#Jason and Tim are actually the best cooks in the house
harumscarumcos · 3 months
listen: nearly everyone who lives in wayne manor can cook (to an extent) EXCEPT Bruce he is barred from going into the kitchen
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jasmines-library · 4 months
Would it be too much to request a batsis oneshot, about her knowing how to cook😆 like whenever Alfred is not available he leaves her in charge to help ensure the other family members are eating without buring down the house🤭 also a lil thing u could add is she often visits the manor just to cook cuz Alfred always keeps the kitchen fully stocked with ingredients which means she can cook pretty much anything she desires💜 I just thought it'd be cute to have Bruce be envious of his daughters cooking skills whereas he lacks them🤭
Kitchen Antics
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Thanks for requesting! This was cute to write!
Word Count: 1k
“I still don’t think this is very fair.” Bruce pouted as you slid the plate in front of him.
“This.” He gestured to the plate that you had served to him, piled to the brim. It had taken you hours to prepare, especially without Alfred’s help, but it was well worth it. “How come Alfred lets you cook and not me. I’m a fully grown adult. I should be allowed to cook a meal for my family.”
“Maybe it’s because you can’t actually cook.” You threw over your shoulder with a smug grin. 
That earnt a snort from Damian which he hid poorly behind a hand. Bruce shot him an unamused look. 
“Can too.” Bruce said. This time you raised a brow as you slid into your seat.
“Oh yeah, because the last time you cooked it turned out great.” Jason rolled his eyes. 
You remember it distinctly. It was one of the first times Alfred was away and had reluctantly let Bruce use the kitchen. He had regretted it the moment he returned because his kitchen was hardly recognisable. And the food Bruce had cooked was less so. If you could even count it as food. It was the furthest thing from edible. Somehow undercooked and burnt to a crisp around the edges at the same time. Even Alfred wasn’t sure how he managed to do that, and he had seen almost everything when baking with the rest of your brothers. It was safe to say that Bruce was no longer allowed in the kitchen after that. So, the responsibility turned to you. 
Alfred had always said you had a natural talent for cooking, though you swore it was because you had the best teacher: You had spent countless hours helping him when you were younger and you were the only person he didn’t seem to physically wince at when you walked into the kitchen. So, naturally when he announced he was leaving this week he entrusted you to make sure the family were fed without the entire manor being burnt down, or being filled with takeout boxes.
Your brothers had tried countless times to worm their way into the kitchen, but you ushered them out every time. They were just as bad as Bruce when it came to cooking. There was one time Damian and Dick had tried to bake a cake to surprise Bruce on his birthday. And it did…when the fire they had started nearly set the whole kitchen alight. Luckily Alfred had smelt it before any real damage could happen, but the pair of adults were far from happy. Jason had never shown much interest in cooking. He would usually just grab himself a snack from one of the cupboards instead of actually cooking himself something, so he had never really been an issue to keep out. Though, often he would try to sabotage your work just to wind you up. As for Tim, he was the best out of the four boys. By no means a master at work, it was often slightly bland but he was the only one who hadn’t tried to kill everyone with his cooking so he got bonus points for that. 
“That was one time.” Bruce turned his head away, pouting like a small child.
“Tt. Father, I think you’ve tried to poison us every time you’ve gone near the kitchen.” Damian jested through a mouthful of food. “Perhaps you should ask Joker to try it. Might take a villain off of our hands.”
Tim stifled a laugh. “This is lovely, Y/N. Thank you.”
You smiled. “Thank you.”
The six of you fell into a comfortable silence as you ate, before Bruce finally spoke up again. Cutting through the sound of cutlery scraping against china plates.
“Is my cooking really that bad?”
He was answered with silence. And a lot of smirks.
“...Are you jealous of Y/N, Father?” Dick grinned.
Bruce was a terrible liar. 
“Do you need any assistance, Miss Y/N?” Alfred poked his head around the kitchen door. He had returned from his trip not too long ago, glad to see that everyone had been well fed and that the house was still in one piece. 
Glancing up from the bowl of ingredients you were whisking, you met Alfred’s proud glance. “No thank you, Alfred. You already have everything I need.”
Alfred smiled up at you. It was nice for you to stop by once in a while to see them. He enjoyed seeing you cook. Better yet he enjoyed tasting your new creations each week so he kept everything stocked, even if he knew he wouldn’t need it himself. The shelves were lined with all sorts of spices, flours, sugars and ingredients for you to create something new so that if you ever decided to stop by (which you liked to do at least once a week) he would have everything  you could ever need.
Your brothers loved it when you would bring over food to them too. Most of it would be gone in minutes and they would turn to you asking for more. Bruce would do the same too, although he would still have that look of teasing jealousy on his face. But he was proud really. And glad that at least one of his children had enough common sense to not set the entire manor alight when baking a cake. 
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incorrectbatfam · 11 months
Batfam's most suggested lunch spots
Dick: Bruce's office mini fridge after an important business outing
Jason: a Crime Alley dumpster where he once found a whole bag of gummy worms when he was ten
Tim: Jason's place after texting him from a burner number pretending to be Roy and Lian
Damian: Ivy's house—she makes vegan food with her worst-behaved plants
Duke: the only working vending machine at Gotham High, inside the teacher's lounge
Cullen: the Batburgers in the gay neighborhood with a secret Batwoman menu
Stephanie: the Waffle House where she was forced to out herself as Spoiler because robbers held it up in the middle of her meal, but to her surprise everyone in the restaurant agreed to keep her secret
Cassandra: the 24-hour convenience stores in Hong Kong where she can get an entire meal for the price of a bag of chips in America
Barbara: the GCPD break room—turns out tax dollars are paying for catering
Harper: everyone talks about Ma Kent's baking but not enough folks appreciate Pa's grilling
Carrie: a boardwalk vendor who combined pretzels and nachos
Kate: the Justice League cafeteria when it's Flash Fries Friday
Alfred: you would think he'd say his own cooking but it's actually the chicken shop near his old school
Selina: Arkham—she never wants to go back but she can't help but be nostalgic for her favorite mush
Bruce: he would say Alfred's cooking if Alfred hadn't flown back to England for chicken, so the next best is the steakhouse inside Wayne Enterprises
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captainkirkk · 9 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Harry Potter
The Ordeal of Being Known by louisfake
When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there's unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions. It's obviously a terrible idea, a disaster waiting to happen, but Draco's never been able to back down from a challenge... especially from Potter.
Features fuzzy cartoon slippers, devious house elves, 90s music, and lots—LOTS—of memories. Ron is annoyingly hot, Hermione sees right through you, Harry is a powerful idiot, and Draco is a reclusive masochist that would buy an entire city if it would make a kid happy. (And Pansy is "5'2, I wanna dance with you, and I'm sophisticated fun.")
Super Mario Bros
Cooking Mama (Luigi)! by Little_RedHots_Riding_Hood
Luigi was having a perfectly peaceful stroll through the Toad Market - the sun was shining, he'd just found a lovely handmade blanket, and was on his way to the bakery before heading back to his and Mario's home.
Only... what was that sniffling noise from that dark, scary alleyway?
Of all the creatures he was expecting to find, the littlest prince of the Koopa Kingdom certainly wasn't it.
Star Wars
the tiger is out by elumish
Wolffe looks like he’s regretting having a second Jedi with them.
Cryp-Tim by PrinceJakeFireCake
"The cons of dating Tim Drake were innumerous. For one, he was almost impossible to photograph, and so none of Kon’s friends at school actually believed he existed. His family was scary, horrifying really, and all of them seemed to find joy in making Tim regret ever being born. And Tim had charmed Ma and Pa Kent so thoroughly, they had ditched their shovel talk to instead coo at him and offer him pie and compliment him for fixing their tractor, so Kon was at a disadvantage when it came to intimidating someone with his family.”
Kon and Tim date. It goes pretty well, all things considered.
Tim Has a Hero Worship-y Crush on Every Robin Ever by PrinceJakeFireCake
"Tim as an adult was bad enough, Tim with no filter as a child was too much to be around."
Cork Board Contingencies by PrinceJakeFireCake
If you don’t use a cork board to obsessively plan contingencies for every possible way a date with your best friend can go, how can you go on a date at all?
Excerpt: “Are you free next Saturday?” Tim asked, pretty sure that Kon’s jumble of words was agreement that he wanted to date Tim.
“Maybe!” Kon exclaimed.
“Cool,” Tim commented, taking another sip of his drugged grape soda (“Dammit, Tim,” he mentally told himself. “Do not give in! Buy new grape soda! Stop drinking the drugged grape soda! I’ve shotgunned another can of drugged grape soda, haven’t I? Dammit, that makes five!”) then saying, “That gives me just enough time to pass out for fifty-two hours and plan our first date."
Immunology by JustGettingBy
Hypothetically speaking. Could a hybrid creature become suddenly not viable? Like say it survives being an embryo, makes it through growing up, and then just one day… stops? the text from Kon reads.
Tim’s heart spikes up through his ribs. Kon. What’s happening?
(OR Kon gets the flu. It becomes Tim's problem.)
Change of Plans by PrinceJakeFireCake
"Who’s your friend, Tim?” the voice asked.
Jason hissed. This was his baby! Not his friend!
“Sorry, sorry,” the voice hastened to apologize. “I mean, who’s your parent, Tim?”
AKA, who has the time to be a murderous crime/drug lord when there are kittens to adopt
Motion Blur by sElkieNight60
At Damian's school art showcase, Bruce realizes he needs to help Tim reframe their relationship.
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secondratefiction · 2 months
Hi there! Hope you’re doing well! Kicking that funeral services degree’s ass with any luck!! I was wondering if you would be up to writing a drabble for Jason or Tim (whoever you think fits the scenario best) as the boyfriend of a law student. Maybe where they’re living together and she’s just barely getting 3-5 hours of sleep a night while trying to study for finals, writing a full legal brief, practicing for oral arguments, getting ready for her summer associateship, and applying for moot court and law review. (Is this based on some poor law student’s real life? We may never know!) And just like her needing someone to be there and take care of her, but also her wanting to take care of him too even though she is very much Trying Her Best to Survive™? (Btw thank you so much for blessing us with batfam content galore, absolute ICON <3 )
Oh good lord… bless you and this ‘hypothetical’ poor law student. I know my degree is kicking my ass all across the state and back, so I can only imagine… They keep telling me the degrees are worth it… we’ll ride it out and see. Good vides, and better times love 💜
Now I fully believe that Timmy would be wonderful at this in his own right… but every single thing about this request violently screams Jason Todd to me…
There are only so many hours and so many spoons in a day, and unfortunately a law degree takes up almost every single ounce of both of them
However, Jason has this innately ingrained need to take care of the people that matter to him, so this is exactly where he shines
He was always Alfred’s best protege, so the man cooks and cleans house like a pro. Not only that, but it’s something that he genuinely enjoys because they are simple and repetitive tasks that let zone out and go through the motions to decompress from his ‘other job’.
While he’s happy to take care of all of that and leave you to focus on the proverbial, ever-growing mountain of work you have - He’s not above making you stop to take a break.
It is not an uncommon occurrence for this man to literally close your laptop, throw you over his shoulder*, and haul you out to the kitchen table to sit down and have a meal with him.
