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cgbcomics · 8 hours
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arkhamabyssfiles · 2 days
Arkham Files: Nightwing Memory 01
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Dick couldn’t believe it—didn’t want to. How could his parents be gone? They'd been fine and breathing this morning, and now he was in this gloomy horrible place. Thunders rattled in the far-off distance. He didn’t want anything but to run out there and back to Haly’s Circus, back home… But was it home if Mom and Dad weren’t there anymore?
The door to the room he was in creaked open, and Dick briefly wondered if this place was haunted. It looked the part at least. Just yesterday he would’ve been thrilled at the prospect of staying in such a place; to go out into the corridors at midnight trying to catch a wandering or wailing ghost. But now the only ghosts he’d wish to find were of two familiar faces… His eyes burned and he blinked a tear away.
Then the smell of sweetness and deep earthy comfort filled his nostrils. He turned his head in the direction of the door. The dim light of the lamp on the nightstand beside the ridiculously big, four-posted bed let him make out the two big eyes peeking at him from behind the door. He didn’t say a thing, his mind was blank. Then some annoyance grew there, he didn’t want to deal with a little kid right now.
“Do you want hot chocolate?” A small voice asked.
Dick tensed shoulders deflated. Then he shrugged, he didn’t know if he wanted anything anymore. The door was further pushed open and a small girl walked in. Maybe, if he’d seen her that morning he’d walked over and hugged her at him small and cute she was, but now it felt hollow and painful to think about smiling or hugging someone.
Now she was standing just beside the window seat where he was perched, looking up at him with a steaming mug on her small hands. He didn’t have the heart to turn her away, so he took the mug from her hands and took a sip, hoping that that would satisfy her and she would leave now. It wasn’t burning hot so he ended up finishing the thing in two gulps, and maybe he had barely tasted the thick drink as it passed over his tongue but the hotness of it at least had taken away some of the chill in his hand and feet. He quickly returned the empty mug to her. She took it back and stared at the empty bottom.
“Do you think it will ever stop hurting?” She asked quietly.
Dick froze, “What?”
“That Mom isn’t here anymore? Dad says with time you learn to bear it—but it doesn’t feel like it,” Her tiny voice was in itself some form of ghostly murmur. But it broke with a childish sniffle. “And what if Dad dies as well–?”
Dick didn’t think that it had anything to do with him or whatever this strange child he’d just met felt or feared. But for some reason, he reached for her, picked her up, and hugged her to his chest. And he cried with her because somehow it was an echo of his pain. It didn’t take away the loneliness, or the horrible wrenching brokenness inside of him, but it let it move, settle in, and understand such pain would never go away even if you learned to bear it.
END OF MEMORY... For more FILES check previous entries...
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mysterycitrus · 3 months
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doodling some of the bats as how they exist in my brain
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Dick: As your favorite sibling-
Tim: That’s Helena.
Dick: She’s a cousin at best. As you’re favorite legally related sibling-
Tim: That’s Cass.
Dick: As your favorite Brother-
Tim: That’s Duke.
Dick: As your favorite OLDER brother-
Tim: That’s Jason.
Dick: I never tried to kill you.
Tim: In this life no-
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clambuoyance · 8 months
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[DC] H(c)untress + random doodles
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pinkiemachine · 2 months
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Part 9 👇
part 7 👇
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i forgot how funny justice league unlimited was
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satanscatsan · 3 months
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jetslay · 6 months
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DC Women by Travis Moore.
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batfam-belfry · 2 months
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They're literally children pls be nice to them
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arkhamabyssfiles · 2 days
Arkham Abyss Files: Red Hood Memory II
“I nearly flunked arts. Music I was fine, mostly because I was part of the choir,” Helena said.
“Seriously?” Jason asked incredulously. “How do you flunk arts?”
“It doesn’t interest me.” She shrugged. “I have better things to do and learn. It’s a waste of time–in my opinion.”
