#dc crack
lovesick-joey · 10 months
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TW: table abuse (update: character death)
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DP x DC crack #1
Ra's is about to use the Lazarus Pits, but right before he goes in, a note floats out.
'Your free membership has expired. To renew, please contact this number:
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damiansgrayson · 10 months
Kon needs to tag Clark and not Superman, for the Drama™
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zaritarazi · 9 months
Kendra: I mean sure Carter’s hot and he’s like my best friend at this point by default but he’s like considerably older than me
Max: Well how much older is he?
Kendra: Well he’s like… I guess early-thirtyish looking and I’m twenty.
Albert: Well the rule is half your age plus seven
Albert: So uh.... how do you guys divide by two?
Beth: Age gap is fine as long as you guys have similar interests and goals.
Kendra: I mean, I think we do most of the time but also, he doesn’t know I can see when he looks at my instagram stories.
Rick: Kendra, 30-somethings can use instagram.
Kendra: Well yeah but you know how we’ve been like, reincarnating since ancient egypt?
Kendra: His last reincarnation was like. 1926?
Yolanda: What the fuck are you talking about
Max: I mean the shade was born in like, what, 1850?
Max: And his dating life sucks
Rick: That’s because he’s in love with a heterosexual man
Courtney: Well I LOVE older men. they’re protective, financially stable, and they say good job whenever I do something right
Cindy (at the window. she's in time-out outside, she knows why.): Courtney that’s just your dad GO TO THERAPY
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its-a-rocky-path · 1 year
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Jason and tim in a parking lot, Modeled by my likely unwilling cousins
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thats-a-real-mood · 2 years
Jesus christ its jason bourne meme except its jason todd
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mjw-creature · 7 months
crack two face queer headcanons:
harvey dent and two face's pronouns are they/them because there's two of them
also their sexuality is whatever the coin decides for that day
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imagine--if · 2 years
Just thinking about how comic accurate Superman (sweet Midwestern man with golden retriever/ boy scout energy) would only need to have *one* conversion with Eddie to get through to him that he matters as a person. Bruce is an introverted mess himself. He's not good at pep talks/ socializing. Superman could have gotten Eddie's life on track with a single hug. His ray of sunshine energy is unmatched.
lmao omd yesss
I feel like Edward would draw him and Superman together and have the delusional fantasy of them being like brothers or something 😂
Skrunkly emo bat boy vs happy super duper dude 😎
It's a dilemma for sure lol
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theredheaded-stuff · 2 years
Crushes and family pep talk
Starburst duo deals with.. college crushs
Jake: hey Chris you know why the girls were giggling when they looked to we today?
Jake :
Chris pout :
Jake: Christopher Samuel Kent El
Chris: they know about Meredith.
Jake : HOW??
Chris: oh..that's easy, you know
Jake : Yes
Chris : after we did the project with Maya she perceived that you look very goo goo eyed to Meredith, so she told Damian, who told Jon, who told Billy who told Skylar who told Tai pham who-.. well you're understanding.
Chris : so..i listened Jon saying that they called Damian to a sleepover at Maya house by a secret group created by Maps who there are just the girls and Damian, who called Meredith to their Party, no i don't know what they said to her because I was not invited
Jake : but you do have super hearing..
Chris : I'm very well educated to know that is not a good thing eyedrop the conversations of others thank you very much
Jake : but you did listen to it did you?
Chris : maybe
Jake : so?
Chris : they interrogated Meredith to know what she thinks about you
Jake : I wanna die
Chris : would you be better if i say that she likes you too?
See this?
This is the sinal that i finally lost it
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lovesick-joey · 9 months
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he's trying (not really)
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
Bruce is constantly asking the kids what they like to eat so he can freeze dry their favorites into oblivion as apocalypse rations
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damiansgrayson · 9 months
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re: A Lonely Place of Dying
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fanaticalthings · 9 days
While I do find it funny that henchmen in Gotham probably warn each other about the Red Hood because he's a bat who will actually kill you. I think it would be better if Jason was actually seen as some sort of savior or idol to like 90% of the goons scattered around Gotham. Doesn't matter who they work for, they all know Jason, former crime-lord that took over majority of Gotham's underground in one night.
