#stephanie brown has adhd
thief-of-eggs · 1 year
Tim Drake really likes to stim by singing that “happy happy happy” audio from tik tok, even though it’s a few months old.
And Steph and Dick can’t stop themselves from joining in every time. It sets off a chain reaction in the manor, the three of them singing it on loop, driving the non-ADHDers of the batfam insane
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sunnycanwrite · 10 months
She's always danced around the kitchen. Kicking her legs wildly, moving out of tempo, arms moving in the air. Stephanie Brown has to move at all times, she just has to. Rather it's fidgeting with a pen during college classes, or shaking her leg during dinner. But it's best whens she's sparring,nor running across roofs, once clumsy movements getting better over the years.
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Stephanie Brown has ADHD
What do you think?
Her out-of-the-box thinking, unpredictability and determination are her biggest assets.
Always moving and always talking, even in combat, it's like she's run by a motor. Bruce likens her to Dick in this respect.
When still, she is restless and fidgets A LOT; clicking pens, fiddling with batarangs, walking around and inspecting anything she can get her hands on.
She's got a hyperactive inner monologue which never goes away.
She can't help herself from thinking out loud or speaking too loudly, particularly if she feels strongly about it. Because of this, she can wind up saying something hurtful without thinking.
Her room.
She's bad with homework and underperforms academically despite demonstrating a genius intellect in her vigilante life.
She is strikingly driven but struggles with balance in her life. Vigilante life tends to consume her; she slacks academically, has few friends at university and doesn't has much of a campus life.
She tends to daydream a lot and is easily distracted, especially when disinterested with what she's doing; such as when sitting through classes and Barbara's tech lessons.
When Stephanie puts her mind to something, it's all she thinks about and she becomes dead-set seeing it through. Stephanie is going to be Batgirl and she's going to be an amazing Batgirl, no matter what anyone says or does because she decided so.
When she's engaged, Stephanie is exceptionally perceptive and resourceful; picking up on unassuming clues and coming up with creative battle tactics on the spot.
She is horrible with instructions and doesn't take kindly to authority figures.
She struggles with self-compassion and has major self-esteem issues. Her inner monologue is REALLY critical of her. Under Scarecrow's Fear toxin, Steph sees her ex Tim and then herself as Spoiler both telling her she isn't good enough a hero or a person; that everything she does is a mistake.
She is VERY VERY sensitive to criticism and rejection, and is obsessed with trying to prove her worth because of it. She actually anticipates criticism and rejection at every turn too. It screams RSD. Even the police mistakingly accusing her of murder sends her into a pit of self-pity and amps up her.
She clings to praise and never expects it.
She tends to act on impulse and always diving into danger head first. She is possibly the bravest of the Bat Family but also has a reckless streak.
Her emotions get very big very quickly and she seems to struggle to regulate them. Her mood can also seems to fluctuate intensely too.
She's got a temper and she has a habit of lashing out. When her angry reaches a boiling point, she tends to cross the line or act blindly. Always thinking of that time she slapped Bruce but she also almost killed her asshole father and then Zsasz.
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billcipherapologist · 1 month
the batfam as things i and others have said pt 2
jason talking about his death: everyone has bad days, everyone gets blown up sometimes
tim: dad, how old are you?
bruce: old enough
dick: the moon is in a phase
tim: what is it, emo?
jason talking about tims mental state: its being held together with zip ties and a dream
steph when a bat appears: i hate when men do that… appear out of thin air
bruce, deadpan: i was gonna say who has a mobile number (police number) but it’s the police
tim talking about wifi: it keeps dropping out
jason: of high school?
bruce: are you on something?
little dick: FREEDOM
tim after scrolling on tumblr for too long: teenagers relate to murder
dick after fighting slade too many times: he’s always down to kill kids and i respect that
pt 1
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Compilation of art i requested from @/everyjirou back in my old just starting out my t4t Todomomo days!!!
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High fantasy au,autistic gamer girl Momo,goth bf x pastel gf,fast food totally not a date and Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown aka their DC variants redraw💕❤️Finding these again unironically gave me warm feelings,Bnha is ass but their dynamic is it's biggest saving grace :')
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
I saw someone make Timsteph in this picrew so i'm doing the same!!
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To quote one of my friend's:All Robins are poc idc
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
The batfam as teacher comment section in report card.
Dick: Mr. Grayson brings a contagious energy to the class and his enthusiasm is well-appreciated. However, he tends to channel that energy very physically and while that may benefit his learning, it's a disruption to other students. This is a frequently recurring issue that I would like to discuss with a parent or guardian.
