#soft Bruce Wayne
emo-batboy · 5 months
A Wild Battinson (Social Media AU)
Part 45 (Masterlist)
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(Part 46)
@bruciemilf it’s been months bestie but it’s tradition
If you follow me on my main, you know I haven’t actually been gone. I’ve just been on a few side quests. I’m also being fought over by two companies rn so that’s fun (and completely stressful, please I’m just a 22yo teenage girl) but we’re BACK for a limited time! Idk I’ve got like at least five parts in my drafts so let’s see what happens.
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bruciemilf · 8 months
The Wayne manor is not a quiet place.
Someone Is always doing something, talking about anything, teasing, bantering, playfully slandering, so Bruce grew accustomed to noise. Its hard not to, with his nest of birds.
But this particular topic has him on mute;
"Why do YOU get him when he's old?"
" Oh my GOD, Jason, I'm LITERALLY the oldest. You ALWAYS have to get everything!"
Jason isn't at all interested in Dick's dramatics. He wraps all 6'4 inches around Bruce's leg like an affectionate leech. "You're the fucking meanest! You'll probably feed B those gross ass protein shakes and force him to watch re runs of Realest Housewives of Gotham!"
Cass is strong like a tsunami and silent as a snake, jumping on Bruce's back, beautiful eyes full of threat. " Dad stays. Mine."
Bruce pipes up, " I have a retirement plan--"
"Getting railed everyday at the Kent farm isn't a retirement!"
Tim gives Steph a look of disgust. "Gross."
Damian isn't above pulling out his swords. " If I don't get Baba, everyone is dying. Me included. "
"Damian. What did I say about threatening your siblings with murder?" Bruce asks expectantly.
" Oh, I'm not threatening, baba. I'm making a vow."
Alfred doesn't pry his attention from the chamomile tea he's preparing. " Master Bruce stays with me."
"...Alfred, I don't think you'll...You know, be around when Bruce retires--"
"Was that a contradiction?"
They all gulp. The argument is settled quickly, and Bruce spends the rest of his evening with head on Alfred's lap and his hand in Jason's hair, petting like a cat, and listening to RHOG on the TV.
He loves the noise.
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
How would Battinson react to his kids, his babies, dating, and growing up?
The first was Dick. He saw the growing embers of something more than friendship between him and Wally. The longing stares when one thought no one was looking, the longer than necessary touching, the blushes. It seemed like everyone could see but those two, and it was cute.
It stopped being cute when Dick entered his office one afternoon. Bruce hadn’t known what personal space was since Dick got comfortable with him. Dick would frequently invade it by jumping on Bruce’s back for an impromptu piggyback ride, though those were things of the past the older and bigger Dick got, or just giving him a bear hug.
But this was different. The way he actually walked rather than ran, the way his demeanor was more closed off and hesitant rather than open and relaxed like it usually was.
He walked to meet Dick halfway, abandoning his work. He gently held his shoulders.
“What’s wrong, Chum?”
Dick took a deep breath, in and out. “I have a boyfriend! It's Wally.” He blurted out and looked at Bruce.
Bruce saw fleeting hope of acceptance, of love in Dick’s eyes. But he also saw uncertainty of rejection in them too.
“That’s great, chum. Who confessed first?” Bruce was happy for Dick, he deserved happiness, especially in their line of work. But a small part of him felt bitter about it.
Not Wally himself, he knew the kid for years and he was a good one. But of what he represented, his birds were growing up and leaving the nest. Leaving him. Now, Bruce was happy to see his children growing into themselves. However, he feels like he isn’t needed anymore.
Why would they need a protector, who isn’t even that good at it anyway, when they showed again and again that they can provide for themselves?
The announcement reminded him of Jaime and Jason, he liked him and Damian certainly did, but his kids’ were leaving. Like, today Jason and Damian canceled dinner to be with Jamie and his family for dinner.
