, even with no thanks for it, would help you feel worth... something. Worth anything. That even though only you would know, you would be able to burn at a fraction of light your sister burned at. Helping others, saving people merely because they needed help and making a difference made you feel... alive.
But your sister was still there. She was still shining and bright, happy to steal any friend or crush you ever had. Or at least that's the way it seemed, the way her eyes would glint as she laughed twirling her hair chatting with your friends. A vengeful look spilling from them. But she always shed tears upon seeing your distraught face, she seemed to feel guilty though you felt a hidden smile behind her tears.
Sisters are sisters, your parents would say, she will be mean and tease you, but you will always love each other.
You began to wonder if all of it was a lie to make you feel as if she cared about you when it was clear she didn't. She seemed to hate that you had become content that you were different then her, that you proudly held your head high as people pointed out your differences. But she didn't know the way you truly felt. It was strange, she was so perfect that you were jealous, but jealousy was a nasty color on anyone. And you had heard too many times that you were selfish and self-centered to let others know how you truly felt about her.... well, some people knew.
Your partner, Damian Wayne- the mother fucking Robin, knew how you felt. He was your best friend after all, he knew all of your secrets and deepest feelings and wishes as you knew all of his. Ever since you had moved to Gotham and decided upon some extracurricular nighttime activities, only to be caught and brought in by Batman; your life had gotten a bit better. Your sister was miles away in your home state living a happy and pampered life as she went to college while living with your parents.
Regardless, it was hard to forget such emotions- to remove them completely. In fact, it was harder to forget how you were treated since you were so much freer. You were unhindered by your family's expectations and your sister's growing shadowing which you were so used to living in.
Now out of that shadow- out of sight of the throne your parents constantly put your sister on you were better able to see that she wasn't perfect at all... well at least she wasn't as nice and kind as she seemed to be. Away from your childhood home you were able to see all the jabs, torment, disparagement and diminishment you received from her. How she would mock your accomplishments and steal away those who helped you rise passed your insecurities regarding your place against hers.
It seemed whenever you got enough footing to climb out of her shadow, she'd push and knock you back to the depths of it.
You had, as many do, told your best friend of such revelations. But, as humans do, you made it clear that your thoughts probably had bias. An accumulation of years of neglect and belittlement made it hard to be sure what you felt was the truth. Which made it even harder to convince Damian you were right, but you didn't mind fighting such a battle if it meant someone else could see the sister the way she truly was... or at least the way you saw her.
"Ugh," You groaned tilting your head back as you turned your phone off leaning against the gravel covered rooftop, "Miss Perfect is at it again."
Across from you, Robin raised his head. His face stony as he scoffed looking around once again, doing the job you were supposed to be doing at the moment, patrolling.
Silence beat between the two of you and you rolled your eyes, swirling into a somersault before bounding over towards him. He stayed quiet and you began walking circles around him.
Throwing your voice down at least three octaves you spoke again, "And what exactly did that horrendous sister of yours do this time?"
Robin blinked at this, pausing before turning to you, his facade finally cracking as he lifted an eyebrow.
"What exactly was that supposed to be?"
You grinned leaning in a bit closer to him before batting your eyes and replying, "My impression of you being a caring friend and contributing to this important conversation."
This time the corner of his mouth twitched as he hesitated. Then he turned eyes scanning the horizon. You shrugged accepting the small victory as you slid into a perch your back pressed against his.
"I'm going to just keep talking and if you don't respond I'll respond for you, okay?"
He grunted in reply, and you took that as a yes before leaning your head, so it rested against the back of his shoulder.
"S/N found the old diary we shared and posted pictures of some entries on all of her socials. Entries- selective, that only I wrote- embarrassing entries."
Silence beat once again between the two of you and you took that moment to take up your impersonation once again.
"Do you think it was involuntary? Or that she had a particular reason for doing such an atrocious thing?"
You felt Robin's body tremble and twitch as he shifted, and his chest shook. Smiling softly, you looked up at the night sky, partially missing the thousands of stars you could see back home.
"No, I think she did it on purpose. As I have told you before, it is her life's mission; along with being the exact image of a perfect daughter, girl and person, to make me feel like shit." You paused shifting so your weight was slowly and surely pressing upon him, "It was- it was probably because of the pictures I posted last week of me, Steph, Cass and Barabra."
He was motionless this time and still silent. Fiddling with your belt you waited a moment more before replying to him.
"You must have a rather elevated opinion of yourself if you think she would care about something so minuscule y/n- no V/n."
This got a soft- barely audible laugh from him. Taking the second it escaped to bask in the sound and feeling of his body shuddering as he tried to hold it back and you let out a breath. It was relaxing being here with him, talking half to yourself while he listened. It was peaceful and quiet, something you found your cherished. However, the quiet would not last long, so you continued on.
"You see Da- Robin, I would agree with that except she not only was one of the first people to like it, but when it started getting a lot of likes she commented, 'So proud of how far you've come! I hope you'll be home for my ceremony next month!'. Now I have a question for you, is that something someone who doesn't give a shit does?"
This time he moved, shifting so your sides pressed together and faces nearly touched. His brow was furrowed and gaze dark. You blinked in surprise but merely tilted your head.
"What?" He muttered something tense in his voice.
"She commented on my photos of my girl's day with Steph, Cass and Barabra, 'So proud of how far you've come. I hope you'll be home for my ceremony next month. Kinda seems off right?"
Robin scowled as he looked away from you, but not at the city, no he looked at the rooftop, his jaw locking. You weakly laughed and turned so his side was pressed against your back.
"I don't know about you, but that sounds fairly passive aggressive. And I know I'm not the world's greatest detective or his kid, but... that does not seem like something you'd comment on your sibling's post."
Robin grunted and you shut your eyes for a moment, happy tonight was tranquil enough that you could feel the quiet. Every moment that pulsed between the two of you was raw and unimpeded. You could hear every one of his breaths, feel the expanding and contracting of his chest and feel the heat of his body pressed against yours fighting off the chill of the night.
"It is... odd." He finally replied.
You snorted, opening your eyes to see him looking at you, his brows creased with concern.
"That is an understatement if I've ever heard one."
He rolled his eyes snorting as you sat up yawning. Stretching out you faintly heard the beep of the coms, a voice crackling in your ears.
"V/N, Robin, if everything is clear you two are good to go for the night."
Patting your mouth, you nodded making brief eye contact with Robin before you stretched some more, "Alright, thank you very much Oracle!"
Oracle's voice instantly replied, "Of course, get some rest Y/N."
You smiled, shooting Robin a wink as you snagged the small bag you carried with you throughout patrol.
"Yes mam! I will see the both of you tomorrow!"
A soft laugh echoed through the coms before everything went silent, you turned and bounded down the stairs to the closest empty room, changing back into your civilian clothes and placing your vigilante gear into the bag.
Now appropriately dressed, you began your trek home. Which luckily for you, was less than ten minutes tonight. Taking in the night air you bounced and twirled walking down the sidewalk before you arrived at your complex.
Walking inside you began your assent to your apartment; sure, nothing could ruin your night. However, as you made it to your floor you found a figure with bags standing nearby your door.
"Uh, hi," brow furrowed, you slowly approached the figure, "can I help you?"
At the sound of your voice the figure snapped up stepping enough into the dim light that you could see it was a girl- a familiar girl who perked up at the sight of you.
You felt the blood drain from your face as the girl raced up and pulled you into a hug. Your head began to spin as you fought to breathe normally.
"What are you doing here?" You weakly asked as the girl released you grinning brightly.
"I'm here to surprise you silly!" She laughed as she pulled on your arm, "I haven't seen you in what feels like forever, so I wanted to come by! I thought it'd be fun to hang out and see how your life is here. Maybe you can give me a tour of the city and introduce me to your friends."
You nodded half understanding what she was saying, still in shock at the sight of her, "Uh-huh."
"Y/N, come on! It's late we should get inside... speaking of where have you been?"
"Work- uh work I work nights most of the time. I usually get back around 4ish," You began, walking towards your apartment.
She nodded in understanding as she pulled her suitcase towards your door waiting for you to open it. Hands slightly shaking you put the key in the lock and twisted pulling down on the handle. With a weak flourish you gestured to the apartment.
"Welcome to Gotham... S/N."
"I'm so excited!" She squealed, wheeling her things in, "we are going to have so much fun."
"So much," You weakly echoed heart dropping as you almost saw your new life going up in flames.
It was unfortunate to say the least that not only was your sister in town, but she wanted to meet your friends. You didn't have many friends outside of the other vigilantes and were nervous to explain that you were friends with the Waynes and never said anything about it.
Part of you wanted to brag and shove it in her face, but you knew that not only was rude but would do nothing. If you were lucky, she would be acquaintances with them in the end... if you weren't.... let's just say you wouldn't be able to have your fun little chats on patrols anymore.
You knew that Damian would never abandon you... at least intentionally. You wanted the two to meet so he could see how all you spoke about was true! So, someone else could tell you, you weren't insane. So that you could feel a sense of relief that you weren't making all this up. But you feared- you so deeply feared he'd choose her over you. You were terrified of being abandoned again for your sister.
Regardless, you knew you had to introduce them at some point because there was no way Damian was going to allow you to not speak to him for that long.
So, after an extensive two-day tour of Gotham and pointing out all of the best places to shop, eat or just relax (despite how few there were) you made your way to the Wayne manor for a brunch of sorts with everyone. To introduce your sister and finally get over with the fear.
Tapping your fingers against the steering wheel you tried to listen to your sister's ramble, but your stomach was churning.
"Sooo," She said, "After this brunch I'm going to go and meet up with some online friends... will you be okay without me?"
You tensed, but slowly nodded, "Oh, yeah! I should be okay. I probably can talk with my boss and ask for some time off so we can continue to hang while you're here. And I run a couple of errands."
S/N nodded, shooting you looks as you pulled into the Wayne's neighborhood. She furrowed her brow as you reached their driveway and the gates opened. You began to go up the driveway when she let out a slight gasp.
"Wait, is this... is this Wayne manor?!"
You nodded your chest tightening, "Uh yeah. I thought I told you I'm friends with the Waynes."