((*I do not care what size you are, or what hang ups you might have about your weight, if this man can hold up a collapsing ceiling, he can carry you across y’alls apartment))
“Ok, I have physically seen you putting food and water into your body, you can go back to your cave now.”
This happens at least 2-3 times a week
He is concerned. Just humor him and let him love you.
Jason is 100% the type to be actively learning from anything you tell him
Some nights, when the insomnia and the nightmares decide to double team him, he’ll even sit up browsing through your textbooks just to try and understand everything you're doing more.
Tim get’s labeled the nerd of the family a lot, but really Jason would have been the family scholar if he’d had the chance
The second bedroom in your apartment is both your office and his library. That shit is floor to ceiling.
With that in mind he is always more than happy to be a sounding board when you need him to. Listen to what you’ve got, argue the other side if necessary
Dear god, just know what you’re getting into there… he lives for that kind of stuff, and he will come prepared. This is one of his all time favorite games, that comes second only to aggravating the living shit out of you (which, if he’s lucky, will be a bonus here)
95% of the time, Jason has got this, got you - focus on your school babe, I’ll take care of it… but that 5%? That bit where he’s not actually infallible? He so very desperately doesn’t want you to see that.
What you’re doing is important, and he doesn’t want the fact he had a rough night to be a distraction for you. This is where you enter a bit of a balancing act…
As much as you may want to put everything aside and take care of him, that is the fastest way to make him shut down.
Instead, grab a textbook and a highlighter. Go ‘make yourself some tea’ and pour him a mug too. Set everything up in the living room and drag him onto the couch with you.
Put his head in your lap, and just run your fingers through his hair while you do some reading.
Bonus points if you put a blanket over him
Poor baby is gonna melt in an instant and be out cold before you know it. Just keep playing with his hair and let him sleep.
And do not mention it if he is emotional when he wakes up… he’s never going to be good/get used to receiving love and affection. Do it anyway, and don’t make a big deal about it.
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thealtoduck · 2 years
Random BatCat!Bro Short Stories
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Batfam x BatCat!Bro Reader
Warnings: none just random fluff…
Summary: A collection of small stories featuring BatCat!Bro…
(A/n: I might do a part 2 since you guys sent me several other plots i could use.)
Cooking with Alfred: Plot by me
(Takes place a few weeks after BatCat!Bro moved in to the manor)
Alfred was suprised when he walked into the kitchen and saw someone other than him actually cooking in there.
”Oh hey Alfred” you said casually while cutting up vegetables. ”Master Y/n… you’re cooking…” Alfred said in a slightly confused voice. ”Shouldn’t i be?” you said with a hint of sarcasm.
”Yes of course, sorry didn’t mean to sound so suprised it’s just that most of the others can’t cook” Alfred stated and then asked ”What are you making?”. ”Soup” you answered. ”What kind?” he asked. ”I don’t know, mom taught me to make it. Can you show me where you keep your spices?” you asked.
Alfred showed you were they were and let you pick out the ones you wanted. ”Anything else i could do?” Alfred questioned.
”Sure, could you chop up that onion?” you asked. ”Of course Master Y/n” Alfred confirmed and then the two got to work making food together.
Once they finished they sat themselves around a table and ejoyed their soup. ”Delicious, who would’ve thought Catwoman could teach someone to cook” Alfred stated. ”Well you know, she works late so sometimes you gotta be able to cook for yourself” you said a bit melancholic.
”I’m sure the others would love to taste your cooking sometime, sir” Alfred said comfortingly making you smile.
”How about you help me with dinner and i’ll show you some tips and tricks?” Alfred suggested. ”Sure” you answered happily.
Bodyguard Brothers: Plot by @d4nnybo1
You loved your brothers dearly but they keep a way to close eye on you sometimes. Jason and Damian feel like it’s their personal responsebility to make sure you are safe at all times during the day.
Jason has started picking you up regularly from school, which was not really a big deal.
But things has started getting out of hand whenever you’re at a party in the East End and you notice you have three shadows, only one of which is yours.
And whenever you’re at a friends house, particularly a guys house if you look close enough through the window you’ll be able to see them looking at you with binoculars.
At which point you usually just bring out your phone and call Jason or Damian like…
”Hey Jason, what’s up?” and he’d answer innocently ”Not much, at the manor hanging out with Alfred”. You’d then say ”Really cause i’m pretty sure i saw you outside” and you’d hear Damian whisper ”He’s onto us”.
”Shut up Damian, i’m on speaker” Jason whisper yells at him. ”Why’d you put him on speaker?!” Damian snaps back and while the two are fighting you hang up because you know your work is done.
In & Out: Plot by Anon
”Y/n, we need help” Tim said while storming in to your room, as you were currently laying in your bed sleeping.
”Just give him food and he’ll leave you alone” you said sleepily and rolled over to go back to sleep. ”We weren’t talking about the cat” Stephanie said. ”Neither was i, i was talking about Jason” you clarrified.
”No, not him either, we need help breaking in somewhere” Tim explained. ”Okay… i’ll help you in the morning” you said trying to go back to sleep. ”Y/n, it’s mid-day” Stephanie stated.
”Fine, get out and let me freshen up and i’ll be down in ten and there better be a cup of hot chocolate waiting for me when i come down or i ain’t helping you with shit” you told them and sat up in your bed.
When you came downstairs Steph and Tim were waiting at the dinner table, there was a fresh cup of hot chocolate waiting at a seat across from them, so you sat down and asked ”So how may i help you?”.
*Time skip*
”You got me, the second best cat burgular in town basically, to break in to a simple warehouse. Is this a set up or something?” you questioned over the communication earpiece.
”It’s not” Tim answered. ”Then why am i doing it? Both of you have been trained by THE Batman” you questioned. ”We just needed a simple untraceable ”In and Out” and like you said ”Second best cat burgular”” Tim explained. ”Good answer Timothy” you told him and heard Stephanie laugh over the comms.
You walked over to the window on top of the roof and looked down in to the warehouse. ”Is there people inside warehouse?” Tim questioned. ”Yes, there are about five” you answered.
”Lure them outside” Tim commanded. ”Are you insane? You can’t lure them out if you want it to be untraceable cause then they will know around what time they were hit” you explained. ”Then what are you going to do?” Tim asked.
”Watch and learn Timothy” you said and opened the rooftop window and climbed inside using the claws attached to your suit. You jumped down and landed quietly on the ground.
You snuck around managing to avoid all the guards until you found a small office where you assumed the safe must be. So you snuck in and started looking around, once you found the safe you got to work on it.
You investigated the safe, it was old which was going to make it easier to get open. You put your ear against the safe door and started listening for clicks for the combination.
Once you cracked it you opened the safe and realised something. ”Tim, what am i even supposed to steal?” you asked. ”They sell stolen artifacts and we need evidence just grab as much you can” Tim told you and you grabbed stuff from the safe and packed them into a backpack.
You then snuck out the same way you came in and said over the comms ”So easy peasy, what do i get for helping you?”. ”You get to have helped bring down a criminal gang” Stephanie said clearly annoyed.
”I’d rather get like money or something” you said. ”Knock knock” Stephanie then said quickly. ”Oh my god, who’s there?” you questioned but got no answer. ”Hello?” ”Hello?!” ”Who’s there?” ”Hello?!!!”
”You bald headed bitches, this is the last time i help you two for free” you said madly to yourself.
Favorite: Plot by @alyisheaven1438
You were getting your first tour of the watchtower by your dad but so far it was a was a total bore. Nothing intresting AT ALL… But then you saw her…
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It was THE BLACK CANARY… and green arrow. You excitedly walked over to the blonde woman leaving your dad behind. ”Y/n, where are you going?” He asked behind you.
”Hey, sorry to bother you, Miss Black Canary, just needed to tell you i’m a huge-” you started but was interrupted by you dad saying ”Y/n, don’t bother them”. To your suprise Black Canary then spoke up ”Oh Bruce, this is one of yours, nice to meet you kid”.
She then continued ”I’m Dinah, you’re Selina’s son, right? Just assuming by the suit”. You nodded and she continued ”Oh me and Selina go way back, this one time she was forced to work with me and Huntress after Bats hit his head and thought he was a crime boss”.
”Really?” you questioned. ”Oh yeah and then while trying to break in to the club to save him we got caught on stage and we had to do an improvised musical number to get out of it”.
”Wait does it go something like ”Good evening all you gentlemen, mobsters, creeps and crooks…”, right?” You questioned. ”Yeah, that’s it, how do you know it?” Dinah asked. ”Mom would sing it sometimes” you answered fondly.
”Aww that’s sweet. Me and Arrow have to get back to work now but it was really nice meeting you Y/n” she said. ”It was nice meeting you too” you said waving goodbye to her and turning around only to be met with a grumpy Batman.
”I told you not to bother her” he said. ”Chill, she’s my favorite league member i just wanted to say ”hi”” you defended.
”Favorite?” your dad then questioned.
(A/n: Hope you guys liked these :).)
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maccreadysbaby · 5 months
A Hundred Ways to Become a Wayne
batfamily + oc insert
tw: mentions of death/su**ide
wanna read more? here’s the table of contents!
want to read the first fic in the hundred days series so you understand what’s going on here? here it is!
this took forever but i’m getting back in the groove! I got a little ahead of myself so I had to restart my whole timeline so it made sense. also yes asten is really determined to do this, you’ll learn why later
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part sixteen
SURPRISINGLY TO NO ONE, SLEEP WAS AVOIDED LIKE THE BLACK PLAGUE THAT NIGHT. Bentley, Nico, and Asten took to conversing quietly instead, all spread out on various parts of Bentley’s king sized bed. Nico was laying on his back across the foot of the mattress, bickering with Asten a little, but staring at the ceiling, mostly. He’d been jumping at shadows and flinching at the faintest of sounds for hours now. Bentley wasn’t even sure he’d seen him smile since they got to the Manor. Asten was posted up near the left edge of the bed, scouring the internet on Tim’s old laptop with a big bag of chips Jason had insisted they take up with them. He, as opposed to Nico, was taking their terrible circumstances in his stride, acting completely normal. Bentley was against the headboard, fiddling with his phone, trying his best not to be awkward.
Before they���d come up to Bentley’s bedroom, they’d been cooped up in the den, watching random movies on a quiet volume with Dick and Jason for company. It was the first time Bentley had seen Dick out of the hospital bed. Outwardly, he was just Dick Grayson. Charming, outgoing, fun-loving and even able to put Bentley’s jittery friends at ease; but Bentley could see the glimmer in his eyes that was dimmer than usual, the brief moments that he took to breathe and gather himself before he put the never-ending smile back on.
Jason had to have been seeing it, too. He was off to the side reading a book, but Bentley saw him react to things ever so slightly, like his finger twitching the slightest bit when Dick would shift uncomfortably, or the way his eyes flicked up for a split second when Asten’s Crime Alley drawl made a unmistakable appearance. 
After they successfully spent nine solid hours in the den, and skipped lunch, Dick practically begged them to eat something. (Bentley realized just then that he and Asten hadn’t eaten at all that day.) Dinner was quiet.