But this wasn’t about how Bruce feels. So even if it was bittersweet he listened to Dick rave about Wally.
Giving Bruce so much detail, he wasn't sure if this even was the same person, but he guessed being childhood best friends are different from being boyfriend.
“Alfred, have you seen Tim? He is not in the Cave or his room.” They were working on a hard and gruesome case, and just when Tim was healing from that nasty cut he got last night. Bruce knows how Tim gets when they have cases like these. He would work from day to night until he gets an answer, and that is if he doesn't fall asleep first. Even if he was recovering, and that missing spleen of his didn’t make things better.
It was one of the many things he neglected to teach Tim when he was first Robin, to have a good work-life balance, not that Bruce could talk but still, too filled with grief to see. But he is making a change, and that is starting with getting Tim to bed.
“No, I haven't, Master Bruce,” the butler answers, “but I’ll be on the lookout for him.”
Bruce gave a nod and continued to search the Manor looking for his son. He’d done this before, hiding from Bruce, because he knew what will happen. It’s childish and oftentimes annoying but a tiny part likes taking care of Tim. Tucking him into bed, kissing him on the forehead, and closing the door slowly.
Eventually, he does find Tim, he’s in Bruce’s room. His black hair, which was in that middle stage of looking long while short, looked like a bird’s nest and his eyes were dazed like he had taken a nap. His disheveled sheets and blankets were evidence of that.
“Good afternoon, Timmy.” Bruce greets him with a small smile.
Tim blinked at him like an owl and he came to his senses slowly. He looked like a misbehaving child who got caught red-handed with contraband cookies.
“Language” Bruce corrected automatically. Raising kids for years will do that to you, especially Jason and Duke.
“Sh– shot! Sorry B I'll go.”
Bruce leaped forward to stop Tim’s frantic movements. “Tim, you don't have to leave or anything. I'm fine with you staying in my bed. I was just looking for you all over to take a break. But I see you’re already doing that..”
Red paints over Tim’s ears and neck and attempts to look away from them. “Well duh, I'm not a kid anymore B.”
His last all-nighter was 2 days ago. Duke found him in the dining chair.
Tim looks him straight in the eyes, “I heard you talking to Alfred. I was worrying you with my bad self-care habits and I decided to grow up. Besides, I can't live how I used to, especially without my spleen.”
Now it was Bruce’s turn to look surprised. He thought he would never see the day. But why are tears threatening to spill out then? Why was there a hole forming in his heart then? He should be happy, his children are growing into fine young men and women. So why....?
“Woah, woah, Bruce!” Tim’s alert voice yelled for him, breaking Bruce from his thoughts to see that tears were actually forming.
“Oh, don't mind me,” he shrugged Tim off and blinked the tears away. “I have some work that needs to get done, so you go rest up.” Bruce pushed Tim into the bed and tucked him into the covers, kissing him on the forehead, and closing the door slowly. A routine he’s done multiple times with multiple children, and his mind wonders when they’ll ask him to stop doing that.
He ignored Tim’s shouts to come back and closed the door. He walks aimlessly through the quiet and empty manor. It’s been ages since the building was filled with sound and laughter, now it sits in silence. So quiet Bruce can hear his footsteps echoing throughout the halls when 2 months ago he couldn’t even hear what Duke was saying while Tim and Damien engaged in their weekly arguments about everything and anything.
Oh, Duke. Gotham’s daytime vigilante, one of her many victims. He came to Bruce unsure in everything he was doing but nowadays he’s grown sure in his actions. On the last patrol, Tim had gotten hurt badly and the only way out was for Duke to drive. He didn't need Bruce or Babara to guide him.
His kids were growing up, and soon, they wouldn't need him anymore.
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just-an17archer · 21 days
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Nightwing 112
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crii-sis · 4 months
Fluffy Comfort Damian Wayne-centric Fic!
“Oh honey” Bruce sounded like himself again, Damian thought.