Her jaw dropped as she stared in awe at the manor. You wanted to laugh at her expression, but your nerves were wound so tight you feared it might end in you crying.
"We- we are having brunch with the Waynes?!"
"Well, a few of them. Bruce is busy at work and I'm pretty sure so's Tim. Dick is in Bludhaven. And j-" You stopped yourself recalling Jason wasn't legally alive, "and I think the rest should be joining us, along with a friend I think."
S/N did not move, her eyes wide as you pulled to a stop parking. From here you could see Alfred standing in the doorway. You gave him a quick wave and he returned it with a smile.
Unbuckling, you turned the car off and slid out of it. S/N scrambled to get out as you closed your door. She blinked a few times, shaking her head as you locked the car and began your way to the front door.
"How- how are you friends with the Waynes?" S/N whispered, having clamped onto your arm.
"Uhhh long story, I mean technically work. My boss- he uh... he put me on a project, and I ended up meeting Damian and we hit it off pretty well and I ended up meeting the rest and the same happened." You spat out your prepared lie, noticing the way she tensed upon you saying Damian's name.
"Damian... he's the youngest right?" She muttered as you began to climb up the steps.
"Miss Y/N, Miss Y/N's sister, it is a pleasure to have you dine with us this morning." Alfred said, holding the door open.
You smiled and gave him a nod, "Alfred this is S/N, S/N this is Alfred Pennyworth he is the butler here and the one who actually runs things."
S/N giggled as she released you to give Alfred a curtsy. He gave you a look as she was bent, and you shrugged. The two of you then walked into the manor a clattering of shouts and chatter coming from the dining room nearby.
"Y/N IS HERE!" A delighted Steph bellowed before bouncing around the corner and bolting towards you.
S/N stepped back as Steph flung herself at you, with surprising ease you caught Steph with a laugh. She grinned wildly as a few more people rounded the corner.
"Looks like all your training is paying off!" Steph giggled as you set her down.
She then paused seeing your sister and smiled, holding out her hand, "Hi! I'm Stephanie but you can call me Steph!"
Your sister's expression instantly lightened, and she took Steph's hand shaking it.
"I'm S/N, Y/N's sister."
Steph released her hand and nodded, "Nice to meet you."
A few beats of silence occurred, and you noticed Cass, Duke and Damian, all approaching you.
"Yo, Duke!" You said almost subconsciously, "It's been a while, how are you man?"
You walked towards Duke giving him a quick side hug as he laughed. You felt Damian's eyes bearing into you, but you ignored it.
"I'm good! You know how it is, school and work. It has been a while, what about you?"
"I'm good, pretty much the same," But you paused as you turned to see your sister shooting you daggers, "My sister is in town. Duke this is S/N, S/N this is Duke! He is one of the chillest people in Gotham and the best writer I know!"
Duke flustered slightly as your sister smiled bounding towards him.
"Hi! It is so nice to meet you! I'm S/N!"
Cass waved hello and you waved back as Damian stopped at your side. Your nerves were twisting tighter as your sister looked to you, her eyes brightening upon seeing Damian.
"That's Cass, she is amazingly talented... oh man if she had one, I would take you to see one of her ballet shows."
Your sister nodded clearly not interested in Cass, she eyed Damian and you noticed Duke and Steph sharing troubled looks.
"And this is?"
"Damian Wayne, it's a pleasure to meet you S/N."
He took the hand she offered out and shook it. You were still as Damian's arm brushed past you, your heart racing. Silence seemed to buzz in your ears before Alfred cleared his throat. You blinked and turned.
"Uh, Is it time to eat alf- Alfred?"
Alfred nodded and you turned towards the dining room feeling Damian's not so subtle grip on your arm, "Why don't we go eat?"
Steph instantly grabbed onto your sister and began asking her questions. She shot Damian looks before caving in and allowing her to guide her away. Duke and Cass followed behind them leaving only you and Damian.
"Are you alright?" He muttered.
"Yeah yeah," You weakly replied, "I- i just wasn't expecting her."
He looked you over his brow furrowing before he nodded, "Alright."
The two of you stared in silence before you felt your face flush.
"Uh, okay let's go eat!"
You felt his grip leave your arm and you hurried to the dining room to find only two seats open. One next to your sister and one next to Cass, across from your sister. You sat down next to her watching as Damian took the seat across from her.
"So!" S/N instantly said, "I'm assuming you've heard all about me so why don't you tell me about yourselves?"
"Actually," Steph chirped, smiling, "Y/N doesn't talk about you guys often... none of us do. It's kinda like an unspoken rule. After all, Bruce adopted half of them and I- let's just say family troubles aren't fun!"
You had to resist a laugh at your sister's outraged expression and quickly drink from a glass of water to hide your amusement.
"Oh," S/N faltered, shaking her head, "that's okay! I just thought that Y/N would talk about us, I mean we used to be so close...anyways uh what do you guys like to do?"
You turned so she wouldn't see your eyes roll, it was clear- at least to you- she was trying to get the other's pity. Make them feel bad for her and be angry at you. Fortunately, they did not fall for such weak tricks.
"It'd be weird if she did when we have a rule about it but okay!" Steph continued, "a little about me hmmm, oh! I love sports and waffles; my favorite color is purple, and my favorite vigilante is Black Bat!"
Your sister slightly flinched before putting on her sweetest smile, "Oh that is so cool! Though... I don't know a lot about Gotham's vigilantes."
This time Duke chimed in, "That's okay, just pick someone you know. As Y/N said I'm a writer, I enjoy poetry and music; my favorite color is probably yellow, and my favorite vigilante is The Signal."
You had to practically shove your fist into your mouth to stop this laugh, your sister nodded looking a little deflated. She then turned to Damian- hesitated and looked at Cass.
"What about you?"
Cass blinked a few times before signing, "I like ballet, black and Spoiler is my favorite."
Your sister blinked a few times and you coughed to hide a laugh before you watched Damian pipe up.
"She speaks sign language, she just said she likes ballet the color black and that her favorite vigilante is Spoiler."
Something in you slipped a bit and your smile nearly dropped as all the laughter left you. Your sister grinned leaning on her arm as she nodded.
"That is very cool. So, you know, sign Damian?"
"All of us do, even Y/N." Duke replied with a shrug.
Your sister turned to you with a surprised look on her face, and you flushed feeling your stomach drop.
"I-I-uh learned so I could talk to Cass. I- I ended up accidentally catching her while practicing and it- it was ... she was so amazing I wanted to compliment her. She understood but- I wanted to talk with her, you know? Be able to hear her words and see her interpretation of the dance."
Something flickered in your sister's eyes, and she nodded her smile looking a little forced as she turned back to Damian, her brow raised.
"I do believe that you should go first, after all it is poor manners to make our guest go last."
She blinked twice before her smile brightened and she nodded, "Oh of course! That makes so much sense. Uh well... I'm in a little bit of everything. Fashion, art, music, science, math, sports. My favorite color has to be blue and uh... Batman is my favorite vigilante."
You bit your lip hard to stop yourself from bursting into a fit of giggles. Damian made eye contact with you, and you could see the amusement in his eyes as you pressed your hand to your face.
"Okay, Y/n it's your turn!" Steph declared, causing you to instantly drop your hand.
"It's not fair if you're the only one who doesn't do it!"
"Uh," You hesitated, feeling your sisters' eyes locked on your face, "Okay I guess."
You looked up meeting Damian's gaze for a moment before you looked at everyone else.
"I uh... I like Gotham, my job, spending time with you all and uh my favorite color is f/c."
Silence followed and Steph leaned on the table locking eyes with you.
"What about your favorite vigilante?"
Part of you stirred, tempted to say your own vigilante name when you had a sense of guilt wash over you. It wasn't really fair to your sister, was it? She only knew Batman and- and and now you were trying to find a reasonable way to pick Robin, weren't you?
You shrugged, "Uh I guess I'd have to say Robin since, despite the many different ones, he's just as consistent as Batman."
Steph narrowed her eyes and Damian looked at you, surprise faintly on his face. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed your sister rolling her eyes. She then leaned forwards, capturing Damians attention.
"Your turn Baby Wayne."
You winced at the nickname catching Steph and Duke miming gagging motions and shook at your held back more laughter.
"Alright," Damian said, "I enjoy art, it is so intriguing to see the different depictions of peoples inner most toils. I also revel in animals and taking care of them. While I find picking favorites childish, I will partake out of fairness. Green would have to be the most suitable color and..."
Damian stopped, looking at you for a moment before he looked at your sister.
"I would have to say V/N seems the most competent out of the newer vigilantes."
You felt a very faint blush rise on your cheeks and your sister giggled in delight.
"Oh really? That is so interesting. I love art too! And green is such an amazing color."
Damian nodded as she smiled coyly, the door to the kitchen swinging open as Alfred walked out with trays of plates in his hands. You noticed how your sister watched Damian look at Alfred, his brow slightly furrowing, before she darted up.
"Oh Mr. Pennyworth let me help you with that."
You noticed Damian's eyes following her as she approached, also Alfred's tight grin as he opened his mouth to protest but decided not to stop her from taking a tray from his hands and setting it on the table.
You knew how much Alfred prided himself on being able to take care of the household. Down to even setting food out he found it... offensive when people forced help upon him. He didn't mind if you offered, you recalled once offering to help wash dishes and his soft nod. But when people force their help- he had told you it seems as though they are saying he is not good enough- too old or incapable of carrying out his duties.
Wincing you dug your nails into your palm as your sister continued to "help" Alfred out. Thanking your lucky stars once everything was set out and she finally returned to her seat. With that, you all began to plate up food and dig in.
It was around 5 pm when your phone buzzed, the familiar name flashing across the screen with all the familiar words. You were needed for patrol. Your sister had been out almost all day, her internet friends showing her their favorite spots and getting all the "tea" about her brunch at Wayne manor a few days before.
You were a tad frustrated she was using your friends to gain popularity but decided she could dig her own grave. However, upon receiving the text you knew you had to tell her you wouldn't be home until late at the very least. After all she was staying at your place... even if she was never there.
You sent a message back essentially saying you'd be there for patrol, then you shot your sister a text right before you left.