Translation – Is this kid ADHD because he won't sit the FUCK down
Jason: Mr. Todd has displayed remarkable attention to detail and a love of literature that I can only attribute to positive reinforcement at home, and he's always a pleasure to have in class. As much as I appreciate seeing him apply his lessons outside of school hours, I believe there are more productive avenues of discussing Shakespearean playwriting with his peers than what he has been reportedly doing. 
Translation – Stop biting your thumb at people
Tim: Mr. Drake continues to exceed expectations in his schoolwork, but his attendance and participation may become a detriment to his overall grades if unaddressed. I have caught him sleeping in class on multiple occasions but he has yet to provide me a reason why he is so tired. Additionally, last month one of our monitors caught him loitering in the bathroom with a note that I did not recall writing. 
Translation – Get some sleep and also you can't make your own hall passes
Damian: I have had the privilege of teaching the Wayne family through my decades at this institution and I believe that Damian takes after his father the most in more ways than expected. His grades are stellar and he is well-organized, but I'm noticing familiar and concerning traits in his attitude and social interactions. I am requesting a meeting with his parent to understand the full context so I can devise a plan for out how to best support him. 
Translation – Forget falling, the apple is still on the damn tree
Duke: Mr. Thomas has been a pleasure to have in my chemistry lab and is always willing to help classmates who are struggling. However, after last week's minor combustion reaction mishap, I think it would be worthwhile to review the lab safety packet that all students received at the beginning of the year. 
Translation – How did you set water on fire
Cullen: Mr. Row displays a passion for transformative literature and demonstrates a clear understanding of modern media culture that has helped him synthesize a lot of our complex readings. However, I'm concerned about his laptop being a distraction, especially with numerous incidences of him looking at non-academic material.  
Translation – Quit reading fanfics in class
Stephanie: You should be pleased to know that Miss Brown consistently keeps the well-being of her peers in mind. This semester, she launched a meal initiative for students whose needs could not be met by the school cafeteria. While we value her good intentions, she has been causing hallway obstructions and there are some regulatory concerns that we need to discuss. 
Translation – She sold pancakes in the halls without a permit
Cassandra: Although Miss Cain is relatively quiet in class, she continues to blow me away with her breadth of knowledge not just on class materials, but also interpersonal details. While this is a good skill to cultivate, we ask that she dial it back especially with our faculty. Additionally, please remember that the teacher's lounge is a staff-only space and students should remain in the common areas. 
Translation – She knows too much
Barbara: Miss Gordon is easily one of the best AP Computer Science students I've seen in my twenty years of teaching. She even went above and beyond the scope of our class to apply what we've learned to a greater school context. While that is deserving of credit, I'd also like to remind her that, in the future, certain ideas should be subjected to careful consideration before actions are taken. 
Translation – She hacked the lunch menu to make every day French Fry Friday 
Harper: Miss Row has a remarkable aptitude for the engineering process that exceeds beyond what students her age can typically grasp, and she is very inventive in her own right. That being said, I would appreciate it if she followed our lesson plans more closely and reviewed our guidelines for woodshop safety so everyone can continue to have a positive experience.
Translation – She made a working crossbow out of popsicle sticks
Carrie: Miss Kelley is a bright student who brings positive energy that is very much needed, especially in morning classes. However, she's been falling behind with several missing assignments at this point, and her explanations for why she cannot finish her work don't seem to be sufficient. 
Translation – "Killer Croc ate my homework" Yeah and I'm Batman
Kate: Miss Kane seems to be very eager to move forward to the next stage of her life, as evidenced by her Career Day presentation. While I believe young people should be free to explore their passions, I also think that Kate would benefit from some workshops outlining more feasible options. 
Translation – "Get bitches" isn't a career goal
Alfred: Mr. Pennyworth is easily one of the best students this institution has seen, both in his academic record and extracurricular activities. He recently expressed interest in the sharpshooting team, which I will not discourage him from, seeing how highly accurate he is. As of this year, I will be retiring as the coach for the team, but I wish him all the best.
Translation – I'm not about to get on his bad side
Selina: Miss Kyle's resourcefulness continues to astound me. Earlier in the semester, she forgot her locker combination and quickly improvised a mechanism to safely unlock it using only the materials around her. The speed and accuracy with which she did that will surely benefit her in the future. 
Translation – Did... did she just pick a lock with another lock?
Bruce: No further comments. 