The way he sounded when he usually comforted Dick, Jason or Tim. But if he could yell at Tim the way he did, Damian knew he ranked lower on the totem pole of family, so the idea of what Bruce could say, or even do, to Damian scared him.
Which is the reason he flinched when Bruce reached out to squeeze his shoulder.
“C’mon baby, what’s got you so worked up, huh?”
Bruce’s voice was impossibly soft, so smooth, as he sat crouched on the floor so close to where Damian lay, but made no movement to touch the boy again.
Damian looked up, eyes bloodshot, face blotchy as he met his father’s gaze.
Bruce's forehead lines looked deep, and while he spoke with an unbelievable amount of kindness, Damian could see there was alarm in his eyes. Damian had never cried in front of his father before, and over an argument he didn’t even have, made him feel so stupid,
“Habibi, you're worrying me. Please let me just hold you at least.”
Bruce opened his arms up, waiting patiently and Damian stayed silent in thought.
After a moment, a loud sniffle, and tutting a little embarrassed, not being able to look his father in the eye, Damian launched himself into Bruce’s arms.
He felt Bruce’s whole body relax as he did, and it just felt so right. He fit perfectly into his father’s arms, and realized why all his brothers unanimously agreed that Bruce gave the best hugs.
“Baba, I was so scared.” Damian's words were all blubbered through the tears he couldn’t stop.
Bruce hummed, carding Damian’s hair as he did.
“I know Damian, that's why I asked Tim to stop driving, he was being reckless.”
Damian shook his head vigorously, as he remained pressed into his father’s chest.
“Not of the driving, Baba.” Damien took a deep breath. “Of you.”
Damian looked up as his father almost shyly, lip starting to wobble again as he felt Bruce’s arms tense.
“I’ve just never heard you yell like that.”
And it scared me. That part was left unsaid, but both of them understood it.
Bruce let his arms fall from where they held Damian tight, and opted to place his hands on the boy's cheeks, cradling his small face.
“Oh you poor thing.” Bruce crooned, kissing the tip of Damian’s nose. Wiping the tear tracks for the kids faces with his thumbs.
“I shouldn’t have yelled, Damian.” Bruce spoke earnestly. “I just got off a long flight and headed straight to a meeting.”
Bruce sighed, looking into his son’s large, tearful eyes as he did.
“Tim made some mistakes today, and I overreacted. I was just worried about him.”
Bruce paused again, this time pulling Damian back into a hug before continuing.
“Same way I worry about you, sweetheart. So please, if you're feeling anything like this, come get me.”
Damian nodded against his father.
“I’d drop everything and anything for you.”
Damian was still crying, but no longer out of fear.
Bruce sat there, on the floor of Damian's bedroom, rocking his son back and forth as the boy cried himself out.
Damian had never felt so loved.
“Let me go get Tim.” Bruce said after a beat. “Explain how he knows I was coming from a place of love, just didn’t express it too well.”
“No!” Damian leapt up, circling his arms tight around his fathers neck. “Don’t leave me.”
Fresh, unshed tears in Damian’s eyes. The waterworks were going to start again.
Bruce chucked, hoisting the boy onto his hip as he stood up.
“Okay, okay.” Bruce said quietly into Damian’s ear. “You’ll just have to come with me, then.”
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rjnonymous · 1 year
I like to think that one of Bruce's biggest character flaws is that he will let his children get away with anything. Especially when they find it funny because how is he supposed to be mad at his children when they laugh like that? And it's a fxking headache in the hero community, because while some might find their antics funny, others don't and they can't do shit about it because the brats will snitch and of course fxking Batman is not going to discipline his kids
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Bruce and Clark are stargazing atop Wayne Manor despite Alfred's orders for Bruce to remain in bed. They're silent as they climb onto the roof and exchange smiles like schoolboys breaking curfew.