Y/N: Hey! I just wanted to let you know my boss called me in tonight. Apparently, they don't have anyone else who can cover my shift. So, I'll be getting home late.
She did not reply but you could see that the message was read, sighing as you gathered your things and headed to the cave knowing you couldn't expect to be able to leave your stuff around here for much longer.
With your bag hoisted over your shoulder you headed to Wayne manor. Finding Tim on the bat computer and Oracle on your coms.
"Looks like I've got double the help tonight, " You weakly joked.
Neither of them replied so you got dressed, commed up and headed out, half expecting Damian to already be out there. You, however, were surprised to discover that he was not at your normal spot. So, you assumed he was out chasing a criminal or watching from someplace else. Bouncing around the rooftops you looked for any sight of him.
You could have sworn you spotted a flash of his classic colors in the alleyway and descended to investigate. The alley was musty and wet, probably from the rain the night before. Looking around you didn't see any sign of Robin.
"Looks like fifth street's clear," You muttered into the com.
As you readied yourself to go back to the rooftops a figure lunged at you from the shadows, slamming you onto the ground a glint following him as he did.
"Oh shit!" You hissed your finger sliding from the com as a frantic voice began on the other end.
The figure- no, the thug raised the glint, and you realized it was a knife. Fear raced through your veins, and you instinctively pressed your distress signal. The adrenaline coursing over you and drowning out the voices on the other end of the coms.
"Come on you stupid bitch," The thug snarled, "just die already!"
He went to thrust the blade down, but you yanked your leg up and shoved him off of you. Scrambling to your feet as he fell backwards. A snarl of sorts escaped him, and you watched as he rose blade ready in hand. He swung at you again and you barely dodged, your brain beginning to wonder where the hell Robin was and why he wasn't here to help you already.
While in your stupor of thought the thug lashed out again, his blade barely catching your arm, but slicing right through your gear and causing a burst of pain and blood to spill from your arm. You blinked, shaking your head as you tried to focus.
The thug readied himself for another strike and you kicked outwards, sending your foot directly for the knife. You felt the impact into his hand and heard his cursing as the knife went flying backward. You landed and felt your lungs screaming as the thug cursed louder.
Was Robin even coming? What the hell was going on, wasn't he your partner? Wasn't he supposed to be there for you in the most dangerous of moments and you there for him?!
You turned, hoping to get to a more open area so that... that if he was actually coming Damian would be able to see you easier.
However, something grabbed your hair yanking you backwards, you stumbled passed the thug heart racing as you scrambled to your feet. You backed away a bit more hoping to catch the thug off guard. You looked over your shoulder then turned back.
A fist swung out hitting your face, you recoiled chest heaving as the heartbreaking realization you were all alone dawned on you. He wasn't coming.
Reaching up you grabbed onto a fire escape ladder and swung yourself forwards kicking the thug in the chest and sending him skittering backwards. You half climbed up fingers latching onto some round you could not see, and hands grabbed onto your legs. In an act of frantic reaction. You release your grip on the latter allowing the thug to pull you down. however, as you went you slammed the object into his head hearing his faint grunt before slamming into the ground. The heavy thud noise told you he was down for the count.
Spitting out blood, you rose to your feet wobbling as the thug twitched on the ground. Something hot burned in you, and you swung your foot forwards, straight into the thug's gut causing them to go stiff.
Chest heaving and breaths more like pants, you wiped the blood away from your mouth as you heard frantic voices over the coms.
"V/N! V/N are you alright?"
Heaving out a sigh you nodded slowly and answered, "I've been better."
"Thank god, backup will be there soon, hang tight."
"I have a question."
"Uh yeah?"
"Where the fuck is Dam- where is he?"
There was silence and you felt your blood begin to boil. They knew, they knew where he was, but he didn't have the decency to tell you he wasn't going to be going out tonight.
"He's-... he's out." Tim stammered.
"I'm shocked, you are covering for him. Since when would that-" You faltered as you pressed a hand to your bleeding nose.
Oracle voice broke through your rising haze, "He's on a date with your sister."
"He's on a date with your sister. He didn't think he'd be gone for so long. He told me he'd be back in time." Oracle remarked calmly.
You swallow, feeling something in you begin to shatter, “My sister?"
Silence followed on the coms, and you closed your eyes for a second remembering her coy smile at him just the other day. And-and how his eyes followed her.
of course... of course he's with her.
"Where are they?" You whispered feeling your throat begin to ache.
"Y/N I don't-" "Where. Are. They?"
"At the restaurant just past the park, the little Grecian style place."
Your- your favorite restaurant. They were at your favorite restaurant. You bite your lip, feeling your hands curl, nails pressing into your palms.
"Y/N don't do anything stupid."
You hissed, shaking your head, "I'm not, I just... I just wanna see it with my own eyes. ... since when, have I ever not been levelheaded?"
Despite what you had said your heart shattered as your mind screamed. Over and over again
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it
Trembling, you waited before bounding towards the restaurant. You skittered to a stop on the rooftop across from the restaurant. It took less than a minute to see them sitting at a table near the windows.
The coms went silent, and you stared through the window. Watching the two laugh together. Damian oblivious to the time and your sister's eyes glinting as she pressed a hand onto his arm. It was a tactic you knew well and noting Damian's back- his body language, it was working. You should have known, when it comes to your sister… you will never be the first choice.
You should have known she will always be chosen over you. You took in a shaky breath.
"Y/N... are you okay?"
"D-don't tell him." You whispered feeling something warm slip down your face.
"Don't- act like this- tonight, never happened. Please. Pretend this didn't happen that I don't know... please." Your voice cracked as you moved away from the restaurant.
There was more silence than a clicking sound.
"Tracking data and video footage are gone. Com records will be shredded once tonight's over." Oracle remarks, "what do you want us to tell him?"
"Tell-tell him that you told me he wasn't coming, and I decided to take the night off. Tell him that Nightwing and Hood went out and everything was fine."
"Alright...you should probably go home Y/N."
"Okay... I'll see you all tomorrow." 
Curled on a couch in the Wayne manor library, your eyes darted towards the door, you weren't even attempting to pay attention to the book in your grasps. You knew- knew Damian would be in here soon. And then- then you would be able to ask him what he was doing. To see if he'd try and keep it from you.
At first you weren't even going to mention the other night but... your sister had bragged- bragged about her date. Claiming that Damian had told her all sorts of awful things he thought about you. And to prove it, you should ask Damian if the two of them went out. While you knew what she said wasn't true. Damian wasn't the type to badmouth someone behind their back. Instead, he'd say it to their face, and you'd never heard anything actually awful from him. And to make it all worse, your sister declared as she left, she would be coming back after her ceremony. That- that she had things-people who she couldn't leave behind. That you had no idea what to think of, but you were unsure of whether what she said was the truth. Unsure and uninterested.
However, part of you was .... curious. Curious as to whether or not he'd tell you. He'd be honest and say that he liked your sister, that he was attracted to her. And even though it would be painful to hear, you wanted so desperately wanted him to. You hoped and prayed and begged fate, the universe and God for him to tell you.
You didn't want to lose yet another friend... no, no despite how much it hurt to think of now. Damian was so much more than a friend.
It should have been obvious to you. With how much you craved his presences and adored his smile. How you took almost every opportunity to lean against him and hear his heartbeat. How your heart would flutter when his hand brushed yours or when he said your name. God, were you always this sappy?
Groaning you pressed your face into the book, of course you just had to notice these feelings when your sister came.
"What did that book ever do to deserve, you slamming your face into it?" A familiar voice asked causing your head to snap up.
You swallowed meeting Damian's eyes with a weak laugh, "Nothing... I'm just- it's been a long week."
Damian nodded before sitting down, right next to you. Before- before your epiphany, you would not have realized how close Damian was in a setting as simple as this. And with how you were sitting it'd be hard for him to not be sitting that close.
"I concur." He replied opening his sketch book.
You shifted shooting him a few glances, part of you hoped he'd just tell you without questioning. Another part just wanted to stare at his face for a while. To take in his presence and relax. But you couldn't. Not with all these questions and worries bubbling at your mind.
"What do you wish to say Y/N?" Damian remarked finally looking up and directly into your eyes.
You froze feeling your entire face flush as you dropped your book and stuttered.
"Oh! I- I-uhm... I was just wondering what you were up to the other night patrol got called off. Usually, you asked me to come help you with some of your sketches but that night-" Before you could even finish, he interrupted you.
"I was with Colin and Jon. They wished to spend time together since we are 'friends'."
Something bitter was suddenly on your tongue as you recalled him sitting across from your sister at the restaurant, the image of his back searing int your mind.
"Yes, what did you find yourself doing?"
"Just reading," You mumbled eyes dropping as you felt the air leave your chest.
He was lying. Lying to you.
It almost seemed as if the world came crashing down around you as his words- his lies blared over and over and over again in your mind. A burning was in your throat, and you found yourself struggling to breathe as a single question repeated over and over and over.
Was it because he had... he had feelings for her? If so, why couldn't he just be honest? Was it because he was scared of the way you'd react? Did he not trust you? Was it because your sister was telling the truth? She was coming back to Gotham because of Damian? Were they- were they going to be in a relationship? If so, why was he hiding it, why was he lying?
Your head spun with questions and worries as your heart shattered in your chest, the realization crashing down on you. She did it again. She had taken another person from you.
You in took sharply and Damian placed a hand on your arm.
"Are you alright?"
"Uh? Oh yeah, " You lied blinking slowly, "just tired. I really wasn't expecting S/N to come."
"Maybe you should get some rest." Damian softly replied.
You nodded your mind screaming as your heart raced. You- you couldn't take this anymore. There had to be a change. Something-something had to be different.
Rising slowly, you picked your book up and set it on the couch absentmindedly waving goodbye.
"I'll see you later." You muttered as your heart jumped to your throat.
"Yes, of course... shall I tell Kent and Wilkes you say hello?"
You froze in the doorway of the library as a plan began forming in your mind. You looked over your shoulder seeing Damian's eyes locked on you. You smiled and nodded,
"Of course."
With that you walked out of the room, down the hall. Then- then you were running, running down the stairs and to an office. Panting you bit your lip and squeezed your fists.