“You think beauty is a waste of time?” Jason asked, almost scandalized.
Helena turned bored eyes at him, “Yes. So what?”
“What—? How can you think that when you live surrounded by beautiful things?”
“They’re objects, what does it matter how they look if they accomplish a function?”
Jason couldn’t believe he of all people had to explain to this sinic Princess why beauty was important. Because he was sure she had all her life lived seeing places full of wonderful beautiful things, using pretty clothes, riding gorgeous cars—
Then he laughed a bit snidely. Of course, she had never known what it was to live without it.
“Maybe you should try wearing cheap used clothes or a deadbeat car. Or perhaps returning home to a place with no windows, no sunlight, and when you get out–there’s nothing green, no flowers, no color beyond the faded ad in a pan card selling you some brand that doesn't even exist anymore.”
Helena's expression didn't change much, the only thing he could note at least was a glint in her eyes that made her look far off, and he wondered at that. So far, she'd been amicable and annoyingly teasing.
“Are flowers and trees beautiful?” She asked.
Jason frowned, “Of course!”
“Well, I don’t like flowers. I do like trees, but I don't think of them as beautiful.”
“You don’t like flowers? What kind of Princess are you?”
At this, Helena laughed. And how could she not understand how a beautiful smile soothed some of the world’s darkness? Or maybe she didn’t want to see it for some reason…
“Princess? You think I’m a princess?” She asked.
Jason flushed a little, “Well—you are. Even Bruce is called ‘Prince of Gotham’.”
“Yeah. You’re right. Maybe I do am one. A princess who doesn’t like flowers nor cares for pretty things. I guess I’m a lousy princess then.”
“What about sunrises and sunsets? Everyone gets inspired by that.” Jason tried.
“They mark part of the day.” Helena turned her hand, indicating the passing of time.
“Dresses and shoes?” Girls liked those, right?
“Only if I need to use them and I prefer comfortable shoes.” She shot back, bored.
“How about music? Didn't you say you were in a choir?”
“I did. Out of—a promise of sorts. I have a good voice and others like to listen to it.”
“See? That inspires people because it's beautiful and soothing—assuming you do have a pretty voice,” Jason probed at her.
Helena shot him a mocking glance, “I’m not that lousy of a princess. I do have a nice enough voice.”
“Right,” Jason said dryly.
“But I wouldn’t care if I didn't.”
“What if you were ugly?”
“Oh, you think I'm beautiful?” She asked very pleased and walked towards him. Jason immediately put his arms up and stepped back.
“You are beautiful by human standards. It’s not a matter of opinion.”
“Pooh!” Pooh? Who talked like that in modern times? “So boring. So what if I was ugly? As long as I could still help others, who cares?”
“Believe me, many people care about not being beautiful enough.”
“Then they should make up by working on making their insides better.”
Jason rolled his eyes, “Only a pretty person would say that.”
“Too many people care too much for appearances,” She countered.
“Well, yes. But that's not the point. Beautiful and true things that transcend this world are what make it worth living if it was all ugly and depressing humans would’ve disappeared long ago.”
“You’re talking now about immaterial things—”
“No,” Jason paused and amended, “Not only about those—I really don’t understand that deep shit that much. I’m talking about sunsets, flowers, a good book, calligraphy, music—even if there’s a lot of trash music nowadays.”
Helena laughed again and stepped close to him again, her hands entwined behind her back. This time, Jason didn't step back, knowing full well that this was a tactic of hers to make him fumble or lose the line of reasoning he was on. Once she was nearly on his face, and her dark blue slanted eyes shining with mischief were so close he could count her long eyelashes if he wanted, she said softly.
“You aren’t convincing me.”
Jason huffed and ignored his slightly accelerated heartbeat. He looked up at the clock. It wasn’t that late, so if they went to sleep now, they could get up early in the morning before sunrise.