It's quiet up there. The city lights in the distance sparkle like the stars above them. Beauty surrounds them and Bruce finds some semblance of peace in this bubble they've made for themselves. He could feel the warmth of Clark's shoulder touching his and hear his slow breathing. It feels like it's just the two of them in the world. Bruce wonders if it's like that for Clark too or if the world was just constantly screaming at him, begging for his help. He wonders if Clark could only dream of peace in death.
"Do you think you could ever find peace in death?" Bruce asks instead. It sounds kinder.
Clark looks away from the starry sky and stares at Bruce instead. There's a soft smile on his face. Bruce thinks he'll rather gaze at that than the stars in the sky but Clark turns back to the stars and Bruce does too. They are stargazing after all.
"Sometimes I think about how I would like to die and it brings me peace. Is that weird?"
"No." Bruce does the same. He adds, "How would you like to die?"
In a blaze of glory, perhaps, saving the world from certain doom. It was a likely scenario and there was a level of satisfaction from saving people even with one's last breath. But the Clark he knows is always fighting for life, he would always try to survive. So... quietly, in old age, surrounded by all his loved ones. It is a very Clark-like scene to envision.
"I would like to perish amongst the stars. To freeze in the cold expanse of space or burn in the face of the sun. To return from whence I come from..." Clark laughs and rubs the back of his head. He's looking at Bruce again and there's a soft glow about him more radiant than the stars. "It's silly, isn't it? I've been to outer space many times without freezing or burning to death but, well, it's just something I've thought about."
"Don't be silly, Clark."
"What?" Clark almost looks hurt.
"You're a child of Earth. We've claimed you. What do you mean return from whence you come from?" Bruce grumbles. He tries to hide his face from Clark and looks to Gotham instead.
Clark laughs and it tickles something within Bruce. "Haven't you heard, Bruce? We're all made of space dust."
Bruce gains the courage to face Clark again and stops fighting against the twitching curve of his mouth. "I'll be sure to tell Dick to shatter our ashes in space after we die."
Clark's laughter grows in loudness. "What? You're not going to do it yourself? And our ashes would be shattered together?"
Bruce snorts. "Given how often we almost die together, I'd say it would be nigh impossible to cremate us separately."
"Yeah?" Clark's laugh softens into chuckles until they're so quiet Bruce has to lean in to hear them. He isn't the one to lean in. Clark is. "I wouldn't be opposed to being buried together either."
"That-" Bruce's breath hitches. He wonders if Clark could feel it. They were practically sharing it after all- "would be nice."
Clark closes the distance and Bruce thinks that this is peace too.
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madeofstardust17 · 11 months
You guys idk if anyone has read my Tim sick fic, but anyways I'm writing the second part and guys. If you thought Bruce was soft in the first part. Lemme tell yall you are not ready. I gave him ONE scene in his pov and my fucking god. Wtf he loves his child so so much I'm. I didn't even plan it it just happened. You guys are gonna love it so much trust me.
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superbat-love · 1 year
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Batman and his special affinity with aliens. First Clark, and now his adopted alien starfish son Jarro.
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fanaticalthings · 27 days
Jason being the easiest kid is super funny. Bruce looking at Jason and remembering Dick at 18: “we can work through this. He’ll come around if I don’t give up on.”
Bruce, watching over a freshly street-snatched Jason: Why is he so calm
Having Dick as the rambunctious, feral, and unhinged first child must've given him SO much whiplash once Jason entered the picture. Lil guy just vibed in his own world. Just reading books and doing schoolwork. Baby Jason hurt nobody.
Bruce will just be going over the ground rules of the manor, remembering all the chaos Dick brought upon the household.
Bruce: No swinging from the chandelier.
Jason: ?? I wasn't planning to?
Bruce: No murder.
Jason: What? That never even crossed my mind-
Bruce: And please, for the love of God, don't sneak out and try to beat up the nearest criminal on our block
Jason: WHO is responsible for these rules being created??