With a heavy breath you pushed the door to the office open and made eye contact with none other then Bruce Wayne.
"Y/N, what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked his brow furrowed slight concern on his face as he took in your disheveled figure.
"I wouldn't call this meeting a pleasurable one," You softly began before raising your chin, "Mr. Wayne, we really need to talk."
The air was fresh, and you took in a deep breath hoping to admire the beginning of a new day, unfortunately that was not in today's cards. Your phone buzzed and you swallowed seeing his name flash across the screen. Slowly letting the air leave you, you answered and pressed the phone to your ear,
"Hello?" You mumbled, only to hear Damian's prompt inquiry instead of a greeting. "You are acting rather irregular as of late, is there something that has been disturbing you?"
"No, no I'm not and I'm fine... unless you know of something that might make me act strange?"
"I do not understand what you are speaking of. Are you implying there is something I have done to make you act irregular?"
You went silent grinding your teeth as you shook your head, resisting the urge to pull your phone away from your face, "Nevermind... why did you call?"
"I was curious as to why you have been avoiding me. And before you go on blathering that nonsense that you are not, I know you are."
"Why does it matter?"
"You are always saying that we are...how did you put it? Ah yes, best friends. Am I wrong in saying such acquaintances should keep in contact and even spend time together?"
"You're not wrong in saying that best friends do that."
"Then what am I wrong in saying? That much is evident by your choice of words."
"That we are best friends."
"Pardon?" Damian voice sharpened causing you to swallow.
"I'm not your best friend Damian... at least not anymore. I-I don't consider us best friends."
"Then what exactly am I to you now?"
"That... that is what you are concerned about? Not why I suddenly changed by mind or that it might have been because of something you've done?"
"Y/N, if you wish to tell me something, say it. I do not care for you beating around the bush as they put it."
"You lied to me Damian." You calmly stated feeling tears building up in your throat.
He went silent before replying his voice trembling just enough to tell you he was lying. "What on earth do you mean?"
"You're lying again..." You paused closing your eyes, "Damian, I know you too well for that bullshit to work. You lied to me about what you were doing the other night. I know you were with my sister... I know you were, on a date with her."
"I-" Damian began, before stopping
There was more silence, and you squeezed your hand into a fist, silent and painful tears spilling from your eyes, "You betrayed me. I-I should have known you were going too, that you would. Everyone- everyone always does... they always chose my sister over me. They always decide to put her first even if I was friends with them originally."
"I do not understand how going out with your sister is betraying you."
"That's the best part Damian, it's not. But lying to me about it, helping feed into my sister's taunts and torments-"
"I never fed into that, I would never Y/N. This- this is all a- a misunderstanding."
You ignored him and pressed on, "Abandoning me when I needed you most, when my life was in danger... to be with my sister at a place- a place I showed you... that is one of the most utter betrayals."
Damian went quiet and you squeezed your eyes shut finally, finally letting him know what actually occurred that night.
"I went on patrol that night, I got ambushed and attacked and and- I waited for you." You heard your voice crack as your crying spilled over into your throat, "but you never came. God, I felt like such a fool, especially when I found out you were with her. I feel like such a fool."
"Y/N I-"
"Do you know what makes this all-worse Damian? Do you know what hurt the most? What burns so deeply it hurts to even fucking breathe?"
He was silent on the other end, and you continued, half sobbing as you did,
"I actually thought that you'd come, I actually thought that you cared. I actually thought that you- that you would be different and that- that-"
You took a slow breath, "I actually thought you might return my feelings. I thought for once- for once my sister couldn't take something -someone I love from me. Yet here we are."
Damian in took but you blazed forwards knowing what he was going to say, you'd heard it all before too many times.
"I know- I know!" You seethed, "She's not just anyone and it makes me wonder, what- no who am I then? Who am I too you Damian?"
He didn't reply and you hiccupped pressing a hand to your face so- so thankful you decided to do this over a call instead of saying all of it in person.
"I know who I am, even if you don't know who I am to you. I am not the quiet girl who I use to be." You muttered looking up towards the rising sun, the pit in your stomach both growing and weakening, "I will not sit aside as my sister tramples over everything and takes what remains. And I am definitely not the girl who is going to stay friends with, let alone partners with someone who knows how I feel about my sister and chose to... and chose her. You chose her over me. Despite all we've been through you lied to me. And-and what hurts the most is had you told me... had you told me the truth? I wouldn't have cared. But you hid it and tried to make it seem as though you were on my side. You- I- I love you, Damian. Actually, and truly love you. In a romantic way. And had you told me the truth- had you not lied... let's just say I wouldn't be leaving Gotham."
"I, am leaving Gotham. I already resigned as a vigilante.... she is planning on returning after her ceremony and I-I can't live with the sight of the two of you together... not- not with feeling what I feel." You in took a breath hoping that this heart wrenching- this heartbreak would be quick so that in- in your new home you'd be able to start fresh.
"Where will you be?" Something almost sounded frantic in Damian's voice, but you must have been imagining it.
"I will be leaving, going somewhere my sister has- well to quote her, 'have been to enough for a lifetime.' You don't need to worry I won't try and hold this over you... in fact after this call I'm getting rid of my phone."
"I will- I will not stand for this!" Damian snarled his voice cracking on the other end, "you will stay here."
"You don't control me Damian... if fact. If I'm being completely honest after all of this- after what's happened. You mean nothing to me." The lie was bitter on your lips, and you bit your tongue to hide your sobs.
"Y/N... forgive me. It's just I-...You don't understand- please. Please, He sounded so desperate it made your heart ache in a different way, but you couldn't let him get to you, you'd come so far, "Please allow me to explain. I beg of you."
"No," You softly replied digging your nails into your palm, "No. I won't hear any explanations. I won't listen to your honey coated lies because I'm sick of it Damian. I am sick of being used and disposed of. I'm sick of being the second choice, I am sick of being thrown away the second people find 'something better'.
"I made a mistake, please."
"Are you sure it was that you made a mistake and not that you were caught lying?"
Damian went quiet and you had to press your hand to your mouth to stop more cries from escaping.
"Goodbye Damian, despite all that's happened... despite all you've done, I hope you have a good life."
"Y/N no please I-"
You ended the call before you could hear the end of his sentence. Removing the sim card from your phone, you took in a breath then threw your phone into the nearest trash can.
Pressing your back against the complex's wall you buried your face into your hands and sobbed. Letting all of your emotions and feelings out. It was a matter of seconds before someone was hovering over you and you looked up to see your new roommate's concerned face.
"Are you okay Y/N?"
"Yeah, " You nodded wiping the tears from your face as you hiccupped, "I'm... I'm much better. Thank you... seriously, thank you so much Jon."
Jon Kent sighed with a weak nod as he gave you another look over.
"Of course, I'm always happy to help out a friend... especially one who is willing to help me cut my rent in half."
You weakly laughed before rising to your feet, wiping all the stray tears from your face.
"I'm happy to have a place to stay."
Jon nodded again looking you over before he turned towards the city, "How about I give you a tour to get your mind off things?"
"Tour? hmm, yeah that sounds good. Let's do a tour."
"Alright, but first," Jon smiled as he gestured to the city, "Welcome to Metropolis Y/N."
Tag List:
@andromedaj2003 @thomasbeloved @instabull @zvtanna @daemonnix96 @krswrites @thefallingstarlights @masset-fotia @neon-scenery @ssak-i @legendarylearner18
311 notes · View notes
i-yap · 15 days
hi!! could you write for tim with a reader that just gets him. like they both understand each other, dont have to communicate (verbally at least) to know how the other is feeling. also, she works at damian’s school as an intern/assistant for an art teacher (and brings her pet to school every day. maybe it’s a more exotic animal that piques damian’s interest.). so her and damian are close before tim introduces them (which he really didnt want to do LMAO. he probably let it slip that he was dating someone and now all his brothers want to meet them) so now every time you’re at wayne manor damian barges into tims room to tell you to hang out with him instead. basically fluffy tim x reader with platonic damian. sorry this was a long ask… 😭💞
I love this ask so much!
Tim drake x y/n x platonic! damian
y/n has a gecko as a pet named fluffy ( ik gecko's arent fluffy)
you prolly brought fluffy as an optional muse for your students. And since you are an art teacher at such a prestigious school means you are an amazing artist so damian for sure has a lot of respect for you.
in a couple comics its mentioned that dami is a loner at school so a loner art kid who loves animals hits close to home for you. You guys start bonding really strongly and for once dami has an adult figure who isn't cold as ice or hates his guts ( at least pretend hate) . You become his Didi (I'm indian and I couldn't find the proper arabic term for older sister so I'm just using hindi term for older sister aka didi).
Now when Tim finally opens up about the whole batfamily and how he is like "adopted brother" sort of to Damian, and the whole dynamics between the batfam, you are a little worried. Tim probably has seen you interact with Dami and realized how close you guys are ( dami didn't stab you when you patted his head)
Tim wants to keep you away from the whole batfam , maybe he tells alfred but nothing beyond that. He says its for your safety and he doesn't want you involved in such dangerous vigilante work but it's also because he wants to keep you to himself and being an rich single child...he sucks at sharing .
But nothing remain hidden in a family of detectives and ofc everyone finds out that tim has a secret girlfriend .
Damian probably invited you over to the manor a couple times because you are one of his favorite persons and he wanted to show you his art work or his pets. Everytime you came over, Tim obviously acted like an idiot. Sneaky ( but not sneaky enough glances), innuendos, inside jokes and secretly pulling you away for a mini "tour " of the manor even though Dami insisted he has already shown you everything(non batman related). Maybe everyone found out you were dating when you guys got caught on one of your tours? Damian for sure chased Tim with one of his Katanas till you stepped in.
Damian also doesn't know how to share- rich single child
since the batfam already knew you so well, you were over much more but ofc tim expected it to be for him. He is the boyfriend , the love of your life so why is damian getting your attention huh? Why are you doing an art challenge with dami when there are other more fun "challenges" you could be doing with tim?? WHY ARE YOU WATCHING A DUMB ASS FILM WITH DAMI WHEN YOU SHOULD BE WATCHING DUMBASS FILM WITH TIM?
to be fair, tim does love watching the soft motherly-ish side of you( makes him wanna give you more kids that steal your attention from him) But babyboy wants his cuddles and how dare you deny him of that. you think you are being fair and you are really good at reading tim's feelings so you are able to tell when he needs you attention and therefore excuse yourself politely from damian.