Bruce had let them know Damian had gone to a friend’s house — a family called the Kents — and Bentley was ninety-nine percent sure it was because of him, Asten, and Nico. Why else would Damian spontaneously up and leave? Duke was working on a school project at a classmate’s, Steph was swamped with college, Babs was staying late at the library, Tim was working over (which really meant he was in the cave.), and Cass was… well… doing whatever Cass did. (No one could really keep tabs on her, could they?) Bentley assumed it had to do with her upcoming dance recital next week.
Bentley didn’t mind. The meal was quick and quiet, and Alfred made some really good pasta stuff, that was so good Asten got a second helping. (Which Bentley considered really good, because he was Brazilian and Brazilians were very good cooks.)
And that pretty much led to now, ten at night, sitting in Bentley’s  bedroom that was pitch silent apart from Asten’s occasional crunching.
Bentley had exhausted all the games on his phone throughout the day, so now he was just kind of playing with his phone case. Nico’s phone kept going off repeatedly. (Bruce had called his parents to let them know what was going on, and they were coming back early, but their plane didn’t leave until morning so Nico had to stay with the Waynes until they got home.) Asten had said he called his uncle, but Bentley didn’t actually think so — he’d been near the bathroom door the whole time and never heard him say anything. But maybe he texted him. Either way, Asten was staying the night again, too. (As if Bruce would even consider letting him go home alone — He’d been checking on them nonstop, once every fifteen minutes at least. No one would know he was the calm and collected Batman based on the way he acted with his kids. Which was probably a good thing.)
It was the first time he’d heard Nico’s voice in quite a while, so both he and Asten perked up, glancing over at the blonde. His ocean blue eyes were locked on the ceiling. He was tugging on the strings of his light gray hoodie in a repetitive, rhythmic pattern, staring at nothing but deep in thought.
“Yeah?” Bentley questioned, picking at the edge of his clear phone case.
“What was your dream like? About her?” 
Bentley blinked. They hadn’t talked about the Secret Keeper since they got home, and he really hadn’t expected Nico to be the one to bring it up. He tapped on his phone lightly, exhaling.
“Uh… well… it was really realistic,” Was how he started, gaze focusing on the dark comforter he had over his legs. “I thought I was awake, and I started hearing her. Talking to me.”
He tried to hide the little shiver that shook him when he imagined the warped, strange mixture of her voice and Damian’s, but he wasn’t sure he hid it very well. “I tried to run but she was everywhere, taking peoples faces, their voices, just for me to look up and realize it was her and not them. I...” He looked down a bit farther. “I threw up when I finally woke up.”
Nico glanced over at him, blue eyes bouncing across his face for a few seconds. “Mine was really realistic, too. I woke up when my baby sister was crying, and I went to get her, but when I opened her bedroom door it was…” He trailed off, focusing back on the ceiling. “She, uh… started chasing me around my house. And none of the doors went to the right rooms, everywhere was a dead end, and I couldn’t find my parents or my sister, and I…”
Bentley glanced over at him, watching him blink the tiniest hint of glassy-ness out of his eyes. “Don’t be embarrassed,” Nico finally continued. “I threw up, too. Like four times. It always happens when I get really scared.”
A moment of silence passed.
“Was yours weird like that, Asten?” He questioned, glancing over at him.
Asten shrugged, not looking up from the screen that was lighting up his face and hair. “It… uh…”
Bentley watched his green irises move from the screen, to the keyboard, down to his lap, bouncing around there for a few moments. “I don’t… really want to talk about it.”
Nico blinked, looking back at the ceiling. “…Sorry.”
The room fell quiet, and Bentley kept fiddling with his phone. Maybe Asten’s dream had something to do with his parents or Brazil — that would make sense why he didn’t want to talk about it. Or maybe he was just terrified and didn’t want to think about it. Justifiably.
Bentley breathed in and out. “How’s your research going?” He said after a few moments, glancing over at Asten.
The blue-haired-boy shrugged. “I’ve pretty much dead-ended on my missing persons list. It totals up to forty-nine in the past four months, in and around Gotham. A lot of them are already… dead.”
Asten picked up the laptop and moved next to Bentley, adjusting the screen so he could see it. He had a spreadsheet open with a list of names and links to the articles where he’d found them. The whole thing looked freakishly similar to Tim’s — Asten wasn’t kidding around with his research, apparently.
“Research for what?” Nico questioned, sitting up on his elbows to gaze at them.
“I’m making a list of all the potential Secret Keeper targets. Trying to find something to go off of. To find her boss,” Asten explained, nonchalantly.
Nico wasted no time sitting up with a high-pitched: “To find her what?!”
Asten shrugged. “I dunno! Her boss, her leader, her dad, whoever branded her head.”
“Branded her head?”
“Yes, branded her head,” Asten clarified with a sigh. Nico pushed himself upright and shimmied up to the headboard, on the other side of Asten to look at the computer.
“Why in the world are you trying to find her boss?” He murmured, scanning the spreadsheet quickly.
“Because I want to destroy her,” Asten said, with a completely blank, serious expression on his face. Nico stared at him for a solid ten seconds before he frowned.
“What’re you gonna do? She’s killed people!”
Asten scoffed. “I’m going to make her life a living hell, thank you very much. Bentley said he’s in.”
Nico’s panicky blue eyes flicked over to Bentley. “For real?”
He shrugged lightly. Chasing down murdery metahuman supervillains wasn’t exactly his idea of fun, but if it would convince Damian he deserved to live with them, he’d do that five times over. After all, it’s what his whole family did, every single night. 
“Yeah,” He muttered quietly.
“If they harass you, harass them back,” Asten chimed, like it was some sort of nursery rhyme he learned when he was little. Nico gaped at him. “Fight fire with fire, they hit you, you hit them harder, all that jazz.”
“That’s illegal and immoral,” Nico murmured. “And I’m pretty sure fire plus fire just equals more fire.”
Bentley glanced up at Asten, who snickered: “Nothings illegal if you don’t get caught!”
Nico blinked a few times, in silence. “No,” He deadpanned. “How are her supposed victims going to help you find her boss, anyway?”
Asten shrugged. “I’m not actually sure yet. Just working with what I’ve got. Which isn’t much.”
None of them said anything for a solid ten seconds, all just glancing between each other and the computer.
“You guys can help me, actually. I’m trying to find anything besides being missing or dead that might link all these people together. If you want to see what you can find on some of them, that would be very helpful,” Asten explained.
“Helpful in finding a boss that might not even exist, of a lady who can kill you from four states away, that’s been personally attacking us. Sounds safe to me,” Nico muttered, and Asten elbowed him with a pointed glare. 
“Shut up,”
“Why are you so obsessed with destroying her? Gotham has police and superheroes for that,” Nico continued.
Asten stared at the screen in silence for a moment, something grim swirling in the back of his eyes before he pushed it away with a sharp inhale. “Because she’s been stalking us like a freaking psycho. If she’s gonna mess with us, she’s gonna know who she’s messing with.”
Bentley blinked. “If she can read our minds, I guess she already does.”
Asten glanced over at him for a moment, their eyes locking for a solid five seconds before he looked away again.
“You think she can just always read our minds? Whenever she wants?” Nico interjected, glancing between them worriedly. “Because I don’t think a supervillain that knows we’re trying to catch them is going to be very easy to catch. Not to mention she’ll probably kill us.”
Asten shrugged. “I mean, if she can, she already knows. There’s no point in stopping now.”
“Uh, yeah, there is. It’s called not dying,” Nico sassed.
“Would you just help me?” Asten finally muttered, gesturing to the computer. “Just pick anyone on the list and see what you can find. It’d take me forever to do all these.”
Bentley obeyed, turning his phone the right way and choosing a name from the very top of the list: Titus Lancaster. 
He navigated to the internet and typed the name in, and immediately, several different results popped up.
The first one was on a website called Gotham’s Coldest Cases, and when he clicked on it, a picture of a boy with shiny, grayish-brown eyes was the first thing he saw. He was holding a guitar and sitting on the floor in front of a distant Christmas tree, wearing a red hoodie and gray sweatpants, smiling brightly up at the camera with dimples the size of craters. There was a red and black beanie pulled over his head, his deep brown hair only peeking out slightly from the front and back.
The headline beneath it was: New Jersey Couple Awakes to their Twelve Year Old Son Gone Without a Trace.
Bentley continued to scroll, watching the body of the article appear as he did.
Isabelle and Jonathan Lancaster awoke the morning of May 6 like it was any other day… little did they know, it wasn’t. When Isabelle Lancaster went to wake up her pre-teen son for school, he wasn’t there.
‘There was nothing in his room or in the rest of the house that would suggest he ran away. Even his cellphone was still charging on his nightstand.’ Says Eugenia Carlomile, head detective on the case. ‘No signs of forced entry or forced exit, no sightings of him or any suspicious persons anywhere outside of their house. We’re waiting for further evidence to continue our search.’
Titus Lancaster was last seen on May 5, when he and his parents parted ways for bed around 10:45pm. He was reportedly wearing a black hoodie with his last name and the number 16 on the back, and the Gotham City Middle School basketball logo on the front, with light gray sweatpants and a black and red beanie on his head. 
As of today, July 17, there are still no sightings of Titus. His family is holding an empty, closed casket funeral that is open to the public for anyone who wishes to grieve with them on July 27.
If you have seen or believe you have seen Titus Lancaster, or have heard any additional information regarding his disappearance, please contact the Gotham City Police Department at (856)-916-GCPD.
Bentley scrolled back to the top and saved the website to his favorites folder, before tapping his way back to the initial search results.
The second website that came up was Gotham News Network (GNN). When he opened it, there was a button at the top that said About the Disappearance of Titus Lancaster, but below that stood the large headline: Isabelle and Jonathan Lancaster Found Dead.
He took a deep breath, in and out, then scrolled down.
Isabelle and Jonathan Lancaster were found dead in their garage due to asphyxiation on July 28, caused by the trapped fumes of two running vehicles. Detective Eugenia Carlomile suggests this was a direct response to their missing twelve-year-old son, Titus Lancaster’s closed casket funeral the day before.
Bentley opted out of reading the rest of the article, saving it to his file with the other instead.
He couldn’t even imagine going missing, only to come back and learn your parents were dead.
The rest of the articles were repeats of those two, the only other relevant website being one called Gotham Areopagus. Bentley clicked on it, but it just ended up being a congratulations on their website for a group graduating from a children’s physics course there early in the year. Titus was among the list of names.
“I didn’t find anything about Titus, other than what happened to him and his parents,” Bentley said quietly, glancing over at Asten. “And that he took some class at a place called the… Areopagus?”
Asten nodded lightly, typing something next to Titus’s name. “It’s some rich kid's extracurricular class thing. I think people go there to just… take more classes? Nico’s been there.”
Bentley glanced over at the blonde, who shrugged. “It’s like, hands on STEM class stuff. I only went to a birthday party there, but there are year-long courses and stuff you can take.”
Bentley nodded lightly. He wasn’t going to ask what STEM meant.
“I’m surprised you didn’t know about it, nosebleed,” Asten taunted, nudging Bentley with his elbow. “Y’know, being the kid of the richest man, like, ever, and everything.”