Bruce will just come home from a long day of work. He's tired and just wants a nice, quiet evening, but he's subconsciously psyching himself up to prepare himself for the chaos he'll witness once he enters the manor
but then Jason's just quietly doing his own thing, maybe even helping Alfred with some chores, reading, or just lounging about in the manor. In general, just causing no trouble and Bruce just turns to Alfred, all worried like, "Is he sick? I don't think children are supposed to behave this way."
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emo-batboy · 7 months
A Wild SuperGuy? (Social Media AU)
Part 44 (Masterlist)
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(Part 45)
Istg I made this entire chapter in two hours. It's like I was smacked upside the head with the opposite of writer's block. (Also shoutout to the two people in part 43's notes that immediately predicted what this update would be about.)
@bruciemilf how’s it hangin’
Drink water, enjoy the weather, and have a great day :D
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bruciemilf · 10 months
Jason's coming home isn't a smooth affair. It's surreal and destructive and pulsing grief. He doesn't know how to tell Bruce there's no one alive he loves more. Because he does love him. He wouldn't be so dissapointed in him if he didn't.
his love has TEETH now, and Jason is too young and full of sadness to tame them. So he has to show It, in other ways.
Sometimes, it means staring down a brickhouse kryptonian, nervously toying with his fingers over the breakfast table, and pulling out his most vile threats.
Otherwise, it's allowing Bruce's hand to run through Jason's curls, touch cold like a father, with all the love Jason doesn't know. It's accepting book recommendations and silent lunches and resting his head on Bruce's lap.
"Would you do it again?"
"Do what?"
"Raise me. If you had a choice, would you choose me all over again?"
"Yes," Bruce responds after a pause, resolve like molten steel, " There's no me without you. If I could live a thousand lives, I'd choose you in every single one."
And Jason's heart bleeds quietly. He doesn't have to say he'd choose bruce, too. Because he already did.
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Single parent Bruce Wayne batkids being protective and (healthy) possessive over Bruce?? Batkids who have differing opinions on who Bruce should date?? Yes, yes, yes!!
I imagined that the kids are pretty used to Bruce going on dates as Brucie Wayne, to keep up the playboy persona. All of them have worried about varying degrees. Some took the time to do background checks on the person he was going out with and others decided to spy on them.
Hell, they would’ve been doing just that if Alfred hadn’t stopped them. Said something about how Bruce is an adult who can make his own decisions. They all knew the butler was lying through his teeth.
But they were all comforted by the fact that Bruce didn't have any feelings. That most likely, there would be no second dates with that person, they would fade into the faceless void that was the Gotham elite.
That assurance wrapped them up in a blanket when Bruce was out later than he was supposed to. When he came back happy and giggling rather than the usual indifference or just exhaustion.
“This is weird, right?” Duke questioned one day. They were all in the kitchen waiting for brownies that Jason was stress baking them.
“What is?” Jason asked-mumbled as he was setting the timer.
There was a definite tension in the air around them. For a full house of people, it was quiet. Just the sound of mindlessly scrolling on the phone and Jason’s baking filled it. The silence lingered either way.
“That we have this protectiveness of Bruce,” he explained. “Like he goes out for a ‘date’ and look at us. All nervous and fidgety. I mean, it’s been an hour and no arguments between Tim and Dami.”
No one had an answer for that. It was one of those that were complicated and simple all at once. Bruce was a person with feelings even though he tries to hide them, they are present. They exist. And he breaks, easy and often. And shouldn’t that be reason enough? Because he’s a person who has so much love to give but has been burned too many times.
But continues to love either way.
“Because he’s our dad and no one’s ever gonna be good enough for him, duh.” Jason answers, unfiltered and blunt. He was the most vocal in opposition to these dates in the first place, or Bruce going on dates in general.
“But it's all fake though? We all know that for him it might as well be another business meeting.”
Jason opened his mouth to respond when Bruce walked in, and as usual he was bombarded with a million questions. Duke’s question was forgotten by all of them.