Jason, years after the events of UTRH, now fighting crime alongside the batfam, except every goon he runs into immediately recognizes him, stops fighting, and starts begging.
the first time it happens, Jason assumes they're begging for their lives only to hear them begging for him to return to the crime lord business so they can work for him and not Gotham's current money-stingy, abusive rogues (Black Mask lol)
Jason showing up to patrol as backup for Dick in an overrun warehouse full of Two-Face's henchmen and as Jason's about to interfere, one of the men stops dead in their tracks and stares really hard at Jason until:
Goon: Oh my God, boss, is that you?
Jason, pulling out his guns, about to shoot:
Goon: Mr. Hood, sir???
Jason, halfway about to pull the trigger: Wait a min–Jeremy? Oh wow, it's been ages! How's the wife?
Goon (Jeremy): Oh my God it IS you, holy shit where have you BEEN? Me and the guys miss you, man!
Dick, with a knife at his throat: What is happening right now
Jason: Ahh, well, crime-lording just wasn't fitting in on the daily schedule. Tryna turn over a new leaf and all that
Goon (Jeremy): Aw, that's disappointing. We really liked working for you, right guys?
[Chorus of enthusiastic "YEAHS" from the rest of the henchmen (even the one holding Dick at knifepoint)]
Goon (Jeremy): Well, anyways, I can't beat you up knowing you're my old boss! You gave us the best health benefits! We'll just let you take the evidence and leave.
Jason: Aw, thanks guys :)
And that's why 95% percent of Jason's missions in Gotham end in success. Not because he's willing to kill people or because rogues are terrified of him, but because 90% of the rogues' henchmen once worked for Jason and fuckin love him lol.
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frownyalfred · 3 months
Bruce is Clark’s “my senses/powers are going insane right now, please cover for me” person and no one in the Justice League has ever fully caught on because Bruce (as Batman) will just suddenly start picking a fight with Hal Jordan (who is always down to argue) and distract the entire League long enough for Clark to either leave or get a handle on whatever is bugging him.
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bet-on-me-13 · 19 days
The Summoner
So! Danny is not the Ghost King.
But he still has a good relationship with a LOT of Powerful and not-so-powerful Ghosts in the Zone. So much so that they have given him their Summoning Circle's with a blanket permission to Summon them any time. Not like they have much else going on...
This all leads to a hilarious situation where Danny can't use his Powers for whatever reason and is forced to Summon his friends for help. In front of a group of Heroes.
He has to explain everything to them, but accidentally convinces them that he has Summoning Magic and the Ghosts are all on his Contract. He also mentions Saving people from Ghosts and the JLA realize that he is a child Hero.
They ask him if he wants to join Young Justice, and Danny hesitantly agrees.
Now Danny is on Young Justice and the entire team thinks that he is a Hero with Ghost Summoning Magic.
And his name isn't Daniel "Commit to the Bit" Fenton for no reason.
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moneypriestess · 5 months
Gothamites love the newest edition to the Wayne family.
Even though Danny comes from a small town he acts more like a true gothamite than some kids that grew up in Gotham.
Most of the Wayne children come from the streets, yet only Danny acts like he still remembers it. It's been at least a year since he was officially adopted. If you don't count the 6 months he was fostered by Bruce Wayne, usually after that amount of time passed the child should have become all rich kid polite and shit.
everyone remembers when dick was first adopted, yes, he was still Roudy after the first year but all that wild crazy energy he had was zapped by his full belly and silk pillows. Then there was Jason Todd, and before his unfortunate passing, he too had lost that wild energy that the streets bred.
next was Tim who didn't really count because he was a rich kid that got adopted to be an even richer kid.
then Cass and Damian just appeared out of nowhere and instead of the crazy gothamite energy the first two had, they had this calm crazy energy instead, that kind of mellowed out as the years passed.
Yet Danny stayed the same, in fact, all gothamites fondly remember just last week when they watched the news to see Danny bite the hand of a journalist that tried to touch him without permission.
yes, all the true gothamites loved the newest edition to the Wayne family.
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