Translation – whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck—
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to-the-stars8 · 3 months
Warnings: Mention of suicidal thoughts
So, anyone who wants to hear it, here’s how I think the story of Batman and all of his Robins should have gone in terms of just writing it like it was story. Mind you, most of the basic elements of the Robin's backstory are gonna obviously be in here, just fyi if you just see things that you already know. I am would love to hear what you guys think, too!
Now, quick disclaimer, I’m just going to go with the four main robins only because I know them best— other robins such as Carrie Kelley or Stephanie Brown I’m not as familiar with. I hope to one day to also extend this to other sidekick/people Batman works with, but that’ll be a separate post. Anyway, one more warning; this will be long. 
Starting off with the death of Dick Grayson’s parents. Bruce sees them die, and instantly makes the connection between himself and newly orphaned Dick Grayson. It's one of the main reasons why Bruce takes him in. After all, he was once a boy so riddled by trauma and pain that he thought (at least in the beginning of being Batman) that violence and vengeance was the only answer. So, when Bruce adopts Dick, he doesn't want him to go down the same path. This is where I want to the conflict between Bruce trying to be not only a better person for Dick, but to also attempt to hold onto the feelings that drive his vengeance. Because, the way I would write it, Bruce is still pretty new at being Batman, he hasn't yet realized his "mission" isn't just getting his revenge on Gotham's criminals—It's creating a better life for the people there so they, too, wouldn't have to go through what he did. Though, another small disclaimer, I'll admit that I am missing a few pieces there.
Back to the main topic, if I lose you at all blame the ADHD, so Dick comes to Wayne Manor where he's angry at the world for what happened to his parents. Bruce, who is probably in his mid-twenties at this point, has no clue how to be a parent. He doesn't want to overstep his boundaries with Dick, but the boy is increasingly becoming angrier and angrier. The idea of Dick becoming anything like Bruce, in terms of being Batman, doesn't cross his mind because, unlike some DC writers, I don't think Bruce was actively looking for child soldiers.
Anyway, there is already the underlying push and pull factor between the two, which I think will probably define the rest of their relationship. And, like mentioned before, this is where I would want Bruce to try to be a better Batman, relying not on violence because he can see how it's affects others.
To further explain in a round-a-bout way, young Dick and Bruce are essentially mirrors of each other. And, I don't think Bruce entirely approves of how he, meaning Bruce himself, acts. Hence, why he begins to change Batman from a vengeful, violent vigilante (say that five times fast) to a hopeful knight of Gotham. Dick is his driving force of change, as well as the other Robins. So, when Bruce finally realized that Dick won't simply stand by and be the little boy that he should be—He gives him a chance to be something better than Batman. To begin his career as a vigilante as a hero with hope rather than rage. He's reluctant to do it, because he loves Dick. (Granted, Dick Grayson's Robin is absolutely filled with rage, but, in my story, Bruce is trying to lead from example)
And, just to move through the rest of it quickly so this isn't the same word count as the fucking constitution, as Dick grows so does Bruce. Batman is hopeful, and Bruce is gaining a family. Granted, it's small, but it's there. Along the way, he makes friends. Dick is the reason for this, though some credit can be given to Bruce himself. Despite being angry, Dick will always be outgoing, it's one of the best traits his parents passed onto him—And, he passes that along to Bruce. He begins to learn how a family functions, even if it's a hint of it. he is starting to realize there is more beyond the mask.
So, when the relationship between them starts to break down I would want to see that opposite reaction in the other relationships around Bruce. Because, before Dick, it was isolation, facade, anger, and Batman. Now, when he leaves, it's just that again.
I want to see this internal struggle between Dick letting Bruce be his father and letting him be his partner. Because, despite being similar, one holds more resent than the other. Dick can't stand that Bruce is trying to parent him because he had family, and now they were gone. He doesn't want to have a replacement family nor does he want to lose it again. With Batman, there comes the difference between ideologies. As Bruce strays away from untethered violence into something a bit more calmer, Dick is still filled with that same anger, causing a clash.
Eventually, it hits a breaking point when Bruce takes away the one thing that Dick himself created, the rope in their game of tug of war breaks. Dick leaves, Bruce isolates, and it seems that Gotham once again dissolves back to how it used to be.