But one day tim is just feeling extra needy and damian and you are in a middle of an activity. you give him a look saying you'll come to him as soon as this activity is over but tim has no patience that day so he just runs into the room, throws you over his shoulder and runs away to his room and locks it. He has installed strong wind blowing thingie so when dami tries chasing him, he just turns the wind blowing things and he cant come close to the door. It then becomes a whole ass hiest while the rest of the batfam just watches and eats popcorn. you obviously have to step in AGAIN.
So you divide up a schedule and ground rules, (steph helps you dw), both tim and dami complain but you just give them both a look and they accept their fate.
Tim likes how much closer you have gotten to his family and damian likes the idea that you guys could actually become sort of related once you marry tim. The rest of the batfam love you ofc but they also love that fact that tim and dami don't try to kill each other( at least not as much as before) because of you. so it all works out( sort of)
I havnt gone exactly by the request and Ive changed up some stuff, I hope that's okay.
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jasmines-library · 7 months
Hii! Sorry idk if your okay with this, if your not, feel free to ignore! <3
So I was wondering if you could do youngest batsib reader, who’s not really part of the family yet? Okay so, they’re a criminal like catwoman, they only steal from people who deserve it and just kind of a troublemaker around Gotham. They have electricity powers. They’re parents died at a young age and they ran away from the orphanage because they didn’t want to get adopted. They’re actually really smart, and know a lot of martial arts to help them get by. Anywaysss, I was wondering if during a place they were trying to rob, blow up for some reason. And it lead to them being knocked out and injured. Someone from the batfamily came across them and instead of turning them into the police, they take them to the batcave and patch em ip before putting them in a cell. They wake up and the batfam interrogates them, they find out they’re a kid and knows their secret identity (because he’s really smart) and after a bit, Bruce offers to take them in, and train them to be a vigilante. Reader is reluctant and doesn’t really trust them but they’re getting really tired of sleeping on the streets so they reluctantly says yes.
My Way Home Is Through You
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Note: This was fun to write, thanks for the request anon!
Warnings: Minor undescribed injury, theft, none really, fluffy found family fic.
Word count: 1.7k
You slunk along the sidewalks, clinging tightly to the walls as though a small child might do to their mother in a crowd of people. Hiding away in the shadows was nothing new to you, you had been a nobody for years. Constantly running, never settling in one place for too long before you were slinking off again and finding a new corner of Gotham to call your home for a few miserable days before the cycle started again. At first you had tried to cling onto the last shreds of your parents that you had left. You hung onto your name but soon that began to get you into trouble when the orphanages kept trying to pursue you and ‘bring you to a new and loving family’, so it was back to being just another face in the crowd. Just another ordinary kid trying to navigate their way through a big city.
Except…you were more than that. In your time alone you had discovered you had quite a knack for stealth. It started off when the nights became too cold and the growling in your stomach was so overbearing that it drowned out all other senses. You were still small, which you used strongly to your advantage, weaving in and out of the sea of faces before slipping small pieces of food under the hem of your raggedy sleeve that was far too long for you and dangled below your fingers. After that it soon became easy enough to steal other things. Just enough to get by. A ring here, a gold watch there. Small items from the cruel and the unworthy that you could pawn off for a little extra cash. 
There was something else about you though that helped out just a little bit. It was one of the reasons that you had spent so long trying to hide away. See, when you were young you discovered that there was something different about you. When you focused hard enough, you could feel the electricity channelling through your veins and sizzling at your fingertips. You learnt to manipulate it, to bend it to your will and it quickly became very useful when picking locks. You used it to fry them seamlessly before sneaking in and if worse came to worse, you could stun the police when they came thundering after you shouting profanities and threats and they ran, never to catch you with your nimbleness. They had tried to set the vigilantes on you more than once and you knew very well that their eyes were always on you, following your every move just waiting for the perfect moment to strike because you had seen them. Sometimes in the uniform. Sometimes not. As much as they tried to be they were much less subtle than they thought. 
When you reached the complex it was dark. All of the lamp posts nearby had flickered sporadically before burning out completely, so you hopped up the steps blindly before crouching down in front of the locks. You then outstretched your hand and took a deep breath, letting your body relax to feel the current dance in your veins and settle on your fingertips. You then directed the current towards the lock watching as it fried before swinging open. You darted in pushing it shut behind you and then set to work around the house. It was small and shabby with mould growing in some of the corners by the windows. It crawled up the walls, a darkened stain that emitted a putrid smell when you got a little too close. The floorboards cracked and groaned as you moved around the plot, weaving in and out of the furniture that had been strewn across the room. It was clear that someone had left in a hurry. You were shuffling around the unmade bed, reaching for the safe when you heard it. 
Tick. Tick. Ticktick. tickticktick.  
The sound was daunting, getting faster and faster as you scrambled to find the source, overturning chairs and throwing them to the floor as though they were nothing then tearing up floorboards. It was too late when you found it ticking away impendingly. The timer blinked by quickly as it neared zero and you were neft with no choice but to try and get as much distance between you and the weapon. The meagre metres you had out between yourself and the bomb hardly made any difference at all as it ignited flinging you across the room. Wood splintered around you as the concrete cracked and crumbled in heaps which you skidded to a halt on. You felt like you were going to hurl as your head thudded against the debris with a sickening crack that made your vision swam before all of the colours merged into one and you knew nothing more but a dark and heavy silence. 
“Move it! Go!” 
Nightwing shoved his little brother rather harshly in the shoulder to urge him forwards. Word had just reached them that a small house on the outskirts of the city had suddenly exploded and the number of casualties was currently unknown. Dick always seemed to get a sudden adrenaline rush whenever an emergency came in and not matter how fast he moved he always felt as though he could never get there fast enough even if he was hurtling through the city at an alarming speed. 
He had to swallow back his alarm when they skidded to a halt at the scene. There was nothing really left of the building besides a few odd shaped pillars of concrete and pipes that were strong enough to survive the blast. The rest of the building was a dismal load of ash and dust that rose in ribbons as the wind lifted up the pieces that were small enough and carried them away into a cloud of sky.
Nightwing pushed his way through the crowd that had gathered and ducked under the police tape despite their protests. His heart nearly stopped when he inched his way around what used to be a bed but was now a cluster of broken timber buried under a pile of rubble because he spotted your figure sprawled out across the floor. He skidded to the ground and began to pull the pieces of clutter away from you, grimacing at the sight of the blood that came away on his fingers.
Red Hood dropped down beside him just as Dick Grayson brushed some of the dust from your face and sudden recognition washed over him.
“Hood.” He said over his shoulder. “I think you better call B.”
Your head felt like it was going to explode when you woke up and there was a stabbing pain in your side but when you moved your hand to slide the hem of your stop up you were cut short by a metal handcuff securing you to the wall next to the bed you had been placed in. Shuffling around awkwardly you managed to push yourself up into a sitting position to gauge your surroundings better. The cell you were in although small was rather well lit and surprisingly homely. Too bad you had no intention in staying. You had planned to use your powers to fry the handcuff, but when you tried to summon the electricity you were left high and dry when nothing happened. 
“That’s not going to work.” A figure you hadn’t noticed in the corner of the room told you when you began to try again. 
Frowning at him, he folded his arms and leaned against the wall. “Power suppressing cuffs.”
Rolling your eyes you slumped defeatedly. You should have figured as much. 
“What were you doing in there?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at you from behind his infamous cowl. 
“That’s none of your business.”
“I think it is, kid.”
You turned your gaze away from him and picked at the skin around your thumb. “It’s not that I wanted to be in there. It’s what I had to do.”
The vigilante stepped forwards and took a seat next to you. “Go on.”
“I needed the money. I can’t go to anyone so I have no choice but to find my own way around problems. I was gonna pawn the jewellery off. And besides it’s not like the guy owned it in the first place. He was the one that stole it from the jewellers last week.”
“How’d you know that?” Batman frowned. That information had only been revealed recently.
“I get around a lot.”
He pursed his lips. “What else do you know?”
You could have grinned like the cheshire cat right there and then as you began to list things you had learnt. 
“I know that you still haven’t caught that guy who escaped from Arkham last month. I know that you’ve all been watching me. Oh and I know that you are Bruce Wayne.”
The man faltered. “What? How?”
“You’re less subtle than you think.”
“Or maybe you’re smarter than you think. What d’you say your name is kid?”
“I didn’t.”
He sighed, watching you in silence until you eventually gave him your name. 
“You’re something, Kid. I’ll give you that much.”
“Thank you…?”
“How would you like to stay? We would train you to become a vigilante like us.” The question was so sudden that it made your head spin.
“I can’t ask that of you.” You told him. It was more of an excuse really. You weren’t sure if you could trust him or not.”
“You’re not. I’m offering. A warm place to stay, a family to care for you.”
A smile twinged at the corner of your lips. That was something you had longed for for so long but had never seen that it had slipped to the back of your mind forgotten. 
“So, what do you say, Y/N?”
“I think I would like that.”
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randomperson3736 · 10 months
Arm day- Batman: wayne family adventures
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Paring(s): Batfam x child! Reader, Jason Todd x little sister! Reader, Dick Grayson x little sister! Reader, Tim Drake x little sister! Reader, Damian Wayne x little sister! Reader
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Warning(s): Crying, asshole brothers, sad reader
Word bank: Y/N- your name
Notes: I need some more ideas for this batfam series, so does anyone have any?
It was an exciting day for the little Y/N. Just yesterday, she got a brand new colour pencil set from her father (with the help of Alferd) that she couldn't wait to show off to everyone. The coloured pencils were stored in a large black leather case that was almost as big as her body.
Inside it were hundreds of different shades of every colour her small mind could imagine. She wanted to share her gift with her siblings, so she waited patiently on the Brown sofa in the living room. The large case next to her.
