#bat family shenanigans
pinkiemachine · 3 months
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Part 2 👇
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ehliena · 1 month
We know that canonically Jason has a death certificate and all of Gotham knows he's Bruce Wayne's dead ward and all, but Webtoon goes and publishes this:
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Which makes me think that if Jason can attend Gotham Society galas, they don't think he's as dead as his death certificate claims to be.
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spacenightwing · 2 years
*Seafood dinner at the Manor*
Damian: No.
Dick: No, what?
Damian: No!
Tim: What’s the matter? “Fiah are friends, not food?”
Bruce: If you don’t want to eat this, that’s fine. Make whatever you want in the kitchen.
Bruce: *takes bite of lobster*
Jason: *body slams Bruce “the great white shark” out of his chair* 
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cardinalcheerio · 5 days
Tim: Hey dick?
Dick: yeah?
Tim: Sooo... if someone were to hypothetically steal a sculpture called "The Hand". Would they call the heist, "The Hand Job"?
Dick *grinning and searching sculptures*: be a worse crime not to name it that
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nightwolf14292 · 2 months
I like to imagine that if any of the Bat-Kids are out in public, whether they be getting food, shopping, patrolling, just walkin' around, whatever, that if they see the Bat-Signal pop on it's an unspoken rule between the siblings that they have to throw on their costume and try and find/deal with the trouble before Bruce gets there. Just to annoy him.
Batman: "Commissioner Gordon! I got here as fast as I could.. What's the situation?"
Commissioner Gordon: "Oh, Batman, thank you for coming.. It's alright, though, it's already been taken care of by these fellows."
*Gestures to the side where there's a couple of muggers sitting tied up next to Nightwing(He has pink, glittery shopping bags hanging all over his arms), Red Hood(He's rummaging through the bags Nightwing is holding, trying to find the black nail polish he just bought to touch up his nails after the fight), Red Robin(He's sipping a cup of coffee that he accidentally stole because he ran out of the cafe so quickly that he forgot to pay), and Robin(He's chowing down on a kids' meal from Bat-Burger)*
Batman: ...
Batman: *Subtle annoyed glare*
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bibibusinessman · 6 days
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ev-arrested · 1 year
A Damian twitter post for you all
Based on this tiktok.
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 month
Picture this: Ra's clears out the chessboard and brings out a deck of Cards Against Humanity.
"They say this game is only for the boldest, Detective. Think yourself brave?"
He pulls out the box.
Tim starts laughing so hard he cries and vomits.
Inspired by a conversation with @sardonic-sprite
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spiritinspace · 22 hours
the batfamily has a minecraft world. it goes about as well as you’d expect.
Dick has basically a mansion, completely decorated from head to toe. He also has like fifteen wolves (rivaled only by Damian) and has named every single one of them. He’s the one who made the world, and suffers through every single update. He likes to help Steph and Cass decorate in his free time.
Jason lives in a shack. It has only the essentials and he spends most of his time fighting mobs and going to woodland mansions. He’s the one who goes to the End City and gets elytras whenever someone new joins, and usually helps them start out. People have offered to help him build his house, but he’s refused. He likes what he has perfectly fine thank you.
Tim’s house is nice but smaller than Dicks, and has a lot of momentos to his in-game achievements. He spends a lot of time in the mines gathering materials (and desperately trying not to die). Sometimes people will log on to chests randomly being placed inside their house with an insane amount of blocks and items they offhandedly mentioned they needed. Most of the time he is usually online at like 3am improving the efficiency of their farms, much to Damian’s dismay. Tim was also devastated by the loss of the Moobloom mob vote loss!! He has a strong hatred for the glowsquid.
Damian has an insane amount of animals. Like, so many it lags you out so much whenever you go towards his area. He is of course building a mega build, which is yet to be finished, but in his spare time he works on his animal farm. It’s not as, as he put it, ‘inhumane’ as Minecraft farms usually are, but it’s still impressive nonetheless!!
Steph & Cass are online a bunch, always starting new projects together. They’ll spend a lot of time gathering materials, and then they’ll make something fun to expand the world. They’ve built a lot of villages and cities around, just making everything generally nicer. They’re also the ones who found the nether fortress and made it not so dangerous (Tim was very thankful)
Bruce has technically played on the world before and has his own account, but he’s not that great at it. For all his genius, he CANNOT figure out how to not die every five minutes. There’s a ledge? He’s walking off it. There’s a creeper? He’s backing up at the speed of a snail. Who knows if he’s even looking forwards at this point.