Bentley shrugged. “I’m not from here, remember? I’m from Drew.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Asten continued. “You can look up someone else, then. It’s fine if you can’t find much.”
Bentley moved onto another random name, in the middle of the list: Davis Henderson.
Why did he recognize that name?
He typed it into his browser, scanning the results that popped up. The first one was on a news site called Right Now New Jersey, and when he clicked on it, the headline read: New Jersey College Student Assaulted at Work.
When he opened it, a photograph of an eerily familiar, blonde-haired-green-eyed guy came up. He was wearing a blue button up and a little waist apron, with a notepad and pen in his hands, smiling down at the camera. Behind him was a bar.
The bar Bentley went into when he was running from his father last year. It was that Davis, the waiter that tried to keep Bentley away from his father’s men, to protect him, only to get the butt of a pistol to his head.
21-year-old Davis Henderson was assaulted by an unknown assailant in the back room of the bar he works at. He was found unconscious with a blow to the head by coworker, Madison Langford, who called the police. ‘All I saw was blood, a lot of it, and I immediately called the cops,’ Said Langford, Henderson’s coworker in training. ‘I was so afraid he might’ve been dead.’
Henderson woke up confused and unable to give the police any description of his assailant or the incident in question. The camera system in the bar seemed to have been tampered with, as the exact time of the assault was cut out of the footage. More on this story as it develops.
Bentley quickly clicked off of that article. He could still remember the way the gun cracked as it collided with the waiter’s head. The way he dropped like a rag doll. The fact that it was all his fault.
He silently scrolled down to the next article instead, on the same website as Titus’s: Gotham’s Coldest Cases. The headline was: Star Princeton University Student Missing?
He opened it up and scrolled past the exact picture of Davis that was on the other website.
21-year-old Princeton University student Davis Henderson was declared missing on August 2nd, after not showing up to work or classes for 24 hours. 
He was last seen on surveillance walking between his home and work on August 1st at approximately 3:27am on 9th street, near Whitehouse Library and The Gotham Areopagus. He was wearing a blue button-up, black slacks, and black tennis-shoes. He didn’t make contact with anyone on or around the time of his disappearance, and there is no surveillance footage of him returning to his apartment complex that night or the following 48 hours.
‘I assumed he was sick when he didn’t come to class,’ Said Ethan Hunt, Davis’s classmate at Princeton University. ‘But he didn’t respond all day. I drove all the way to his apartment complex in Gotham, to make sure he hadn’t fallen seriously ill, but it was still locked and he wasn’t home.’
If you have seen or believe you have seen Davis Henderson, or have heard any additional information regarding his disappearance, please contact the Gotham City Police Department at (856)-916-GCPD.
Bentley sighed lightly and closed the website. Davis was so nice to him, and now he was… gone. Disappeared off the street.
And wasn’t Whitehouse Library the same place where The Secret Keeper chased Asten?
When he went through more of the search results, they were just repeats of those two stories, plus a few social media posts where Davis was tagged. Bentley scoured four different accounts of his, even going back as far as when he was a young teenager, but there was nothing that aided his search or seemed suspicious in the slightest. 
Bentley sighed heavily, glancing at the list Asten had made. “This guy was last seen in the same area where the Secret Keeper chased you.” 
Asten glanced over at him, then at his phone. “Who?”
“Davis Henderson,” Bentley stated, and Asten nodded, finding Davis’s column and typing a few things next to his name.
“I’m not finding anything on this Olivia girl but her dream and the reports of her going missing,” Nico stated. “She saw the Secret Keeper in her yard.”
“That’s fine,” Asten muttered.
Well, three down. Forty-six to go.
dedicated to @sassenashsworld 💚
tag list! (If you want me to remove or add you, ask in comments!)
@fleur-alise @sarcopterygiian @cademygod
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ijustthinkhesneat · 1 year
I’m gonna share my DC character headcanons because I want to and no one can stop me! (I wish I had cool art skills to ad visuals to this but I am artistically challenged 😔)
Bruce Wayne:
Birthday: October 10th, 1991 (Spooky szn, also I decided he’s not old)
Sexuality: Bisexual he’s in love with Clark 😊
Favorite Animal: Bats because I’m basic
Has Autism
Height: 6’0
Favorite Food: Lasagna, it is inexplicably the only thing he can cook.
Gender Identity: Demiboy, He/They Pronouns
Now the juicy backstory…
-In my demented brain Bruce didn’t actually have a happy childhood before his parents death and that Thomas was kind of a traditional toxic masculinity man. I think Martha tried her best but couldn’t fully protect Bruce. Alfred was a friend of Martha that moved in after their deaths to take care of Bruce and instilled a lot more positive values in him.
-Is canon, absolutely not, but it’s my brain I can do what I want. I feel like this also helps explain Bruce’s struggles with being a emotionally vulnerable with his kids and the why he makes shitty choices sometimes.
-I also believe he wants to be better and genuinely tries really hard to be a good dad. Very much that trope of ‘I want you to have a better life than I did’.
-Post Alfred moving in with Bruce his development into Batman plays out pretty much the same, but he he does start to realize he is not the straight.
-After adopting Dick he finds out that his son is definitely not straight (caught holding Wally wests hand in a not god honoring way) and has a lot of internal turmoil, he wants to support his son, but has to wrestle with his own internalized homophobia. (Thanks Tom). Lots of angst it’ll be great.
-This contributes to Dick leaving and Bruce finally confronts his issues, enter Jason.
-Jason dies and Bruce goes all the way off the deep end, almost kills the joker. I actually like the idea that Dick stops him and then returns secretly to finish the Joker off, cause he thinks Bruce wouldn’t be able to recover.
-Tim gets adopted a little earlier because jack and Janet throw him out for being trans. Trans baby Tim is the best. This helps Bruce come to terms with his own identity again.
-Steph becomes robin because slay queen mama waffle boots the house spoiler
-Jason returns and has his under the red hood arc minus Bruce basically slitting his throat with a batarang cause I hate that and it makes no sense.
-Cass is adopted and becomes the silent chaos queen we deserve. I like many people headcanon her as being selectively mute, Bruce learns sign language faster than anyone else.
-Damian shows up around the age of 5 because again time is like dick Grayson, bendable as all hell. Bruce loves his babies but extra babies Damian because he loves him and sees a lot of himself in Damian and doesn’t want him to be like him.
-Bruce reachs out to Jason because he missed his son to much and he comes back and omg it’s just the best thing to ever happen pls DC let these boys be SOFT.
-Bruce adopts Duke because another vigilante child isn’t gonna make a difference now but little does he know that his fifth son is perhaps the most chaos gremlin of all. He is flashlight and he will step on the Jokers throat for fun, because not only did the joker jokerize his bio parents but he fucked with his brothers and his dad to much so he’s gonna toaster that man’s tub.
That’s my Bruce headcanon and time line the others won’t be this long but this is for me so I don’t care what anyone thinks teehee.
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gayfrogs03 · 2 years
I need a fic where Janet lives instead of Jack and she works really hard to turn herself around for Tim and is there for him and not just when it's convenient for her like Jack did
And when she finds out and later accepts that Tim is Robin she basically becomes the Sally Jackson™ of the DC universe
Like she just mothers all the teen and young adult heros, basically all of Time friends
She makes sure they are fed, that all their wounds are taken care of, and if they ever need a place to crash they are welcome anytime, ect.
Her and Ma have teamed up, it's terrifying but also comforting?
She will defend these kids as tho they are her own
Eventually the core four start calling her Mom or Mama (she nearly cried when it first happened)
Cassie has Janet in her phone as "Mom #2"
When these heros first meet her they are normally alarmed and confused by her mothering them and look at Tim for help but Tim's just like, "Just let it happen my friend, there is no stopping her."
She has yelled at Clark after finding out about his treatment towards Kon, he has his head bowed in shame by the end muttering, "Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am." Felt a lot like Ma scolding him
Tim's friends always tell him, "Dude, your mom is amazing!"
Tim who had become a huge mamas boy over the years smiles and says, "I know."
When she first began to actually parent Tim she wasn't the best cook, like she knew who to but didn't really know any recipes and shit, but Alfred gave her lessons
Janet, Alfred, and Ma meet once a month, bake, cook, and gossip about their crazy kids and friends (tho they all deny the gossip and everyone with super hearing knows better than to listen in)
When she meets Jason she tells him, "Hurt my baby boy again and I will hang you by your toes, rip out your spine and beat you with it, you hear me?" with an ice cold glare, not a trace of a lie on her, and something told him she not only could do it but she'd get away with it too. When he nods, scared out of his mind (not that he'll ever say it out loud) her whole mood switches and she smiles brightly welcoming him in
When he tells people no one believes him. All like, "Janet/Mom? She wouldn't hurt a fly!"
Captain Boomerang did go after Janet, but she lives. Like Jack she calls Tim, but unlike Jack she listens to Tim and doesn't go after him, Tim also calls the help of the rest of the Core Four while racing to his house
Captain Boomerang finds her but before he can do anything other than a cut on her arm he gets violently thrown away from her by Impulse who got there first, Cassie and Kon arriving like seconds later, than Tim less than a minute later.
Tim goes straight to his mom and begins to get her out of the house while they keep CB away from her (holding back not wanting her to get caught in the crossfire or be a witness to a whole lot of violence, they care a lot about her okay), but right before Tim and are out of sight Tim looks back at them and says, "Young Justice? Give him hell for me."
The look on Tim's face, and the answering smiles on the others faces when the order was given is burned into Captain boomerang's mind forever giving him nightmares to this day.
The only thing he remembers after that is pain, then he wakes up in the hospital with so many broken bones and some brain damage, as soon as it's possible he's shipped to Arkham, he's too scared to ever escape again
Batman doesn't even think about giving a lecture on excessive violence or force used... I mean, they didn't kill him so it's fine, right?
Alfred gives them hot chocolate, and Janet, who had picked up knitting to relieve stress (parenting a teenage hero and his friends is stressful, okay? Tho she wouldn't change it for the world) made them all blankets as a thanks for saving her, they sleep with these blankets every night, even bringing them to sleepovers (most sleepovers that aren't in the tower are at the Drake's house).
Janet has two lists on the fridge, one of everyone of their allergies (food and otherwise) if they have any, and another of everyone and their favorite foods and snacks so she can keep it stocked in the house
On mothers day she gets lots of gifts
Young Justice parent teacher conferences, when she discovers Tim is Robin she goes instead if Dick, she is like the only civilian parent/guardian other than Cassie's mom (they bond over that)
Helena has called Janet like, "Can you tell Cassie *insert thing here*??? Maybe she'll listen to you!"
Janet has done the same. Janet has also called all of their parents/guardians like, "Is your child allowed to have/do this??"
They all have a group chat called "Send Help"
Janet has like 10 EpiPens on her at all times for her son and other teenage superheroes
The Core Four with no doubt in my mind give Janet early grey hairs
Janet and the core four: *Goes out to eat or do something together*
Janet: They are my kids :)
*Loud crash in the distance and a collective shout of "MOOOOM!"*
Janet: ... I've never seen those kids in my life...