When she saw Damian walking through the halls, she smiled and run (the best that a 4 year old could run) towards her brother. Just as she was about to get to him she tripped but thankfully he caught her just before she could fall.
"Thank you Dami!" She gave him a toothy grin. Damian picked her up into his arms looking at every part of her body to make sure she didn't get hurt from tripping over. After seeing that she wasn't injured, he then smiled softly at her.
"Good morning Y/N. Why were you in a rush this early in the morning?"
She started to wiggle in his arms, so he put her down. She then (thankfully) walked back to the living room and grabbed her pencil case, dragging it along the ground cause it was a little heavy for her own body strength.
"Daddy got new colours for me!" Damain looked down at it with an unamused look "How charming"
"Do you wanna draw?" She asked with her puppy dog eyes.  "I'm busy" he turned to the direction of the gym. "Oh..." Y/N said in a smile voice. Damian looked back at her. She was looking down at the case, her eyes teary up.
Feeling guilty, he cleared his throat. ".... but after I'm finished, I suppose I can entertain you for a short while"
"She looked up at Damian with twinkles in her eyes. "Really? Thank you Dami!"
After what felt like hours, she saw cass pass by with a duffle bag over her shoulder. Y/N walked up behind her and hugged her leg "Hi cass"
Cass bent down and caressed Y/N's cheek in her hand, she squessed them gently, making the young girl giggle. "Hi Y/N"
"Do wanna colour with me?" Y/N asked.
"Awww... sorry Y/N, but I have stuff to do but when I'm finished, I'll draw with you ok?" Cass pulled out her pinky and gave a wame smile to Y/N. "Oh, okay" Y/N pouted but linked her pinky with cass's.
After that Y/N found herself in the kitchen looking for dick. When she saw him, he was eating a bowl of cornflakes. Y/N stood before him, reaching up and tugged at her oldest brothers shirt. Dick stopped his eating and looked down, smiling softly at his little sister. "What's up baby bird?"
"Do u wanna colour with me?" She asked hopefully. "Sorry little bird, I can't draw with you right now. I'm in a bit of a rush but you can ask Jason or Tim. They should be around somewhere" and before Y/N could say anything, Dick drowned the last chunk of his cornflakes down and rushed down hall. Y/N huffed and went back to the sofa.
After a while, Y/N heard the voices of Jason and Tim. She saw them holding duffel bags the same one that cass had. She smiled at them before walking off to ask them to colour with her.
"Morning J, morning Timmy"
"Morning kid!" Jason Pet the top of Y/N's head.
"Good morning Y/N"  Tim smiled down at her. "What's that?" He pointed to the leather case newt ro the sofa. "It's my new colours daddy got for me" she smiled up at them.
"Wow. Cool"
"Can you colour with me?"
"Sorry kid. Me and Timmy here are gonna work out. Maybe late with can" Jason said rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh, it's fine" She pouted before walking away to the staircase.
"Do you think we broke a 4 year olds heart?" Tim whispered feeling guilty.
"We probably did Timmy"
Bruce walked along the halls trying to find atleast one of his kids. But he then stopped in his tracks when he heard crying? He looked at the door near his left, it was his youngest room. Why would she be crying?
He opened the door to see his little girl curled up on her bed and tears running down her face. The site in front of him, broke his heart. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" he asked softly.
The young girl looked up her father and wiped her face before speaking. "No one wants to colour with me"
Bruce's heart broke more at hearing those words. He had to make her feel better but how? "Hey, why don't we go and get some cookies? Alferd just pulled a new batch out of the oven" He gave a warm smile.
The girls face lit up at that idea."Ok, daddy" she held out her arms signalling that she wanted to be carried, Bruce gladly took his little girl into his arms and the father and daughter made their way down to the kitchen.
~in the cave~
"Sup Damian?" Dick waved at him as he placed his towel to the side. He grabbed the gymnastic rings and turned to Jason. "Light day Jason?" He lifed his legs up and held himself up. "I was just getting warmed up actually"  Jason started doing push ups with one arm. "98...99...100!"
"Pssh, that's nothing" Dick and Jason turned to look at Tim who started doing push ups with his tumbs and pointer fingers.
"You're all pathetic" Damian lifted his body up and did a handstand. "This is what you should be doing"
Jason moved next ro Damian and did the same thing. "Sorry kid your not special"
"How... about this!" Dick did a handstand with one hand using his tumb and pointer finger.
Jason, Tim, Dick and Damian were all doing the same thing together. "First one... to hundred... wins"
Cass looked over at them as she drank water. "Bad idea"
~Later that night~
The four boys were sitting around the table groaning in pain every time they moved. Cass sat perfectly fine, enjoying the meal that Alferd had made.
"Ow. So much ow" Dick threw his head back against his chair. Damian was crouching in his chair. Tim was trying to eat his dinner, with his foot. "Come on, I-I... I can do this" Jason tried tilting the plate with his head. "Can't... reach"
Cass turned to the four boys eating her food with utensils. "Told you guys it was a bad idea" Jason smashed his face into his food. Suddenly, Y/N popped up from the doorway. "Are you guys ready to colour now?"
"S-sorry Y/N... I don't think I can move my arms" Dick slowly turned his head towards her and gave a weary smile.
"But you guys said you would?" she pouted.
"Sorry Y/N" Tim muttered, dropping his spoon in the process. "Dang it" Jason muttered his Sorry through his food. "I can still draw with you Y/N" Cass held Y/N's hand and lead her out of the dinning room. Y/N turned her head towards her brothers and frowned, "You're all imbec- imbeci-...mean!" She huffed her checks out in anger.
The four boys groaned in pain and Damian shrank down in his chair in shame.
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xan-izme · 10 months
Dubble Life (ACTSV x Reader x Batfam) 3
A/n: I forgot to mention that the universe reader is in is earth-42. So, the Prowler is Miles, but he switches with Aaron here and there. and reader has the same last name as Miles.
Part 2, Part 4
Summary: Life with the Waynes so far was pretty good. Damian is still being a brat, so reader decides to be a good big sister. Someone from the past shows their face. In the need of readers help, for Spider-woman.
"I win!" Tim couldn't help but smirk in triumph. You stare at the 'Game over' on your screen. "Nah, nah. You gotta be cheating! Bro what is this!" This was the third time you have lost street fight with Tim.
"You two are acting like children." Damian spoke, watching two play video games for almost 2 hours. You rolled your eyes and gave Damian a look. "Cuz we are. You're like what, 9?" Tim chuckled as he packed his things.
"I am 12!" Damian argued. "Boy, like that makes any difference." Damian began to argue with you, you just stared down at him an announced you were getting a drink from the kitchen. You poured yourself a drink. Suddenly, your Spidey senses were warning you. You quickly turn around, just to see Damian. You scoffed.
It was funny how your Spidey senses always acted up when it came to Damian. You wondered if he wanted to hurt you so you couldn't take the Wayne throne. You turned back and continued to take a gulp from your cup. you paused for a moment before glancing to Damian you was eating a snack that Alfred made.
You thought that maybe the reason that you two haven't fully gotten along was due to both of you not even trying. So why not be the bigger person and try to be nice.
You slide yourself to the table Damian was at and set yourself in front of him. The boy frowns as he sees the smirk you had.
"What do you want, you bug."
You couldn't help but chuckle at that. If only he really knew.
"Look, demon. I think we haven't really gotten the chance to bond as siblings." You leaned in with a smile. Damian looked at you with distaste. "Did father put you up to this? What are you planning Davies?"
"No, I ain't planning nothing. What's wrong with wanning to hang out with you?" You arched your brow and leaned back into your chair. Damian sighed "I don't have time for you. I have work to do. So, if you'll excuse me." Damian stood from his chair and walked away.
"Alright, if you change your mind my door is open!" Literally, you leave your door open sometimes. You just forget to close it. A habit to try and get rid of.
After a few days. Damian did come to your room.
"Oh, look who's here. Is there something my little demon needs? hugs, kisses? whatever sisterly love can provide?" You smirked as you watched him give you a look of disgust.
"I don't want your useless affection. Father wants us to go with him to a meeting. Please wear something that doesn't look like a Hippe made it." With that, Damian walked out. He paused and took a glance of a picture you had hung on the wall; it was of a woman. Your mother no doubt.
You sighed and got yourself ready. Wondering why the hell Bruce wanted you to come along.
"Hey Alfred. Do you know why Bruce needs me at the meeting today?" you asked. Alfred handed you a drink you requested for
"It is a meeting at the Wayne enterprise. You will mistily be there to observe the working environment and understand what the Wayne family is about." Alfred escorted you down and helped you fix your dress up, so it was perfect.
Bruce couldn't help but smile as he watched you come down those stairs in one of the dresses Dick picked for you.
Once you reached the bottom, Bruce took your hand into his "You look beautiful."
Your smiled. Your smile faltered.
Remembering the time, your mother had a date with some man you didn't approve of.
It was cold out. Your mother was going to be with a man named Jim Bolton. You were happy she was happy. But you didn't trust this Jim guy. You asked, practically begged your uncle Jeff to do a background run on the man.
Jim was married at the age of 22, awfully young. He got divorced and has two daughters 3-4 years younger than you. he also had 3 DUI's. Your mother has told you he doesn't drink anymore. But you still didn't like him.
You watched your mother walk down the stairs, with a red dress on, her hair fixed up. Shinny jewels on. She looked amazing. You already saw her as a goddess, this just added onto the beauty you already saw in her. You couldn't help but look at her fondly.
"Okay, remember to lock all the doors. Your uncle Aarons going to be here in an hour to watch you and- . . . what?" Your mother noticed that small smile on your face. You were being silent. Just staring at her.
You chuckled and held her hands to yours "Nothing. . . you just look beautiful."
You missed her. You've been trying to not think too much of her. Not think of the time you two spent. Not think of her hugs. Her smile, her voice.
You have night terrors of what happened that day. At times you stay awake, too scared to close your eyes. Afraid to see every wrong thing you've done as a daughter. You make it worse for yourself by calling her number, only to hear no answer.
The Wayne building was big. Many people in uniforms rushing too somewhere. Rushing to get work done, rushing to get home.
You walked beside Damian. He has been quite this whole time. You wonder what was making your dear little weirdo so silent.