It’s been something they can all collaborate on for years, and they cherish it very deeply <33
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
dp x dc text message crack :)
✨just because ✨
Bat Chat
danny: bruce
danny: bruce
danny: bruce
danny: dad
danny: dad
danny: father man
danny: daaaaaaad
danny: batman
bruce: what
danny:… do you have this set up just to notify you when someone says batman and nothing else.
jason: don’t be so quiet, answer the question old man.
bruce: what did you need
danny: oh yeah
danny: just about forgot about it
danny: so
danny: i may or may not have
danny: possibly/maybe
danny: ate a chunk of kryptonite on a dare
jason: …what????
dick: danny no
dick: we have better impulse control than this
danny: we absolutely do not and you know it
danny: but also say hi guys, kon is here
dick: why do you still need our help if the supers are there?
danny: kryptonite
jason: oh yeah, almost forgot about that part
tim: what did i just wake up to
jason: go back to sleep replacement
danny: scroll up
danny: i can say with full confidence that this has never happened before
danny: usually when i eat solid objects i can just phase them back out.
danny: like the time i swallowed a fork back at casper high when my parents raided the school looking for my ghost half.
tim: excuse me what the fuck
danny: i know right, they couldn’t have waited five minutes until i stopped eating
dick: why can’t you just phase the kryptonite out
danny: i would, but it’s wedged in there pretty good
danny: it just goes intangible with me :/
tim: i have decided i am going back to sleep
tim: it is too early in the afternoon for me to deal with this
jason: good
danny: well, b-man’s here to save me now so i’ll tell you all about it in a few hours
jason: are we going to bring up the fact that danny called bruce dad like 3 times?
dick: he did what
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samthechaotic · 8 months
*Me a medical student reading Batman 138*
*10 mins later*
*40 mins later*
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pinkiemachine · 3 months
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Part 8 👇
Part 6 👇
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wolfish-chan · 2 months
I firmly believe in Damian having a completely different dynamic with his brothers than they have with each other because he’s the youngest. Like they definitely have all taken turns raising Damian, and that fully affects their relationships. Dick and Bruce always make plans for a few weeks over the summer holiday where Damian just stays with him in Blüdhaven like a divorced parent. Jason keeps an eye on Damian during patrol, and if Bruce has an emergency where he can’t patrol with Damian, Damian will call Jason to run around with him and HE DOES IT. Tim complains at Damian for having to be the responsible older brother when Bruce goes on extended league missions, but he secretly has an SD card filled with pictures of Damian from school plays and art shows.
The only brother Damian has a normal sibling relationship with is Duke. They’re actually really close, but if anyone comments on it, they vehemently deny it.
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nyxoxoxoxo · 1 month
Bamf!Bruce wayne x gn!reader platonic
Reader who is closed off and distant at first but when they come out of their shell they turn out to be an out spoken anarchyst, anti capitalist, proud to be woke, possibly queer, possibly disabled and ofc traumatized asf
Bruce who thought he was taking in a sweet shy kid who turned out to be a baddie who just needed a safe place
Bruce: surprised, impressed and quite pleased reader feels safe and has a good time with the rest of the batfam
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cardinalcheerio · 4 months
I imagine that the Batkids go out for food every once in a while.
So there they are all sitting at the restaurant, when dick goes to pay and accidentally uses one of Bruce's cards.
They get back to the cave to bruce freaking out, everyone is like "IDENTITY BREACH AHHHHH" y'know.
And the next day a paper comes out, "Bats steal Brucies Credit Card!"
From then on they use Bruce's cards for snacks in the field and gotham just accepts that
1. Bruce funds the Bats
2. They take it from him
3. Bruce and Batman dated and Batman stole his credit cards and gave them to his kids.
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nightwolf14292 · 17 days
Reasons Why Bruce Wayne Refuses to Take a Break:
1. Why should he?
2. Because fuck you, that's why.
3. He's scared that if he ever actually stops to take a break, completely relax, and fully drop his guard, something horrible will happen to Gotham and/or the people he cares about and he won't be able to stop it because he wasn't prepared OR the years and years of burn out and physical/emotional pain will finally catch up to him (because he stopped running from it) and it'll hit him so hard that he'll finally have to face the trauma he endured as a child when he saw his parents die (which he is not physically capable of coping with, because the event fractured his identity into Batman, a man with childish morals and an inability to make exceptions [such as not killing a petty crook OR a mass murderer and thinking they should be dealt with the same way] and a childish sense of justice that cannot exist without him blocking out his trauma [so if he had to face that trauma his very identity would cease to exist]) therefore his mental health would be destroyed to such an extent that he'd be unable to even pretend he was alright, which in turn will make the people he cares about worry about him, and because he hates when people worry about him it'll cause him to lash out which will further isolate him from the world and from any form of human connection, leaving him sitting broken at an empty table in an empty mansion on an empty island just like he did when he was a mere, insignificant, hurt, orphaned eight year old who hadn't yet made his mark on the world-
4. He doesn't wanna >:[
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