They are no longer allowed to play truth or dare after Kon was almost arrested (Janet managed to convince the cops to not arrest him and the CF was all grounded for two weeks as a collective decision from their parents/guardians while being banned from playing truth or dare)
When Damian shows up and hurts Tim Janet doesn't like go after him to hurt him or yell at him or anything (while a part of her wants too, her baby was hurt), but instead she does what should have been done in the comics, she sits him down and has a long stern talk with him about why that is wrong and how he doesn't have to behave like that here, and tells him that there will be consequences if it happens again (not consequences as in hurting him, but as him getting grounded, no more of his favorite snacks, shit like that)
Basically, unlike the comics he doesn't get away with it which in return tells him that it is okay to do that, he is a child (was 8 when he was introduced to the family? I think) that was raised by assassins he needs to be taught right from wrong and if he gets away with doing something that is wrong that tells him that it's okay to do that, that it's not wrong it's right. They handled Damian really badly in the comics.
While Damian and Tim still fight and argue a lot it's more in a sibling "They are the most annoying piece of trash I've ever met... I will shank you if you hurt them." They purposely antagonize one another but never in a truly hurtful way (emotionally or physically)
Idc how the Red Robin comics would play out with Janet so I'm not touching base on that
Janet has, can, and will destroy the lives of any reporter that is being too pushy/rude or writes mean and/or incorrect about her babies (Barbara gladly helps her)
Speaking of Barbara, Tim and Janet worked hard on the house to make it wheelchair accessible for her (did lots of research and got advice and opinions from other people in wheelchairs)
Janet took self defense classes led by Selena so she knows how to hold her own if it comes down to it
Most heroes and young heroes have a key to the Drake Manor and an open invitation to come whenever
I need this okay, I don't care how out of character it all is
I just need Good Mom Janet Drake who ends up parenting most of the young heroes (mainly the Core Four because I love them)
Core Four: Tim I want your mom to be my mom
Tim, who's wanted siblings his whole life: I guess I can share her
Core Four, buzzing with excitement: Okay!
Janet: ... I now have 4 kids instead of 1... If anything were to happen to any of them I will kill everyone and then myself :)
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captain-ursula · 2 years
Cabin Days- The only Jaytimweek day I actually completed lol. For the prompt ‘Summer storms’, featuring trans!Tim, Jason learning to fish, and a house full of memories. Under a cut because it is quite long for Tumblr post
When Tim was very small, he told his grandmother that the old Drake cabin was full of magic. To a city boy used to houses that really only housed art and artifacts, it probably was. Tim at twenty two is still quite small, but any magic left in the cabin has disintegrated, leaving only the musty smell of stale air, furniture from the eighties, and memories blanketing the place like cobwebs.  
He and Jason spent the last few days cleaning up and cleaning out the little house, one of several on a short gravel road deep in the Catskills. Tim doesn’t let himself think about his parents in Gotham, just like he never goes to San Francisco anymore. But here in the cabin, Tim has not stopped thinking about the Drakes.
Except, of course, when he’s thinking about Jason. His partner has the presence of a thunderstorm and the personality to match, so he always occupies some part of Tim’s mind. In Gotham, Tim can compartmentalize with the best of them. Here, however, Jason is everywhere. 
His shirts hang out in the sun to dry with Tim’s, his cooking sits in the pale yellow fridge, his guitar case leans against the broken TV, and their bed still holds the shape and smell of him, of them together. His presence, snipes and silly arguments included, is the only thing that’s keeping Tim from closing up the cabin and throwing away the key in a mad drive back to Gotham. 
Tim’s sorting through a box of cookbooks in the small living room when Jason walks past the window looking determined. He flicks through one jello filled monstrosity from the fifties before giving up and following Jason to the little wooden shed out back.
Jason’s standing in the doorway with a contemplative tilt to his head, and Tim takes a minute to admire the smattering of scratches and kiss marks peeking over the top of Jason’s tank top. 
“See something you like?” 
Jason looks down at Tim, equal parts fond and leery, giving Tim an exaggerated once over. “You know it, babe.”
Tim rolls his eyes and presses Jason aside to look at the pile of fishing poles, dusty tackle boxes and colorful lures scattered on the floor like cat toys. “My grandpa never let me touch any of this when I was a kid. I didn’t want to, but still. I don’t think anyone’s used any of it in years.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” says Jason skeptically. He investigates the fishing equipment for a while as Tim sits in the shade and makes helpful comments like, “That one’s haunted. That one’s broken. That one’s ugly.”
“Well, honey,” Jason snarks eventually, “If you’re such an expert, you can help me find a rod that meets your standards.”
Tim’s mouth twitches as he raises an eyebrow. Some part of him will always be approximately twelve years old. 
Jason rolls his eyes after a moment. “Oh, fuck you.”
“That’s not what you said this morning,” teases Tim, sliding his hands down Jason’s sides and dipping low into the waistband of his shorts. “ Or last night, or-”
“I hate you,” says Jason, his head knocking back against the doorframe. “So much.” 
Tim sighs and pulls his hands back to himself. “Guess you can teach yourself to fish, then. Have fun, babe.” 
He has to laugh when Jason frowns at him and grabs a random fishing pole from the pile, along with various other fishing accouterments. 
“Fine, I will,” declares Jason as he stomps out of the garden and down to the wide, deep creek that runs behind all the cabins. “It can’t be that hard.”
Tim shades his eyes with a hand, looking closely at the gear slung over Jason’s shoulder. 
“Where’s your bait?”
Jason does not turn as he flips Tim off.  “Up your ass, sweetheart!”
I’m in love with an idiot. The thought keeps him company as he starts to tackle the last item on his renovation checklist.The cabin’s little wildflower garden, once lovingly tended by Tim’s grandmother, is badly overgrown. 
Jack never wanted him to help in the garden as a child. He was embarrassed that his mother liked to get her hands dirty, and had lost many arguments to her about hiring a landscaping service for the cabin, like they did for Drake manor. Janet didn’t care about the outdoors until it interfered with a dig. 
It fills him with a rebellious pride to get covered in grass clippings and nettle stings and so much dirt as he brings the garden back to itself. As sweat drips down his back and his hands start to cramp around unfamiliar tools, Tim realizes he misses his grandmother very much.She never knew him as Tim, but he thinks, he knows she would have liked to.
The afternoon starts to wear on him, the day hot and humid, the air thick and sticky with heat. Everything is still and quiet, the heat too much to even let the trees rustle their leaves. Dark storm clouds squat nearby, and Tim works quickly, pushing himself to finish before the rain comes. 
A year ago, Tim would have been lost, researching yarrow and lady’s leek until he’d planned himself out of doing anything at all. But Jason was a gardener. He made sure that Tim could take care of his vegetables if Jason was out of town, taught him everything he knew about water and soil types and how even the most stubborn plants will grow if they are cared for. 
When Tim takes a water break, drinking cold, metallic water straight from the hose, he also takes the opportunity to spy on Jason. He should have been smug when he sees Jason, still fishless, looking sweaty and miserable on the dock. Bits of fishing gear are strewn around him, old tackle discarded in the grass, and he has a dejected slump to his shoulders that bothers Tim. 
The cabin and the creek has always been a refuge for Tim, and it chafes that Jason might not be enjoying himself. On the drive up from Gotham, Jason had admitted he’d never been camping. Not for fun, anyways.  Tim wants Jason to enjoy himself, and if that means a bit of scheming to help Jason with his fish problem, well. That’s love, he supposes. 
He puts the garden tools away and heads down the gravel road towards a pale blue cabin, a bucket of Jason’s beefsteak tomatoes and a container of Alfred’s peach cobbler in hand. Tim  knocks on the door and scratches a fat ginger cat lolling across the welcome mat. Hanging baskets full of geraniums and an old rocking chair give the porch a homey, lived in look. 
“It’s open,” hollers someone from inside the cabin. Tim takes in the neat wooden interior, noting that absolutely nothing has changed in the five years since he’s been here. He meanders through the cabin to the kitchen, unsurprised to find the cabin’s occupant sat at the table doing a crossword puzzle and feeding a small, scruffy dog bits of cheese. 
The dog greets Tim first, wiggling her whole body at him and trying valiantly to lick his face as he kneels down to pet her. 
“Hello, Dolly,” says Tim with a smile. He sits down at the table and adds,  “Hi, Mr. Graves. I brought you something.”
“Well, bring it here and let me see if I should keep it,” grumbles Dennis Graves. He’s a short, sturdy old man who, as far as Tim can tell, likes exactly three things in this world- animals, fishing, and talking about his late husband Maurice.
Dennis Graves has been a fixture of Tim’s time at the Drake cabin for as long as he can remember, and Jack disliked him immensely the entire time, because Dennis didn’t give one singular fuck about Jack Drake’s opinions on anything. Obviously, that meant that Tim decided early on that Dennis was going to be his best friend whether the old man wanted it or not. 
As Dennis scrutinizes the tomatoes, Tim entertains himself by refamiliarizing himself with the Graves cabin, Dennis having given up on keeping out of anywhere by the time he was eight. Maybe it’s the garden dirt still stuck under his fingernails, maybe it’s the way he’s never been here without his parents, but something in Tim twists at how Maurice is in every inch of the place. 
Dennis and Maurice had a life here, and Tim can’t look anywhere, in any room, without being reminded of it. There’s an afghan on the couch that Tim remembers Maurice crocheting while cursing at Jeopardy, little trinkets from he and Dennis’ many vacations displayed on a tall bookshelf.
A part of Tim wonders if anyone will love him long enough to remember him like this. 
“I suppose they’ll do,” sighs Dennis as Tim rejoins him in the kitchen.He gives Tim a hawkish, unimpressed look. “Now, I know you didn’t come all the way down here just to be nice to an old man.”
“Mr. Graves, I’m always nice,” lies Tim. 
Dennis snorts and waves a hand dismissively. They catch up over sweet, sun brewed tea and cobbler, Tim sharing bits of his civilian life and Dennis bringing him up to speed on the intricate and long running feuds between Dennis and everyone else in the cabin community.
 When Tim brings Jason up, a little shyly, Dennis reaches across the table, putting his hand over Tim’s. It feels right to share this with Dennis. He was the first person that Tim came out to, the first person to meet Timothy Drake. Tim just wishes Maurice could have met Jason too. 
“Is that him on the dock?” asks Dennis, craning his neck to peer out the kitchen window. The creek runs right behind Dennis’ cabin, and he’s the closest cabin to the dock. 
“Yep,” sighs Tim. He pulls the curtains aside just to check. Jason looks about fifteen minutes away from trying to catch the fish with his hands, if the expression on his face is anything to go by. He’s taken his shirt off though, and Tim will never pass up an opportunity to ogle his hot partner. 
Dennis gives a low whistle of appreciation as he joins him by the window. Tim preens. 
Tim’s busy trying to figure out how to ask Dennis to maybe go down to the dock and perhaps show Jason how to restring a fishing pole without mortally offending Dennis’ pride when Dennis says, his Georgia accent strong with indignation, “Tim, that boy might be good looking, but he  does not know one end of a fishing pole from the other.”
“It’s not his fault,” says Tim. He feels morally obligated to at least try and defend his partner. 
“He’s never been fishing before. Jason’s even more of a city person than me.”