“Where did you go?”
“What did you do?”
“Who was it?”
“How was it?”
“Guys, guys, calm down,” Bruce chuckles, “I just got into the house. Let me settle in first.” There was a faint redness of his cheeks, a glint in his eyes.
That only suggest trouble.
“And also, my date isn’t the type of person you guys are thinking of,” he starts off, walking towards the den. His kids follow him like little ducklings following their mother. “It was Harvey Dent “
“The fucking D.A?! Two Face??” Jason yells, alarmed. Harvey Dent wasn't the type to have fake dates with people.
“It was a real date,” Bruce admits to them. He gets comfortable on the couch and all of his kids surround him, preparing to latch on to every word. “Only Alfred knew about it because we know how you kids can get. I really like him, and I know that you have your suspicions, especially about him. So, please?”
“No!” Jason said, a frown on his face and his arms crossed. “I don’t like him, I don’t trust him, and he isn’t good enough.”
“I agree with Todd, Father,” Damian cuts in. “My mother is a more suitable choice if we’re being honest.”
“Eh, if we are actually being honest, it’d be Superman.”
“Superman?!” Jason questions with disgust written all over his face. “Dickface, I know you have some hero worship going on with him, but that's the most basic of basic.”
“Plus, it’d be weird if I was dating my Dad’s boyfriend’s son,” Tim added.
“For once, Drake is correct. Neither Dent nor the alien is the correct choice for Father. Like I-”
“No, little brother,” Cass said.
“Yea, I agree with Cass here, Dames. I just don't see it working out with those two,” Duke agreed.
The argument continued well into the night and in true Wayne fashion, it in a debate style with well-thought powerpoints and some insults thrown in of course. No one had any agreement on who deserved their father.
“Um, do I get to make a decision on this?” Bruce asked in the middle of a laughing fit. It was nice to have the house full with people and laughter.
All of them looked at him with a blank stare and responded with a swift “No”.
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bbbbbbbbatman · 5 months
Batman is so sleep deprived during a JL meeting that he keeps staring at Superman’s pecs thinking about what good pillows they would make and Superman grows increasingly red and flustered as Batman keeps staring intently at his chest
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shower-phantom-ideas · 9 months
Danny as Fenton takes a hit that no human boy should survive while in a different city (im going crossover here) and just transforms into phantom and pretends to be all sad that he died. Just for a moment. He then proceeds to kick the baddies ass. Claims he got ghost powers and fucks off. Imagine if Captain America or Batman saw this while failing ti protect him, hell or any hero type. Danny doesn’t think much on it and just goes on with his week. Continues being Fenton of course but what if he runs into whatever hero, but out if costume, saw him do that.
“How are you here? And alive?”
Danny holding a smoothie:”uhhhh I made a miraculous recovery”
He just shrugs it off and goes about his day. It isn’t until he finally gets some sleep later that night that he wakes up in a cold sweat realising he now knows their secret identity. “Oh well it’s neat I guess” starts to go back to sleep only to bolt back up “oh god now they know my secret identity”
Meanwhile said hero is too busy trying to figure out how to help this random kid to even be worried about the fact that they outed themselves. Someone else probably points it out to them and has to explain it twice before it gets thru.
