#incorrect Bruce Wayne quotes
Bruce, in denial: I'm so proud of you, my three most well behaved children
Dick, Duke and Tim, busy tying an anchor to Joker to dump him into Gotham Bay: Mmhmm
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heavenlyangeliq · 2 months
Batman “You became Just as bad as he was when you killed him”
Red Hood “You did it first when you spared him and let him kill much MUCH more than I just did. You let so many people die because you couldn’t kill one. I saved God knows how many people by killing one, and that I can live with.”
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bruce: i left everyone instructions for when i’m gone
dick: mine just says “dick, no”
bruce: i want you to apply it to every possible situation
cass: mine just says “cassandra yes”
bruce: same rules apply to you
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Twitter AU
Bruce Wayne✅️ @brucewayne
Don't worry, we're not changing the name of Wayne XDustries. Haha, got you there
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vodrae · 7 months
Rich pregnant socialite: So we went to this clinic and let them manipulate our genes so we're 100% sure our child won't have any disease, he will have my hair and his father eyes and so much things we did for him! And you Bruce ?
Brucie: Found em in the trash. Except Tim, he found me in the trash.
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*in a hospital room*
Tim: Am i in trouble?
Bruce, who just found out Tim doesn't have a spleen: Take a guess
Tim: …no?
Bruce: Take another guess
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daemonmage · 1 month
Bruce about to reveal his identity to the JL
Bruce: “I’m going to do something that may traumatize two of you. I am not sorry.”
Oliver: “oh come on Batman your identity isn’t that special.”
Bruce going full whiny play boy: “Dinah! Ollie is being mean to me!!!”
Oliver: blue screens
Dinah: “YOU BITCH!?”
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batcavescolony · 1 month
*hanging out at Titans Tower*
Dick: do you know what I hate? People acting as if JASON was an angry Robin-
Jason: can you not?
Dick: shut up! I'd say I was angry as Robin, Damian for a bit, Tim a little bit but JASON! JASON?
Jason: I have a rep-
Dick: HE WAS ADORABLE! He said 'Robin gives me magic', he had his little front curls, he used to wrap himself up in his cape so he was just a yellow triangle with legs, he looked like a little duckling!
Jason: *launching himself at Dick* SHUT UP!!!!
Dick: *prying Jason's hands away from his face* HE-
Jason: IGNORE HIM! He's a liar.
Donna: Jason you worked with us as Robin to fight Brother Blood. We know how you were and you were adorable.
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ditzybat · 1 month
tim: sweet dog you got there. gordon: yes, this is our new drug-sniffing dog. tim: still training huh? gordon: red robin.. what do you mean? tim: ... tim: nevermind...
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celaenaeiln · 16 days
Bird: *whistling*
Dick: *whistling back*
Bird: *whistling harder*
Dick: *copying it*
Bird: *excitedly hopping around and whistling a tune*
Dick: *grinning and copying back*
Bruce: Nightwing, stop that.
Dick: why? We’re just whistling
Bird: *chirping in agreement*
Bruce: *glaring at the bird* such a behavior is a security risk. You’re needed on fourth. *taking off into the night*
Dick: ..??? What was that all about?
Tim: *over comms* Bruce thinks all birds are government spies
Dick: What? That’s dumb!
Tim: …mhmm
Dick: Tim, don’t tell me you believe it too. That’s ridiculous!
Tim: ...it has plausible theory!
Dick: ...oh my god Tim.
Bird: *sad chirping noises*
Dick: You know, there's another reason why I know they aren’t government spies.
Tim: and why’s that?
Dick: *holding back his laughter* Because they’re whistleblowers
Tim: ... :0
Tim: oh my god they're whistleblowers
Dick: okay no.
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Batman, shortly after giving Green Lantern a strong talking-to about not submitting reports on time: And here, my report on- [blinking down at his empty hands and suddenly remembering what happened earlier that week] I do not have it
Green Lantern: What?
Batman: [stone faced] I do not have it
Wonder Woman: May I ask why?
Batman: [squaring up his shoulders] My, ah, my cow ate my report
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avensartt · 2 months
Tumblr media
Quote from Scrubs
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galaxymagitech · 22 days
Bruce: Congratulations, Jason! You’re the first of my kids to graduate college!
Dick: Yeah, first and only one for all eternity!
Bruce: *Ignoring Dick by sheer willpower* Anyway, what are you planning to do next?
Jason: I think I’m going to continue my education in English Lit.
Bruce: *nervously* Great. You’ll get a Master’s Degree, right?
Jason: …
Bruce: …right?
Jason: Actually, I’m going for a PhD.
Bruce: This is a terrible joke. You’re over the supervillainy, right, Jay?
Jason: Look, my application to GothamU’s PhD program was accepted!
Bruce: No child! Of mine! Will get! A PhD!!!
Jason: I’m hoping to be a literature professor at GothamU, if I survive long enough.
Bruce: *screams incoherently*
Dick: I think you broke him.
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91-1lover · 2 months
What if Damian and Tim love each other and even like? It's just more of a situation "Manipulating others is easier ". Maybe an example will help;
Damian: Father, May I go to Zoo today?
Bruce:No Damian, you're grounded.
Tim:Oh, that's bad. I could go with you to take photos of otter, but if you are not going I think I will stay too. What's a zoo without company. Maybe I will go with Kon next week.
Bruce *Super happy in a moment of thinking his youngest kids getting along*: If you two agree not to kill each other, Damian can go
Tim and Damian:*Knowing looks*
Or situation like;
Tim who has abandoned issues and is having fear of people leaving him: Dick is mad at me. Can you stab me so he will be in his mother hen mode Instead?
Damian who would like to have 5 minutes of peace from Grayson: Say no more
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elecilaombre · 2 months
Tim * holding a can of Pepsi * : Do you guys want some Pespi ?
Jason* laughing* : Some what ?
Tim : Pespi .
Duke : It's PePsi not PeSpi Timmy.
Tim : That's what I said Pespi.
Tim : Pespi
Duke : Please would you...
Tim * interrupting Duke * : Pespi
Tim * shrugging* : It's normal it's because I'm ambidextrous.
Damian : Ambidextrous ?
Stephanie * chirping in* : He means Bisexual !
Dick * at the same time * : He means bilingual !
Bruce * tired dad™* : He means he has dyslexia.
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Bruce, during a family meeting: this is just a reminder therapy is covered by our health insurance plan
Tim: why do you always look at me when you say that
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