Then, Bruce meets Jason. And, it's not like with Dick. It's different. Jason wasn't filled with anger or lost hope, he was a happy, hopeful kid. He wanted to be a kid, and Robin just happened to be a good fit for him, too. So, this is really when Bruce becomes Bruce not Batman. Bruce had gotten the taste of that with Dick, but Batman always seemed to have some tug in their relationship. At this point, I want to see Bruce realize just how much that affected his relationship with Dick and feel the remorse over that. I would want to see Bruce reach out to his eldest son, and be rejected because Dick is still wounded. In fact, Dick himself, despite legally being an adult, is a kid. He's hurt over Bruce essentially replacing, in his eyes, and finding a "better" son. This drives in harder the idea of Bruce wanting to not stop being Batman, but put more of an effort of just being Dad/Bruce. Again, Bruce is learning.
Back to Jason. Jason, in this story, would be one of the first Robins to really experience Bruce as a father. And, that turns the relationship of Batman and Robin less into a partnership and more into a father-son duo without one trying to control the other as much. Yet, there's still the distinction of just how different Jason is compared to Dick and Bruce. Jason never had a family, not a stable one at least, nor did he grow up financially stable. Jason was essentially the average poor Gotham kid, which did kick up a lot of backlash between the two. Yet, nothing too serious. In fact, I feel like Bruce would probably start being a lot more lenient with Jason at the beginning with just how easy he was as not just a sidekick but as a son.
And this is what I believe would lead to Jason leaning more into his violent tendencies compared to Dick. Now, before the torches do light, hear me out. I do not think Jason is an outwardly or inherently a violent kid. I think with the innate sense of justice Bruce would instill all of his Robins combined with being exposed to violence socially and now personally, it would lead to Jason seeing some flaws in Batman's logic. He might sense that since one person continuously abuses the system and gets away with hurting/murdering people that it might be better to eliminate the problem all together. This idea growing on Jason would lead to the death of Felipe, causing a huge and sudden rift between the two. Ultimately leading to Jason being kidnapped, tortured and killed all in pursuit of finding someone who might accept him despite Bruce never having rejected for what he did.
Eventually, after Jason died Bruce is in this hole of regret, remorse, and overall probably a bit suicidal. Afterall, he lost his son and feels like because he let Robin be that it caused Jason's death. So, when Dick re-enters the picture with Tim Drake, a boy finding and wanting to be Robin, I can see Bruce absolutely lashing out in grieving anger. Because, again being Robin had killed his son and he would be damned if that happened again. Yet, Tim being Tim was determined to show Bruce that it wasn't him or Robin that killed Jason—It was a mad man and a woman who deceived her son. Kind of playing into the idea it's not Robin who makes the boy, it's the boy who makes Robin. Not only that, but Tim is adamant that he will be Robin to not only prove this but also to show that Robin and Batman are two sides of the same coin. Ultimately, reverting back to Batman and Robin being a partnership instead of that father-son duo. At least, at first.
Bruce is protective of Tim, but there is definitely the drift in their relationship. Because, as we all know Tim's story, he still had parents when he became Robin so there was no need to fill that son position, for the lack of a better term, Jason had left behind. So, in a sense, I can see this relationship between the two starting off more like a boss and worker. Yet, as they continue to work together, Bruce would probably learn that Tim is making Robin, not the other way around. At this point, also, I can see Dick be more involved and bridge that gap with his father after seeing just how deeply he cares for his children.
Then, Tim's parents are murdered and I think the guilt would come back to Bruce, albeit a bit less extreme. He would feel responsible for putting this child in this situation and want to take him out of that. Yet, Tim is pushing against not only as a partner but as a potential son that which would definitely affect their relationship. This is why I personally would think that Tim and Bruce's relationship would be the most strained out of all of the Robins, though the two do share a deep connection it's just not as serious, again lack of a good term, as the other's.
Because I'm slowly getting more tired, I am going to try my best to get through Damian's. Again, guys, feel free to ask questions because this is just surface level stuff. If anyone makes it to this point, anyway or even reads this lol.
Alright, so just jumping into Damian, I think Bruce would treat Damian as he would have Jason. Unlike all the other Robins there's already a establish connection between the two before they even meet. I mean, Damian is literally his bio son and Damian is told that all throughout his life, so it would be a more of a one-sided connection at first then it grow on Bruce. Damian doesn't need training unlike all of his other predecessor's, the boy's already pre-programmed with skill. The major issue would be honing in on the assassination part of Damian and essentially Bruce's trauma from his other children.