And it’s not like Todd Senior would have taken him, thought Tim. Bruce would have, Tim realizes with a bit of an ache, if they’d gotten the time. 
“Good lord,” Dennis mutters. He slams back the glass of sweet tea and grabs a worn hat from a hook near the door. “Watching him is gonna send me into an early grave.”
“Mr. Graves, you really don’t have to-“
The screen door whishes open and slams shut in quick succession as Dennis ignores Tim’s feeble protests and gathers up his fishing gear. He hurries down the grassy path to the creek as if Jason will be gone by the time he gets there. Tim holds his breath as Jason stands and shakes Dennis’ hand, giving the little blue cabin a very pointed look over his shoulder. 
But Tim shouldn’t have worried. Dennis soon put Jason to rights, and the two sat on the dock with their feet in the water, two beers sweating in the sun, fishing poles bobbing away. 
Tim lets out a victory shout and celebratory fist pump. Dolly wags her tail, her little paws stamping with secondhand excitement. 
“Mission accomplished.”
By the time Tim gets around to starting dinner, the storm clouds have lumbered closer. The air feels thick enough to swim through even inside. Too hot to wear real clothes, Tim’s stolen a pair of Jason’s boxers, enjoying the way he has to roll the waistband to keep them up on his hips. His hair is pulled back with a yellow claw clip Tim remembers seeing in his Grandmother’s hair, and one of Jack’s rings sits heavy on his thumb. 
The texture and weight of it all tether him to the present as he moves around the small kitchen, the worn linoleum cool against his feet. The memories of his family follow his every step until Tim has to lean against the counter and count to ten, looking straight forward because his peripheral vision keeps telling him that they’re there, just out of sight and just out of reach. 
The slam of the garden gate shakes Tim out of his reverie, and he leaves to meet Jason outside. Ever the voyeur, Tim lingers in the doorway as Jason puts his fishing gear away. He’s struck by how young Jason looks, his tan face relaxed, summer freckles come out to play. His ears have a tinge of sunburn, and he’s talking to himself, the way he sometimes does on a boring patrol. 
“-and when we come back next year, I’ll-,” Jason interrupts himself when he sees Tim, giving him a broad, tired smile. “Hey, sweetheart. I’m awesome at fishing.”
Next year. Tim steps out of the shadowed doorway and into a pool of amber garden light, mosquitoes and moths buzzing in chorus with peeping frogs and barn owls. His face must have done something strange, because Jason’s eyes grow pinched with concern.
“What’s wrong?”
Next year.Vigilantes live on borrowed time. They try to outrun ghosts by sprinting into the heady, insistent now, the future strictly contained to contingency plans, missions yet to come, and the dogged optimism that fueled the whole enterprise. You could fight for a softer future, but don’t dare imagine yourself in it. Tim has buried too many of his friends to break that rule. 
But Jason dragged his future out of Fate’s hands and into his own bloody fingers that tend a garden as if he knows for certain that he will be there to watch it grow.
Tim wants. He wants and it’s terrifying. So he borrows some of Jason’s certainty, lets himself have the warm and fragile hope that maybe they will get to keep this. 
He pulls Jason down into a slow, soft kiss, letting his hands scratch through Jason’s dark curls made thick and frizzy with humidity. Jason’s chest and thick, strong middle are solid and warm against him, and when Tim pulls away, he drops his head to rest on Jason’s heart. 
“Nothing, baby,” says Tim softly. Hard summer rain begins to fall, but he couldn’t care less. 
“Tell me more about next year.” 
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lacrimosathedark · 2 years
Batfam Cooking Headcanons
Bruce: Knows exclusively survival basics. Attempts at cooking "real" food are clumsy at best.
Selina: Knows how to cook for herself and will make special meals for her kitties, but generally will do anything to avoid cooking. Does make human-safe kitty treats and eats with her cats.
Barbara: Pretty good cook. Determined to be self-sufficient so she can do literally anything well. Best mitigator of the sheer failure and chaos of the main Batfam.
Dick: Can cook but prefers not to. Why bother when there's perfectly good cereal and easy protein shakes and you can just order a pizza? Absolutely cannot bake for shit.
Cassandra: Good cook when given a recipe. Good at following directions and adding a little experiment here and there. Clueless without guidelines. DO NOT let Tim or Steph guide her you may blow up the house.
Jason: Rarely cooks but is actually really good at it. Prefers fast food and general comfort foods but is also the only child actively welcome in Alfred's kitchen. Makes the best cupcakes.
Harper: Learned to cook because her dad's a piece of shit. Makes awesome rainbow cookies for Pride and whenever Cullen seems sad.
Stephanie: Can it be heated in a microwave? Dope. Anything more complicated is pure chaos. It could be delicious or disgusting but you never know til she's done.
Tim: Banned from anything beyond the fridge or the coffeemaker. Barely allowed to use the toaster. Use of the microwave should be supervised. Almost exclusively consumes like salads and pre-made health foods. Could probably burn soup.
Duke: Actually can cook like a Normal Person because he had a normal heckin family for a while and helped out. What is up with this family???
Damian: Only knows survival basics and nothing more. Used to others cooking for him so he doesn't know anything. Has perhaps followed in the chaotic footsteps of his siblings. Alfred is Concerned for the future.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 2 years
What Bruce Wayne’s Like When You Shift
I’m about to do one for Battinson since he’s a bit different
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Dad of the year
he���s always knowing what’s happening with his kids but that’s not because he stalks them, it’s because he takes the time to talk to them and get to know what’s going on
Stressed but well dressed man
he’s always under lots and lots of stress from managing 600 children, WE, Justice League, Batman, and all of the other things that he does
whenever he’s just trying to decompress you’ll just find him sitting in his chair, eyes glazed over, and his breath is very shallow
he’s just in intense thought and it’s best to leave him alone since he probably won’t know that you’re there anyways
he’s a classic rock dude
he also loves bands like Weezer and Arctic Monkeys
definitely has a ton of band shirts that he wears around the house
sometimes Jason steals them but Bruce doesn’t really mind that much
probably has some big present from the President of some country or whatever but the thing that he cherishes the most is a signed autograph from his favorite band
“this is the painting from the White House that *so and so* gave me- it’s cool- BUT THIS IS A SIGNED POSTER FROM ZZTOP!”
he’s a terrible cook
like this is pre-established but the man really does suck
he knows how to microwave things and cook noodles
that’s about the entire extent of it
I think that he’s really sweet towards his S/O
everyone really does look up to him and he’s just such a cool dude
he’s always taking his S/O out to the rooftops for a private date
actually doesn’t really like going out to fancy places that much since the paparazzi is ALWAYS there
poor mans can’t get a break
Brucie is a whole other ordeal but he’s not like super super crazy womanizer or whatever
never hits on married women, LGBTQ women, taken people, whatever
he’s also not really some like sex crazed dude since he really doesn’t form bonds like that
he does better with finding someone that has a really great personality and the rest comes later
he needs a friend and someone that he can confide in and someone that understands the things that he’s passionate about
he really likes traveling places and has a bunch of cute little properties all around the world that you two can just escape to
little cottage in the mountains is his favorite
it’s got this little garden and is surrounded by flowers and a little pond that a stream runs in and out of
there’s always a family of ducks that he goes and feeds and they have these ADORABLE little babies that he takes pictures of when they’re out waddling around
Damian has named all of them and everyone calls the ducks by their names
the mamma duck is named Dorothy, the dad duck is named Barney, and their babies are named Betty, Daisy, Marigold, Tiny Tim, and Billard
Bruce also really likes Dobermans and German Shepherds
big dog dude but will do the little baby voice and face whenever he sees a little puppy or something
Damian got it honest
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Hiiiii i love your blog! Probably one of the only ones I actually have notifs on for 🤔😉
Anywayyyy my bday is coming up and I was wondering if you had any headcanons about what the batboys are like on your birthday! Can be fluffy, smutty, funny, whatever ur feeling lol.
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Happy Birthday!!!
Dinner drinks and/or dessert at your favorite restaurant or that one place you’ve always wanted to try. Actually plans it ahead of time instead of throwing around Wayne name last minute.
Buys you a gift of a hobby you have like nice pencils or the next book you want to read in a series.
Afterwards would want to walk you home.
Would do birthday spanks for each year of your age in a playful way.
Would joke and say that he was your last present. “This is all yours. All night 😏.”
Would take you to do something exciting or unusual. Like go some place to throw axes or sky diving.
Takes you to get something new from like a good food truck or hole in the wall he found on patrol. “Best tacos but you might get shot. Not with me tho.”
More likely to buy you experiences like a gift card to the painting studio you’ve wanted to go to.
Will do birthday kisses that turn into something more.
Uses his Wayne connections to get you a table at the hottest restaurant you’ve been wanting to try that has a year wait but he gets it like the day before.
Buys you an expensive gift without realizing it’s too much. “It’s just a $300 watch/bracelet. Not that crazy.”
Would be the one to take you to the theatre if you’ve been wanting to watch some performance that’s usually sold out.
Rents a hotel room for the weekend and you have champagne fueled bubble baths and sex on every surface.
Comes across as super impressive but everything is planned like 2 days before.
King of inappropriately expensive gifts. He thinks a car is a smart purchase and you needed one. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Would rent out the restaurant for the night or hire a famous chef you admire for the night at his pent house.
Bruce’s secretary actually arranged everything months ago.
Fan of trying for birthday Os but never gets to your birthday number but it’s fun to try.
Would take you to the zoo or aquarium or animal conservatory during the day.
He’d give you a painting he did of you from a moment you didn’t even realize he was looking like when you were playing with his dog. Or when you dropped a popsicle on the sidewalk.
Alfred would cook your favorite food and Damian would drag it to the roof for a picnic.
“Titus knows it’s your birthday and is happier.” “I don’t think dogs understand birthdays.” “He’s very intelligent.”
Would ask Dick for advice if he wants to be romantic. And Dick would be like “share a dessert and hold hands maybe??” And Damian is far from impressed because that’s a normal Friday night.
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
Sick day headcannons!!!!!!!
Hell yeah, I do have a post on this already (linked here) but sick day headcanons are some of my favs so let’s do some more! (Just btw there will be some repeats but that just means I rlly like that headcanon)
Dick: Oh no, god no!
Wally: What’s wrong?!
Dick: I’m dying!
Wally, suspicious: Okay…
Dick: Please Wally this is serious, I need help!
Wally, deciding to take Dick seriously: Okay, what’s wrong? What do you need?
Dick: Just a coffin. Made of maple- no oak! And roses, preferably white, oh or blue! With baby’s breath. And-
Wally: Dick, what’s wrong?!
Dick: I burnt the roof of my mouth.
Wally leaves.
A good rule of thumb for Dick is the more dramatic he is the less serious the situation. The less dramatic he is the more serious the situation.
He will go into work with a cold and complain the entire day.
If he has something serious that’s contagious he’ll call in sick but just say it’s a slight stomach bug.
If it’s not contagious he will act like everything is completely fine.
One time he did this after getting an injury on patrol and ended up passing out and spending that night and the next day in the ICU.
He has become a bit more responsible over the years, mainly bc he thinks it’s adorable how sweet and cuddly Damian gets.