#danny phantom#crossovers#dp x mcu#dpxdc#dp x dc#I like to use batman a lot cause his need to protect these kids probably makes him a little stupid#like imagine him in the batcave looking into fenton now and nightwing comes in starts asking about it#only to have to find out that bruce basically told the kid hes batman#except bruce is tired and worried so he isnt getting it#no B I mean like how does bruce wayne know the kid died. only batman saw it#if you are trying to make some sort of joke it’s not working. now please excuse me I have to figure this out#a sigh and facepalm#B imagine what the kid is gonna think when bruce wayne asks him how he is alive but batman watched him die.#slowly bruce stops typing and leans back from the computer#he freezes#eyes widening#a soft but sharp intake#oh#yea oh B geeze you must be tired if it took this long for you to get ut#bruce with his head in his hands realising he just messed up big time#maybe he should get more sleep after all#as for the mcu I would like to think it was hawkeye or hulk#I like hulk cause it’s also a bruce but I like hawkeye more. guy is very comfort character#clint just kid I saw you die now why don’t you explain that#danny giving him nothing till clints like come on it’s kinda messed up letting me think I let a kid die isnt it.#oh poor me loosing so much sleep watching a young boy become a ghost. I could hardly go on#danny rolls his eyes laying it on a little thick arent we old man#gasp! I will have you know I am only (insert haskeyes age here)#geeze you are waaayyy okder than I thought
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Thinking about batboys doing average father-son activities with Bruce.
Dick and Bruce go shopping. Alfred did, does and, probably, will do it until the end of time, but since Dick lives in Blüdhaven he prefers to do it by himself. Sometimes Bruce offers help, sometimes Dick accepts it. At such moments, Dick lets Bruce pay and completely enjoys his nepo baby life. Bruce still doesn't know the value of money and can't estimate the cost of groceries, Dick still likes being wheeled around on a cart. He barely fits in there and the rest of the customers look at them weirdly, but Bruce has been used to close attention and has never been able to turn Dick down. They recklessly rush through the departments while new articles about the eccentric Brucie appear in the newspapers, then both get scolded by Alfred for buying all sorts of useless junk.
Jason and Bruce read together. Wayne's library is one of a few places in the mansion where Jason appears regularly and willingly. They don't even talk, just sit in one room, mostly in silence, punctuated by snorting or brief comments. Bruce has a lot of books he planned to read but always put off, so he uses this time to good advantage. Jason acknowledges his existence with a slight nod and on good days sits closer, almost enough to be in Bruce's space. Jason often rereads books, writes notes on transparent stickers that Alfred gave him and chews a pencil, thinking. Sometimes Bruce finds books on the table in his office, the same transparent sticker invariably says "You would like it" with a postscript in smaller letters at the bottom "or not, I don't care". Bruce always smiles softly, adding it to the top of his list.
Tim and Bruce go to the skate park. They both wear sunglasses and casual clothes, but those few parents who come with children still whisper to each other. For the first few times it's kind of awkward, Bruce is unsure what to do and Tim isn't used to attention from his parents, but they cope. Bruce ruffles Tim's hair, enjoying the way his eyes light up, and tries his best not to jump up every time Tim falls. He wears a protective gear set, Bruce insisted, and they both know that Red Robin has been through the worst, but Bruce has little control over the mother hen regime. In the evening, coming home, they buy ice cream and coffee for the night extracurricular activities, and if Tim pretends to be asleep while Bruce carries him out of the car, no one mentions it.
Damian and Bruce go to the cinema. Damian isn't used to pop-culture, and Dick is convinced that this tragedy should be solved. Damian says it's a senseless waste of time and he has more significant stuff to do, but always looks forward to these days. It's mostly cartoons, ideally with animals in the main roles. Damian loves cartoons, and he is less ashamed of admitting it when Bruce says he loves them too. They eat something that Alfred would disapprove of, stay for a short time after the credits and constantly walk home by foot. Damian doesn't ask for uppies, he would never, Bruce picks him up and puts him on his shoulders anyway. Damian likes to be on high, for Bruce it's not even a workout, just a warm-up weight and he tries not to think bitterly that he isn't able to do this with his other children anymore. Sometimes they talk quietly, sometimes just enjoy each other's company. Sometimes Damian falls asleep, knowing perfectly well his father won't let him fall, and Bruce holds him tightly to not let him down.
It's weirdly cozy for their life, almost normal. It's not better, they would choose vigilante life anyway, they already did, but it's nice to feel from time to time. They appreciate it, even if they don't say it out loud.
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