You sat in one meeting with Bruce and Damian. It was rather boring. But you did think Bruce was cool with the way he took over. Bruce had two other meetings that suddenly came up. He was going to take the two of you downtown to look around, get something to eat. Go to the movies even.
"It's alright. Me and De- Damian can go and hang around with Alfred. Can get a little Sibling bonding out of it." You held yourself back from calling the boy, demon. Almost let it slip for a second there.
Bruce liked the sound of that. When he agreed, you gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Bruce isn't the best with affection, but you have been doing these little gestures, hugging, the kisses on the cheek. You would even do the occasional 'I love you's Bruce is starting to think that you might just be getting closer to him. So, he buys you more things.
Sometimes you decline so he just gives you money.
Damian rolled his eyes as you dragged him to the car. Alfred Started the car and you two were now going to be closer than ever. Well, you hope.
"So, little brother, you have anyone that has cached your interest?"
Damian frowns "That is none of your business."
"I see, you must really her then. Or him, I don't discriminate on who you love." You felt a smirk creep up when you catch a glimpse of the look on the young boy's face. It just felt so fun toying with him like this.
"I don't have time for something like dating. Stop talking, you're giving me a migraine." Damian did visibly look tired of you, which made it even more enjoyable for you.
The first few weeks that you came to the manor. This boy has been activating the need for violence. You can't just cuss him out and flip him off like you did with Miguel.
You can tell Damian ain't stupid. He's sharp and very aware of his surroundings. One slip up and your done for. So, you decide to do what you did best.
Be annoying.
Damian ignores you more when you act like that. On top of that, you loved the reactions you got out of him.
You and Damian went to a music shop where they had those old timey records that you liked.
"Why do you need these things. You know you can listen to music like this on your phone, right?" Damian watched as you picked up a record and held it like it was precious. The most fragile thing in the world.
". . .The neighborhood I used to live in. Was loud. I could hear screaming, gun shots. And other things I wasn't supposed to hear." You gently put the record down and continued to walk down the aisle. Damian and Alfred followed behind.
"One night, there was a gang fight right outside. I got so scared. I ran into her room crying. She played a song. . ." You found a song you haven't seen in a while and grabbed it.
"She held me. . . and said, 'son solo sondios, mi amor.' and told me to listen to the music. Let that be the only thing you hear." You let yourself laugh, remembering at how much you cried.
"So, that's what I do. Instead of listening to sounds that give me fear. I listen to these."
Damian watched you happily go through the records.
Damian scoffed to himself. It was the first time he saw a real smile from you. Of course, you smile a lot. But everything was fake. You were putting on a facade. He didn't like fake people.
Lying all the time. People who lie, can't be trusted. And you lie a lot. he knows. You just haven't been caught yet.
But that, what you just did. You were actually being real. You don't seem too bad. For a bug.
"What's this?" Damian spoke up when he picked up a record that had big words on it with a blue background.
"Oh, Boney M. I love these guys." You know Uncle Aaron had full blown collocations of the band.
You looked down to see the look of confusion on Damians face. "Oh, my Go- Come on man. You really don't know these guys?"
"No, should I? . . . My mother wasn't like yours." Damian mumbled. He sets down the record. You stared at him, then glanced to Alfred. You don't know much about Damian's mother. Just that she left him with Bruce.
Due to the boy's uptight attitude, you assume his mother was strict. And based on Alfreds expression, she probably wasn't the best.
You put your hand on his shoulder. "Let's go watch a movie. Yeah?"
The movie was a comedy, it was funny to you. Even more funny that Damian couldn't understand the jokes in the movie. Just watching you laugh so much just because he wasn't understanding the jokes, Damian couldn't help but laugh himself.
"I liked the ending." Damian spoke as you two exited out the theater. "What? for real? . . . why? The ending was kind of butt." You say, Wanting to know why Damian actually liked the ending.
"Well, the main character, Lisa. She found out she was being played by that Moses guy. Even if he caught feelings for her at one point, he didn't have those feelings when he went with that dare. When he kissed her at the prom as some stupid form of an apology, she just slapped him. She knew her worth."
You just stared in utter disbelief. You couldn't help but giggle, then burst out laughing.
"What? Why are you always laughing!'' Damian was scolding you as you continued to laugh and try to explain why you were laughing.
Suddenly you felt your Spidey senses go crazy. Thats when an explosion was heard.
"Oh shi-"
people started running in panic. "It's joker. . ." You heard Damian mumble. You quickly grab Damians hand and try to get to the car where Alfred was parked. Damian let you drag him. So many people were crowding up in a panic.
Damian looked up at you, then to the multiple explosions Joker was dropping. Hearing his damn laugh echo. He was putting his Job as Robin first. And let your hand go. You felt him let go. You quickly turn around. Panic sets in you. You called out his name as you tried to shove people away so you could get through.
"DAMIAN!" You tried to help a few people who got hurt by the falling rubble around them. But all you could think of was Damian. You kept calling the boy's phone. But it would go straight to voicemail. You cussed multiple times.
You went back into the theaters, calling out for Damian, asking anyone if they had seen a little boy come back in.
You didn't know he had left to fulfill his role as Robin.
You were currently in an alleyway. Trying to get to Damian on the phone, no answer. You try to contact Bruce, you lost service. You got frustrated and decided to just run around like an idiot to try and look for the boy.
But you accidentally ran into someone and knock them down.
"Oh no. I'm so sorry Ma'am. Are you alright?" You were quick to help the girl up.
"Thanks. . . you look good, Y/n."
You paused. Who was this? how did she know your name. Your look of confusion started to fade as you recognized the voice. You began to step back.
The girl fully showed her face. Starring you right in the eyes.
tag list: @lockofspades @redsakura101 @ruby-izo
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
A lil’ platonic yanderes harley and joker in the mix too hehe
gender neutral reader.
cw/tw: mentally ill reader. reader has schizophrenia. reader has a massive fear of abandonment. harley and joker only feed to that. a r s o n among other crimes. gaslighting. manipulation. implied r*pe (by reader im so sorry you guys) reader is interested in all genders.
summary: meet jinx, gotham’s loudest, most explosive villain. no one knows who they really are, or if jinx is really even their name. but one thing’s for sure — they’ve got a lot of people chasing after them and their reasons aren’t so noble.
status: unedited
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Considering Jinx was inspired by Harley Quinn. You’re probably her protégé. Her darling little child with Joker.
She saw you in the aftermath of the explosion. Cold and alone. Fire roaring behind you despite the heavens pouring its heart out, as if it was desperately trying to wash your tears and pain away.
She saw your bruises and a girl a little older than you walk away.
Her heart ached for you. No child deserved to be put in that kind of position, so she stepped in and made herself known.
“ I . . . I only wanted to help . . . Don’t leave me . . . Don’t . . .
You muttered.
Joker, who came here to marvel at the chaos such an explosion would present smiles maniacally.
You. You were the one that did this.
This beautiful wreckage and an equally beautiful child.
You were practically begging to be moulded into a weapon.
You charged at them both as they got closer, and while Harley was ready to defend her man - even hurt you if she has to - they did not expect what came next.
You just, held unto Joker’s right leg.
“ She’s not my sister . . . No . . . if she was she wouldn’t leave me . . . “
You were far too emotional for his liking. But nonetheless. A boon can always be found in a curse. That is, your desire for revenge.
He takes one look at Harley before picking your small body into his arms.
“ Who cares about fools like them, little one? They don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.”
His smile never stopped widening, yet even as a kid you never saw it as creepy or unnerving. In fact, it only reminded you of the smiles you used to draw on your nail bombs.
“All we ever truly have is ourselves. “
“So, smile. Don’t let your tears bring you down.”
Moulding you into the perfect weapon was easy.
Having a psychiatrist as a partner did help a lot in your development.
All it took was a few reminders of that fateful day before you began obediently following their rules and instructions.
You were a genius and since Harley kept protesting against it. You weren’t baptized into a vat of acid like the couple was.
Now, Harley and Joker are the worst possible parents you can ask for. So unlike Arcane’s Jinx. You are way way more unhinged. Not to mention, horny and materialistic.
As you grew up, you began to take interest in intentionally hurting people just for the sake of it. Stealing things was just a normal Tuesday for you. Being successful in your endeavors for once, and having bigger stacks of cash felt exhilarating.
The women and men were amazing. Your pseudo parents being who they were, didn’t really care if you were a sexual deviant or a pervert. When your hormones started kicking in they let you do whatever you want. Even giving you some of the people he held hostage as a toy to play with. If you have the capability of getting someone pregnant/or getting pregnant yourself they wouldn’t really care about the baby but you knew them well enough to know they’d use the kid as a way to manipulate you so you were careful in that aspect anyhow.
Harley noticed that when laying with women you’d often call out your sister’s name or call them sis by itself.
Sick. Disgusting. Is what a normal mother would think after finding out such a fact.
But to her you were just growing up so quickly. She had convinced Joker to go ahead and kill your sibling a long time ago behind your back and was growing anxious with the thought of you hating her and ruining this happy family dynamic (she had in her head)!
So she starts bringing you to more heists in disguise. Always keeping a close eye on you so that if any of those stupid heroes and vigilantes get any close, and you too far. She’d know as soon as possible.
It’s safe to say you grew up pretty spoiled, but even then you were hungry for more.
You see, even if they (Harley and Joker) weren’t careful with their “parenting” approach. They were careful with keeping you hidden from the Dark Knight himself.
Not that they were scared you’d get hurt. They could always nurse you back up again. Harley actually enjoyed the times you’d gotten in the cross fire. More time to take care of you in her arms.
They were mostly scared of the Dark Knight stealing you. Afraid that he’ll take you away and turn you into a goody-two-shoes they wouldn’t recognize anymore.
So as much as you were more involved it still felt like they were babying you.
It was your situation with you family all over again
But this time, this time you’ll show them…
You weren’t weak. And it’ll do them good to remember that.
You made your debut at around the time Tim was still Robin.
You were his very own Joker. A menace deal with. A person that only cared for the thrill that came with hurting and killing masses.
You were terrible. Evil. A demon he had to exorcise from this world.
A demon he fell hopelessly in love with.