His favorite sick day activity is eating junk food and watching rom coms under a fuzzy blanket .
Dick: Please go to bed!
Babs: I am, I am, just one more line of code.
Dick: You’ve said that for the last three hours!
Babs tries to relax when sick but she has trouble actually taking a step back to rest.
Most of the time she’ll take a nightquil then get distracted by something and ends up falling asleep in front of her screen.
Usually Cass or Steph will come over and take care of her.
Steph always makes the best comfort food. And usually Cass will tuck Babs into bed.
Babs loves dozing on the couch to the sound of Cass and Steph laughing in the kitchen as they make her soup.
If Cass and Steph can’t come over she loves talking to them over discord while eating take out. Usually she and Cass just listen to Steph babble or she watches on of them stream something.
She also usually ends up falling asleep.
Bruce: Are you sick?
Jason: I’m legally dead.
Bruce: That doesn’t-
Jason: So,legally, no. I am not sick.
Jason will forever and always argue that he can’t get sick since he already died.
When he was little he was rarely able to get extra rest when he was sick. Because when he was really little he wanted to go to school to avoid Willis. After Catherine died he was too busy just trying to survive to focus on being healthy.
But when Catherine was alive and Willis was away Jason would stay home from school, and if Catherine was sober she would read to him and sing lullabies. This only happened like twice but Jason cherishes those memories of Catherine.
As a kid if he was ever sent home for being sick he’d get in huge trouble with Willis.
After being adopted the first time he was sent home with a fever he begged Alfred not to tell Bruce and hid in his closet until he stopped crying being sad. Alfred sat by the closet door with soup, a grilled cheese, and tea, reading The Princess Bride aloud until Jason came out. It took two hours.
Jason’s favorite sick day activity is drinking tea and rereading The Princess Bride (with the movie playing quietly in the background) while wearing his Wonder Woman hoodie.
Steph: Cass why are you patrolling while sick?!
Cass shrugs.
Steph, with a sigh: You’re allowed to take a sick day, okay?
Cass looks unsure but nods.
Steph: C’mon, let’s get you a bath and fuzzy blankets.
Cass forgets that she’s not just a weapon/tool. She forgets that she’s allowed to rest when sick.
Because of this she will keep going no matter what and tends to view ‘taking a sick day’ as a failure.
Steph, Tim, and Babs have been working on this with her. She’s improved a lot now that Tim lost his spleen and gets sick easily.
Now usually Steph cooks for her while Babs lays with her.
Cass isn’t against taking medicine but she never feels like the situation is severe enough to require medication. So someone in the fam has to convince her to take her meds.
She becomes extremely cuddly when sick and will cling to anyone near her.
Her favorite sick day activity is watching old horror movies with Steph or Babs.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m- I have a fever of 104, I should rest.
Stephs mom is a doctor, so she’s used to being told “it’s just a cold, you’re fine”.
Usually she keeps going until she can’t then sleeps for like three days.
But it’s less out of stubbornness and more out of habit. So if someone tells her to rest she’s immediately like “okay!” and takes the sick day.
Babs always calls or comes over to check on her every day that she’s sick.
Cass has been learning how to cook and loves making Steph food when she’s sick.
Tim used to come over but now he always calls.
Stephs favorite sick day activity is sleeping with an ice pack or heating pad, depending on the sickness, with a giant cup of ginger ale and Cass curled up beside her.
Jason: Tim, are you sick?
Tim, tiredly staring at case files: No I-
Tim is interrupted by a violent coughing fit.
Tim: Oh, I guess I am?
Growing up Tim loved getting sick because it meant the house keeper would come over and take care of him and he might even get a hug.
But she stopped coming over when Tim was ten, his parents thought he was old enough to handle being sick on his own.
Sick days in the manor were a shock to him because he was rarely alone, there was always one family member by his side.
Now that he’s immunocompromised he’s always surrounded by people, he pretends to get annoyed with it but really he loves how much they care.
Dick always sings Romani lullabies and runs his fingers through Tim’s hair. Jason, Duke, and Steph will cook for him. Damian stay by his side and bring him tea. Babs will play video games with him. And Cass does a bit of everything, at least everything other than sing to him.
The family also takes Tim getting sick very seriously so if they here one cough he’s immediately being interrogated and getting his temperature checked.
Tim’s favorite sick day activity is laying under a weighted blanket with a cup of tea and playing video games with Babs, Steph, Duke, and Cass.
Dick, knocking on Duke’s door: Hey bud, why are you still in bed? I thought we were training together?
Duke: Sorry, I forgot to cancel. I’m sick and don’t think I can handle training today.
Dick: You’re sick?!
Duke: Yeah, but don’t worry I’ve been disinfecting and cleaning so no one else should get sick.
Dick: I’m not worried about getting sick, I’m worried about you!
Duke: …oh, okay.
Growing up sick days were spent at home either resting alone or with one of his parents.
He had to do some fending for himself (like cleaning and making food when his parents weren’t home with him) but nothing extreme or unexpected. So, overall he had pretty normal sick days.
After he parents went missing he was so focused on getting them back and saving them that he never stopped to rest when sick.
Now as a member of the Wayne family his sick days are always spent with someone by his side, at least they are if he tells the family he’s sick.
He’s gotten in trouble several times for not telling Alfred/the family that’s he’s sick. Not because he puts Tim at risk, he like all the family is very cautious about that, but because everyone worries about him and wants to help take care of him.
After several lectures from Alfred he’s finally getting better about telling the family when he’s sick.
His favorite sick day activity is reading Jason’s copy of The Princess Bride while having a bowl of Alfred’s chicken noodle soup.
Jason: Are you sick?
Damian: N-
Damian sneezes like a kitten.
Damian: No.
Cass, smiling: Sick baby brother, cute sneeze.
Damian tries to be offended but ends up having a sneezing fit.
Steph: That’s so adorable!!
Damian has the most adorable sneezes. He literally sounds like a kitten and the entire family and hero community finds it adorable. Damian hates it.
He used to try and pretend he wasn’t sick and just work through it.
Then he sneezes in front of Harley and Ivy and they cooed over him for an hour.
Now he grumpily secluded himself in his room when sick.
Usually the family will check on him and find that Jon flew over and they’re cuddling on his bed watching cartoons.
When Damian’s sick he really craves spicy food. Like everything he eats he’ll add hot sauce or pepper to. His food is so spicy that only Cass can handle it, like it makes ghost peppers look like child’s play.
His favorite sick day activity is drinking masala chai under one of Tim’s fuzzy blankets while wearing Dick’s old hoodies and surrounding himself with various soft things he stole from his siblings. This is preferably done while eating spicy tomato or lentil soup and watching cartoons with Jon.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Ice Cream Weekends
Hi, this is just fluff. Pure fluff and nothing else. (Reverse Robins and Bio!dad Bruce)
Ages: Damian (23) Marinette (21) Tim (16) Jason (14) Dick (9)
“Dad, we’ll be fine. It’s one weekend. We’re not helpless.” Marinette reassures her dad, practically pushing him out the door. If he cancelled another trip with Selina, she’d be pissed. And a pissed off Selina means that the wedding is gonna be pushed back and Marinette was not about to let that happen. Not again.
“Are you sure you and Damian can handle the others? And you’re sure I don’t need someone to fill in for Alfred?” He asks, obviously trying to find a reason to stay. Marinette huffs, crossing her arms as she glares up at her dad.
“Are you forgetting that I basically grew up in a French bakery before coming to live with you? Seriously?” She points out, smirking at the resigned look on his face.
“It’s the first time I’ve left Dick alone.” He says softly. She glances behind her, where Dick was currently chasing Jason in an attempt to get him to play tag. Her youngest brother was sweet, and despite the incident at the circus, seemed to be adjusting okay.
“I know. But he’s gonna be fine. I promise.” She says.
“Call me or Selina if you guys need anything. And I mean anything.” He says. She agrees, and waves as he gets into the car. Yeah, she’ll call them. When hell freezes over. She was not about to be the one to ruin their romantic weekend. If they really needed them, she’d make Damian call. He didn’t care about possibly ruining a romantic weekend. Locking the door, she turns and whistles, grinning as her youngest brother runs right to her, standing at attention. The other two trail behind him, neither looking excited.
“Okay men, we have an entire weekend without Dad. Do you know what that means?” She asks, posing to try and mimic a general.
“Ice cream for dinner!” Dick cheers, jumping up and down. Marinette grins.
“Right you are, soldier! What else?” She asks, quirking an eyebrow at Tim.
“No sleep?” He asks, finally smiling.
“Like that’s any different for you.” Jason mumbles with crossed arms.
“Good job boys. And what’s the last thing?” She asks, grinning as they all look confused. Perfect. “Nobody tells Dad!” She cheers, laughing as Dick whoops and starts running in circles.
“Or, you could be responsible like you told Father you would be. Actually make them eat dinner and sleep. Two things that are important for their health.” Damian drawls, walking into the room with his arms crossed. Marinette rolls her eyes.
“Or, you could stop being such a buzzkill.” She suggests. He scowls.
“I am not a buzzkill. I am, however, taking Father’s instructions seriously. Grayson and Todd are both supposed to be in bed no later than eleven.” He says.
“That’s not fair! What about-” Jason argues, clearly about to mention patrol, something he knew he wasn't supposed to mention around Dick. It was bad enough that Jason and Tim had taken up the mantle of Robin at 12. Dick would not be allowed out of the house in costume for several years. No way.
“Father said that Drake and I will handle it. You, Marinette and Grayson will remain here.” Damian says in a no-nonsense tone.
“Come on guys, we’re supposed to be having fun! Dad and Alfred are gone, it’s okay to just relax.” Marinette insists, letting Dick grab her hand as she starts towards the kitchen. “Dick and I are going to make gigantic ice cream sundaes and eat until we get sick. You losers can either join us, or go eat some stupid dinner that Damian buys because I’m not cooking tonight.” She adds, laughing as Dick cheers.
“Yeah losers! Mari and I are the best!” He yells, practically vibrating in excitement. Marinette grins. This was going to be the best weekend ever. Walking into the kitchen, she grabs the stack of special bowls she had bought specifically for this weekend. They were huge, perfect for giant ice cream sundaes and she’d gotten one for each of her siblings. She figured Jason would trail in eventually, if only to get away from Damian. She loved her brothers, truly she did. But every time he had to wear the cowl, Damian got cranky. It was annoying. She may find his uniform as Red Bird disgusting, but he was always more relaxed as his own persona. Pulling out several different types of ice cream and all of the toppings she could find, Marinette grins at the completely covered counter.
“Okay kiddo, how’re we doing this?” She asks, completely prepared to watch her youngest brother slip into a sugar coma.
“Can I have anything?” He asks, eyes wide as he takes everything in.
“Of course.” She says.
“Then I want chocolate ice cream and cookies n cream ice cream and cookie dough ice cream and fruity pebbles ice cream and the peanut butter cup ice cream with hot fudge and marshmallows and caramel and gummy bears and m&ms and whipped cream and a cherry and, oh! Sprinkles! Lots and lots of sprinkles!” He lists off all in one breath. Marinette blinks at him before nodding and beginning to scoop ice cream.