“Fine. Meet me in the garden at six a.m.”
“Ah! Are you asking me on a date already? And here I thought you didn’t even like me!”
Jason narrowed his eyes, put his index finger on her forehead, and pushed her back.
“It just annoys me to see someone so blind,” He said and then flickered her forehead.
“Ow!” She hissed and rubbed her forehead then glared a bit at him. “Fine, I’ll see you there, Knight of beautiful things!” Helena said, then stuck out her tongue, turned around, and ran out of the library.
Jason sighed and shook his head. She was a handful.
Sunrise still was thirty minutes away, so it was plenty dark to still see the stars—at least in the opposite direction of Gotham with its perpetual shining. Luckily it was a rare February sky that was devoid of clouds. Helena wasn’t that happy of following, even if she had shown on her own. They were both sitting on one of the brick planters that held some rosebushes. 
“It’s cold,” She complained and buried herself deeper in her thick purple coat.
Jason rolled his eyes, “You won’t die, Princess.”
Helena humphed and scooted closer to him until she was stuck to his side, “Share your warmth then.”
As she had made the effort to be out here in the cold early dawn, he complied and didn’t move away from her. She sniffled and asked, “So what’s the great thing that will change my mind?”
Jason sighed and pointed toward the starry sky.
“Just be quiet for a moment. Imagine there’s nothing else but what it’s in front of you right now. It’s just you and the sky.”
Minutes passed in silence then Helena broke it again, “I still don’t see it.”
Jason sighed, “I guess you’re a lost case then. You’ll live the rest of your days in a very dull way.”
“It doesn’t matter as long as I do what I can to help others to the best of my ability,” Helena defended. “As dull as my free time may seem to you.”
“That’s fine. Just don’t talk to me in public.”
Helena laughed, “You’re horrible! At least do you know some constellations?”
Oh well, even if he’d failed to prove his point, he was having fun at least. Then Jason proceeded to point out the few ones that could be made out, it wasn’t long before the first rays of the sun gently erased them from the sky. Helena said some stupid joke about shooting stars getting arrested and Jason laughed despite himself. His eyes turned to Helena, now that there was some light he could make out her expressions more clearly, and right now she was staring at him—with attentive eyes, and her lips were slightly parted. Then she blinked and looked ahead, towards the sunrise and all its colorful hues.
Then Jason saw a shine in her eyes and knew she was admiring the view now.
“Not so bad, huh?” He said.
“I guess—” Helena sent a quick look his way then back in front– “it’s not so bad,” She reluctantly admitted. Then she added quietly, “My Mom was beautiful. Even when she died.”
END OF MEMORY... For more FILES check previous entries...
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lunar-sams · 7 months
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ooooo you wanna kiss me so bad
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athenepromachos · 2 months
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The divine twins Artemis and Apollo 🏛🏹🏹☀️🌛🐕
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Bat Family Fact Files from DC Comics: The Ultimate Character Guide
Baby's first bat family. Sorry, there wasn't a Black Bat.
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My favourite bit is that Steph's epithet is "Daring Defender" while Tim's is "Daring Detective".
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
Helena: What are you doing with your straw?
Dick, peeling the wrapper: I'm opening it.
Helena: Are you peeling the paper?
Dick: It doesn't work as good if you leave the paper on it.
Helena: You tap it on the table, Dick.
Dick: What do you mean tap it?
Helena: You tap it.
Helena: *taps her straw*
Helena: Like that. And then you pull the straw out like someone who isn't in kindergarten.
Dick: Makes too much noise. I don't want my enemies to know what I'm up to.
Helena: What enemies?
Dick: When you're this handsome you tend to accumulate hatred from the less fortunate. I forgive them. I'd be mad too.
Helena: You've grown to be real humble over the years, huh?
Dick: No thanks, I'm getting pretty full.
Dick: *sips his drink*
Helena: You're an idiot.
Dick: Thank you.
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