He didn’t know how his feelings came to be. It may have been the amount of stress and pressure he was facing coupled with having to deal with your ass every damn day whether directly or indirectly. But he found himself yearning to see you at times. Getting warm when he thought of you. He felt solace knowing that no matter how many times he’d attempt to tear you down completely, you’d still come back to face him once again.
He was so guilty of his feelings. How could he fall for someone as heinous as you? You were the worst of the worst. But somehow that made things so much more better.
You were a taboo. A vice he couldn’t have. The thought of entering such a forbidden relationship excited him just cause it was just that — forbidden , a temptation that should always stay like that.
He somehow manages to gain the self control to stay away from you for a while.
But then came Damian and he was set to replaced. Just like that.
“Wow there Timmy Boy. You look like shit.”
“J-Jinx?! Why are you here? How do you know my name?!” He asked as if he didn’t know every single detail about you himself.
“I have to know my little birdie well don’t I?”
“What kind of archnemesis would Jinx be to their little Robin if they didn’t do a lil’ research?” You spoke in a higher, cutesy voice as if you were your handgun that you’ve affectionally named Zapper.
“Right you are Zapper! I would be a terrible rival. That wouldn’t do for a hero as great as Timmy!”
He thought that all his work was all for naught. All the hours he spent trying to prove himself was gone so fast.
But you reminded him of his place in this world. Of his position as a hero. Your rival.
The warmth in your eyes when you looked at him sealed the deal. There was no coming from this. He was yours as you were his.
“Only I can hurt you like this, toots. Don’t forget that.”
Little did you know that Tim took those words to heart and never let anyone else hurt him (and stay alive).
“Big Bat can replace you but you’ll always be the Robin in my heart !” You winked at him, signaling with one of your manicured fingers for him to smile. Which ended up almost scratching your cheeks.
Tim was confused (incredibly flustered, not to mention har—), why were you so kind to him all of a sudden. He knew you were the playful type but you were usually ruthless when it came to battle. You weren’t one to play with food for too long. For you to excuse him, much less help him in such a state.
Who were you and what did you do to his Jinx?
“OW hEy! I swear if you put that there Pow-Pow— I’ll—“ Tim heard you screeching out of view.
Scratch his doubts. Yep, you were definitely still his Jinx.
The Dark Knight knew who you were from the beginning.
He had his suspicions even before you came into the scene. With your knack to tag everything with neon spray-paints.
At first he thought you were a simple thug that Joker and Harley picked up. But the way they were sheltering you made it seem otherwise.
The regret he felt knowing that you were basically a child in their filthy hands and was now far too gone to save was immense.
If only he knew. You wouldn’t be in this situation.
While he was “dead” he found himself looking into you more. About the death of your biological parents and the way your sister abandoned you to Harley and Joker.
He felt pity for your childhood and a sense of kinship. Sure the incident may have been your fault but you were a child. How could you have known your actions would have such terrifying consequences.
If only you knew him when you were younger.
If only.
He was sure you’d be one of the greatest vigilantes alive.
“I knew you were alive.”
You looked down at Batman, staring while both of you were being doused by the rain. Thunder accompanying the sound of conversation.
He takes a defensive stance.
“I’m not going to fight ya, that’s Joker’s thing. And I know he’ll grill my ass if I stole his archnemesis.”
“What a loser!”
“Hey! He took us in. We should be more grateful!”
Bruce looked at you as you talked with a new, rather large, shark shaped gun. He had memorized the names of all your “companions” by now and was oddly excited and slightly unnerved by the new one.
“So, why’d you leave? Was it . . . was it on purpose?”
“Then come back.”
He almost dropped all his plans with the way you told him that.
“Tim needs you . . . and your other sons too or whatever.”
“Come with me.”
“You crazy, old bat? Why would I—“
“I know what it feels like to have no family. Harley doesn’t love you. Joker doesn’t love anyone.”
“Do you?”
“I do.”
“Well tough luck man. I don’t give a shit about love.”
You dropped down to his level. A thud resounds, loud enough to cut through the rainfall and thunder.
“Cause love never gave a shit about me.”
“We’ll have to refuse. Just get back to your sons, hero!”
“I’m sorry, perhaps I didn’t make it clear enough—
— I don’t think you have a choice in this matter, [Y/N].”
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Act 2 with Jason, Dick and Damian coming soon! If you’d like to be tagged just reply to this post ^^
You like my writing? Follow my blog and maybe take a look at the fic linked below!
WHAT’S UP DANGER : Yandere Batfam x Miles Morales! Reader
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Batman Comic Characters
A list of Batman Comic Characters x reader stories. None of these works are mine.
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Batfamily (No Smut)
Have You Ever Cared? @gobydana Summary: Reader is killed and nobody really does much. So when she is resurrected she stays off the grid and leads a simple life until the batfam finds he and confront her where she reveals how hurt she is. Warnings: Angst, Mention of Death, Neglect Special Tags: Bat!sis
Stone Skipping @fandom-writer642 Summary: The Batfamily has always been so crazy that no one notices the silent sister. How many times can she bounce back before sinking? Warnings: Angst, Mention of Death, Neglect Special Tags: Bat!sis
My God I’m so Lonely @ravcns Summary: Reader who feels as if they don’t fit in with the rest of the family due to not being a crime fighter. Warnings: Angst, Mention of Death, Neglect Special Tags: Bat!sis, Multichapter
Bruce Wayne (Smut)
Echo in the Void @straywords Summary: Bruce’s obsession with the Joker pulls him into the abyss till it swallows him whole. Warnings: Rape, Obsessive Behavior, Prostration Special Tags:
Jason Todd (No Smut)
Little Omega @toastedkiwi Summary: There’s yet another kid that Bruce Wayne has taken in and Jason finds a scared little omega. Warnings: None Special Tags: Bat!sis, Omegaverse, Fluff
Jason Todd/Dick Grayson (No Smut)
Re-connection Session @weebsinstash Summary: You never should have let Damian sleep in your lap, especially after rejecting Dick and Jason's request for attention. Now you have their jealousy to resolve. Warnings: Kidnaping, Stockholm Syndrome Special Tags: Bat!sis, Omegaverse
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visionofhope04 · 1 year
Hiii I was wondering if you could do Batfam x sister reader being Damian’s twin and rather than persuing the same thing as their dad and being a vigilante she becomes a famous singer (ya know famous name and good music) and she releases and album (maybe emails I can’t send idk something) and like family being there for her first sold out concert and yeah just supportive of her carrere
Angst is my thing but I’ll do my best to make this as fluffy as possible. Not beta read, sorry if there are any mistakes, feel free to let me know. Hope you like it!
“Yes?” Bruce was concerned. You kept shifting your weight and fiddling with your fingers. He’s never seen you this nervous before. He tensed, preparing for the worst.
“Iwanttobeasinger.” You blurted, looking anywhere you could that wasn’t his face.
Bruce blinked. “Can you say that a bit slower please sweetheart?”
You took a steadying deep breath. “I want to be a singer.” You said significantly slower.
Bruce let out a deep breath and let his body sag. He’d never been religious but in that moment he thanked whatever was up there for helping him.
You looked at him, confused.
“I thought you were gonna ask to be a vigilante.”
Your face contorted in alarm. “Me? A vigilante? Never.”
He chuckled and then brought attention back to what you said. “So you want to be a singer? How do you plan on doing this?”
“Y-you don’t care?” You questioned in shock.
“Why would I care? You’re my daughter and I will always love and support you. I’m glad you found something you really enjoy and intend to make a career out of it. Finding something you enjoy doing is hard, being able to make a career out of it is harder. If it makes you happy then I’ll gladly help you with it if you need it.”
“Even though it’s a bad career?”
“Some people in it may be bad but it doesn’t make the career bad. Music is all about self expression and is a great outlet for emotions. It brings people together and makes them realize they’re not alone. I think you’ll be an amazing singer.”
You began to tear up but do your best to hold it back, “Thank you father.”
“I want to be a singer.”
Immediately, everyone stopped talking and looked at you. You did your best to not shrink under the sudden attention. Usually, you never spoke at the dinner table, content to just listen.
“That sounds like a great idea Birdy!” Dick said.
“Lil sis’ gonna be the talk of the town.” Jason smirked at you.
“That’s great! I can’t wait to hear it! Tim exclaimed.
Damian’s reaction is the one you feared the most. He’d always disliked you leaving behind the life of fighting for a mundane one.
“I think that is a respectable profession.”
At your brothers’ approval, you broke out into a wide grin. Bruce was smiling openly at you all and wondered how he got so lucky to have such an amazing, supportive family.
You were backstage, makeup done, earpiece linked, and microphone ready to go. You were really nervous. This was going to be your first-ever live performance since you released your first album. It was such a hit, it became the number 1 album on the charts a few hours after release, with over 30 million streams. You were stuck in your thoughts when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned to look at the person, it was your father.
"Don't be nervous, you're going to do great. I'm so proud of you. You're so talented and amazing. They're going to love you out there."
"Thanks dad." You smiled. His words warmed your heart. No one ever told you they were proud of you before. Despite what he said, you still felt a little nervous.
After waiting a bit more, it was time for you to get on stage. You heard cheering in the crowd as you emerged from the darkness. Now in the spotlight, your nerves came back tenfold. The bright lights blinded you, but you could still see the silhouettes of everyone who came to see you tonight. There were way more people here than you expected. You stepped up to the mic and adjusted it.
"Hello," The crowd's cheering picked up. You smiled and waited for it to quiet down before continuing. "thank you all for coming. I appreciate every single one of you. You made it possible for me to be standing here right now and I am so grateful. Enjoy the show!" The crowd's cheering picked up yet again as your first song came on.
You were so tired but so, so happy. The concert was a major success and nothing went wrong. You had so much fun getting to know your audience and calling people up on stage. You got backstage and your whole family was there.
"You did amazing!!"
"You're my new favorite singer."
"She's been my favorite singer, keep up."
"Your voice is unmatched, my dear girl."
"I knew you could do it."
"You were adequate, don't let the praise get to your head."
Your face hurt from grinning, and you could help but feel elated. Your family's support meant the world to you, and you were so grateful for it.
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