So, right from the gate, I think Bruce would try to be a father to his Damian rather just Batman. And, I think Damian, at first, would not respond well to that. For his whole life, it's just been fight or die, nothing in-between. I think it would be interesting to see Bruce fall back into being a father, which, at this point, he already would have been since Dick returned and Tim and him slowly got closer. I think Bruce would be tougher on Damian simply because of how worried he would be for his safety and well-being. Bruce knows the League of Assassins and how it is absolutely no place for a young boy. So, Bruce would try to create normalcy like he did with Jason, but also be tough like he was on Dick. Overall, I think there's the same push and pull with them like with Bruce and Dick, but not to the extent as it was. After all, I would like to think at this point, Alfred convinced Bruce to go to therapy. Though, it can be said the two would also share a close personal relationship like Jason and Bruce.
I would go on, but, right now, I have a huge headache, so might edit later.
That's pretty much it guys. I know there might be some contradictions in this, but, to be fairly honest, this is just a streamline of thought. I think I read over this once, so any inconsistencies are just left. Please ignore. Or point out. It's pretty much either or. Again, I would love to know what you guys think. Hope you enjoyed this rant. I am going to bed now. ❤️❤️❤️
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
Warm hands Healing hands
by WillowGarden Dick Grayson's touch is always Warm and Heals whatever it connects with. The Batfamily knows that and each and every one of them have a special type of touch they seek out to connect with him. Dick of course has one too. Or The times the Batfamily gets Dick's affection  + one extra time he gets their collective response. Words: 4874, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: DCU, Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne Relationships: Dick Grayson & Everyone, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson & Jason T. & Damian W., Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Dynamics (DCU), Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Dick Grayson Gets a Hug, Dick Grayson is a Ray of Sunshine, Hugs, Touchy-Feely, Affection, Sibling Bonding, Dick Grayson Has ADHD, Mild Hurt/Comfort via https://ift.tt/Jigs0W2
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gagegh0st · 2 months
Batfamily Kiddos And My Hc's Even though nobody asked for them
New series asshats! "-- hcs even though nobody asked for them will be a returning series you little shitfucks.
Dick Grayson
He has a really good music taste, loves a good jazz, funk, or jersey club song
Collects certain hand sanitizers because he likes the smell
He hoards magazines about himself so that once he becomes a parent, he can show them to his kids.
Has a soft spot for birds.
Night owl
Always wanted a parakeet but Alfie and Dad said no.
Really likes travelling to hot places
Cant swim, almost drowned the last time he was in a pool
Barbara Gordon
Really allergic to cats (Red eyes, hives, all the works)
She was a total nightcore kid back in middle school
Has multiple sets of joint problems that have been left untreated for actual years
Big fanfiction person
Collects plushies of bats because she likes them
Graphic novel addict
Dyes the tips of her hair different shades of red
Absolutely fucking hates tight jeans
Jason Todd
Been book buddies with Alfred since he was really young
Absolutely terrible at driving
Started greying prematurely, he dyes all of it but the white piece.
He takes melatonin before bed because of him having anxiety
Can't hold a girlfriend for shit, too promiscuous to stay single tho.
He had lots of pet fish growing up
He has a rose garden and is very proud of it
Wants to retire one day to be an old guy with a nice garden and literally a. single. child, that's it. All he needs.
Damian Wayne
Listens to way inappropriate music for his age
Thinks he's grown but he always has homework due
The bitchiest little sibling you will ever meet, he is a huge snitch too.
Always having an identity crisis.
Had really traditionally girly interests growing up (Ex: Fables, Flowers, Balet, and Barbies <3, what a sweet child)
Isn't allowed to have a girlfriend ever according to Bruce.
Laughs at inappropriate times a lot
Chronically wears vests because he thinks that it flatters his figure. (It doesn't, Alfred knows this but wants Dames to feel his best even if it makes him look short.)
Tim Drake
Was obsessed with wolves when he was young
Loves a funky-print suit
Really likes painting with gouache or watercolour
Big-ol Adhd brain
Wears the same coat without washing it for at least six months
Plays really funky indie games
Really likes feeling pretty, paints his nails, curls his hair, or even gets himself some new jewelry
Got his ears pierced when he was young, and has tons more ear piercings and plans to get his nose bridge pierced even though Bruce said he would kill him.
Stephanie Brown
Started coding at an early age
Collects old metal stuff
Special interest is welding and glass blowing
Very fond of bears, especially pandas.
A cheese connoisseur
Designs all the suits for the batfam
HTML is the love of her life
Aro ace and only Bruce knows, he's chill about it tho.