“It’s your sundae, kid.” She says, trying to ignore the nagging thought (that sounds an awful lot like Damian) that this was a horrible idea. She wasn’t going to listen, because that would mean admitting defeat and Dick would probably be upset. So hopefully nothing too bad happens.
“What the hell?” Jason asks, walking in. Marinette frowns.
“Language, Jay.” She reminds him, nodding towards Dick. He rolls his eyes, ruffling Dick’s hair before grabbing a handful of gummy bears.
“Is all that ice cream for him?” He asks, pointing at the huge bowl that she was currently drowning in toppings.
“Yup. Told you guys we’re going to eat ourselves into sugar comas.” She says, passing her little brother his sundae before starting on (a smaller) one for herself.
“Think you can get me a couple scoops of strawberry?” Jason asks after a pause. She looks over at him and grins.
“I thought you’d never ask.” She teases, switching over to getting his ice cream. She glances over at Dick, eyes widening when she sees the huge dent he’s already made in his ice cream. “Hey, slow down kiddo. You’re gonna get a brain freeze.” She says. He nods, but continues shoveling the ice cream in at an alarming rate. Marinette passes Jason his ice cream while sliding a glass of water to Dick. He frowns at it.
“What’s that for?” He asks with a pout as he hugs his ice cream bowl closer.
“It’s so you can slow down. I don’t actually want you in a sugar coma, buddy.” She says softly, he sighs, but still takes a long drink of water. Finishing up the toppings on her sundae, Marinette grins as Tim walks in.
“Does your offer of ice cream for dinner still stand?” He asks, holding a cup of what she knows to be coffee. She hums, turning to the freezer and grabbing the one ice cream she hadn’t offered to Dick.
“Is your favorite flavor still ‘Coffee Bean Blast’ from Trader Joe’s?” She asks, holding the container. Tim nods with a grin, watching as she gets him several large scoops.
“Thanks Mars.” He says, taking the bowl from her and adding his toppings. Hot fudge and chocolate covered espresso beans. She starts putting away the toppings and ice cream so that they won’t melt, knowing the chances of Damian joining them were slim. He’d never really acted like a kid. Not as long as she’d known him. And since he’s Batman for the weekend, he’d be even less likely to do anything fun. Just as she’s closing the last ice cream container, the kitchen door swings open again.
“I think it may be beneficial for our….bond as siblings, if I were to participate in this ice cream for dinner experiment.” Damian says, his face serious as he walks in. Marinette raises an eyebrow in surprise, but grins at her brother.
“What flavor?” She asks. This was going to be the best weekend ever.
Bonus: “I blame you for giving him so much sugar!” Damian yells, stacking a smaller stepladder onto their tallest ladder.
“How was I supposed to know the kid would be able to get up onto the chandeliers?” Marinette counters, sticking mattresses underneath where Dick was hanging precariously, a large grin on his ice-cream covered face. Maybe next time she shouldn’t let him have so much ice cream.
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imagines4thefandoms · 3 years
The Ramen Filth (Batfam x Reader)
requested: no
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word count: 18k+
“Y/n what are your plans for spring break,” your best friend (Bff/n) asked as the two of you walked out of your last class.
“I'm going to go home actually. I miss everyone,” you told them.
“So no trip to Bora Bora, a week on a yacht,” they asked slightly pushing you.
“Nope, just me my brother, father, Alfred, and my bed,” you replied pushing them back.
When you guys left the building they went to their car while you headed to your dorm room. It always surprised people when they found out that you lived on campus. “You’re a Wayne. Why don’t you live in some penthouse in the city.” “Why are you slumming it here?” Well, you wanted the whole college experience.
When you entered your dorm room, you tried to pack your bags quietly so as not to wake up your roommate. But that didn’t work cause when you were grabbing some clothes and throwing them into a suitcase, she woke up.
“Excited to go home,” they asked you sitting up in bed.
“I haven’t seen them since August,” you replied searching around your room for your car keys. “So maybe a little.”
After you found your keys, you proceeded to gather the rest of the stuff you were bringing home with you. Your roommate got out of bed and went to grab a drink from the fridge. You looked over at her and watched her shotgun a bud light.
“Jesus (r/n) it's 2 in the afternoon,” you exclaimed throwing your computer bag on your bed.
“Well for me it's breakfast,” she replied grabbing a hoodie from their closet and grabbing their backpack. “Well off to class. Drive safe.”
You shook your head at them and waved them off, while you grabbed some snacks to enjoy while at the manor. After grabbing, your suitcase, computer bag, backpack, purse, and dirty clothes you headed out to your car. There was quite a long walk from your dorm to your car cause parking is hell but many people had already left so there was a straight shot to the car. You popped the trunk of your car and put everything in the trunk.
After getting in the driver’s seat and starting the car. You set up your fave Spotify playlist and started to head back home. The college you attend is just outside Gotham which your father kind of insisted. You didn’t really object. Sure you loved Gotham even with all the craziness it held but it has been nice being able to walk around town and not get mugged or have a city block shut down due to dad and the joker.
Once you crossed Gotham City limits, you kind of tensed up and double-checked that the doors were locked but once you were closer to Wayne Manor you started to relax. You really enjoyed the scenery on the ride home. It reminded you of when Dad first brought you home after your mother left you at GCPD with a note letting them know you belong to Bruce.
The Manor came into view and you saw Damian and Titus running around in the yard. You pulled up to the front door and Titus jumped at your door, either he was excited you were home or ready to attack you. Damian called Titus over to him then ran over to open the door for you.
“Sister you’re home,” he said in his usually monotone but this time he gave hug.
“I missed you to bud,” you replied hugging him back.
He helped you get your stuff out of your trunk and carried it into the house. You placed your suitcase and dirty closed by the front door while Damian brought the rest to your room. Jason was in the living room with Tim playing video games. Dick was either at work or in the cave training and the same could be said for dad.
“Honey I'm home,” you called out.
“Y/n,” Jason and Tim yelled running to give you a hug.
Jason tripped Tim in order to hug you first. Tim got up, punched Jason in the arm then gave you a hug. You missed this. Your annoying brothers. They didn’t give you time to breathe. They just grabbed your arm and pulled you over to the couch to play their video games with them. Alfred walked into the room and a smile appeared on his face when he saw you.
“Welcome home, miss. Y/n,” he said walking over to you to give you a hug.
“I missed you,” you replied returning the hug.
“I suppose you have something for me,” he asked letting you go.
“Yes sir, by the front door.”
Once Alfred left you decided to play a round or two with Jay and Tim. You were so in the zone of kicking their asses you didn’t notice when your dad came home. He just stood behind the couch and watched four of his kids play video games without a care in the world.
“Come one, you weren’t smart enough to see that coming college girl,” Jason teased as he was beating you.
“Prepare to die again Jason,” you said as you beat the crap out of him and killing him.
“You cheated,” he said throwing down the controller.
“No you just suck, Todd,” Damian said defending you.
Someone behind you coughs. You turned around as saw dad and Dick standing there. You got up from the couch and ran to give your dad a hug. After he left you to go, which took a while you gave your favorite older brother a hug.
“I missed you,” you said looking between your brother and father.
“Right back at ya kid,” Dick said ruffling your hair.
After giving your dad another hug, you returned to kick Tim’s ass this time. You kicked Tim’s Damian’s, Dick’s, and Jason’s ass (again) at the game before Alfred came in and announced that dinner was ready. Your stomach did like a backflip from the excitement of Alfred’s cooking. It had been a long time since you had a home-cooked meal; you kind of lived off ramen, cereal, and coffee for the past 9 months. You jumped with joy when you saw that he made (favorite meal).
“Aw Alfred I love you,” you said taking a seat at the dinner table.
The meal was delicious, no surprise there. After dinner, you caught them up on everything, even though you basically call home every day. Damian made a comment about how he missed having you around and Jason teased him about it which caused the two of them to fight. Tim got excited about the 24/7 library and coffee shop. That boy worries you sometimes. Dick kept asking about the security and how safe you are even though he basically interviewed every campus officer when you first moved in.
“This is nice and all but don’t you boys have a night job to do,” you asked getting up from the table.
“My daughter is home from college after 9 months. I don’t have to go out the boys have it,” your father replied.
“Daddy, i will be home for 9 long days. Go plus I was hoping you would so I could catch up on sleep. LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE DO,” you yelled the last part so Tim could hear. “Just wake me up when you get back so I know you're safe.
“Alright,” he agreed to get up and heading down to the cave.
“Be safe guys,” you warned them before they went down.
“Always am,” Jason replied which really didn’t sit well with you.
You asked Alfred if he wanted help cleaning but he declined the offer and told you to go to bed. Not needed to be told twice, you went up to your room and just plopped on the bed.
“I forgot how comfortable this bed was,” you said to yourself.
You decided that you needed to change into pj's, so you climbed out of bed and changed only to lay back on the cloud. Sleep took over about five minutes after your head hit the pillow and it was wonderful. But it didn’t last. You woke up and check to see what time it was. 2:19. Going back to sleep wasn’t going to work, so you decided to sneak downstairs for some late-night ramen. You grabbed the (favorite flavor) ramen from your backpack and then headed downstairs. It took a while to find the kettle cause Alfred is very particular about where things go but after you found it, you boiled some water and make the ramen. You were sitting at the table enjoying your snack when the lights came. You froze with noodles hanging out of your mouth when you saw that it was Alfred.
“What are you eating,” he asked disgustingly.
“Ramen,” you replied with a mouth full of noodles. He shook his head and grabbed the bowl.
“Hey give it back.”
“This isn’t food y/n. Do you eat this often while away at school,” he asked kind of scared of your answer?
“Only when I'm hungry,” you replied with a sweet smile.
“unacceptable. You will never eat this filth again,” he promised as he tossed the food in the trashcan.
“Hey, that was my last bag. And that filth is delicious.”
“No Wayne child will eat this especially under my roof,” he warned grabbing a pan and placing it on the stove.
“What are you doing,” you inquired.
“Making you a proper meal.”
“No the point of ramen is that it's not filling. I'm not that hungry I just couldn’t go back to sleep.”
He ignored your comment and proceeded to make your grilled cheese and tomato soup. Alfred placed the food in front of you and shook his head as he went back down to the cave. You had eaten half the ramen already and were kind of full but the grilled cheese smelled so good. So after eating basically a second dinner you went back to sleep. Being home was great.
The rest of your time home was just like you never left. You had a daddy/daughter date and helped everybody train. There was also a small family trip to the amusement park, which was amazing. Damian ate too much and threw up on dad. Best day ever. When it was time to go back to school, you hugged everyone bye and dad helped you pack your car. Before you left Alfred handed you two tote bags.
“Promise me that you will call if you need food. And never eat that filth again,” he warned you in his caring way.
You looked in the bag and saw that he and meal prepped for you. There was enough food here for the next week. Alfred always takes care of you.
“Thanks, Alfred. And I promise.”
Ever since then Alfred and made it his mission to drive up every weekend to bring you meals for the week. Sure it was kind of embarrassing, especially when he didn’t it in the quad during lunch. But you weren’t going to complain. Alfred’s cooking was amazing.
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