Cassandra Cain
Hearing problems GALORE
Uses some forms of AAC because of hearing problems and speech impediment (Lisp and Stutter)
More brooding than most of the boys
Really likes scrapbooking
Watches kids shows for fun because she had a really fucked up childhood
Absolutely never cries in front of the other siblings
Bruce is her shoulder to cry on because he gives such good advice
Crochets Before bed because it's a good stress reliever.
Duke Thomas
Haircut always stays fresh asf
Dissociates a lot
Always was a math person, didn't like reading growing up because of vision problems
Really loves chickens and has names for all of the chickens they own
Collects action figures of farm animals
A very faithful partner, he doesn't get into relationships with people he doesn't see a future with
Has a very fun textured closet but sticks with the yellow.
Collects cool pens and gives them to Alfred so he can have something cute to write with when he writes down groceries.
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
I love the fact that in your story Jason tends to mythologize himself and everyone around him. The clock isnt just a clock it has a dramatic heartbreaking tragedy attached to it. Bruce and Batman arent just Bruce or Batman but also Odysseus. He himself isnt just a boy but pariyah who found someone like him, a soldier trying to stand his ground. I also love that he looked at Tim "cringefail loser conspiracy theorist who commits crimes just because he wants" Drake and decided he's the coolest guy ever, similarly he heard about Stephanie "literally Just Some Guy with social skills and adhd" Brown and decided she's perfect and he could never measure upto her
Jason is so incredibly baby I love him. Terminally twelve. Afflicted with tween disorder. It's terminal. Baby boy.
Jason was easy to write, because he's just meant to be the opposite of Steph in every way. But they are identically Mary Sues. He's such a heroic, perfect little baby. He has a drive for justice and heroism like Steph does not have at all. His voice is almost as sophisticated as an adults. I wrote him as over the top perfect and virtuous. And he's still here like PERFECT FREAKING STEPHANIE BROWN. HOW I HATE HER.
OK this story exists because my friend and I were joking about how fucking awful it has to be to follow up on Steph's act. The sheer level of favoritism has to be fucking insane. Bruce thinks Steph is the most perfect child ever, who on Earth is going to match up. Jason has no idea that he is the favorite baby. It's so funny to me to write Steph "Canonical Fuck-Up" "Internal Narration at 8th Grade Reading Lvl" Brown perceived as some stupid perfect genius princess who everyone is obsessed with. It's a meta-commentary.
I think he's a very, very thoughtful person, but he's one with a temper. He's dreamy and spends a lot of time in his own head, but he most frequently uses his daydreams and habits of fictionalizing his own life like oven mitts, as a way of protecting himself and processing his own world into something he can handle. Being homeless is stressful and boring so he just read a lot. I think Bruce did that too as a kid, and their mutually overactive imaginations and more quiet and reserved natures let them bond. But like Steph, he understands the big picture and the importance of Batman and Robin in the cultural landscape of Gotham - Jason knows the meaning of Odysseus. I think he understands his spot as the inheritor of Steph and Bruce's legacy before Steph does. They began it, but Jason has to figure out how to tell its story and make it a myth. He's well-suited for the task: it was never Steph he saw in that Robin costume.
Re: Tim: if I was a 12yo boy and my big brother was a domestic terrorist who infiltrated foreign governments and went to MIT I would think he was super cool. Of course Tim's a helpless dork but Jason doesn't see that. It was fun to write Tim "Pathetic-ass Nerd" Drake viewed as incredibly cool, for the same reasons it was fun to write Stephanie "Has Not Read A Book In Four Years" Brown seen as a genius. Jason thinks of himself as someone with a strong imagination who also has a strong grounding in reality, but I think his overactive imagination makes him lose touch with the people around him!
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thief-of-eggs · 1 year
Tim Drake definitely stims by singing the Whopper song. I don’t make the rules
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batfam-my-beloved · 2 years
Peak Batfam Character Design Headcannons
Bruce Wayne
• Jewish/Japanese/English (Idk where I saw it but someone drew Martha and Thomas Wayne and headcannon Martha as a Jewish Polish immigrant and Thomas as half Japanese half English and I really really love that headcannon) [Edit: it was @not-another-robin ]
• Stubbly scratchy
• Thicc thighs (save lives 🙏🥵)
• Under bite
• Scars all over
• Sharp features/high cheek bones
• 5ft 5in (we support a short king 🙌)
• Wide set sholders/back muscles of the ✨️gods✨️
• Has a scar right that goes through his left brow
• Pierced ears that he got when he was a teenager and going through his "goth" faze (let's be honest it still hasn't ended)
• Mainly sticks to wearing classic black/diamond studs
• Secretly misses his long dangling edgy earings
• Panromantic demisexual
• Autistic /OCD/PTSD
• Pls let him ramble about his special interests 🥺👉👈
• Romanian descent
Dick Grayson
• Built but lean
• Very flexible
• Lovely tan skin
• Cute dimples
• The prettiest dark blue eyes you ever did see
• ✨️Nice ass✨️ (obviously)
• Long leggedy legs
• Floofy mullet hair
• Tall boi 6ft 3in (exactly 1 whole inch taller than Jason and it infuriates him 😋)
• He had to get braces at one point and it was the worst time of his life (drama queen 🤭)
• Low key a fuck boi
• He still sweet tho 😘
• His stomach is an endless black hole
• This ain't no lie this boi is bi bi bi
• Adhd go brr 💨
Jason Todd
• Latino Jason for the win baby! Specifically Mexican because I'm projecting 😋
• Built like a shit brick house
• Sturdy but soft like a weight lifter
• No six pack only tum tum 😤
• 6ft 2in (1 inch shorter then Dick and hates it 🤣)
• Stubbly scratchy (like his dad 🥺)
• Thicc thighs that can crush heads (also like his dad 😅)
• Also is riddled with scars as well, mainly bullet wounds
• End the debate: he has heterochromia one blue and one green eye
• Crooked nose from constantly being broken
• J scar on the cheek (do NOT mention it)
• His eye sight is shit but he refuses to get glasses
• He caved once started have trouble reading without getting a headache 🤓
• Panromantic asexual
• PTSD cuz this boi gots ✨️trauma✨️
Tim Drake
• Vietnamese/Irish (cuz I said so 😤)
• Long lean Built
• Floppy hair with a middle part
• Tooth gap ❤️
• Has one (1) singular dimple on his right cheek
• When not on the clock as Robin he is clumsy and always covered in bandages
• Scraped knees and elbows
• Cuz he was a Skater boi and said no I ain't wearing a helmet
• ✨️Skater boi aesthetic✨️
• Also a gamer boi
• Yes he got the cat ear headphones 🐈 😻 🐈‍⬛️
• His eye sight turns to shit over time cuz he's always on the computer
• Yes he got the hipster glasses 🤓
• Bi disaster
• OCD go brr 💨
Damian Wayne
• Arabic
• Lean muscle like an MMA fighter
• Hopes to hit a growth spurt soon but he will still end up short just like his daddy 😈
• Lovely dark skin
• Very sharp features (like his dad)
• Beautiful green eyes (like his mom)
• Long slender nose
• Teeth and ears are slightly pointed due to his demon blood
• Under bite (it's genetic at this point 😋)
• Neat clipped spiky hair
• Prides himself in not having as many scars as the rest (sign of strength in combat)
• Nonbinary/Gender Queer
• Asperger's Syndrome
• His special interests are anime, animals, and swords
Cassandra Cain
• Chinese decent
• Ballerina body with a bit more muscle around the arms
• Ballerina feet (they hurt 🥺)
• Nice olive skin
• Cute round face
• Hands have lots of little scars and bruises
• Selective mute
• ASL and Chinese sign language✌️
• Bob hair cut with an under cut
• Wanted to peirce her ears when she saw that Bruce had his pierced
• They get matching earings ❤️
• Pan 💖💛💙
• Joining Jason in the PTSD and trauma club 😗✌️
Stephanie Brown
• Hungarian decent
• More square around the shoulders
• Stacked like a classic boxer
• 3 ears piercings on each ear
• Dirty blond hair reaches a little passed her shoulder blades
• Also has had braces at one point
• Nail polish is always chipped
• Has fought several people at 3am behind a Waffle house
• Bi icon
• Low key has anger issues but is going to therapy for that now 😗✌️
Duke Thomas
• African American
• Classic athletic build (like dorito)
• Large thick hands (so that he may hold the people he loves 🥺❤️)
• Square jaw line but also soft around the edges
• Short clipped hair with his little zig zaggies shaved on the side, sometimes he changes up the design when he feels daring 😘
• Ears stick out a little (very cute 😍)
• Also has pierced ear that he's had since he was 8yrs
• He to gets a matching set with Bruce and Cass ❤️
• Over bite
• He is an ally and very supportive 💕
• His lips are chapped cuz our boi gots ✨️Anxiety✨️ and is always chewing on them
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ao3feed-superbat · 8 months
What Awaits at Home
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZayeA8g by blackbwt "What do you need us for, Batman?" Clark asks, instantly straightening in his chair "Is something wrong?" Dinah requests, glancing puzzedly at Oliver when Batman hesitantly looks around and starts walking towards the team "My family said I need friends." Batman mumbles, stopping in front of the leaguers in the room, "Come to my house tomorrow morning for brunch. Please." Or The one where Alfred and Selina force Bruce to make friends. He ends up inviting the Justice League to brunch Words: 3317, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics), Robin (Comics), Batgirl (Comics), Justice League - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Duke Thomas, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Selina Kyle, Diana (Wonder Woman), Clark Kent, Arthur Curry (DCU), Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) Relationships: Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Duke Thomas & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Justice League & Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman) & Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen & Arthur Curry & Diana & Hal Jordan & Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Bruce Wayne Tries, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Autistic Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson Has ADHD, Autistic Cassandra Cain, Autistic Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown Has ADHD, Autistic Tim Drake, Tim Drake Has ADHD, Autistic Damian Wayne, Kid Dick Grayson, Kid Cassandra Cain, Kid Jason Todd, Kid Stephanie Brown, Kid Tim Drake, Kid Duke Thomas, Kid Damian Wayne, Baby Damian Wayne, Batfamily Meets the Justice League (DCU), Domestic Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Shenanigans (DCU), Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Batman Played by Robert Pattinson, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Cassandra Cain Needs a Hug, Selectively Mute Cassandra Cain, Cassandra is learning how to talk, Yes beta, we live like Jason Todd, The Batkids are menaces, Bruce is so emo, Like, come On dude, Selina loves her best friend, The batkids are traumatized, all of them - Freeform, but that's okay read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZayeA8g
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ao3feed-birdflash · 6 months
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Before i forget again,here's the Flowerghost(Jason Todd and Miles Morales)parallels + They are BROTHERS and Jason's a canon pedophile killer so fuck off if you ship him with canon minors
Black and red-coded
Nerdy interests(classical literature for Jason,anime for Miles and video games for both)
Caused great controversy for taking over longheld mantles because of being minorities(Jason poor,Miles afrolatino)but are now widely beloved
Mama's boys and the mom's in question have brown hair and a deep grip on their cultures in a positive way when the writers aren't being ass
Can't flirt but have big rizz
Type in women is woc(Gwen is Miles' only white girl one and to me she acts more black mixed than anything else and imma do my own thing like Miles and say she's canon afrolatina + Jason's never shown interest in white girls fullstop and actively rejected Kory specifically because they deblackified her)
Poor social skills
Very similar sense of humor
The guy they're closest to is a black troubled kid who grew up in a dystopia but only let that make him kind and optimistic,an instigator and a freedom fighter on a team that all share a title(Duke and Hobie).Do not come at me with 'Hobie is Miles' older brother' bs though,that's Jason's job and Hobie is Miles' boygirlfriend
And the other person they're closest to is a black biracial girl with a ghost motif and abusive dad who's also a pastel punk,very sweet and tender but also has anger issues and no hesitance to get brutal in fights and is their counterpart yet also their foil(Stephanie and Gwen + Imma also do my own thing with Stephanie because people think she actually takes pride in being blonde for some reason + This is reverse of the above because i'm a Ghostflower lover and a J*ysteph hater out of reading comprehension)
Eh,i'm gonna say it-They're both afro-caribbean and nonblacks and gringos can't stop me since they love lying about Jason's canon traits but get upset when comics readers tell the truth about him and my take actually makes a lot of sense with him unlike theirs and i've got like every fellow afrolatino DC fan agreeing with me on it anyway
Autistic,adhd and anxiety-coded with trans swag that can be read in any direction
When they were 15,they went to a far off place to find themselves thanks to an important woman in their lives only for it to turn out she was betraying him and this caused a major shift in their narrative-Although Miles was lucky enough to have his be with good intentions while Jason's very much did not
Robin!Jason was a soft ray of sunshine boy like Miles is and Miles G is a goth asshole and a vigilante to cope with trauma like Red Hood!Jason is.He even has green eyes like he does which is very interesting and fitting difference
If we're being specific with Eras:Into=80s Batman,Across=A Death in The Family,Miles G becoming The Prowler=Lost Days,Beyond=Under The Red Hood and Spidey and His Amazing Friends=Wayne Family Adventures(but good)
Not quite the same thing but their animal variants are a cat and a dog so they match
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